witch casting a hex in woods with lit candles
A stubby orange candle is a key ingredient in most anti-Trump hexes.

With the United States election just days away, individuals on both sides of the aisle are praying that their candidate wins the race on Tuesday. And though the race between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump is shaping up to be a close one, a growing group of online witches hope that their hexes will hold some sway over the outcome.

They’re fighting MAGA with magic. Could it work?

The Magic Resistance

They’re called the “Magic Resistance,” and they’ve been around since 2018, attempting to thwart former president Trump’s every move.

This group of witches, who primarily congregate on TikTok, regularly cast binding hexes against the former president. It may sound complex, but the incantation is remarkably straightforward: They gather an unflattering photo of Trump, a tower tarot card, light a stubby orange candle, and then recite an anti-Trump chant - synchronized in real-time with other witches - which concludes with, what else, “You’re fired!”

VIDEO: WEST COAST WITCHCRAFT Broomsticks, cauldrons and dancing witches gathered at historic Balboa Park yesterday to...

Posted by 10News – ABC San Diego KGTV on Sunday, April 2, 2017

In the last few years the WitchTok movement has exploded in popularity, particularly with Millennials and Gen-Z. But why are young people turning to magic, anyway? The answer is simple, says the creator of the original anti-Trump hex, Michael M. Hughes. Young people simply feel they have no other options.

"My thought from the beginning was that Trump's presidency was surreal and abnormal, therefore there was a need to counter him and resist his administration beyond the normal channels like public protests, petitions, emails, and calls to representatives," explained Hughes. “One very powerful element of the spell,” he says, “is its ability to allow participants to take back their power from the out-of-control administration.”

And the witches even say they’ve got receipts. When then-President Trump was diagnosed with COVID-19 in 2020, the “Magic Resistance” movement took a victory lap, claiming that the timing of the diagnosis - the night of October 1st, under a full moon which also happened to be the 2020 harvest moon - was divine proof that their rituals were working and that they were responsible for the president’s ailment.

Is Trump Protected?

Indeed, according to many witches, these anti-Trump hexes were a key part in President Joe Biden’s electoral victory over Trump. But are they working now?

Some witches are changing away from casting hexes against Trump and casting support spells for Harris instead, because they feel that the former president has some sort of block or protection against their magic. In a viral Reddit thread on the wildly popular “WitchesVsPatriarchy” subreddit - which has a following of more than 750,000 users - one user suggested that Trump may actually be growing stronger with each failed incantation.

"I hate to say this, but don't do magic against [Trump]. He has a form of protection surrounding him that feeds off of magic done against him. You will have better results if you focus your magic on helping his opponent or protecting yourself and others. I wish it would work to bind him or do a freezer spell, but you will only be helping him."

“He has a shield,” declared another witch in the thread. “A flimsy one of course, but a shield nonetheless (I am trying to figure out a way to create spells that can bypass that, but it's difficult).”

Is It So Different?

Some argue that perhaps the "shield" these witches are encountering is the result of a different otherworldly force: the power of prayer.

Trump said of his own assassination attempt that he survived because “God is on [his] side,” a sentiment which was echoed by countless faith leaders and politicians.

"So somewhere, all of us had a little help up there," Trump said at a recent event in Georgia, finger held aloft, pointed at the sky. "And I would like to think, and I don't know this at all, but I would like to think that it's because He wants our country, and maybe the world to be helped. God wants our country to be helped."

Trump is also routinely prayed over by supporters and evangelical leaders. Just recently, televangelist Paula White hosted a faith summit which concluded with a number of Christian leaders circling around Trump and laying hands on him as they prayed for his success.

president trump's evangelical advisory board praying for him
As president, Trump was often prayed over by his Evangelical Advisory Board.

Some of the witches argue that there’s little difference between them casting hexes to bind the former president, and his supporters praying for his victory. 

Both sides, they say, are simply using their religious beliefs to help their preferred candidate win. 

What do you think? Can hexes be compared to Christian prayer? Does either ritual have direct influence over our world? 


  1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

    People are going to claim with certainty that there is no such thing as magic, that it's just another silly, ignorant superstition. Then they go off to church and pray for herr trumpler to win the election.

    1. Joy's Avatar Joy

      You are disgusting. I am so sick of people comparing others to Hitler. Neither Trump nor Harris are anywhere close to Hitler.

      1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

        ah, so then you're a hitler apologist who thinks he's just misunderstood?

        and nobody (well, not me) said anything about harris, just you.

        and the reason for the portmanteau was to point out that with his threats to internal enemies, massive deportations and blaming immigrants for crimes, murders (and eating dogs) that he is very close to 1933

      2. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

        Joy, you’re not spreading joy here. Your ideas about the definition of disgusting leaves a bit to be desired. You said you’re disgusted by people comparing Hitler to trump or Harris. Comparing trump to Hitler is accurate because trump wants to be a dictator. The truth is the truth, and while it may be uncomfortable to recognize it, it’s still the truth.

        1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

          Paula, your comment is flawed in its logic, it oversimplifies complex issues, its uses ad hominem attacks, it dismisses subjectivity, and its lack empathy, particularly for those whose ancestors suffered under Hitler as well as many gay men. In short, your comparison trivializes the true depth of Hitler's atrocious in hopes of cheap political points. Joy is right to point this out.

