Oregon Marriage Laws
Written and edited for accuracy by the Oregon marriage law researchers at the Universal Life Church on
Oregon, land of deep lakes, stunning gorges, and beautiful beaches, sees its fair share of wedding ceremonies each year. And yet the Beaver State is not without potential pitfalls when it comes to adherence to its marriage laws, presenting would-be couples and ministers with certain legal and administrative twists and turns.
So while you're planning that Oregon dream, wedding please take some time to read through these important specificities compiled by the Universal Life Church. Referenced alongside the corresponding legal code, it will go a long way in making sure your wedding is both fully legitimate and hassle-free.
Requirements for the Minister
- Min. Age of Minister:
- Age 18
- Residency:
- Not Required
- Document(s) Required:
- Varies by County
- Online Ordination Recognized:
- Yes
- Relevant Office of Registration:
- County Clerk
- Latest Document(s) Submission Date Allowed:
- After the Ceremony
- Minister I.D. # Issued:
- No
The state of Oregon allows any judicial officer, county clerk, clergyperson or secular celebrant to solemnize a marriage, provided they are at least 18 years old. This includes ministers ordained online by the Universal Life Church and deemed authorized religious “actors’, without prejudice to their residence, gender or personal religious beliefs. Cover your bases by placing an order for the Classic Wedding Package, which has all necessary documentation, including your legal proof of ordination.
Or. Rev. Stat. § 106.120 Who may solemnize marriage
(1)As used in this section:
(a)“Judicial officer” means:
(A)A judicial officer of this state as that term is defined in ORS 1.210 (Judicial officer defined) and includes but is not limited to a judge of a municipal court and a justice of the peace.
(B)An active judge of a federal court.
(C)An active United States magistrate judge.
(b)“Secular organization” means an organization that occupies a place in the lives of the organization’s members parallel to that filled by a church or particular religious authority.
(2)Marriages may be solemnized by:
(a)A judicial officer;
(b)A county clerk;
(c)Religious congregations or organizations as indicated in ORS 106.150 (Form of solemnization) (2);
(d)A clergyperson of any religious congregation or organization who is authorized by the religious congregation or organization to solemnize marriages;
(e)Secular organizations as indicated in ORS 106.150 (Form of solemnization) (2); or
(f)A celebrant or officiant of any secular organization described in paragraph (e) of this subsection who is authorized by the secular organization to solemnize marriages.
(3)A person authorized to solemnize marriages under subsection (2) of this section may solemnize a marriage anywhere in this state.
Wedding Ceremony Requirements
- Marriage By Proxy Allowed:
- No
- Minister Required to be Present:
- Yes
The state of Oregon shows no desire to delve into the minutiae of wedding planning, leaving it to couples to determine the form and substance of any ceremony according to established rituals; provided, of course, that it takes place in the physical presence of the couple, the minister and at least two witnesses. That being said, both members of the couple must at some point declare that they take each other to be spouses in a marriage, and have that consent pronounced by the minister.
Or. Rev. Stat. § 106.150 Form of solemnization
(1)In the solemnization of a marriage no particular form is required except that the parties thereto shall assent or declare in the presence of the person, religious organization or congregation, or secular organization, authorized to solemnize marriages under ORS 106.120 (Who may solemnize marriage), and in the presence of at least two witnesses, that they take each other to be spouses in a marriage.
(2)All marriages, to which there are no legal impediments, solemnized before or in any religious organization or congregation, or secular organization, authorized to solemnize marriages, according to the established ritual or form commonly practiced therein, are valid. In such case, the person presiding, officiating or celebrating in the religious organization or congregation, or secular organization, shall deliver to the county clerk who issued the marriage license the application, license and record of marriage in accordance with ORS 106.170 (Report of marriage to county clerk). [Amended by 1979 c.724 §5; 2001 c.501 §2; 2007 c.703 §3; 2015 c.629 §9; 2017 c.61 §4]
Marriage License Requirements
- Min. Age of Witnesses:
- None
- Couple's Consent Required:
- Yes
- Pronouncement Required:
- Yes
Couples must present themselves before a county clerk, in person, with signed application forms provided by the State Registrar of the Center for Health Statistics, filled out to include both party’s social security numbers, ages, places of birth, sexes, occupations, residences and previous marital status, as well as the names they will carry after marriage.
