Women march in protest in Washington D.C.
Protest has always been an important instrument for change. Progress throughout American history has depended on it.

Women's March

On January 21st, the day after the 45th president of the United States was sworn into office, an estimated 1 million people participated in the Women's March in Washington D.C. They were joined by several million more in cities across the United States and around the world. In total, over 670 marches took place. From Seattle to New York City, and from London to Tokyo, women (and men) took to the streets to make their voices heard.

Protesters wore knitted pink "pussy hats" and carried all manner of signs and banners some heartfelt, others humorous. The issues at hand were wide ranging: women's reproductive rights, gender and racial inequality, immigration reform, LGBT rights, and religious discrimination were all prominently featured. While not every participant felt the same way about every issue, the marchers were unified by an overarching goal: to express their dissatisfaction and make it impossible to ignore.

Anti-abortion protest March for Life

Capping off a busy week in the nation's capital, an annual pro-life rally, the March for Life, was held today. This morning, thousands of anti-abortion advocates rallied on the steps of the Supreme Court to show support for pro-life policies, such as defunding Planned Parenthood and restricting access to abortion. In stark contrast to the Women's March just days earlier, many March for Life attendees explained that their protest was more religious than political in nature.

Of the women attending, Lynn Ray, explained her thinking: "I'm all about women's rights, except when it comes to the baby. I believe it's my opinion but I believe a baby is a gift from God, and once the baby is a gift from God, it's no longer your body, but there's another body within. And that body has a right also."

Mixed ReactionsWomen protest in Washington D.C.

On both sides of these issues, protesters came out in droves to exercise their constitutional rights. Although in some ways the most recent election highlighted America's divisions, it also seems to have heightened political awareness and spurred millions of people to action.

However, as one might expect, public reaction to these protests varied greatly. There will always be critics of protest movements and this week's events were no exception. There were plenty of people who derided the Women's March as a meaningless political stunt all talk and no action. On the other hand, critics accused the March for Life of trying to set women's reproductive rights back fifty years.

Rich History of Protest

Throughout American history, groundswell movements have played an important role in effecting change. They put tremendous pressure on those in charge to either change their ways or get out of the way. The most powerful movements rise organically, often in reaction to leaders, policies, or events deemed to be at odds with the will of the people. It was exactly this type of movement that spurred the creation of the United States; the colonists were tired of being ruled by a foreign monarch, and decided to band together and declare independence.

Women protesting for the right to vote
Women marching in Washington D.C. on March 3, 1913.

Women's Suffrage

The women's suffrage movement utilized many strategies to draw attention to their cause, but none were quite as effective as organized marches. On March 3, 1913, roughly 8,000 women attended the first suffragist parade in Washington D.C. While the event began peacefully, some were unhappy to see women marching openly in the streets groups of angry men converged on the parade and hundreds of women were injured in the fray. Despite this reprehensible violence, the march continued and was judged to be a hard-fought victory. In fact, the open hostility may have actually accelerated progress for women's suffrage as news reports of the violence won many more people to the protesters' cause.

Civil Rights

The nonviolent tactics employed by the Civil Rights Movement provided striking evidence of injustice occurring on American soil. Borrowing from a strategy pioneered by Mahatma Gandhi in the struggle for Indian independence, Martin Luther King Jr. directed protesters to remain peaceful even if faced with violence. By refusing to fight back, African-Americans created powerful imagery which ultimately swung U.S. public opinion in support of civil rights reform.


Protest has always been an important instrument for change. Progress throughout American history has depended on it. For those in charge, there is nothing quite so visually powerful as a crowd of people standing on your front lawn demanding things be done differently. We'd like to hear your thoughts on the recent marches (both the Women's March and the March for Life) do you agree with their causes? Did you attend?


  1. Carol Amina's Avatar Carol Amina

    You sound like a real pig John.

  1. John's Avatar John

    finally the Obama got fat women to walk Michelle would be proud

  1. azizalsaqr's Avatar azizalsaqr

    I took part in the March, it was one of the most amazing and empowering experiences of my life. We are in the midst of one of the most important times of our lives, one where we stand on the brink of seeing history repeat itself if we don't stand up and stop it. What we are witnessing is exactly how Hitler came to power in the 30's, the only difference is that the people of Germany remained silent and did nothing. Over 65 Million people voted for the legitimate President, and we will not remain silent while Trump and his racist followers attempt to ignore the Constitution and destroy everything this country was built on. We are a nation of Immigrants, we have fought long and hard for our rights as minorities and women and we refuse to have those rights taken away. We stand by our decisions to protect the animals who reside here, to protect our lands and water as well as those of the planet for future generations. We are not a nation of hate, nor one of lies (such as those that daily come from the illegitimate President and his spokespeople) nor a government that would attempt to shut our media down for doing nothing more then reporting the truth. As long as we have to we will speak out, we will continue to call our Senators and tell them to act for us, and not just along party lines, and we will march to protect those who are threatened.

