Hawaii Marriage Laws
Written and edited for accuracy by the Hawaii marriage law researchers at the Universal Life Church on
Hawaii has some rather unique laws governing marriage and performing marriages. Here we will lay out the full process from start to finish. Our guide covers the steps the couple must take, how the officiating minister needs to register with the state, and how to handle the marriage license to ensure the union is legally binding.
Requirements for the Couple
- Min. Age of Couple:
- Age 19 or Age 15 with Guardian Consent
- Residency:
- Not Required
- Min. Distance of Kin Allowed:
- First Cousins
- Marriage Equality:
- Yes
In Hawaii, only adults 19 years of age or older can legally marry. There are some exceptions, however. An 18-year-old can get married as long as they have parental consent, and younger minors can petition a court for “special circumstances” to wed. These would be determined on a case by case basis.
Hawaii has no residency requirement for either party of the couple, meaning they can live in Hawaii, a different U.S. state, or even a different country.
Like all U.S. states, Hawaii honors marriage equality so same-sex couples can wed. Unlike most other states, Hawaii had this policy in place by 2013.
§572-6 Application; license; limitations. (a) To secure a license to marry, the persons applying for the license shall appear personally before an agent authorized to grant marriage licenses and shall file with the agent an application in writing. The application shall be accompanied by a statement signed and sworn to by each of the persons, setting forth: the person's full name, date of birth, social security number, residence; their relationship, if any; the full names of parents; and that all prior marriages or civil unions, if any, other than an existing civil union between the persons applying for the marriage license, have been dissolved by death or dissolution. If all prior marriages or civil unions, other than an existing civil union between the persons applying for the marriage license, have been dissolved by death or dissolution, the statement shall also set forth the date of death of the last prior spouse or the date and jurisdiction in which the last decree of dissolution was entered. Any other information consistent with the standard marriage certificate, as recommended by the Public Health Service, National Center for Health Statistics, may be requested for statistical or other purposes, subject to approval of and modification by the department of health; provided that the information shall be provided at the option of the applicant and no applicant shall be denied a license for failure to provide the information. The agent shall endorse on the application, over the agent's signature, the date of the filing thereof and shall issue a license which shall bear on its face the date of issuance. Every license shall be of full force and effect for thirty days commencing from and including the date of issuance. After the thirty-day period, the license shall become void and no marriage ceremony shall be performed thereon.
(b) It shall be the duty of every person, legally authorized to grant licenses to marry, to immediately report the issuance of every marriage license to the agent of the department of health in the district in which the license is issued, setting forth all facts required to be stated in such manner and on such form as the department may prescribe. [L 1929, c 104, §3; RL 1935, §4635; RL 1945, §12356; RL 1955, §323-6; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §19; HRS §572-6; am L 1969, c 191, §1; am L 1974, c 31, §1; gen ch 1985; am L 1989, c 35, §1; am L 1997, c 293, §25; am L Sp 2013 2d, c 1, §5]
Marriage License Requirements
- Who Picks Up License:
- The Couple
- Where License is Valid:
- County of Issuance
- Marriage License Pick-Up:
- In Person Only
- Cost of License:
- Varies by County
- Accepted I.D. Types:
- Standard Government Issued ID
- Proof of Divorce Required (If Applicable):
- Yes
- Blood Test Required:
- No
The couple is responsible for picking up the marriage license in person from the clerk in the county where the ceremony will take place. Ministers need to know the exact office as they may be required to submit ministerial documentation directly to the county office in addition to the online registration with the state Department of Health.
The application will cost $60 in addition to a filing fee, and the couple will always need to present some form of official government-issued identification, and proof of divorce from a previous marriage if applicable.
No state requires blood tests from the couple in order to obtain the marriage license.
