Congratulations! If you've found yourself at this page it is likely that you are either planning to be married or have been asked to perform a wedding ceremony in Bexar County. Ordained ministers of the Universal Life Church have successfully performed thousands of legal marriages in Bexar County. The information provided below will walk you through the steps one must follow to become a minister and perform a valid wedding ceremony in Bexar County, Texas.
- ULC Ordination Accepted: Yes
- Does Ordination Expire: No
- Minister's Residency: Irrelevant
- Minister's Minimum Age: 18
1 How to Become an Ordained Minister in Bexar County
Getting ordained online is the first step, if you haven’t done so yet. Ordination via the Universal Life Church is free and takes only a few minutes to complete. The ULC accepts people of all backgrounds and beliefs, so long as they are willing to follow our two primary tenets: 1) Do that which is right, and 2) Practice your religion however you choose, so long as you don’t infringe on the rights of others.
Click the button below to get started!
2 How to Officiate a Marriage in Bexar County
The next step will be to get in touch with marriage officials in your area (usually a county clerk’s office). Inform them that you are ordained through the Universal Life Church, and ask whether they will need you to show any documentation or fill out any paperwork prior to the ceremony.
100 Dolorosa, Suite 104
San Antonio, Texas 78205
3 License to Marry in Bexar County
After you've contacted your marriage authority, you should visit our online store to purchase whatever documentation will be required. This could vary widely county-by-county, so be sure you pay careful attention to the requirements given to you by the department that grants marriage license in the Bexar County office.
4 How to Perform a Wedding in Bexar County
Now that you've done all of the above, you are ready to perform the wedding! Be sure that the couple has picked up their Bexar County marriage license from the appropriate office. Please be aware that the signed license must be returned to the issuing office before its expiry.
At the Universal Life Church we receive several calls from wedding officiants in Bexar County, after they've received their license to marry by getting ordained online, asking for guidance on how to perform a wedding ceremony. Once the legal matters have been taken care of, officiating a wedding (while a sometimes-daunting task) can be a great deal of fun. We would suggest that new Bexar County wedding ministers concerned about the ceremony peruse one of our helpful wedding guides. The minister training section of our website should offer a helpful refresher for more experienced ministers.