Could the Catholic Church be set to transform forever?
Starting on October 4th, the Vatican will open its doors to unprecedented discussions, allowing a diversified group of voices, including – for the first time – women and lay people, to deliberate on sensitive subjects relating to the Church and its future.
Pope Francis, long a proponent of open-minded dialogue within the Roman Catholic Church, has initiated the historic assembly, known as a synod, to discuss the Church’s traditions and policies.
The decision to include diverse voices has some members cheering, while others worry it could spell the end of centuries-old traditions and key biblical interpretations.
Unprecedented Topics Under Discussion
The subjects slated for discussion are sensitive and critical, encompassing:
- Priestly celibacy
- The blessing of gay couples
- Extension of sacraments to the divorced.
And as hotly-contested as those issues are, experts say something else is poised to be one of the most defining topics: the ordination of female deacons.
Among those arguing in favor will be Helena Jeppesen-Spuhler, a member of a Catholic relief fund. Jeppesen-Spuhler plans to argue “pragmatically” in favor of allowing women to become clergy members.
Related: Southern Baptists Finalize Vote to Keep Women Out of Ministry
Supporters of the synod see it as an embodiment of Pope Francis's vision for a bottom-up approach to reshaping the Church as an inclusive institution.
This approach poses a distinct shift from the Vatican’s conventional hierarchy to a process that more closely reflects the diversity of the Church’s global following.
Renée Köhler-Ryan, the dean of the School of Philosophy and Theology at the University of Notre Dame Australia, and one of the first women set to participate, called it “an amazing moment,” highlighting the transformative potential of this assembly in the Church’s trajectory.
Conservative Backlash
Not everyone is thrilled about the synod, however. The diversified participation and the nature of the discussions have sparked controversy and drawn criticism from conservative factions within the Church. These critics fear a potential erosion of the Church’s long-standing traditions and the hierarchy that they view as the backbone of the Church’s success.
Some conservative church leaders, including Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, have openly expressed their concerns and sought clarifications on various topics under discussion, warning against what they perceive as a potential “hostile takeover.”
Others say that the entire event is being overblown.
Stephen P. White, a fellow in Catholic studies, argues that the most likely outcome is that very little will change. “Hopes and fears for the synod are overinflated,” White says.
Catholicism in the 21st Century
Nevertheless, the significance of the synod cannot be overlooked. The implications of allowing women and lay people to contribute to the Church’s dialogues are profound – challenging historic norms and opening new horizons for the future.
The synod represents a critical juncture in the history of the Catholic Church, potentially steering its course towards more inclusivity and diversified representation.
What is your reaction?
First, to define the Synodal Assembly, Pope Francis has reminded the Synodal Assembly that the Holy Spirit is the Synod's protagonist, no one else, and calls for expressing one's self freely, while respectful listening to all, as he addressed the Opening of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly. The assembly consists of Catholic Bishops.
Secondly, God and God's commandments should never change for man.
Wonder if the voices of South Americans, Africans, etc who suffered due to some of the dogma from the church, will be allowed to voice their concerns?
The belief that females must be below men is a manmade construct created by males to keep power.
The church officials may get more than their bargained for from members who have servious concerns they will verbally voice. Truth shall set you free. Let them speak openly.
We had a Woman take over our Congregation. I was one of the few that was against this change. The first thing this Woman did was remove the men we had in Our Sunday School and replace them With Women. We were 429 members strong. When she took the reigns, she wouldn't live in the Parsonage and required a new home. Slowly and surely she began to run off families that had been attending our church for decades. it took 5 years to get her to move on. It's very Plain, Timothy states, Husband of one wife, not Wife of anything or Husband of Husband or Non-Binary or Husband 0f Elf-self what have You. Of course, this is anecdotal. but you cannot be so accepting. When you begin to accept discretions "This means that you are no longer in the presence of the Lord yourself." They will say Lord I preached in your name and Jesus said! "I Never Knew You!"
Dennis Cullen,
If the same stuff had been done by a male minister, would you have found it more acceptable?
Jesus was all about Inclusion, everyone...I believe this movement is a true reflection of the Heart of our Lord.
Jesus was all about Inclusion, everyone...I believe this movement is a true reflection of the Heart of our Lord.
About inclusion for those who repented of their sins. Not those who would deliberately continue to sin. Big difference on inclusion. When there's a rotten apple you remove it before you contaminate the whole bushel. Deliberately practicing sin is the same thing.
Keith Allen Steele Eash,
Read John 4 and find the line for me where Jesus says: sin no more! His call was unconditional. His grace is transforming. On the other hand, you require conditions before the call and transformation before salvation. No wonder good holy Martin Luther needed to spark the Reformation. Look at you, guys! Not even Trent has changed you!