          1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

            “Hitler’s atrocious ?” Yes, yes he was. I think you meant atrocities, but then again, your comments don’t make much sense unless you’re talking about men’s health. You accuse me of ad hominem attacks. When it comes to herr trumplskilton, any comparison between him and Hitler is accurate, not an attack.

      3. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

        Trump is actually pretty close to Hitler, Joy. I’m sick of people in burning houses ignoring the smoke and flames ignoring the obvious.

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          Really people? And just WHO was it who tried to start a department of Truth? And WHO is it who is claiming to want to put price controls on food? And WHO is it who is demanding that your 1st Amendment rights be cut back if you dont agree with them? I could go on and on but all of this is clearly unconstitutional and the problem for the harris lovers is that its not Trump making these claims. So someone again ant to tell us who is more like4 Hitler? And it isnt Trump.

          1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

            Daniel, lay off that red koolaid. You are doing a perfect projection of FACTS about tRUMP on to Vice President Kamala Harris. All of us with actual working minds see the truth.

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              No sorry, all you have to do is check the media and see that they have ALL done stories on this and it was Harris and Biden who were doing it

              Ministry of Truth? Oh wait thats Biden and Harris


              Wants to put restrictions on Social Media, oh wait that Harris


              Harris wants to put price controls on food


              Sorry Timmy but you have been proved wrong so your choice is to either accept the facts or continue to live in your delusional world and not reality

              1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

                Really Danny boy, no you are a perfect example of a Fascist appologist. Projection is a Freudian defense mechanism and you use that like all tRUMP supporters. And, very sadly all of the destruction caused by the orange buffoon will be ignored or blamed on Biden or Obama. And idiots will accept those attacks against our Consitutional Law as good because your cult leader said they are. And by the way calling me Timmy? Really? trying to talk down to me in sach a way makes you think you are elevated? Go sink your head in that bucket of red Koolaid and breathe deep.

              2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                and you are a perfect example of someone who only believes what the left is spoon feeding him and this is the reason your group lost the election. people are tired of your groups lies.

              3. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

                Any facts that contradict your great cult leader are considered lies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_or_misleading_statements_by_Donald_Trump ... https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/10/politics/fact-check-trump-pennsylvania-speeches/index.html ... https://www.npr.org/2024/08/11/nx-s1-5070566/trump-news-conference ... The fact that you tRUMP sheeple cannot contradict any of the buffoon's blatant lies proves you are in a cult. Anything I post about the idiot I will gladly show multiple sources to prove my statements.

              4. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                and how desperate are you to go and try and use a source that even the source itself says that they are not reliable.


                but then again I guess you dont mind being proved wrong time and time again

              5. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                go cry in your corner. Seems the rest of the country does not agree with you. Trump won the presidency (over 300 electoral votes and counting) he won the popular vote by well over 10 million, and he got the Senate and unless the left can take every seat still being counted, he will also control the House. Whine all you want, you lost get over it.

              6. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

                https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/how-did-adolf-hitler-happen ... "Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889 - April 30, 1945) was appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933 following a series of electoral victories by the Nazi Party." There is no accounting for the stupidity of mass hysteria.

              7. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                which sounds exactly like what Harris was saying she would do

          2. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

            You're gonna look smashing in your brown shirt red cap

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              Why would I want to wear your uniform? If we dont believe the stuff you spew then you childishly start throwing a tantrum and calling names.

              1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                Mr. Grey, I’m not the only one who notices your sad middle school mind games. Every accusation of yours is a confession of your own nonsense.

              2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Runhke, nobody believes you any more you have been caught in so many lies and proved wrong so many times you make Joe Isuzu look like a patron saint of truth

              3. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                Uno Reverse only works for the card game, Gray. I find it funny that I call out Kester for his lying and manipulation and you’re trying to twist it back on me. Almost like you can’t think for yourself or something.

              4. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                So you are now claiming that there is no such thing as magic? Runhke thats what I have been trying to tell you when I posted the rule of 3 and even the thread here said that their so called spells are not working. For magic to be real then their spells should have word, common sense right? Or is that something you are bereft of

              5. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                Considering Trump will be written in history as America’s worst president, I’d say the magic is working. Again, you’d know if your Trump Derangement Syndrome wasn’t blinding you to the obvious. Him getting presidency was not the gift you think it is. lol.

          3. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

            Mr. Gray, are you a citizen? Maybe you might want to keep your papers handy when the deportation teams arrive. Good luck if you’re not the perfect shade of white. I am so sorry for your delusions…

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              I am more of a citizen then you or Stone will ever be. I am a proud member of the Wolf Clan of the Cherokee Nation and clearly listed as such in the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Meaning children my family was here when yours were still living in caves and painting themselves blue.

              1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

                No, America lost in this election. There are no winners when Fascists take over.

              2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                How, Harris lost so America won

            2. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

              I'm thinking Gray is nothing more than a Russian troll.

      4. Rev. Donut's Avatar Rev. Donut


      5. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

        The American administration on both sides both unequivocally shill for Zionist genocide. So it's not entirely without merit to draw a connection with Hitler. The German Zionist Federation and Zionists in general collaborated with the Nazis in order to motivate Jews to migrate to Palestine. The terrorist groups involved (eg. Herut, Irgun) are now known as the Likud party.


        Here's what the founder of Irgun said about their plans verbatim, 10 years before WW2 even started.