  1. Gina K Talbot's Avatar Gina K Talbot

    I would like to see sources for the "facts" you presented here. I know that PP does offer cancer screenings, including mammograms at some facilities. They offer abortion services at some, but not all clinics. They also have prenatal care at some clinics. It's a well verified fact that only 3%of the service offered by PP is abortion care. PP prevented me from getting an abortion by providing me with birth control I could afford when I was without insurance.

  1. Rev John Barker's Avatar Rev John Barker

    I am so pleased to live in Australia after reading some of the above rants insults and discussion on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the USA is so obviously divided on sooooo many issues. Judge not lest you yourself be judged. A little more tolerance is needed here.

  1. M's Avatar M

    Hell no, you would never catch me going to degrade my self going to something like that with all those stupid moronic bitches there. They looked bad to the world, and I would be shammed of myself to go there and act like they did. I would be ashamed to murder my baby and i would be ashamed to have all those sick ideas and thought that all those sick bitches and asshole men (those few men who were there). All you coddled brats bitches need to just grow up and mind your own business, get a life and become responsible for your actions without murdering another being. you are hypocrites and evil.

    1. azizalsaqr's Avatar azizalsaqr

      As a minister I don't understand how you see standing up for human and women's rights as degrading. While I myself believe in Universal Consciousness, I know many believe in Gods and Goddesses, and they in turn believe in love and compassion to all people. When I read your post all I see is hate. If you had been at the march you would have seen women of all ages from the very young, to elders in wheelchairs, you would have seen thousands of men, again from the very young to elders, supporting the women they love, and the beliefs all were standing up for, and the proposals they were against. It is those who seek to interfere in a woman's right to choose what happens to her own body that need to mind their own business, for this is a difficult decision, one made after much serious deliberation, and leaving them with a heart that will always carry their loss. Planned Parenthood though is much more then abortions, and if you had done your research you might realize that, it is anemia testing, cholesterol screening, diabetes screening, physical exams, including for employment and sports, flu vaccines, help with quitting smoking, high blood pressure screening, tetanus vaccines, thyroid screening, as well as sexual and reproductive health services. However many of you choose not to focus on those things when you attack it and fight to defund it. I'm sorry if you find marching for these causes degrading, I myself see them as empowering and I am proud to say my being in DC for the March was one of the most important things I have done in my lifetime.

  1. adrienne gallant's Avatar adrienne gallant

    no , my power comes from within, not in marching....I spread my light by believing God is in charge, not a government and I know there are no mistakes in having a President Trump...Things are unfolding just as they are intended...I have compassion and Love in my heart for all...I don't take sides but know the ones who "hate our President" are chasing their tails.....there is a reason for everything, like it or not....for me acceptance is the best strategy as it frees me to do my best work and service and I am not all caught up in the energy drains of the circus we call our political parties.....again, Love will always TRUMP Fear and I support him with Love and Light....

    1. Pia Atkinson's Avatar Pia Atkinson

      My Father is the Descendant of Slaves. My Mother is a Native Indian, Tracing back 40,000 years, born on a Reservation in NC. I am a Law School Graduate, Ordained, A Prior Army Officer and Mother of 3 Children born under Islam. My Father Marched with John Lewis and Dr. King along with my Mother who fought for her families land and property through the Civil Rights Era. I marched in DC Jan 21 on behalf of the Domestic Violence victims and Juvenile Victim's of Incest, who I serve and protect every day. I marched on behalf of the women who have been forced to sacrifice their bodies to a rapist to protect their children from the same fate. I marched for my Relatives who died at the hands of the Klan, relatives who's bodies hung from trees as Strange Fruits. For the 10 year old girl I coddled as she cried about having to carry her father's baby after years of being raped by him. I marched for the Native Indians who originated this country and yet have been segregated to select parts of this land as impoverished citizens , the Land belong to them, to U.S. I refuse to accept the Vindictive, Racist , Misogynistic, sexist ideology of a Man and his Administration who feels like the struggles and disenfranchisement of the oppressed are the tenets on which this Nation will thrive. I will spread and share love but fight against the ideology that embodies the pain and struggle of my ancestors. Let us remember. Martin Luther King was a mighty Reverend AND a Fight for Social Change and Civil Rights. He Marched. I Marched. I have picked up the mantle carried by my Parents that set in motion Civil Right for a Generation. A quote from Thomas Jefferson — 'All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.' I have met Donald Trump years ago and I can safely say that I am no Fan I will make my voice heard and fight the way my ancestors fought for Inalienable Rights, never forgetting : "When a Man shows you who he is, Believe Him" !

      1. Michelle Holbrook's Avatar Michelle Holbrook

        AMEN Pia! You covered it very well! I was there, mostly for ALL human rights, as you. My reasons may not be exactly like yours, but our ideals are the same! We WOMEN are strong and getting STRONGER in our SOLIDARITY!!!

      2. Carol Amina's Avatar Carol Amina

        All I can say to you Pia is my respect! Sending prayers of safety and love to you and your family. Things are ugly right now but I see you come from a long line of activists and survivors . Peace dear one!