§572-5 Marriage license; agent to grant; fee. (a) The department of health shall appoint, and at its pleasure remove, one or more suitable persons as agents authorized to grant marriage licenses under this chapter in each judicial circuit. The agents may issue licenses from any state facility when deemed necessary by the director. Any agent appointed under this subsection and receiving an application for a marriage license shall collect from the applicant for the license $60, of which the agent, except those provided for in subsection (b), shall retain $9 for the agent's benefit and compensation and shall remit $51 to the director of health. Upon the receipt of remittances under this subsection, the director of health shall deposit:
(1) $32 for each license issued to the credit of the general fund of the State;
(2) $4.50 for each license issued to the credit of the spouse and child abuse special fund established under section 346-7.5;
(3) $4.50 for each license issued to the credit of the spouse and child abuse special account established under section 601-3.6; and
(4) $10 for each license issued to the credit of the birth defects special fund established under section 321‑426.
(b) The department may appoint, as regular employees under the civil service and classification laws, the number of suitable persons as agents authorized to grant marriage licenses for whom provision has been made in the general appropriation act. In the case of these agents, the full amount collected from applicants shall be remitted to the director of health. Upon the receipt of remittances under this subsection, the director of health shall deposit:
(1) $41 for each license issued to the credit of the general fund of the State;
(2) $4.50 for each license issued to the credit of the spouse and child abuse special fund established under section 346-7.5;
(3) $4.50 for each license issued to the credit of the spouse and child abuse special account established under section 601-3.6; and
(4) $10 for each license issued to the credit of the birth defects special fund established under section 321‑426.
(c) Every agent appointed under this section may administer the oaths required by this chapter to be taken.
(d) The department or its authorized agents shall furnish to each applicant for a marriage license a brochure explaining rubella, the risks of infection with rubella during pregnancy, and how to seek testing and immunization. The department or its authorized agents shall also furnish to each applicant for a marriage license information, to be provided by the department, relating to population stabilization, family planning, birth control, fetal alcohol and drug syndromes, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), including the availability of anonymous testing for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection at alternate test sites; provided that such information is available.
(e) In addition to the fee prescribed under subsection (a), the agent, except those provided for in subsection (b), shall collect from the applicant for the license a surcharge of $5, of which the agent shall retain the full amount for the agent's additional benefit and compensation. [PC 1869, c 55, §14; am L 1905, c 11, §1; am L 1917, c 189, §1; am L 1921, c 121, §1; RL 1925, §2946; am L 1929, c 104, §2; am L 1932 2d, c 34, §1; RL 1935, §4634; am L 1937, c 122, §7; RL 1945, §12355; am L 1947, c 21, §1; am L 1953, c 87, §1; am L 1955, c 149, §1; RL 1955, §323-5; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §§14, 19; am L 1963, c 114, §1; HRS §572-5; am L 1969, c 33, §1; am L 1971, c 89, §1; am L 1976, c 138, §1; am L 1977, c 24, §1; gen ch 1985; am L 1987, c 98, §1; am L 1989, c 364, §1; am L 1994, c 232, §6; am L 1995, c 153, §2; am L 1998, c 311, §8; am L 2002, c 252, §3; am L 2005, c 223, §4; am L 2019, c 84, §5]
Marriage License Facts
- ULC-Officiated Ceremony Type:
- Religious
- Mandatory Waiting Period:
- None
- License Valid For:
- 30 Days
- License Must Be Submitted:
- By Expiration
The marriage license obtained must be good for a religious ceremony solemnized by a minister, and not just for a civil ceremony officiated by a celebrant or justice of the peace. This is the case even if none of the participants is religious, and even if no mention is made of faith or an appeal to deities during the ceremony. ULC ministers perform legally binding weddings by way of their ordination, so by definition all would be considered “religious” actors.
In some good news, there is not a waiting period between when the license is obtained and when the marriage ceremony can take place. This means that in theory, it’s possible for a couple to go from engaged to married on the same day!
A Hawaii marriage license is good for 30 days after issuance, which just means the wedding must take place sometime within that roughly 1 month window. It also must be submitted back to the office that issued it before it expires.