        These are the people whom both Republicans and Democrats, and a wide variety of other self proclaimed democrats support, in the name of propping up a genocidal theocratic enthnostate using a ceaseless stream of funds extorted from American taxpayers. In the words of Adolf Eichmann, "I am a Zionist, too. I want every Jew to leave for Palestine." and "I often said to Jews with whom I had dealings that, had I been a Jew, I would have been a fanatical Zionist. I could not imagine anything else. In fact, I would have been the most ardent Zionist imaginable."

    2. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher



    3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      And JJ, hows about you PROVE that magic exists...I bet you wont as you cant.

      1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

        you can't prove what doesn't exist. logic 101. hows about you prove it does? yeah, what I thought. pft

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          Oh really? guess you didnt read the story above did you as if it did exist JJ then they wouldnt be here shining that it isnt working. You may remove your foot from your mouth now.

      2. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

        Aexist.nswers to prayers, miracles, Synchronicity, magic, pretty much the same thing. Prove it doesn't

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          Sorry Timmy, this seems to be well above your comprehension level. If Magic did work, then why are the so called witches complaining that it didnt?

          1. Kale L Meyer's Avatar Kale L Meyer

            Look someone who hasn't read Project 2025 or watched it's training videos. Nor watched Trump's Agenda 47 videos.

            We haven't even seen the last pillar of Project 2025 yet. It's supposed to be released 1 week after he's elected.

            To clarify 2 things. He will censor social media by banning it. Along with pornography. It's not sexy but people do communicate through it. He's already (and has been for awhile) censoring the media. When he doesn't like what they say? He melts down! Forcing them to change course because they are scared of repercussions if he's elected (he was elected). Now that he's elected? We will only hear what he wants us to hear. Not truth. BTW intimidating people into silence IS violating their 1st amendment. I've only told you the ones he's already doing and one he will do. There's so much more.

            I question why you don't see the devil staring you in the face? You can literally take the Constitution out of the equation for both candidates. He's still staring you in the face! The only thing that makes me question him being the devil? The devil was once an angel. Trump was NEVER an angel. So whatever is worse than the devil... oh yeah... Hitler!

            You can disagree all day long. The last pillar of Project 2025 is a radical plan for the 1st 180 days as president. After then... get back to me...

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              And I guess you didnt see where the makers of project 2025 clearly stated they had nothing to do with Trump. But yet here you are whining about a disproved fake story

          2. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

            Oh Danny boy, thank you I see the nick name 'Timmy' as a term of endearment. A lot of prayers did not work either. My comprehension is eclectic and obviously far above your restricted Fascist belief system. But, keep listening to your cult leader tRUMP so you will know what to think tomorrow.

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              nickname? yea for a 2nd or 3rd grade person

              1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

                Hey, you are the one using it. Danny Boy, thinking like a 3rd grader bully. Just like your orange buffoon cult leader.

  1. Ronaldo's Avatar Ronaldo

    Regardless of how I feel about Mr. Trump, which is that he is loud, arrogant, and opinionated, I still feel that we should strive to Make America Great Again, as should most Americans. I am saddened that nearly half of our population has chosen to use the concept as an insult, which tells me that they don't want a great America again. So, the question is, just what is it do they want, if not a great nation? Perhaps their witches in political offices know.

  1. Dr. Melly M.'s Avatar Dr. Melly M.

    Using hexes and spells to harm another person. Distasteful!. Things will happen as they need to without human intervention.

    1. Dr Rohn's Avatar Dr Rohn

      Agreed I would add, casting negative influences against anyone creates a loop of negative karma that will have direct consequences for the caster. Whether prayer, hexing, or whatever one's proclivities dictate, the most useful and rewarding avenue is positive affirmation, hope for the betterment, and/or protection from those who wish to harm. And to believe it is a good thing to send harmful intent towards anyone, including someone you are opposed to, is ludicrous.

      1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

        I don’t know about hexing trump. It doesn’t seem like a good idea, because karma will come back and bite you in the ass. However, if we do a protection spell for America, it could be a good idea. Protect America from the evils of tyranny, and keep those who would do us harm out of public office. By Spirit, by air, by water and fire, I ask.

    2. Keith D's Avatar Keith D

      Beyond distasteful. It's neither necessary nor balanced, and thus will eat the senders alive, if they even have 'the levers' actually to do anything.

  1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

    It will come back on them threefold.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      You’ve been reading too many books. 🤭


      1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

        Hi there Corleone, To thine own self be true!

    2. Keith D's Avatar Keith D

      And I don't wish that, but it's the danger they face.

      What I am somewhat pleased by is that some have discovered, in a great big 'ouch-aha' moment, that working FOR a thing is a lot more effective and less toxic than working AGAINST one. Hark. So now they work FOR Kamalala.

      Either way, the assessment of both candidates (really all four--and for that matter, the congressional races, too) is off-the-scale ludicrous delusion by every devotee.

      Reject rule. Do not be ruled. Do not rule another. Let your devotion go to the deserving: you, what you co-create, and your co-creator(s).

  1. Merlin's Avatar Merlin

    Not everything works as one thinks. There are reactions to all intent. Good, bad, happy or sad. Repercussions or rewards finds the progenitor. Time is not a factor.

  1. Cynthia Mandello's Avatar Cynthia Mandello

    Spells won't work against the Anti-Christ...