They should be getting with the times. Extending sacraments to the divorced would empower Catholics in abusive marriages to leave without fear of losing the ability to receive sacraments. As things are currently, there's Catholics in abusive situations out there who are afraid to leave because they also want to be in good standing with the Church. LGBTQ+ Catholics should have all the same rights as CisHet Catholics and the fact that they do not is a shame. LGBTQ+ people are still religiously diverse and they should be able to practice just as freely in their religions as others. Women have needed more rights in the Church since its inception.
Lisabeth, you say that the Catholic Church should be getting with the times, but that is the exact opposite of the church's beliefs and it's mission. It is here to be a spiritual light in the darkness of the current times with it spiritual and moral decay as it sees things. As for Catholics divorcing and assuming they had a Catholic or similarly worded wedding ceremony, they vowed to say married 'til death do them part. It was a sacred vow entered into willingly by both parties before God Almighty and their families and friends. There are no escape clauses. Both parties understood this before marriage. So no divorce. In the case of abuse or other serious concerns, they may separate. While separated, both parties are expected to be chaste. I believe this would still allow them to receive communion. (Any good Catholics here please correct me if I'm wrong.) This is their faith to which they gave their sacred vows. Now they must keep those vows however difficult as God will provide his grace to them to do so.
Russel A. Kester,
Jesus said that in case of adultery divorce is allowed. This is not the same as to claim divorce on demand, and I believe Jesus only pronounced a for-context example. I believe divorce is the best way forward where marriage is unhealthy. In the church I run we have a ministry for those going through divorce. They are victims, not culprits. They suffer very much in the process.
Restored lives | Theology of the Body Protestant Church (webador.co.uk)
Feminism 101. Not. Gay rights. Absolutely not.
Lisbeth Kieran Bushey,
There is only one fundamental flaw in your presentation. Christianity isn't about 'right.' It is about eternal salvation!
About time. There would be no life witho ut woman. This is if the alphabet soup people haven't come out a new letter.
George Perkins Jamison,
You are so right. There's no need for the letter for bigots... they already have the B!
It's called inclusion :-)
We need to move forward, we need to evolve. People should be whom they want to no judgment criticism. accepted as they are. We need to move forward I am sorry to say that men have done a terrible job. They need to listen. Change may help.
I am as a Minister of course sworn by Christ to forgive those who have wronged me... That being said: I believe, "Too little, Too late, said the Gay man to the man wearing the dress"... Just sayin... I do forgive the Catholics for treating us as what they call sinners... (God... I hate that word!!) I do forgive those denominations that call us out because they have cherry-picked the passages in the Bible against Gays, BTW Christ NEVER said anything about us!! However, Christ and I struggle everyday at how much these people stick in my craw!! What can I say... I'm a Minister, NOT a Saint!!
Rev. B.D. Rees,
To say that Jesus never mentioned that homosexuality is not in line with God's will of creation is like saying the Sunday Times never mentions sport news! Silly at best!
I was baptized Catholic, but do not study the religion anymore. Maybe because my overly zealous Aunt scared the crap out of me when she spoke in tongues. That was something I never heard of as a Catholic. She was born again, she said. Whatever that means. Reaching the heights of spirituality? For some reason it didn't sit well with me. She also okayed that her daughter have an abortion because it was likely that the baby my cousin was carrying would have developmental problems from the medication she was on to quit drinking. That's not even legal anymore. I don't have anything against abording a child and don't believe God does either or he would have found a way to overturn Roe vs. Wade long ago. So why do the Catholics only make an excuse for an unborn child if it will impact the livelihood of the Mother, not the health of her. Like having to care for a disabled child because they weren't careful enough while being on medication. Please, can the Catholics rise about the Baptist and not shut out women and their rights. I like the Pope now. Never really cared one way or another, but even if nothing happens for the good then at least he opened it up for conversation. I might even revisit Catholicism because it is a part of my culture. Which is only what I see it as now.
Elizabeth D'Onofrio Halladay,
I once knew a man who had a child. This man was a rapist, and it was decided to kill the child for the crimes of their father and to free their mother from burden. Meanwhile, the building next door went on fire, Thank God everyone managed to get out safe and sound, except a disabled man who had no one to help him. No one really cared, since that man did not have a quality life anyway.
That's where we are heading with the right to abortion narrative! And I haven't even touched on euthanasia!
One of the first things they really need to do is deal with the criminal element in their priests. If they can not keep their hands off the kids then they need to dissolve it all together.