Every marriage license granted in Oregon will state that neither individual entering in the marriage will become the property of the other, allowing each to live in a union free from violence and abuse. Applicants are legally forbidden from intentionally making false claims in any section of the application.
There is a $60 fee for applying, $25 of which shall be credited directly from the clerk to the state’s Domestic Violence Fund.
Or. Rev. Stat. § 106.041 Marriage license
1)All persons wishing to enter into a marriage contract shall obtain a marriage license from the county clerk upon application, directed to any person, religious organization or congregation, or secular organization, authorized by ORS 106.120 (Who may solemnize marriage) to solemnize marriages, and authorizing the person, religious organization or congregation, or secular organization, to join together as spouses in a marriage the persons named in the license.
(2)The State Registrar of the Center for Health Statistics shall provide a standard form of the application, license and record of marriage to be used in this state that must include:
(a)Each applicant’s Social Security number recorded on a confidential portion of the application, license and record of marriage;
(b)Certain statistical data regarding age, place of birth, sex, occupation, residence and previous marital status of each applicant;
(c)The name and address of the affiant under ORS 106.050 (Proof of age), if required; and
(d)Each applicant’s name after marriage as provided in ORS 106.220 (Name upon entering into marriage).
(3)The form of application, license and record provided by the state registrar under subsection (2) of this section may not require an address for any religious organization or congregation authorized by ORS 106.120 (Who may solemnize marriage) to solemnize marriages.
(4)Each applicant for a marriage license shall file with the county clerk from whom the marriage license is sought a written application for the license on forms prescribed for this purpose by the Center for Health Statistics.
(5)A marriage license must contain the following statement: “Neither you nor your spouse is the property of the other. The laws of the State of Oregon affirm your right to enter into marriage and at the same time to live within the marriage free from violence and abuse.”
(6)An applicant may not intentionally make a material false statement in the records required by this section.
(7)The county clerk may not issue a marriage license until the provisions of this section and ORS 106.050 (Proof of age) and 106.060 (Consent of parent or guardian if applicant under 18) are complied with. [1953 c.143 §2; 1981 c.152 §1; 1993 c.324 §1; 1995 c.555 §4; 1999 c.80 §67; 2007 c.703 §1; 2015 c.629 §8; 2017 c.61 §2; 2017 c.466 §1]
Or. Rev. Stat. § 106.045 Fee for marriage license
(1)In addition to any other fees provided by law, the county clerk shall collect a fee of $25 upon the application for a marriage license.
(2)The county clerk shall regularly pay over to the Department of Human Services all moneys collected under subsection (1) of this section to be credited to the Domestic Violence Fund pursuant to ORS 409.300 (Domestic Violence Fund). [1981 c.357 §1; 1983 c.480 §6; 1987 c.740 §1; 2009 c.595 §65a; 2011 c.720 §55]
Or. Rev. Stat. § 206.320 Fees collected by county clerk
(1)In every county there shall be charged and collected in advance by the county clerk, for the benefit of the county, the following fees, and no more, for the following purposes and services:
(e)For taking an affidavit for and making and issuing a marriage license and registering the return of the license, or for taking an affidavit for and registering a Declaration of Domestic Partnership, $25.
Marriage License Facts
- ULC-Officiated Ceremony Type:
- Religious
- Mandatory Waiting Period:
- 3 Days
- License Valid For:
- 60 Days
- License Must Be Submitted:
- Within 5 Days of Ceremony
Once satisfied with the veracity of the submitted applications, the county clerk will issue a marriage license, which will go into effect following a mandated three-day waiting period. Couples who can prove sufficient cause to a county or circuit court judge may have that waiting period waived.
All licenses issued in Oregon are valid for 60 days, in any county in the state. They must be returned to the same county clerk, along with completed marriage certificates and original applications, by the minister who solemnizes the marriage.
Or. Rev. Stat. § 106.077 Issuance of marriage license
(1)When the county clerk has received the written application for the marriage license from both applicants, and all other legal requirements for issuance of the marriage license have been met, the county clerk shall issue a marriage license which shall become effective three days after the date on which the application was signed by the applicants. The county clerk shall indicate on the license the date on which the license becomes effective. A license shall be valid for 60 days after the effective date.