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      An “Anti-Christ” is just another human construct, much like the words “Sin” and “Holy Spirit”


    2. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp


    3. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

      Damn… you beat me to it. Lol! I was going to say the same thing.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    Magic Spells and Witches dont make laugh its all make believe

    1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

      No, Mr. Page, it’s very real. Just because you choose not to see it doesn’t mean it’s not true. May the blessings of the deities be upon you.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        If of course witches, and the efficacy of spells, prayers etc were true we’d have no children in hospitals dying of cancer.

        Presumably you love healing yourself of any ailments with your spells and don’t even bother with health insurance, right? If so, please get yourself to children’s hospitals and do your thing.


        1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

          Lionheart, couldn't you say the same thing about prayers? I'm sure that many prayers have been said over sick children. Believing in self healing with a positve mindset helps, but that does not mean you are stupid enough to reject medical aid. Maybe you should go to the hospitals and cure the children with what ever system you use. Please think before posting your criticisms.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Sir Timothy, perhaps you didn’t read my message fully. I did mention prayers. The efficacy of prayers has been studied since as long ago as the late19th century with no conclusive evidence they work. If prayers really worked I’d be one of the first to visit children’s hospitals.

            Thank you for suggesting I should think before posting. Perhaps you should fully read posts before criticising. 🤭


      2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        Prove it then, show us one time where magic did anything.

        1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

          so you're claiming magic doesn't exist but I bet you believe prayer does.

          speaking of which, MODS, why did you remove my comment where I said that if magic is make believe then so too is prayer, incense and chanting. Why would you have removed that innocuous comment but left mr. page's comment intact?

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            Do I believe in worshiping the deity I may or may not believe in, yes. Do I think that they are going to take the time to specifically respond to me? No, but if they do then its a pleasant surprise. So whats your mental malfunction?

          2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Rev. Dr. Father JJ,

            Your post might have been removed primarily due to your habitual name-calling.

    2. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

      NJP; saints, prayer, incense and chants are also make believe. it's just a question which make believery you find more acceptable and suitable.

      shame that you have to put down the beliefs of others. Imma bet you're a kkkrs chn

      1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

        Thank you mods for resurrecting my previously deleted comment.

  1. Mountainsage's Avatar Mountainsage

    The power of positive intention..

  1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

    I totally understand why witches would want to bind him, but I wonder if those who pray for him really think he believes in any of it. In the end, this is all a toss-up. I’m not sure God, the Universe, or any Higher Power is going to interfere one way or the other.

  1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

    If I ran up on someone and punched them in the head, that would be a negative action. If I saw a guy mugging another person and I ran up on him and punched him in the head to save the other person that negative action would have a positive result. 2 negative = a positive. If Witches are using Spiritual energy in a percieved negative way to stop an evil demonic Fascist from taking over our country then it = a positive result. Please keep in mind ALL SPIRITUAL ENERGY COMES FROM GOD. And as far as tRUMP being protected by prayer, that is an example of a positive energy used for a negative entity. A positive and a negative will always = a negative. God bless those Witches.

  1. Gina Rae Busch's Avatar Gina Rae Busch

    I think this discussion is beyond silly. Witches putting a hex on Trump. Christians praying for Trump. How about the witches that are for Trump and the Christians that pray against Trump. Who does God help? Give me a break!! Trump doesn’t believe in anything but himself. And I certainly believe a supreme being could care less.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Gina Rae Busch

      Have we thoroughly observed the effects of hexes from witches and prayers from Christians on President Trump? How many shootings have successfully occurred to his death?

      President Trump is considered a man of God and a leader for these controversial times.

  1. Travis A. Lee's Avatar Travis A. Lee

    I am going to ONLY speak on what the article talks about.

    Fist a little history on Me. I am a "Sensitive". I can FEEL energy. I can SEE energy up to ta certain point. This is something I grew up knowing. And being semi-trained as a Generational Onmyoji (Shaman in most loose terminology) I have learned how to "manipulate" energy. I am also a Prophet and Spiritual Reader. So, with that short, hopefully succinct intro, I will present my somewhat learned experience on Energy Manipulation (at its most simplest explanation of spells and such).

    1. Spellcasting is a form of Energy Manipulation made with Intent. This is no different than singing a song to make us feel better or sad or angry or whatever else a song will do. IF you may know, spellcasting is done in a cadence.

    2. Prayer is a form of Energy Manipulation made with Intent. You know this is true when you are in services. While I May no longer attend any type of Organized Church service, I remember the energy being raised, used and sent.

    Now, if this is ONLY a Coven group, usually no more than 10-13, sometimes Less. While they can raise the energy, it really in any true sense compete with millions of people praying for protection.

    So without the Same amount of Energy being raised for spell casting, it will not really have too much of an effect. Him catching Covid was just a coincidence, unfortunately. HIs Own Actions lead him to catch Covid. That being said. It IS VERY TRUE that there is now a "Blockage" there. It is disconcerting to say the least. When there is a blockage of Sight, something is not "Right". I also do Not mean to PEER into anyone's life without permission, THAT IS VERY F'ING WRONG! But, I also HAVE been feeling "eyes' whenever I did try to look, superficially, I don't CARE enough to spy on anyone, besides as I SAID, IT IS F'ing WRONG! And those "eyes" did NOT Stop superficially, they attempted to get through MY energy shields. THAT IS F'ING WRONG! I do only surface or what can be SEEN with the energy people put out.THAT is not spying, that is offensive viewing and EVERYONE does this to some extent. Truly I DO apologize for the swearing, but I get highly offended when people believe that "Psychics" are intrusive people who look without permission. Just not true. Well in MY CASE it is not true. I only Peer back the veils when I am ASKED to do so with Permission. Anyway, going off topic. This Blockage is something new, since about a week before the Elections took place. Before that, not a problem to SEE what he thought, felt...etc. NOW, NOTHING. OF course I KNOW there also Spiritualists on his side, why, I do not know. I guess because they are also not Empaths. ANY REAL and TRUE Empath would NOT be on his side AT ALL. Not at all. Okay, done. I hope I made sense. This is all part of my training from long ago. Disseminate and let those who know find the truth in what you say, because they will KNOW.