I am not Catholic, but I think if they allowed their pastors to marry, it would make the better pastors, at least where marriage counseling, etc is concerned. I also have no issue with women being ordained as deacons in the church. It may be easier for women to talk with a female deacon about things they may be facing. My wife had breast cancer and even though she would share with me, she did not wish to talk with a male about the emotional issues it gave her. She found it much easier to talk with another female.
Not true at all. Look at the protestant churches. Are they better pastors. There are good priests and horrible priests. What's your point.
Keith Allen Steele Eash,
You would make such a lovely priest? Have you heard of the Society of Saint Pius X? I think that suits you well!
Steven Ferrell,
You hit the hammer on the nail! BINGO!
I love that even here there are narrow minded trolls who feel the need to comment on everyone else's posts in a negative manner. I'm sure they're better than the rest of us because they have the proper beliefs though.
Nietzsche, about 150 years, or so, ago, opined that “one is not converted to Catholicism, one has to be sick enough in order to do so.” — which, perhaps Nietzsche would agree, should apply to all supernatural-based religious silliness. If all religious big businesses, and big business holy houses, were compelled to pay the same taxes, as all other businesses are compelled to pay; and little kiddies, could not be exposed to religious indoctrination— until they reached the age of reason (say, 18) anyone with a scientific background, would be inclined towards Secular Humanist Pantheism, just as Thomas Jefferson, Einstein, and Spinoza were, due to their exposure to science.
I read the biography of that dirty dog called Nietzsche. The biblical statement "God will not be mocked" can be found in fruition with Nietzsche. In his untimely end his poorly perceived wisdom was reduced to rubble leaving him a drooling fool. God will not be mocked. Write that down.
The animal's drivel fathered fascism and Nazism resulting in WW2 and the death of hundreds of millions of innocent lives. I cringe at his foolishness and am repulsed by his arrogance. His name sounds remarkably close to nothing, which is what he is. Nietzsche is nothing.
I don't understand why you'd want to usurp a parents rights only to indoctrinate children for the next brutal wave of Nietzsche's followers. Maybe I don't want to understand I suppose. Maybe such a thought is too horrible for me to accept. It's never too late to change William, such is the glory of redemption, which breeds bright white light inside our souls.
Thank God for the bible, the universal antidote against the deeply rooted madness of men and their bogus wisdom.
Excuse me. Jefferson was a Diest not a panty worshiper. Better get your facts straight about the Founders.
It’s all about them money. The Catholic Church like the Mormon Church is losing members and revenue. No one wants to be a priest or a num anymore. Over the past 20 years the Catholic Church has lost over 50% or 15,000 priests. Changing the role of women in the Church is their attempt to bring in more money and members. And it’s not working.
Douglas Robert Spindler,
I don't think so, in all honesty.
The Holy See has revenues of its own via tourism, itself being a sovereign country.
Pope Francis is genuinely open to reforms.
Its about time that more women got involved with The Catholic Church and all the others.Maybe they can clean up the whole rotten system to the core.Lets not forget all the nasty news that is spouted about what men are doing to the boy members .Im not saying anymore but you get my drift.
The world is going to hell
Atheist ULC minister here, but I think the Catholic church need to throw out celibacy and should consider women priests.
Celibacy was not introduced for any religious reason, but to prevent any property from passing from priests to their heirs, and only goes back about half the history of the church. It has been harmful as it has been a magnet for paedophiles. They need to recognise normal human desires and allow priests to live normal lives. A more down to earth reason is that abolishing celibacy will solve the shortage of Catholic priests.
Ordaining women would help with the priest shortage too, but a more fundamental reason for that would be equality. .
Not Catholic here. There are instances of celibacy in the bible and reasons for it, namely a full commitment to God. I find that commendable. There are cases in the bible where women were judges over men and also founders of churches. God is far from man/woman inequality as his foes would have people believe. There are reasons why God prefers men as teachers of his word over women and they make sense to me. He obviously doesn't have a problem with women being judges which was about as high as a position anyone could be in the time of judges. God is equality minded. Let's not confuse a sexual deviant with an actual God believing priest. One is of Satan and one is of God. Jesus said that would happen. You find pedophiles everywhere you find children, it's not exclusive to Catholic churches by any stretch. I feel pedophiles should be punished as harshly as possible+1. People that protect them need jail time and lots of it. The Catholic Church must find a way to cut that cancer from their body without killing it. God willing, they'll find that way.
Let's pray for Pope Francis, as he is bound to face very strong opposition.
Celibacy has worked fine. It will continue to do so.
It's worked fine? Not in the over 60 years that I've been watching.
Working fine? Please tell that to the MANY MANY MANY children who have been molested.
Keith Allen Steele Eash,
WOW!! Denial is hard to break down, isn't it?