    2. hsw's Avatar hsw

      So it doesn't really matter what we do, or what choices we make, or who we go to war with, or torture, because God is in charge?

      We can only hope love with trump fear, but I'm not sure what God has to do with any of that.

  1. LindaN's Avatar LindaN

    I marched and volumteered.


    I marched for equality!

  1. Rosemary Norton's Avatar Rosemary Norton

    I marched in DC with hundreds of thousands of women and the energy was incredible. Except for two very minor exceptions everyone was extremely courteous. There was a real feeling of unity. I marched because I wanted the world and especially our leaders to see that women will stand up for their rights and for what we believe. Women will not sit silently while being taken back to an age when we had no rights and the rights of our children were trampled. I marched for LGBTQ, women, Muslims, Black Lives Matter, and a decent livable wage. I marched for healthcare, and lower costs for higher education. I marched for JUSTICE. That is the just treatment of people. I marched because it was the right thing to do.

    1. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

      I educate and motivate, because it's also the right thing to do. You can't effectively fight for anyone's rights, unless you have some idea of what you're fighting for and why it's important.

      Sure, you could listen to the news media, or ask a friend on Facebook, but teachers and librarians still exist for a reason. We're not always right, but we know what history's capable of.

      Just doing what I can, even if the end result in one more person on our team. Wishing everyone a great weekend ahead.

  1. Cea's Avatar Cea

    Oh dear. "there", not "their." Apologies.

    1. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

      No worries. Have a great day!

  1. Cea's Avatar Cea

    I marched in DC. It was fantastic, energizing, inspirational, fun. I met so many kind people. We shared water, chocolate and stories. It was truly an intersectional event. I saw signs and spoke with so many people, and contrary to some comments made above, no one with whom I spoke was ther for just one issue. Equal pay, access to heallh care, opposition to racism and sexism, support for LGBTQIA issues, diversiy in religion, supporting and loving our neighbors: those were some of the many issues I talked about and saw on signs. Well over 500,000 people were packed into a fairly limited space and we all behaved well, even when some "opposition party" types tried to get folks angry. I am so very glad that I attended a march that was focused on creating positive energy and action.

  1. Dark Gray's Avatar Dark Gray

    It's fashionable to bash Bill Clinton these days, but I always did like the way he described how abortion should be: safe, legal, and rare.

  1. Stephen Wehrenberg's Avatar Stephen Wehrenberg

    Well said.

  1. Rev Troy McLean's Avatar Rev Troy McLean

    Planned parenthood does provide some services for women, this is true. But abortion is their primary service. That service is a choice of one's morals, therefore it should not be paid for by other taxpayer's money. You all have been duped, the idea of establishing this service was to exterminate the black race from America. Look and see where these facilities set up shop. In low income, primarily minority neighborhoods.

    1. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

      Abortions are 0.03% of all services provided annually. Even Common Core math says that's not a "primary service".

      Planned Parenthood also provides medical and counseling assistance to victims of rape, sexual assault, and domestic violence. You know, the very things that joseph wrote about in a previous blog article, that the Christian Church allows and enables via Old Testament Biblical verses taken out-of-context.

      The same Old Testament that magically becomes irrelevant, when used to counter the argument.

      Furthermore, Planned Parenthood is one of the most-used means to access STD testing, pregnancy testing for pro-lifers, and actual sex education that doesn't inculde using a knocked-up virgin to preach abstinence. The majority of folks who access its services are the poor, minorities, and cradle to grave.

      I'm sorry, but if "holding an aspirin between your knees" didn't work for Jesus' mom, then it's not going to work for anyone else. And promoting a solution that doesn't stop the problem it causes... is insane.

      The fact that God did it, doesn't make it right. God's supposed to know better that that.

      The Church needs to have a "come to Jesus moment" with itself.

      1. Becky's Avatar Becky

        I am pro-choice and I wish people would stop using the defense that abortions are a small percentage of what PP does even though it's true. Abortion is legal in this country regardless of what people say or think about it. It doesn't matter if they perform abortions in front of a live studio audience, send the zygote down a spiral slide into a giant trash compactor while balloons and confetti drop from the ceiling and a marching band plays. It's still legal.

        1. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

          To be honest, Becky, I wish the whole non-issue would stop being an issue in the first place.

          Seriously. If God had a problem with abortion, He'd've settled it ages ago. Pro-life folks, take a hint and lay off!

      2. Meg's Avatar Meg

        It's 3%, not .03% and that equals about 330,000 abortions per year!

      3. azizalsaqr's Avatar azizalsaqr

        I live in a town of 28,000 in Iowa, we have a Planned Parenthood and it's definitely not in a "low income, primarily minority neighborhood."

    2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Excellent point Troy. Although the mandate of Planned Parenthood may have evolved since it was founded by Sanger (in 1921 as the American Birth Control League), a fervent promoter of eugenics, the following information may raise suspicions that eugenics is still foundational to the organization.