    1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

      Thank you for this post.

    2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Travis A. Lee

      God speaks not through you. With whom are you communicating?

  1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

    The Psychological Operations spellcraft conducted by Western/Zionist intelligence agencies via their corporate media cutouts show these wannabe witches are absolutely farcical amateurs by comparison. It's time for the self-professed witches LARPing on social media to snap out of it and recognize who they're dealing with. The level of sophistication of the tools for manufacturing illusion and indoctrination possessed by the military industrial complex is very dangerous and absolutely ubiquitous. No amount of farting rainbows or grunting over candles is going to have any appreciable effect on it. Instead of succumbing to Trump Derangement Syndrome, they need to spit out their ideological Kool-Aid, stop jumping on every bandwagon of virtue signalling dangled in front of them, and start learning some genuine geopolitical history for a change.

  1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

    This article asked us to consider two questions. The first asked if witches' hexes could be compared to Christian prayer. They have similarities, but I don't think they're necessarily the same. The intention of the participants is also different. Christians are seeking what they believe to be the good whereas the witches seek to use negativity.

    The second question is if either ritual has a direct influence on our world. I'm not sure how to understand the idea of a direct influence, so I will say they have an indirect influence. By that I mean they influence people's minds and hearts as well as being heard in spiritual realms or places.

    1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

      Funny Kester. Burning people alive, crucifying them, and murdering them after taking their property just because they’re not a specific kind of Christian isn’t all that positive. Islam says to submit, Christianity says to decide (or else), and Judaism says people are born the chosen of their specific gods and all else are unworthy or unclean. All three have radical right wing majorities which seek to conquer and burn this world to cleanse it for their god. It’s almost as if these three abrahamic religions come from the same murderous cult of yesteryear and took the time to brag about it in their “holy books.”

      Witchcraft isn’t solely about harnessing negative forces, it seeks to balance what forces are already out of wack. You may have a rudimentary Christian understanding of witchcraft, but you understand from an outside perspective, meaning your Christian privilege gets in the way of you understanding that which you wish to point fingers at. If you wish to focus solely on the “negative,” two can play that game. Only I have 5000 years of recorded history to back up my claims. Which beats your attempts at apologist rhetoric you push most of the time.

      1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

        Bravo! Well said.

      2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        yet again Ruhnke is back with his own version of reality, and then he wonders why he gets dissed and laughed at.

        1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

          Once again, all you can muster is 80’s mean teen gaslighting, not backed by any facts with credible citations to refute what I or anyone is saying, Grey. I’m only laughed at by clowns, trolls, and fools like yourself. Meanwhile my comments get more “votes” than yours do on average.

          At least Russell has the decency to try and use citations, they’re generally missing context, but I’ll credit him for trying.

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            No Runhke I am stating fact and its sad that you cant see it.

            1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

              Where? Behind your rants and personal attacks? I don’t think so.

      3. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

        Robert, the response didn't address anything related to the original comment which spoke neither of Christianity as a religion nor of its holy books. It did not speak about Islam or Judaism. These subjects are strawman arguments.

        The article asked about hexes not witchcraft or magic in general.

        Assuming that one's understanding of witchcraft and magic is from a Christian perspective isn't productive communication.

        The comment's tone is hostile and engages in ad hominem attacks using witchcraft as an excuse.

        1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

          No, they’re comparisons which draw out the historical parallels which have been passed through the years as these religions have wreaked havoc on humanity. Seeing history through rose lensed glasses does not change the fact that Christianity went from being a persecuted minority to a persecuting majority in only a relatively short Time. Which honestly has more to do with human nature and the effects religion can have on it. Again. I have have 5000 years of recorded history to back up my claims, Kester. You used hexes as an ad hominem to attack magic users first. Again Kester, you’re wrong or you’re lying. You don’t like my tone? Tough. I can acknowledge that Romans were awful to Christians. They didn’t deserve what happened to them. The problem? Using past persecution to justify taking away others rights to their beliefs and existences, as Christians have done to non Christians and Christians with different perspectives has been an ongoing practice for the last 1800 years. You attack people, but can’t handle when they strike back at you. You’re trying to gaslight my information as hostile because you can’t actually refute what I’m saying. Grow up.

      4. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Robert James Ruhnke,

        I happen to be a Messianic Jew, which means I identify as both a Protestant Christian and a Rabbinic Jew. The claims you make about Christianity and Judaism are unfamiliar to me.

    2. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

      Mr. Kester. Once more you are talking about things of which you have no knowledge. Witches do not use negativity, at least not the witches I know. I realize that there are negative witches around, but the vast majority of witches are good. I’m a healing empath witch. Mother’s blessings unto you!

      1. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

        Paula, while in general your criticism of my comment about witches might be valid, it is not here because the article specifically referred to those witches online casting hexes.