Just look around: shortage of Catholic priests, and the few that are left are in the grand part pedophiles - those convicted are only the tip of an iceberg!
Go do some reality check, I suggest!
No women. No female priests.. it won't help with the shortage of priests either. Do the research with women in Protestant denominations.
Keith Allen Steele Eash,
Why don't you ask Rev Elizabeth how she's doing with her church?
All I hear from you is: MISOGYNY, MISOGYNY, MISOGAMY.
Check how well Mother Theresa has done in your Catholic Church! Was she not a priest in her own right?
Oh no, you have the 'persona Christi' interpretation of ministering in the Name, don't you? I hear a lack of theological background here, and pure indoctrination.,
Again, do a reality check please.
You add females to the priesthood the Church will fail. Look at the Anglican and Protestants. All are in trouble because they followed the social gospel instead of the Gospel of Salvation. Progressivism always leads to destruction.
Keith Allen Steele Eash,
Again, you're in the wrong monastery, mate. The Catholic church is next door! :-)
You add females to the priesthood the Church will fail. Look at the Anglican and Protestants. All are in trouble because they followed the social gospel instead of the Gospel of Salvation. Progressivism always leads to destruction.
Keith Allen Steele Eash,
Did you hit the repeat button?
Alun Lloyd Palmer,
You may be an atheist, but I fully agree with you on this one! BINGO! :-)
Maybe it would be wise for the Catholic Church to be circumspect about any such changes for now, let.it see how other denominations fair with such changes first for a few hundred years. There's no hurry, it's been around for two thousand years already. And our Western societies are just now truly feeling the effects of changes we've made. We might, in another one hundred years, decide we got it all wrong. It is better for societies if men hold the true reins of power and women are the glue of society as stay-at-home moms and loving, supportive wives. I've been reading more into Catholic theology and beliefs recently and must, sometimes unwillingly, acknowledge it had a consistency in its theology and dogmas that one has to respect. As a pope once said, the Catholic Church is not a democracy.
As a Xatholuc I'd say a damn good post. Look whete the Episcoplal Church and the historical Reformation churches have gone by invoking change to accommodate women. They're hurting badly. It never helped in increasing the clergy. They still have a major lack of vocations. It wouldn't help the Catholics either allowing women into the priesthood.
Yes that's what religion is - a popularity contest!
Who needs morals, righteousness, justice, equality, fairness - it's all about the tithing bowl!
Keep fighting the good fight KASE!
Russel A. Kester,
They have already had round 1 with the Synod on the Family. This is the follow-up from that.
I personally believe that calling these two gatherings of bishops 'synods' is merely a prudential call. This is the Council so many bishops over the past few decades have called for to come in touch with the times.
Men still wanting to take the place of God. How about following what God has already ordained.Adam created by God and woman created by God by takeing a part of Adam which is hard to swallow today with a society that wants to control everything. Remember Job 38:1-6 how confused Job must have been when ask a question that he had no idea how to answer. So are we "confused" today thinking that we can still take the place of God just like Adam and Eve. Isn't amazing only eight people survived the flood. Then there are those who don't want to except what is written, because they think they know better. Always forgetting that before 'God who was, and then there is God from what ? We tend to think that God wouldn't are didn't mean what the word said. Isn't that just like man. Selfish and controlled by pride thinking he is smarter than God. Just read. Trust and apply the WORD.
I believe you are talking about Noah and the Ark. let’s not forget that those who survived eventually participated in incest to assure continuity of the race. This is against Bible teachings so there is that.
Deborah A Boyle,
Not exactly. Incest is only a sin when humanity is expanded. Cain also married one of his sisters.
This god thing is laughable, isn’t it. Here we have a supposed deity that is all powerful, all knowing, and has the capacity to be able to create the universe containing stars, planets, nebulae, asteroid's, and everything else that is contained within the said universe, but then makes a big deal about….wait for it….foreskins. And people actually believe this stuff, and worship this deity guy. 🤭
Man is able to fly faster than any living thing, build nukes, lasers, dig deeper, swim faster longer and farther, create new elements, see for millions of light years, teach monkeys sign language, send ships to mars, grow body parts, bring back the dead and yet we want our eggs over easy and our sleeves to fit just right. Indeed we have been made in God's image.
You are putting together two different contexts: the evidence of a higher intelligence behind the universe, and a covenantal relationship.
Both would require separate extended debates, so it isn't fair to wind them together.
Paul Johnson,
According to the Talmud, Eve was the second woman created by God. The demons had already fallen with the first woman, Lilith. That's why they tempted Eve.
It's change with the times or fade away.