§572-6 Application; license; limitations. (a) To secure a license to marry, the persons applying for the license shall appear personally before an agent authorized to grant marriage licenses and shall file with the agent an application in writing. The application shall be accompanied by a statement signed and sworn to by each of the persons, setting forth: the person's full name, date of birth, social security number, residence; their relationship, if any; the full names of parents; and that all prior marriages or civil unions, if any, other than an existing civil union between the persons applying for the marriage license, have been dissolved by death or dissolution. If all prior marriages or civil unions, other than an existing civil union between the persons applying for the marriage license, have been dissolved by death or dissolution, the statement shall also set forth the date of death of the last prior spouse or the date and jurisdiction in which the last decree of dissolution was entered. Any other information consistent with the standard marriage certificate, as recommended by the Public Health Service, National Center for Health Statistics, may be requested for statistical or other purposes, subject to approval of and modification by the department of health; provided that the information shall be provided at the option of the applicant and no applicant shall be denied a license for failure to provide the information. The agent shall endorse on the application, over the agent's signature, the date of the filing thereof and shall issue a license which shall bear on its face the date of issuance. Every license shall be of full force and effect for thirty days commencing from and including the date of issuance. After the thirty-day period, the license shall become void and no marriage ceremony shall be performed thereon.
(b) It shall be the duty of every person, legally authorized to grant licenses to marry, to immediately report the issuance of every marriage license to the agent of the department of health in the district in which the license is issued, setting forth all facts required to be stated in such manner and on such form as the department may prescribe. [L 1929, c 104, §3; RL 1935, §4635; RL 1945, §12356; RL 1955, §323-6; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §19; HRS §572-6; am L 1969, c 191, §1; am L 1974, c 31, §1; gen ch 1985; am L 1989, c 35, §1; am L 1997, c 293, §25; am L Sp 2013 2d, c 1, §5]
Requirements for the Minister
- Min. Age of Minister:
- Age 18
- Residency:
- Not Required
- Document(s) Required:
- State Dept. of Health Registration Certificate
- Online Ordination Recognized:
- Yes
- Relevant Office of Registration:
- State Dept. of Health Website
- Latest Document(s) Submission Date Allowed:
- Before the Ceremony
- Minister I.D. # Issued:
- Yes
Ministers officiating weddings in Hawaii must be at least 18 years of age, which is the same age requirement to get ordained by the Universal Life Church. Beyond that, it doesn’t matter where the minister lives, what they believe, or their gender.
The first thing the minister should do is visit the Hawaii State Department of Health website to begin the registration process to officiate weddings. This involves two parts and along the way the state will assign an I.D. number to the minister. It’s imperative that this number is saved as it will be needed later in the registration process, and possibly again on the marriage license itself.
There will be a small filing fee for the minister to register on the website, and you will need the following address of the ULC Headquarters when completing this process:
Universal Life Church Ministries
2720 1st Ave S
Seattle, WA 98134
In addition to registering with the state on the Department of Health website, the minister needs to contact the exact same office that issued the marriage license to ask if they want physical ministerial documentation in order to perform the ceremony. The answer to that question can vary from office to office. The ULC generally recommends that ministers have their ordination certificate on-hand, though some clerks may not require any documentation.
If documentation is required, it’s best to submit it with the completed marriage license after the wedding has taken place.
§572-12 By whom solemnized. A license to solemnize marriages may be issued to, and the marriage rite may be performed and solemnized by any minister, priest, or officer of any religious denomination or society who has been ordained or is authorized to solemnize marriages according to the usages of such denomination or society, or any religious society not having clergy but providing solemnization in accordance with the rules and customs of that society, or any justice or judge or magistrate, active or retired, of a state or federal court in the State, upon presentation to such person or society of a license to marry, as prescribed by this chapter. Such person or society may receive the price stipulated by the parties or the gratification tendered. [CC 1859, §1285; RL 1925, §2950; am L 1929, c 104, §6; RL 1935, §4640; RL 1945, §12361; RL 1955, §323-12; HRS §572-12; am L 1969, c 19, §2; am L 1974, c 15, §1]
Wedding Ceremony Requirements
- Marriage By Proxy Allowed:
- No
- Minister Required to be Present:
- Yes
- Number of Witnesses Required:
- None
- Min. Age of Witnesses:
- N/A
- Couple's Consent Required:
- Yes
- Pronouncement Required:
- Yes
It’s very important that all legally relevant parties be physically present for the ceremony. This would be the officiating minister and both parties of the couple, as Hawaii does not allow for marriage by proxy. No witnesses are required.