        "A curse, hex, or jinx is a spell that is cast on someone using negative energy and anger/fear as the emotion to fuel the spell."


        And the article asked us to compare hexes against prayer not spells.

        You are also incorrect if you think I have no knowledge about witches or the practices of witchcraft. I met my first witch when I was 16 years old. Assumptions are usually mistakes.

        1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

          Mr. Kester, I AM a witch, and am a natural witch. While they said hex, what they described was nothing more than a binding spell. I’m sure you know what a binding spell is, since you’re well versed in witchcraft, so you know that such a spell is not karma creating. If they were silly enough to actually hurl curses, they will get their just desserts. Prayers, spells and hexes work in the same manner; energy is put into the universe and is sent back, hopefully in the manner requested. You’re right about assuming things… keep that in consideration.

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            Natural delusional maybe, but there is no such thing as witches. Just people who claim to be ones.

            1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

              no different than people believing in god. why do you get to choose what is okay to believe in and what's not?

              1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Hardly JJ. I dont expect any Deity to just drop everything and do what I ask them, seemingly you do. And when its proved that magic does not exist because if it did then they would not be complaining about it not working, but hey you stay in your little corner with your coloring books and leave the rest of us in reality

              2. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

                DeeGee no idea what you're going on about. I don't believe in god, magic, the bibble or cheeus, I'm an atheist/humanist so why would I ask a deity that doesn't exist to do me a big? Clearly you really don't pay attention to what others write, you seem to have pat answers for everyone.

                as for reality, anyone believing in a god has already left the reality building

              3. Rudolph M Garza's Avatar Rudolph M Garza

                Rev. Dr. Father JJ,

                Nice find an atheist/humanist here! During my days as a Southern Baptist in the 1980’s I met such an atheist and we became good friends.

                These days I am no longer a Southern Baptist. Instead, I think there is “something” out there that might be “intelligent” meaning the universe is “alive” and it “learns”. Hence, evolution. But I could be wrong. All the “evidence” I have is circumstantial at best. There are theoretical astrophysicists that believe in the universe as a “neural network”, Vitaly Vanchurin, for example. He’s a university professor and can be found on YouTube. If there is a “God”, He’s not supernatural and I doubt He purposefully interacts with humans as the faithful would believe. I think sometimes the answer to “prayers” comes from the faithful themselves. They just don’t realize it let alone realize how. I think people can initiate one event and it will lead to a chain of events that leads to the end result they may have wanted while the actual cause has been lost or forgotten creating in their mind a wow moment.

                Meanwhile: The “witches” think they can control Nature to get their way. That sounds to me a bit arrogant and delusional. Humans don’t know enough about Nature to have any control of it.

                Anyway… nice to see an atheist/humanist! Take care!

              4. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

                Magic, miracles, prayer, creative visualization, Synchronicity. Call it what you want. We are connected to the energy in the Universe. I would recommend everyone read THE HEART OF MATTER, and THE PHENOMENOM OF MAN, by Teilhard de Chardin. Also read the writings of C.G. Jung on Synchronicity. By the way, the Universe does not 'learn' all information about the world is already there. It is Consciousness that drives evolution in it's need to express.

              5. Rudolph M Garza's Avatar Rudolph M Garza

                Although you are entitled to what you believe, here’s my take on “synchronicity”.

                Most scientists believe that synchronistic events are more likely coincidences that seem meaningful due to aspects of human thinking, such as confirmation bias. Studies on Carl Jung remain in freshman courses of the my university.

                As for “learning”, I will still favor the astrophysics professors Vitaly Vanchurian over an amateur with only belief about the universe.

                Continue believing what you want. I have my own path. Thank you for your attention.

                Wish you health and happiness! Tah Tah

              6. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                all you have to do is read the posts above yours, or are you too lazy to even do that

              7. David Cox's Avatar David Cox

                If you are an atheist why do you have Rev Dr. Father in front of your name.

              8. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                because the Supreme Court ruled that Atheism and Humanism are religions. Heck they even have the most misnamed group of people in the military, Atheist pastors. Now maybe someone can explain just how you can be a pastor (meaning a religious leader) when you dont believe in religion

              9. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                They’re protest beliefs, not religions. Huge difference, Grey. Considering Christians inspired atheism by denying the existence of all other faiths, it makes sense that atheists would have philosophical leaders who use the title pastor. Maybe not to you because you’re a bigot, but there’s a lot of that around. You can’t help it.

              10. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                They’re protected beliefs* unless of course you believe that only Christianity should be protected by law only… so far you’ve tripped over your own logic a couple times, Grey.

              11. Rudolph M Garza's Avatar Rudolph M Garza

                Comment removed by user.

          2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Bless your heart. Please get well.


          3. Russel A. Kester's Avatar Russel A. Kester

            Paula, Your claim that a binding spell is not karma-creating is inaccurate. Any action, magical or otherwise, can have unintended consequences, and the law of karma suggests that negative actions will eventually lead to negative results. The effectiveness of these practices often depends on factors such as intention, belief, and skill. You use a judgmental tone hardly worthy of a "healing witch." While your comment expresses genuine beliefs and practices, your response lacks nuance and understanding of the complexities of energy work.

            1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

              RAK, please inform about the complexities of energy work.