Founded by Christ. Guided by the Holy Spirit. Facing w rose times before. We survived. We'll be here for another 2000 years. Don't criticize what you don't know.
We DO know. That's why we criticize.
The Harry Potter books, founded by J.K. Rowling, the Book of Mormon, the Qu’ran, the Bhagavad Gita, the Vedas, and many other works of fiction, like the bible, will also be here in 2000 years. 🤷🏼
The Climbing Change priests say otherwise Lionheart. The animal called AlGore seems to think a carbon dioxide level of 0.04% in the atmosphere will give the earth a fever and unleash temperatures equal to the surface of the sun on us all. That's a tad too hot for books I'm told.
BINGO! We agree on something!
Keith Allen Steele Eash,
The Roman Catholic Church in its current structure has only existed since 1054. They were called Orthodox before, as opposed to ancient heresies like Arianism (modern-day Jehovah's Witnesses). Oh wait, wrong! They were PART OF the Orthodox Church before the split and the petrine heresy! :-)
I have several. Sacre m ents for divorced. A gentleman I couldn't think of getting married because he was divorced legally, but as a devout Catholic couldn't get re-marrief withoit an annulment and he had a boutload of kids.
Rather a bad place yo have to give up on love because a church says that you can't.
Get an annulment. Very simple
You can’t just “get an annulment” in the Catholic Church. It costs $500-800 dollars , or if you are rich and can offer more it goes faster. The Catholic Church demands more than one witness to testify about the marriage per family. They want to interview people in person even if they are miles away. If the divorced party affirms they don’t want the marriage or were never baptized or never grew up Catholic , they want witnesses.
Keith Allen Steele Eash,
Is that so? Waste unaffordable fees on canon lawyers, where you may have to save for therapy or recovery counselling and feeding surviving children!
Excellent advice! No wonder the Catholic Church is in such a mess... with respect!
Rev. Laurie G. Cleveland RN,
I would not say that not being able to marry means having to give up on love. As a chaste celibate person, I know I am not forfeiting love: quite the opposite.
You know what happened to dinosaurs. Evolution is necessary for survival. Any belief system must evolve from its doctrine to synchronize with the needs of its society
We know what happened to man when he went astray. One hundred and two years and only eight people listened to God. Don't you think it's about time for man to start listening to God instead of another man? Search and find 2nd Chronicles 7:14. Its just a request for us to obey. Why don't we try it?
Again, Paul. Which god?
There is only one God and his only Son and the gift of Christianity, the Holy Spirit. Do you believe there is many God’s. In the Christian Bible it does say there is only one God who created this world and the universe as well as man. He is the one that created all that we see and beyond. He created the heavens and earth. Did you attend any Sunday school, doesn’t have to be Catholic only. They taught from the Bible. They helped you understand what you were reading. I look forward to your reply. I’m just asking. I’m not pointing fingers or being derogatory to your post at all. I’m just asking questions, that is all. I’m not pushing my belief on you with my questions. I just really want to know how you feel. That’s it. Be happy and blessed in your life. Thank you for reading my beliefs. I’m a curious person. I’m a mental health Therapist. I have a bachelors degree in psychology and a bachelors degree in pastoral care. I care about people and I love to learn what they believe in their life. That is what I am doing here. I just want to know your thought process. I’m not judging you. There is only one Judge and that is Jesus. Thank you again, Rev Elizabeth
Rev. Elizabeth,
Thank you for your contribution to the monastery. You might be surprised to find out that both the Bible and Jesus do say that there are many gods in the heavens, and that each nation was entrusted with one God. However, if one reads carefully, these so-called gods are fallen powerful angels, one of whom is Lucifer. They birthed the Nephilim, starting with Lilith, the first woman created by God and turned into a demoness by her own choice. These Nephilim (aka half gods and half men) are the heroes of ancient mythologies, like Odysseus. And they are a mockery of the real God man: Yeshua. Lilith is only mentioned one time in the Bible, with reference to the Jewish Talmud. As a Messianic Jew, I embrace this theology. There are two different accounts of creation in Genesis. The Rabbis have always attributed the creation of Lilith to the first creation account, but this is disowned by mainstream Christianity. However, the story of Lilith is very helpful to understand her influence in today's secular feminist movement.
Did you read all that in a book somewhere?
the only GOD who scarified his only son , Jesus Christ, to take away our sins
Do you have any demonstrable evidence of that claim, Sir Carlo, or did you just read that somewhere?
Catholicism gas been around for 2000 years and has survived every onslaught thrown at it.C Christ founded the Church. It was called Xatholic before all of the Apostles had died. We're not out of touch with the Holy Spirit.and we're not dinosaurs.
“C Christ founded the church”?