      "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Abortion Surveillance report revealed that between 2007 and 2010, nearly 36 percent of all abortions in the U.S. were performed on black children, even though black Americans make up only 13 percent of our population. Another 21 percent of abortions were performed on Hispanics and seven percent more on other minority groups, for a total of 64 percent of U.S. abortions tragically preformed on minority groups. Margaret Sanger would have been proud of the effects of her legacy."

      Source: http://www.frcblog.com/2016/10/real-margaret-sanger/

    3. Rosemary Norton's Avatar Rosemary Norton

      I received a mammogram courtesy of PP when I found a lump in my breast and had no health insurance. Also, for years PP was where I went for gynecological care and birth control. Abortions are a very small part of the services provided by PP. BTW Whatever the reasons Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood, it is now a very important source of healthcare for women. Our founding fathers fought for the success of this country because it was in their best interest financially. Some even owned slaves.

      1. Rev Troy McLean's Avatar Rev Troy McLean

        Rosemary, no one feels that there is a place for these services. But the issue of abortion, is a personal choice that most Americans do not agree with. Therefore, taxpayer's money should not be paying for it. Be well and be blessed.

        1. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

          Troy, a lot of people feel there is a place for services like low-cost mammograms, Pap smears, STD testing, pregnancy testing, pregnancy counseling, sexual assault counseling, child vaccinations, testicular cancer testing, sexual education, health education...

          ...they just don't say that around people who have clearly never walked a mile in a poor man's shoes.

          I'm alive because of taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. My fiancee's alive, because of taxpayer funding. Her daughter is alive, as is her son (who was successfully put up for adoption), because of taxpayer funding.

          "I complained of having no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet." (Persian wisdom)

          I'm in full support of a woman's right to choose, as a child isn't a convenience or a status symbol, nor is it easy to carry a fetus to term. Being a man, I don't have the biological understanding or ability to know what 26 bones simultaneously broken (giving birth) feels like.

          But I'm not foolhardy enough to try and stop someone from doing what they want with their body, when they can walk it off and I can't.

          Then again... I'm not you. And you have yet to meet a man who has no feet. Blessed Be.

          1. Rev Troy McLean's Avatar Rev Troy McLean

            I first off, did not mean there was no place for those services. I agree with a lot of what they provide. But the issue of abortion, I do not agree with. All the other services they provide to avoid pregnancy should be used. If you do not want a child then use them. How dare you accuse me of being well off and not having to use any of the services listed. Truth be, my beautiful little girl would not be here either. So, to pay back the advantages she has, she is in nursing school. She got here from hard work.

      2. Meg's Avatar Meg

        What city and what year did you receive a mammogram? I am curious because many of their ex-employees claim that the facilities aren't equipped with mammogram machines.

    4. larry m fitzgerald's Avatar larry m fitzgerald

      Makes sense to have locations in areas where people can't afford to pay for those services anywhere else. Your logic to exterminate the Black Race is way out of line and untrue.

  1. Kathryn's Avatar Kathryn

    The Women's March was inspiring: a diversified throng united in their belief that the current President is taking a stark, dystopian path. He is building walls everywhere, not just on our borders. This pressure must be brought to bear on every elected official every single day or the protest will come to naught. As for the pro life march.....most of this mob is a pro birth. Once a child is born they don't care about its life. They are usually the ones against any social programs aiding children and families. Perhaps a better designation for this movement would be Pro Hypocrisy.

  1. Stephen Wehrenberg's Avatar Stephen Wehrenberg

    I was proud to join the women in my family, and 500,000 new friends, in the march in Washington DC. The energy was incredible. And it turns out I don't look too bad at all in a pink hat. I think the problem those who marched face now is how to prioritize the scores of issues to allow for some focused activity. Can't fix everything at once, and more is breaking every day.

    1. Stephen Wehrenberg's Avatar Stephen Wehrenberg

      The WOMEN'S MARCH, not the March for Life. I find that movement to be a bit hypocritical -- I have talked to many who would ban abortions in all cases and who support the death penalty at the same time. It's not Right to Life, but the imposition of religious (christian) law.

  1. Frank Villari's Avatar Frank Villari

    There is a stark lack of morality in marching for the murder of innocence which transcends religion and politics. The specific murder of one's own child I find particularly abhorrent. Being a man, I have no point of reference to a woman's view. I was raised to honor a woman as a mother, and as a man it was my duty to protect that mother, and her child. I suppose my point of reference would then fall to a belief in my moral duty as a man - to protect life.

    1. Lea Weisenbach's Avatar Lea Weisenbach

      Not all men believe this way and treat women as just their tool. I'm a Prochoice women and Prochoice dose work to prevent abortions and it's working. Less abortions. I personally don't like abortions but growing up in the hood I thank Plan Parenthood for being there. I have to deal with rape every day of life as a teen. No one cared and the church just demonizing me. Separate church and state. I feel this is just christain BS force down our throats. Prolifers just in denial and just want to take us back to the closet. We know abstinence dose not work. Abortions happen in marriages also. Keep it safe. I wish we had more men like you..Namaste

      1. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

        Planned Parenthood managed to talk my birth mother out of getting an abortion, so I'm thankful they exist. On top of it, I'm living proof that abstinance doesn't work -- she was a senior in high school when she had me.