  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    Not sure about hexes nor how they work. As a Christian I can attest to the fact that prayer works. However God's will must be involved. If you pray for opposite of that your prayer will be answered no. Do not pray for harm against anyone. Instead of praying against tRump oray for the best person to win.

    1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

      Colleen, If prayer works, please use it to save the infirm, the crippled, the poor, the suffering, the abused, the starving, the lonely - do I need to go on?

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        When prayers don’t work they will say that it’s Gods will. If the odds were better they’d be healing children and others like crazy and they wouldn’t need Health insurance. I bet even Joel Osteen, and Colleen have Health Insurance.


  1. Pamela Kay Waters's Avatar Pamela Kay Waters

    Doesn't the rule apply to bad to someone and it comes back on you 3 x fold

  1. Robin Anne Hannon's Avatar Robin Anne Hannon

    Witches' spells would not work. First of all, Trump would need to believe or be susceptible. I don't think he is either a believer in the paranormal nor susceptible to it. Secondly most would tell you that there is a law of three and basically what you do can bounce back times three. As well read what is said in the bible about trying that. I would not want to be in those shoes. Stand before Him and pray without ceasing. Spend your time on your knees. Remember as a Nation we decided God was to be in a box. Being the gentleman God is, we were left to our own devices. This is the result of that hubris. As to Trump you have a choice it's called voting. He is making himself clear who he is and what he intends.

  1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

    If you want to believe in witchcraft, feel free but remember the rule of 3

    In witchcraft, the Rule of Three, also known as the Three-fold Law or Law of Return, is a tenet that states that any energy a person puts out into the world will be returned to them three times. This energy can be positive or negative. Some Wiccans describe the Rule of Three as similar to karma, but the two concepts are not exactly the same. Both concepts describe the process of cause and effect and encourage people to act in an upright way.

    Which means if you wish bad luck on someone then thats DARK magic and it will come back and bite you in the rear as it will come back on you three times worse then who you sent it to. And thats only IF you believe witches are real.

    1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

      DG you've already stated clearly you don't believe in witches or witchcraft so quoting AI on supposed rules of witchcraft (which of course is only opinion from the person quoted in AI) is silly and pointless. Witchcraft, unlike kkkrstinsanity doesn't abide by a single made-up book of fairy tales. While not into wiccan, I'd sooner believe a self-proclaimed practitioner of wiccan than I would some kkkrs chn with a bone to pick. Would you accept wiccans tell YOU how you should practice your silly magic?

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        So now you are upset when I post the tenants of witchcraft showing that this whole thread is based on dark magic, Hmm you switch views faster then a jack rabbit.

        1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

          DG nothing (and no one) upsets me here. Trust me, this is not an important part of my life (or even my day), I have bigger fish to fry.

          Dark magic? You flail these words about as if they're factual and then argue against them. There's a name for that, isn't there?

          I'm not switching views on anything, it's that I'm not harsh to someone who practices wiccan because they tend to be decent people and aren't trying to force their views on anyone. Something I can't say about 'other' people and 'other' religions. So not sure how or where you think I'm changing views.

          Also, why do I get the feeling that your account is somehow linked to another member's account here? There is much similarity between them ;-)

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            Sure, and all we need to do is read your posts and see that isnt true.

            1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

              The funniest part in all of this Daniel? Your accusations are more true of your own statements, than JJs. You gaslight, project, and lie through teeth more than most politicians on topics you don’t really know anything about. Your generalizations are based on new age hot takes from weird nerds who speak magic with a k.

              PS. No one here takes you seriously. lol. I’m not meant to be taken seriously, but boy do you live for it. Lmfao.

              1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                No Runhke, the funniest thing is people claiming witchcraft exists and then getting mad when its proved it does not, and then even more humerus is people like you then trying to protect them and failing badly

              2. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

                You’ve proven nothing. Other than the fact you run your mouth badly. I’m a pagan, my gods are Green Man, Dionysus, and Odin. Magic is very real, it’s all a matter of framing and understanding how the universe flows around us. You being a conservative Christian has blinded you to the way the gods work around us. I pity you.

                Humorous* 😜

          2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Rev. Dr. Father JJ,

            You have made this accusation regarding myself and Daniel in the past, and it indicates to me that you are not highly perceptive.

  1. Janet Baskett's Avatar Janet Baskett

    I believe in God. I believe God is protecting Trump & America God bless America 🇺🇸 and Trump 🙏🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸🙏

    1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

      God has nothing to do with tRUMP. He is a demonic energy. Convicted of rape, convicted of 34 felonies. He has confessed bragged and laughed about molesting women. tRUMP is responsible for the loss of over 1,000,000 American lives durin the pandemic because of his ego. All of this is supported with facts.

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        Timothy C Stone

        King David was an adulterer and a murderer, yet God forgave him because, despite his failures, for his heart sought after God's own heart.

        Trump is comparable to a pope. It is believed both were divinely protected from spells and firearms.

        That is real evidence!

  1. Teresa Freeman's Avatar Teresa Freeman

    There's been a hex on us since creation , then we dinner and was put on a six thousand year probation , Jesus redeemed us from the second death , our choice , and our responsibility to permiate the seven fruits of the Holy Spirit and wear the whole Armor of God , steadfast in the ten commandments , rise above Satan's tactics , this is a spiritual war for our souls , for Satan knows God's master plan Also , the third earth age Should Be Our Only Focus

    1. Teresa Freeman's Avatar Teresa Freeman

      Satan shows up first in the sixth trump , keep faith

      1. Rev. Elizabeth's Avatar Rev. Elizabeth


    2. Rev. Elizabeth's Avatar Rev. Elizabeth

      Are you saying we are in the third earth age? Is this what Christians call “Rapture”?