Was that Jesus’ other secret brother, Charlie Christ? Just askin’ for a friend of mine that thinks it was someone called, Horatio Pope, or something like that. 🤔
LOL!! I thought Jesus' brother was called James. In fact, that is my Hebrew name - we Jews have a Hebrew name beside our secular name, as was the case with Peter (Simon), Paul (Saul) and Mark (John). My name in Israel is Bqoi Yaakov (James the Just, brother of the Lord).
I am honored to bear this name!
Keith Allen Steele Eash,
That is so mistaken! All you need to do is just read the book of Acts, available in all bible translations. The early church was Jewish - in fact, Yeshua indicated that the Church is the New Temple made of living stones, he is the cornerstone! Messianic Jews are the real expression of early Christianity. Christianity is meant to be a continuation of Judaism. Paul clearly states in the letter to the Roman Catholic Church - which fell into the petrine heresy in the year 1054 and broke away from the Orthodox ( = true faith) Church - that Gentile believers in Yeshua are grafted into Israel. He also prophesied that before the second coming of Messiah the Jews would be regathered into the land of Israel (Tick: fulfilled!) and that the Ten Lost Tribes would come back one by one (Tick: in progress!). The Catholic Chu5rch, as it is structured now, is an expression or byproduct of Constantine. This is a history lesson. The evidence is out there, if you just seek it with a humble heart, and not we-are-the-one-true-church spirit of pride.
To pastor George day: I know all about the history. I still believe the Catholic Church is the one True Church. It's called "Apostolic Succession" from Jesus to the choosing of the Apostles. Peter being the First Pope. That is what my church teaches and that is what I believe. History backs that up whereas the Church has withstood every evil onslaught thrown at it. And to your misconstrued statement: PRIDE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Thanks to the Catholic Church (and that includes all 5 Historical Sees, we compiled the New Testament, gave the world the University system of Western education, etc. It was the Orthodox Church which broke from the Roman Church, not the other way around. The Protestants broke from the Roman Church and excommunicated. Same with the Anglo Catholic Church under Henry VIII. Quite ironic there are now 7 Holy Sees. Joseph of Arimethea founded the Church at Canterbury. Later recognized as a Holy See. Moscow also is considered a Holy See granted that recognition by Constantinople. The number 7 is and has always been the number for God. Your interpretation of early Christianity is correct but the message went to the Gentiles. The Jews couldn't put their pants on straight and get it right. They failed miserably as a Church. When Jerusakem fell so did the Church. It was never meant to be a messianic Jewish Church. The Apostles knew this or came to recognize that the future was not Israel but the Gentiles. Where was the seat of power? Not Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, or Constantinople. IT WAS ROME. PURE AND SIMPLE WHERE BOTH PETER AND PAUL GAVE THEIR LIVES. ANOTHER DIVINE ACT OF HEAVENLY PROOF.
Your argument is an old Protestant attempt to destroy the influence of the Roman Church. It's funny that when any great thi.g happens all Christians look to Rome to see what the Pope will say. Mostly to criticize. Funny when the Anglican Church usually incorporates into their church what comes from Rome. Constantinople ( Istanbul) usually remains silent. But, the present Parriarch is arm in arm with Francis on the fake climate change the elitists spout. There are interpretations of history. Rome and those not affiliated with Rome. I stand with Rome. I always will. It's just plain common sense. The Orthodox has not been a missionary church. The Romans have been the most active missionary church. There will be those who condemn Rome for white colonialism, etc. Go on and spout. It means nothing. It makes common sense God I tended fir it to be this way and America to be what God also intended. A country embracing all colors and creeds ,BUT NOT OPEN BORDERS OR ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. No country can take cate of everyone in their country. It is a moral right and a moral obligation for illegals to stay in their own darn country and change things. Shed a little blood. Don't come here and make our country a crap hole. Our fake brainless president is doing that with Obama's help. We don't need drug cartels to.make it worse. We could stop this if diaper Joe wanted to.
But, I went off point. The Catholic Church is the True Church of Christ divorced and split in 4 . Roman, Orthodox, Anglican, and Protestant. Anglicans are not Protestants. They are separated Catholics. Their true name has always been the Anglicana Catholitica Ecclesia. Not Protestant but Reformed Catholic. The low church members call themselves Protestant.