        Now, if the Christian Church wants to talk about morality and being pro-life for unborn fetuses, I've got no time for that nonsense either.

        My adoptive parents almost killed me twice. Mom was a painkiller-addicted C&E Catholic, and Dad was a skirtchasing Southern Baptist.

        So let's not go there about "morality", when the Church can't hold a candle to mine.

        Pro-life is pro-life, it doesn't stop at birth.

        1. kc504designs's Avatar kc504designs

          I think a person can be pro life and pro choice , not One or the other. Believe it or not, abortion is not a frivolous choice- and planned parenthood in my opinion is a blessing to young people who have unprotected sex and need birth control. Non judgmental and free will - there is a power greater than any of us here that will make the final determination of sinner or saint.

          1. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

            "Pro-Choice" means being accepting of choosing to have an abortion OR NOT to have an abortion.

            "Pro-Life" means no choice at all.

        2. Meg's Avatar Meg

          What year was that? I agree they started out with good intentions, but have morphed into greedy money mongers that push abortions to increase profits.

      2. Dark Gray's Avatar Dark Gray

        See, here's the thing. In this life/choice debate, each side tries its hardest to argue the edge cases -- the poor twelve-year-old girl who has been raped by a family member (thus proving that abortion should be free and legal) versus the "welfare queens" who regularly use abortion as a form of birth control (proving that all abortions should be banned).

        Too, each side does its best to manipulate the language to its own advantage. People here are saying that pro-lifers should properly be called "pro-birthers" because they don't care about life after birth. I've seen pro-life newspaper columnists refer to a fertilized egg as a "pre-born child". Silly, transparent word choices that work to prevent communication rather than enhance it.

        I'm personally uncomfortable with abortion, but I realize that my circumstances are not the same as others', and I tend to come down on the side of allowing people to make their own choices. I guess that makes me pro-choice. I don't believe that life begins at conception, because a fertilized zygote is not yet a suitable vehicle for a soul. Nor do I believe that life doesn't begin until birth; arguments to the contrary ("because that's when civil rights are conferred") are pure legalism.

        That said, I'm inclined to believe that both sides -- the best of both sides -- are motivated by compassion. Compassion for the pregnant woman, compassion for the fetus. And I really believe that this whole stupid debate will finally be resolved, not by one group's total victory over the other, but only by the recognition of this common ground and commitment to work together for the best of everyone involved.

        1. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

          It would be a lot easier for that common ground and commitment to happen, if religion was taken out of the reasoning. All of us who are ordained as clergy (regardless of what religion or sect of religion) have a very simple list of job duties: care, comfort, counsel, and advise. None of those words are synonymous with "legislate" or "regulate".

          You shouldn't need a god to determine right from wrong, harm from compassion, ideology from empathy, especially after you become an adult. If a person really needs that, then they're not really in it for the good of others.

          Besides, the whole abortion issue is ridiculous when you consider there's more scientific research, knowledge, and understanding of how male sexual anatomy works, than of female anatomy. Ignorance may be bliss, but it's always been a terrible excuse for good intentions.

          And I'm saying this as a male. The Church needs to keep its mitts off until it knows what the heck it's trying to criminalize.

    2. Paul Hoogeveen's Avatar Paul Hoogeveen

      The Women's Marches were about much, much more than abortion rights. Whether or not one is pro-choice or pro-birth, let's please avoid stamping these marches as monolithic "abortion rights" marches supported by people who are concerned only about "abortion rights."

      Support for Planned Parenthood is support for a whole host of medical services for both women and men.

  1. Jess Martin's Avatar Jess Martin

    I wanted to attend but had to work.

  1. Lauren Sherwood's Avatar Lauren Sherwood

    I absolutely did March and was fortunate to have marched in Seneca Falls, NY which is close to my hometown and the Seed of the Woman's Movement! It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life and it made me understand why we are where we are right now! To bring us together in the name of LOVE!! It was exhilarating to feel what the world will be as the Feminine Rises. I would say that the March represented a shift in history, giving way to what has been needed for a very long time! A world where thousands come together Peacefully and march for what they believe and stand strong for what they will not accept! It was an HONOR! As one of the speakers said, "My feet were tired but my soul was rested"!

  1. Lauren Sherwood's Avatar Lauren Sherwood

    "In stark contrast to the Women’s March just days earlier, many March for Life attendees explained that their protest was more religious than political in nature." If you look carefully, You see that this was in reference to the March for LIfe, not the Woman's March.

    1. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

      Good catch.