The contents and flow of the ceremony can be entirely customized to the couple’s wishes. However, while exact wording doesn’t matter, the couple must give some form of consent to marry and the officiating minister must pronounce them as such. This would be the “I do” and “I now pronounce you…” parts of the wedding we are all rather familiar with.
§572-1.5 Definition of marriage. Whenever used in the statutes or other laws of Hawaii, "marriage" means the union licensed under section 572-1. [L 1994, c 217, §2]
Final Steps
- Officiant's Title on Marriage License:
- Minister
- Church/Ordaining Body:
- Universal Life Church Ministries
- Address of Church:
- 2720 1st Ave S Seattle, WA 98134
Once the wedding is over, there are only a few steps left to ensure that it is legally binding.
There is a section of the marriage license that the officiating minister must fill out. If it asks for a title, you should put “minister,” and for the name of the church or ordaining body, put “Universal Life Church Ministries.” If the license asks for the address of the minister’s church, it should be as follows:
Universal Life Church Ministries
2720 1st Ave S
Seattle, WA 98145
Be sure that the license is filled out completely – and correctly – by all the parties involved. It’s possible that the minister will also need to provide their I.D. number that was issued during their online registration with the state Department of Health. Take care to not make any errors, as doing so could result in the couple needing to purchase a new license.
In Hawaii, the completed marriage license needs to be submitted back to the office where it was obtained within 30 days of issue. This is typically done by the minister, though the couple can perform the task as well. Officiants should take note that any failure to return the license that can be attributed to negligence or malice on the part of the wedding minister is considered a crime.
ULC ministers do not record or share with church headquarters any information about weddings they perform, or plan to perform. That said, Hawaii highly recommends that personal records be kept, particularly if a contract was involved or any reimbursement for services rendered.
§572-13 Record of solemnization; marriages, reported by whom; certified copies. (a) Recordkeeping. Every person authorized to solemnize marriage shall make and preserve a record of every marriage by the person solemnized, comprising the names of the parties married, their place of residence, and the date of their marriage.
Every person authorized to solemnize marriage, who neglects to keep a record of any marriage by the person solemnized shall be fined $50.
(b) Marriages, reported by whom. It shall be the duty of every person, legally authorized to perform the marriage ceremony, to report within three business days every marriage ceremony, performed by the person, to the agent of the department of health in the district in which the marriage takes place setting forth all facts required to be stated in a standard certificate of marriage, the form and contents of which shall be prescribed by the department of health; provided that if any person who has solemnized a marriage fails to report it to the agent of the department of health, the parties married may provide the department of health with a notarized affidavit attesting to the fact that they were married and stating the date and place of the solemnization of the marriage. Upon the receipt of that affidavit by the department of health, the marriage shall be deemed to be valid as of the date of the solemnization of the marriage stated in the affidavit; provided that the requirements of section 572-1 are met.
(c) Certified copies of certificate of marriage. The department of health shall deliver one certified copy of the certificate of marriage or the contents or any part thereof as provided in section 338-13 to the persons married. The certificate shall be prima facie evidence of the fact of marriage in any proceeding in any court.
The department of health shall upon request, furnish to any applicant additional certified copies of the certificate of marriage or any part thereof.
Copies of the contents of any certificate on file in the department, certified by the department shall be considered for all purposes the same as the original.
The department may prescribe reasonable fees, if any, to be paid for certified copies of certificates. [L 1864, p 21; am L 1903, c 8, §2; am L 1911, c 23, §1; RL 1925, §2951; RL 1935, §4641; RL 1945, §12362; RL 1955, §323-13; HRS §572-13; am L 1974, c 31, §2; am L 1978, c 49, §2; am L 1981, c 202, §2; gen ch 1985; am L Sp 2013 2d, c 1, §6]
Interested in Performing a Hawaii wedding?
Be a HI Wedding OfficiantAre you Considering Becoming a Minister in Hawaii?
See the Steps to HI OrdinationProceed to your Ordination Application
Become Ordained