So don't judge my heart. It's very humble. Jesus Christ is our true High Priest, High Prophet, and High King. Peter and His Successors who sit on the Throne of Peter. Even the Anglicans and Irthodox recognize The Successor Of Peter to be the First and Only True Heir to the Throne of Peter. I'll leave the crazy Protestants 😜 out of the picture. They all have their pants on backwards to. The Anglican Church if they don't get their act together will fall in with the Protestants. Eventually the Antichrist will place himself on Peyet's Thro e and eventually on the Throne of God when the new Temple is built whereas he will proclaim himself to be God. That's when you'll see massive conversion from the Arabs and Jews and the rest of the world. I'll close for now. Rome has her interpretation of history and Protedtants have theirs but the Church is going no where except under the Catholic Church. Protestants just keep messing everything up embracing practicing homosexuals, killing babies, etc.-
Keith Allen Steele Eash,
What humility! I'm impressed!
Not only are you highly misinformed - as I happen to be an accredited scholar. You also come across so proudly. Check your facts, study Church history, mate! As for the successor of Peter and apostolicity of the Catholic Church:
1- Who wrote to the Romans? Was it Peter or was it Paul?
2- We know that Peter was martyred in Rome. He was an apostle. He would travel. His seat, however, was Antioch.
The seat of Rome was ultimately Paul's, as even Acts states he was going to reside there. The Catholic Church only claims Peter, who didn't even reside in Rome - he calls it Babylon in his letters, which indicates temporary residence, not a seat.
The Orthodox, on the other hand, have all the other apostolic seats, including Peter in Antioch. You really need a reality check.
And for a stench Roman Catholic like you, what are you doing in a Universalist Church? That's a big NO NO in your Catechism of the Catholic Church! Have you read it?
An accredited scholar. That doesn't hold water with me. When any person starts boasting of their laurels it means educated idiots. You see, I boast of my weaknesses as Paul did. There I glorify God because he gives me the grace to overcome my weakness. So I am afraid you have little humility. Peter went to Rome by following Paul's path to strengthen Paul's message. He went to Rome and was martyred in Rome . The Cross of Peter is upside down with 2 keys. The Crucifix of Peter is upside down with a Corpus without a crown of thorns nor a sign depicting who he is. Simply being crucified upside down. Remember we believe we found both of their burial sites. Paul resided in Rome awaiting trial. So don't criticize my faith for happening to believe in my church's account. Your opinion is that of the Protestants of which I disregard as mere poppycock.
Women have always played an important part in the Christian religion. Catholic Nuns have taught millions of children all over the world. They have led people to Christianity on all four corners of the globe. In this day and age, they need to be recognized for their efforts and allowed to take on more of a position in the Catholic Church.
As for allowing a divorced Catholic receiving sacraments, I opine that because of an issue where two people cannot live together in a marriage of harmony and find the need to divorce, why then should they be punished by not being allowed the sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church? Jesus Christ preached forgiveness, why shouldn't those divorced people be allowed a modicum of that forgiveness and be allowed to receive sacraments In the Church?
Where did are do you find where woman ever entered the temple to make sacrifice are create an alter for sacrifice. When and where did a woman kill and animal and offer it up. Let's don't get so carried away with todays out of touch society that we think we can go against God's Word, and interpret the Word any old way we think we want to. Guess what? God is still in charge!!
The 1st church in Europe was founded and run by a woman. Lydia, a successful businesswoman.
Colleen McAllister,
Indeed. I believe she was a pastor. In any event, Paul Johnson, in the New Temple, the Church, we have the priesthood of Melchizedek that is given to ALL believers by baptism. Priestly ordination is purely a license to exercise the priesthood we all have. In the New Testament we are told that Kerygma, viz that Yeshua gave his blood as both an offering and scapegoat once for all, for animal sacrifices could only cover and not take away our sins. He was given the purple robe, the same color of the cord the High Priest would put on the scapegoat's neck as it was sent into the Azalel desert to be killed by that demon. That cord would turn white as the scapegoat was sent out as a sign that Adonai had accepted the sacrifice. The year Yeshua offered himself as our eternal sacrifice the cord never turned white. This is recorded in the Talmud, and it is a sign that we are now under a different covenantal priesthood.
And yes, the early church had both women apostles (Mary Magdala and Jania were two) and women pastors, Priscilla and Lydia are two examples. Phoebe is specifically mentioned by Paul to the Romans as a deaconess.
Which god is in charge?
Do you have any demonstrable evidence yet, Sir Paul, that any deity is in charge, even yours?
We will have a big party when you come back into the fold :-)
If there’s a party, we might find that it’s being hosted by Lord Krishna, and then we’ll both be surprised. Stay tuned 😜
Hello, how are you? I have some questions please…Are you saying that women shouldn’t get more involved in the Catholic Church? You don’t believe they can do what the priest does and the men who work for the priest? You think women can go to the church and receive communion, that’s it, but they can’t perform the duties that the Priest needs, they can’t give communion, cannot do the plate collection or the duties behind the scene? That is how I’m understanding your post. Did I cover what you posted here? Thank you kindly, Rev Elizabeth.