  1. Rev Troy McLean's Avatar Rev Troy McLean

    This had nothing to do with either free speech, women's rights, or religion. It was about a small minded group of people that want to get all the attention. We as a church are not afraid of people speaking their mind, but to tell the rest of us that we are wrong to protect the innocent unborn is against what Christ taught us. We are to be better than this. Abortion is a choice, by someone that does not want to be responsible for their actions. Any member of the church that accepts this will answer for their actions before God. We still will love and accept these people, but they must accept their actions and ask for forgiveness.

    1. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

      I don't follow Christ.

    2. Paul Hoogeveen's Avatar Paul Hoogeveen

      My wife and I marched in the Boston Women's March. I'd like to think that we're not "small minded," although you are certainly entitled to your point of view. I would counter that to propose that to think the many marches that occurred that day were solely to promote the practice of abortion is to be small minded.

      I can only assume that your view is derived from the fact that support for Planned Parenthood was one of the driving forces behind the marches. But abortion services comprise only 3 percent of PP's operation. In fact much of PP's work is to provide contraceptive services which prevent an estimated half million unwanted pregnancies per year. But more importantly, they do hundreds of thousands of breast cancer screenings and PAP smears annually, and also provide prostate exams for men. These are vital health services that many people would lose access to without the services of PP.

      But aside from PP and other causes, the marches had much broader overarching significance -- most importantly being a global call for respect for women. And to state categorically this call for respect for women is small minded is to completely misunderstand what the marches were about.

      1. Meg's Avatar Meg

        PP does not provide the services you listed. They provide contraception, tests for STDs and abortions. In fact a former Director gave an interview claiming that they have an abortion quotat that they need to meet and because of that, they try to offer means of contraception that are more likely to fail in the hopes that the patient will come back for an abortion. They do not do annual pap smears that test for things like cervical cancer and they do not give mammograms. This is entirely false and this is the problem with the women marching, they don't even realize the facts.

        1. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

          Words such as:

          "entirely false" "completely wrong" "totally ignorant" "know nothing"

          ...are terms called "absolutes". I mentioned a few, and the list is much longer, but considering how often I hear absolutes used to silence those who disagree, I've noticed more evidence backing an old saying.

          "Only sociopaths deal in absolutes."

          What you think can often become what you speak; what you speak can often become what you live. It's rather easy to weigh the power and value of your words, but it's a lot easier to disregard the consequences of them.

          The tone and rhetoric of this non-issue has grown more cruel and vitrolic, because many people have chosen the latter -- and easier -- path.

          I'm not always right. But I know that when I lose my temper in a discussion, it doesn't even matter if I was right... I'm still wrong.

          Food for thought.

          1. Meg's Avatar Meg

            I have a B.A. in Psychology and am pursuing my Masters. Your quote, “Only sociopaths deal in absolutes.” is not only that of an amateur, but is irresponsible. You should take a piece of your own advice in choosing words more carefully.

          2. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

            Which part of my own advice should I take, Meg? I gave quite a bit.

            Being a Masters-level student in Psychology, you'd likely have a better understanding of how sociopaths behave. Then again, sociopaths don't question their sanity or their beliefs...

            ...which is why they tend to pursue Psychology degrees.

          3. Meg's Avatar Meg

            You write, "only sociopaths deal in absolutes", which is an absolute in and of itself. It is rather ironic, though you probably don't look deeply in the mirror to reveal the truth about your contradictions.

            And yet another, " Then again, sociopaths don’t question their sanity or their beliefs…

            …which is why they tend to pursue Psychology degrees"

            Get off your soap box, Dreamsinger, and speak words of truth and honor. You can keep your silly opinions to yourself, they hold no weight with me. I know who I am. I am proud of my healthy mind, with strong resolve. I sought this degree to help others. Dig deep and find some worth in yourself so that you don't have to criticize and label others.

          4. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

            The universe is full of irony, Meg. By the way, that shovel's looking a little dull, would you like me to get you a fresh one so you can continue?

    3. Irene Sankey's Avatar Irene Sankey

      You're wrong! I marched in Washington and it WAS about free speech, women's rights and solidarity with other women. For you to foist your religious view on us is unconstitutional. I am not a christian and shouldn't have to obey your religious beliefs. To force a child of 12 to bear a baby or to prevent a women whose health would be threatened to continue a pregnancy is just wrong.

    4. hsw's Avatar hsw

      And there it is again - your religion has no place in my bedroom, or in politics. We're not the small-minded ones - you are. We're the ones who want your personal choices to be your own, for all of us to be treated equally, for all of us to have the same rights. That's open-mindedness - not the small-minded view that my choices are somehow your business, or that I should follow the precepts of your religion even though it's not mine.

      1. Rev Troy McLean's Avatar Rev Troy McLean

        We are not concerned with your personal choices, until they reach into the taxpayer's pocket to take care of your mistakes.

        1. larry m fitzgerald's Avatar larry m fitzgerald

          The US government does not pay for abortions.