(2)For good and sufficient cause shown, a written order waiving the three-day waiting period provided in subsection (1) of this section may be signed by:
(a)A judge of probate of the county;
(b)A circuit court judge of the county in which the circuit court judge is not the judge of probate if the jurisdiction of the circuit court has been extended to cover this section pursuant to ORS 3.275 (Procedure for transfer of jurisdiction over certain family-related matters);
(c)A judge of a county court of the county in which the judge of the county court is not the judge of probate if the circuit court judge does not reside therein; or
(d)The county clerk or official responsible for issuing the marriage license. [1953 c.143 §4(8); 1957 c.592 §1; 1963 c.429 §1; 1967 c.534 §13; 1971 c.456 §1; 1979 c.724 §2; 1981 c.152 §2; 1983 c.156 §1; 1989 c.508 §1]
Or. Rev. Stat. § 106.170 Report of marriage to county clerk
A person solemnizing a marriage shall, within five calendar days of the marriage ceremony, complete the original application, license and record of marriage form and deliver the form to the county clerk who issued the marriage license. The person solemnizing the marriage may keep a copy of the application, license and record of marriage form. [Amended by 1981 c.176 §2; 2001 c.501 §3; 2007 c.703 §7; 2015 c.168 §4]
Requirements for the Couple
- Min. Age of Couple:
- Age 18 or Age 17 with Guardian Consent
- Residency:
- Not Required
- Min. Distance of Kin Allowed:
- Second Cousins
- Marriage Equality:
- Yes
No couple under the age of 18 shall be allowed to marry in the state of Oregon, unless both are at least 17 and have filed an affidavit affirming the consent of a parent or legal guardian who are themselves 18 and older. The county clerk is free to demand proof in order to verify an applicant’s age, and even go as far as requiring an affidavit from a relevant third party to satisfy any reasonable doubt they may hold.
Oregon forbids the union of kin closer than second cousins – whether through blood, half blood or adoption – except for first cousins through adoption. No party with a living spouse may apply for a marriage license.
Same sex marriages are legally recognized in the State of Oregon.
Or. Rev. Stat. § 106.010 Marriage as civil contract
Marriage is a civil contract entered into in person by males at least 17 years of age and females at least 17 years of age, who are otherwise capable, and solemnized in accordance with ORS 106.150 (Form of solemnization). [Amended by 1965 c.422 §1; 1975 c.583 §1]
Or. Rev. Stat. § 106.020 Prohibited and void marriages
The following marriages are prohibited; and, if solemnized within this state, are absolutely void:
(1)When either party thereto had a spouse living at the time of the marriage.
(2)When the parties thereto are first cousins or any nearer of kin to each other, whether of the whole or half blood, whether by blood or adoption, computing by the rules of the civil law, except that when the parties are first cousins by adoption only, the marriage is not prohibited or void. [Amended by 1989 c.647 §1; 2015 c.629 §7]
Or. Rev. Stat. § 106.050 Proof of Age
(1)The county clerk may accept any reasonable proof of the applicant’s age satisfactory to the clerk. The clerk may require proof of age by affidavit of some person other than either of the parties seeking the license if the clerk deems it necessary in order to determine the age of an applicant to the clerk’s satisfaction.
(2)If an applicant for a marriage license is less than 18 years of age, the applicant must file with the county clerk an affidavit of some person other than either of the parties seeking the license showing the facts other than age necessary to be shown under ORS 106.060 (Consent of parent or guardian if applicant under 18) in the particular case, except the consent of the parent or guardian required by ORS 106.060 (Consent of parent or guardian if applicant under 18) shall not be part of the affidavit. The affidavit is sufficient authority to the clerk, so far as the facts stated therein, for issuing the license. [Amended by 1965 c.467 §1; 1969 c.242 §1; 1987 c.340 §1]
Final Steps
- Officiant's Title on Marriage License:
- Minister
- Church/Ordaining Body:
- Universal Life Church Ministries
- Address of Church:
- Minister's Home Address
The couple might be happily married, but the minister’s job is not done yet.
The state of Oregon requires that the minister return the original application, marriage license and record of marriage to the same county clerk of issuance, making sure to list their title and the name of the relevant church (Universal Life Church Ministries) along with their home address.
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