Rev. Elizabeth,
As it stands now, Catholic women can already become:
a. eucharistic ministers, which is the closest thing to a deaconess...
b. reverend mothers in a particular religious order, which is the closest thing to a priest...
c. religious abbesses, which is the closest thing to a bishop...
All this debating is only a waste of time, literally! It's about getting the job done, but they also want the titles!
Which God is that? There are thousands if not more. MAN wrote the Bible for control. Did you notice the10 commandments changed? If that's Gods word then how did they change? I was raised Catholic and even as a child I saw through the hypocrisy, fear, control and basic premise that it didn't make sense. That I would end up in purgatory if I didn't confess my sins to a priest was my favorite. Why couldn't I just talk to God myself?
Gina Marie Caracci,
Exactly WHERE did the Ten Commandments change? Last time I checked my Hebrew Bible, they had the same Ten as in my English translations.
Maybe you mean the Catholic ten commandments? That's nothing to do with the Bible!
Look further into the theology and why and you'll find answers to your questions. Thevqcztevhism.is the best place to find and understand why we teach what we do.
I think I heard President Biden use that word the other day in a speech, followed by “Well…anyway…you know the thing”.
This site can’t be reached. Keith Allen Steele Eash, if you are Catholic, what brings you to the Universal Life Church, if I may ask?
Minister Najah Tamargo USA
Although I am not Catholic, I am very familiar with their practices and beliefs. I have always liked this Pope as I appreciate his open-mindedness. I think this is a GOOD thing for the Church. The really do need to step into the 21st Century. Maybe it will help this world become more loving and inclusive, and stop so much of the mounting hate that is plaquing our society.
Najah P Tamargo,
As a former Catholic I totally support Pope Francis. He is a pope for these times!
That's why you support him. You're a former Catholic so you're supporting a heretic. Takes one to know one.
Not a big fan Religiously with this Pope nor the Vatican, as I feel he is too worldly politically voiced, compared to the Basic Christian American scriptural beliefs is not what we like to see from a POPE today.
Why not have women priest in the church: I feel that there are women Minister's that are just as good as men. Read the Bible where are women who fought for Christ and where the woman anointed Christ body with expertise oil for his funeral. There are quite a few women talked about throughout the Bible. Well as for LGBTQ one must follow their heart and Belief's and the Bible.
Jesus chose men specifically. Not women. Argument closef.
Says the man.
Bully for you.
Gay men’s clubs choose men specifically also. Argument “closef”.
So what’s your point, Sir Keith?
If being gay is an imperfection, I'm sure Jesus was not. But I have no problem with John being gay - as a matter of fact, he was unmarried, and scholars rumor he might have been same-sex attracted.
Keith Allen Steele Eash,
Another nonsense!
He first appeared to the women after his resurrection, and Mary Magdala became the Apostle of the Twelve - in other words, higher than them in her ministry.
Boy, this is your own Catholic teaching that says so!
As I identify as a protestant Christian, I believe in forgiveness and love as Christ loved. I also believe in the tenets of my faith that you can love the person but not the sin. Does it follow that we MUST love the sin as well? Do you believe is sin or morality? What is sin or morality? Well that comes from what you feel God or your version of a creator desires from you. I believe women are as spirit filled and Godly as any man. "There is no male or female, slave or master...Galatians 3:28 When I read the Koran, the Talmud and texts from Hindu and Buddhist's teachings, I found that there is a basic thread and that is to love one another and to praise and hold the CREATOR God as the ultimate authority. I do not believe any written account of religion written by man is literally the word of GOD. Man is flawed and therefore I believe it is the authors interpretation of what they were taught. I read and prayer/meditate on the ideas for the words and wait for my inspiration to come. All this being said, I do believe some things are wrong. Gay leaders in certain faiths, as it goes against the tenants of their faith. I don't believe that faiths must comprise their standards for faith to accommodate a particular lifestyle. Ultimately everything is between God and the person and we must all stand before him in the end. Judge not least you be judged by the same standard. Their is no-one on the planet without fault. So lighten the heck up and just love people. If you don't want what's going on in your community of believers...move on. no-one is keeping you there.
Finally, I believe there are some absolutes in faith, whatever that faith is. If not, why have it? The constancy of faith is what sustains us and gives us a framework for our spiritual lives. Believe what you like, just don't expect anyone else to fall over backwards to change to make you feel better about yourself. I don't ask it of anyone and I would hope for the same respect from others.
Love each other and be an example of love and respect for all. It's not our job to change people its to be an example through action. Do you reflect love or disdain?