        2. Meg's Avatar Meg

          I agree with you Troy. A woman's choice to have an abortion is between her, God (or whatever higher force you believe in) and the unborn child, but as taxpayers we shouldn't have to foot the bill for that. Medicare reimbursement pays for PP abortions and other federal funds pay administrative and equipment costs for their abortion clinics to run. They can continue to function, but they should not receive federal funds for something that approximately half the country doesn't support.

          1. Gina K Talbot's Avatar Gina K Talbot

            No, it's against the law for tax payer money to pay for any abortions.

          2. Meg's Avatar Meg


            The federal Hyde Amendment, passed in 1977, bans state use of federal Medicaid dollars to pay for abortions unless the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, or the abortion is "necessary to save the life of the woman." States can use their own funds to cover other medically necessary abortions - usually defined by states as those to protect the physical or mental health of the woman - for Medicaid beneficiaries.


            Guttmacher Institute, State Policies in Brief, "State Funding of Abortion Under Medicaid," as of September 1, 2016.

    5. Kelly's Avatar Kelly

      First - The people who were marching were not all marching for the same thing. Some were marching for health care, some were marching for equal pay and some were marching for love. Second - Religion has nothing to do with any of that. Christ was not judgmental as you seem to be. Third - They will answer to God. You don't need to concern yourself with anyone else's actions.

  1. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

    So if the "March For Women's Rights" was based more on religion than politics... how many do not see the irony in this? Religion has no place for policy-making in America, so long as they are not legally required to pay taxes to the government.

    It's not the dictators I fear; it's the folks who believe they speak for my fiancee and her daughter, "because God said we can have it both ways."

    1. Carol Amina's Avatar Carol Amina

      I agree Dreamsinger, There is no place in government for Religion. No place! and yet the Right keeps trying to make the USA a giant church. A giant christan church and anyone who is not following there rules will be a great risk. Hmm that kinda sounds like many of the middle east dictatorships that the christians are all pissed off about. Hmmm

      1. H. I. Storian's Avatar H. I. Storian

        As opposed to the left that would have you believe Government is your God? Carol, my advice to you is to go troll elsewhere, say the Huffington Post, where they love people that believe in the stifling of free speech and abortion.

        1. Carol Amina's Avatar Carol Amina

          If your advice or you mattered to me I might just cry. But nope, I have as much right to my feelings and to speak my mind as you do Allahs snackbar...lol funny handle by the way you must have a sense of humor under that stiff upper lip somewhere

      2. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

        For the record, just so we're clear... the primary reason I became ordained as a minister was to gain legal rights and protections to operate as a Pagan healing practitioner. Unfortunately, it'd be a lot easier to set up shop as a Christian, through the same state laws that prevent me from the same privileges as a layman.

        But I don't bring this up isn't because I think it's unfair. The separation of church and state exists for a reason, just as the Bill of Rights and the Constitution are separate for a reason. If a religion were to operate under the same laws and stipulations as a layman, then America would be a theocracy instead of a secular republic.

        In other words, if the Christian Church were to have the same rights and freedoms as an atheist person, then Americans wouldn't have rights unless they were members of the Church. The main body of the Constitution defines the powers of the federal government, what it can and cannot do, and how it can handle fixing the problems that arise within its structure. The Bill of Rights, which came to exist thanks to the Anti-Federalists, defines the rights and protections of the states (and people within the states) to level the playing field against an overbearing government.

        Article VI should've been clear enough on where the republic stands on the separation of church and state. The 14th Amendment should've clarified any further confusions.

        So even though I became part of the church (even thought I'm not a Christian), I did so out of respect to the separation that prevents me from potentially establish a theocracy. What I do as a Reiki practitioner is really no different than a Christian pastor's "laying of hands", except that neither of us are allowed to charge a fee for such a task. Imagine if the Christian Church had no such restriction?

        Now imagine if the Christian Church had no such restriction on state policy?

        The argument of "Freedom of speech" is only applicable to the First Amendment, which says that Congress can't tell you what you're allowed to say. The Tenth Amendment, however, gives the states the power to allow the people to decide for themselves what's appropriate, what's not appropriate, and to pursue proper means to enable or prevent it.

        The states used the Tenth Amendment to establish Roe V. Wade in 1973, through the Supreme Court process in Article III of the same Constitution. Congress can't do a thing about it, due to the First Amendment.

        I appreciate your frustration, Allahs_snackbar. But this is not a matter for the church, and it's not just me saying this is a layman issue.

        1. Carol Amina's Avatar Carol Amina

          Thank you Dreamsinger,, You are so much more articulate and well spoken than I am. I am always informed after reading your posts. Peace

    2. Dark Gray's Avatar Dark Gray

      Correction: it was the pro-life march that described itself as being more religious in nature. The women's march was more political. That's what would be expected -- pro-life objections to abortion tend to be religious in nature.

      1. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

        My comment still stands as previously stated: why support the rights of people that your religion demands shouldn't have any rights at all?

        No correction needed, wanted, or warranted. But appreciated, nonetheless.

        1. kc504designs's Avatar kc504designs

          I didn't realize that religion decided who has rights and who doesn't - Thank god I'm a spiritual person.

      2. hsw's Avatar hsw

        You beat me to it - two different marches - two completely different purposes. The Women's March had no religious component (except for the anti-choice people with their usual baby body parts pictures).

        The so-called "March for Life" was entirely religious - which definitely has no place on the steps of the Supreme Court or anywhere else in the political world.

  1. Marius Gabriel Burja's Avatar Marius Gabriel Burja

    You just had to post that bikini picture didn't you? I'm starting to think this church may be possessed by evil.

    1. Carol Amina's Avatar Carol Amina

      lol... why not put the ones of trumps wife up with her nipples showing through or the one where she is having sex with another bimbo? lets be honest here. We have turned the corner from a classy first family to one that is dripping with money and power.

      1. biblical scholar's Avatar biblical scholar

        Mellania is the definition of class libtard! Why don't you go look up pictures of Michelle HUSSEIN Obama's adam's apple! "She" is a man!

        1. Stephen Wehrenberg's Avatar Stephen Wehrenberg

          Eh? Good place for this conversation.

        2. Carol Amina's Avatar Carol Amina

          lol...wow, you can't do any better than that!

        3. Irene Sankey's Avatar Irene Sankey

          This is a spiritual site. Not a place for your racist bigotry!

          1. Minister James Owen's Avatar Minister James Owen


        4. kc504designs's Avatar kc504designs

          Oooo- a hater.

        5. Bob Anderson's Avatar Bob Anderson

          Bernard..take your meds and go take your nap...you're ranting again.

        6. Robyn Ann's Avatar Robyn Ann

          Bernard, do you have a fear of Adam's wrath? Calling you for what you really are? (weak)

      2. Ray Hayes's Avatar Ray Hayes

        Unlike the Obama's...

      3. WRD's Avatar WRD

        Ain't it Great... ! The female body is beautiful and she is that too... and the elected folks usually are rich and if not they will be rich after being in congress etc for 6 years or less ...... all are bought and paid for pretty much ..... Sooooooo.... what's ur point? can tell you are an angry woman ..... maybe alittle hate??? going on here? "bimbo" is that christian?

        1. Carol Amina's Avatar Carol Amina

          I am not Christian for one. And hateful no not at all. I am just saying that there is a lack of class in the white house now. trump is nothing more than a rich business man who is used to buying what he wants. I feel sorry for his wife and young son. Angry YES! because the world looks on and sees that dirt bag in the white house and we the people get lumped in with him and his hatefulness.

          1. mike's Avatar mike

            Your a very sad person and I will be praying for you. You probably thought the protests was a good thing. That is even sadder. Plan parent hood averaged 336,000 abortions a month. That is really something for them to be proud of.God is crying. Do you even care.

          2. larry m fitzgerald's Avatar larry m fitzgerald

            I don't know where you are getting your figures but Planned Parenthood's abortion rate is 3% if their services. The mission is give education to women so they don't have unplanned children they can't support.

          3. Stephen Wehrenberg's Avatar Stephen Wehrenberg

            Can anyone provide a source for that 336,000 number?

          4. Carol Amina's Avatar Carol Amina

            Minister William Billings Regarding your post on February 1, 2017 at 5:48 pm

            I am not sad and I do believe in a women's right to choose. Keep your prayers I don't want/need them. People like you need to jump down off you high horse and stop judging others. You have no right to judge or dictate to me what is right or wrong. If you are a true follower of Jesus of whom people like clam to be God the why not be loving and follow his teaching of cast not a stone unless you are without sin? Or what about get the log out of your own eye? Oh hey here's one you might have forgotten....judge not lest you be judged.
            I won't take away your right to carry a fetus and give birth..oh wait your a man so you don't even know what that intails! But my body is mine, I choose to have two wonderful souls join me in this life and choose not to have more. Laws prohibit me from getting sterilized when I asked to at age 24 . Unfortunately I was left with another difficult choice . I am grateful not regretful. And you mean nothing to me.

    2. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

      I dunno, that burqini isn't badly designed either.

    3. James's Avatar James

      Not evil. This post is realty.

      1. Dreamsinger's Avatar Dreamsinger

        "She's rich, she's beautiful, she's got huge... tracts o' land!" -- Monty Python

        Sorry, but that was the first thing that came to mind when you said "realty". I know you meant "reality", but thanks for the grin, I so needed that.

    4. Becky's Avatar Becky

      wow, you all got distracted by an image in the "related blog posts" part instead of discussing the issue at hand. Nobody these days has any focus. I really wish people could .... oooooh look something shiny!

    5. Frank McGrath's Avatar Frank McGrath

      I marched. I have never been part of something so big. After the "Bigly" crowds of the inauguration, this turnout was tremendous. The day had a positive vibe for me. But I am disheartened by the negative comments left by some people. Yes, they have the right to speak their opinion, but is hate speech warranted here?

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