    3. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Wow! What book are you reading?

      Have you read the Harry Potter series of books yet? There’s some incredible stories that you might like to start believing in them. And the good thing is, they are children friendly stories with no threats, blood, gore, and torture. Just a thought!


  1. Joe Smithson's Avatar Joe Smithson

    Ignoring all the discourse about whether or not witchcraft and magick are real and any comparison to prayer, surely these "Magic Resistance" folks that are claiming that the timing of Trumps covid diagnosis is proof that their spells have worked are arguing that they have conmitted a crime by intentionally causing the spread of an infectious and potentialy deadly disease? Sounds to me like the criminal intent is obvious and that they are trying to provide evidence linking this to the sucsessful carrying out of a criminal act?

  1. Rev. Elizabeth's Avatar Rev. Elizabeth

    One thing I did learn in my 67yrs is that God will do what He feels is best for all of us.

    I prayed for who I wanted and have done so all my voting life. No matter what I’m voting on, I pray for guidance. I also have a talk with God, I share my feelings/belief. I have been disappointed more than once in my voting life.

    This election and all the people I voted for, one I voted for lost and the other one I voted for won. I voted for some laws to be changed and I lost one and won 2. I am happy with the end results, mostly. There is one that I am not happy about but apparently God needs this person to be in that seat. I truly believe that God listens to what we say and want. In the end, I believe that God controls what happened because of the people who pray.

    Remember, this is Satan’s world right now. God gets involved when we ask Him to help us. So He takes care of us and I strongly believe the end results is because of prayer which invited God into our world to do what we asked of him.

    I personally said this is what I feel would be good for our country, our world. This is what I want but you know what is best. I will accept what you choose, even if it isn’t the people/person I want.

    God Bless you all and God Bless our Country.

    -Rev. Elizabeth 🙏🏼

  1. KendraCrows's Avatar KendraCrows

    Judgement is not for anyone other than the Law of the land and God. Those who do so, are false in their spirit and word. Love like your Soul depends on it, Teach like your Soul needs Light more than ever in the world, and close your eyes each time you go to sleep as if you will see your fate when you wake. Peace be with you, or shall you see otherwise in your own heart. It is not for me, but the very words you write here, speak out loud, or think - all are beholden to their own, for no one shall be there for them in the moment of judgement. Know love or lack. It is the one choice all have.

  1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

    Setting intention, calling upon spirits, raising energy, directing that energy, releasing it, and then carrying absolute faith that it will come to pass. Those are the steps of a magickal spell.

    Now look at every single Trump rally.

    He's been hexing his opponents from day one, relentlessly. Sorry, but a handful of witches doing a spell every so often can't compete with a large cult performing them regularly.

    He's not shielded. His health sucks, his intellect is warped, he has made people hate him enough to make attempts on his life, he's been convicted of his crimes, he has no money left, his businesses are being shut down. Stuff is getting through. But he focused his own magick on oppressing the country, and it worked. Witches should have been focusing on protection from him, and amassing numbers. But even they missed that while they won't work with Satan, he has no such limitation. He worships power and all of his devotions have been very clearly directed that way. Witches just really dropped the ball by underestimating the adversary.

  1. Kathryn Darcy Smith's Avatar Kathryn Darcy Smith


  1. Jerry M Choat's Avatar Jerry M Choat

    When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there.

    Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft.

    Or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.

    Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.

    You must be blameless before the Lord your God

    The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the Lord your God has not permitted you to do so. Deuteronomy 18:9-14

    You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons {1 Corinthians 10:21

    Those who want God's friendship and protection must break off all participation in spiritistic gatherings.

  1. Alejandro Medina de Wit's Avatar Alejandro Medina de Wit

    Spells, thoughts & prayers, magic, enchantments, remote healing… all the same: just placebos

  1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

    This thread has turned into more about political attacks, yes I am part of that. If you want to talk politics see me on facebook T.C. STone. This thread should be about Spiritual matters. PBUY

    1. Rudolph M Garza's Avatar Rudolph M Garza

      There are no moderators on this blog with any rules. There is a statement the ULC makes that messages be respectful and criticism be constructive but it’s not enforced that I can tell. This is consistent with ULC’s statement on their website that we are all “equal”. Freedom here is very close to being absolute with very few limitations. That being said…

      I have spent quite a few days to review EVERY article that has been posted. It seems the beginning is July 2017 although I am sure there may be more articles that I don’t have access to. Most of the articles that far back have been purged of ALL comments reduced to zero. That means in a few years these comments here will also be purged to zero. Whether they are databased / archived somewhere or not I would not know. But like death, not everyone will be remembered. Whatever contribution were made will be forgotten. So what happens to anyone’s attachment to this article today will be gone tomorrow one way or another. Forgotten.

      The meaning of life is for the individual to decide what it is for themselves. Here in this small microcosm is the freedom to do as one will. And I can see EVERYONE is doing a good job of that! I stay happy because for me, this (blog) is external and I am a part of it only for as long as I wish. It’s like watching a movie that has no affect on my life but only temporarily arouses emotion and will be forgotten when I get back to my reality where my life really matters.

      So, yes, it would be nice to see people stay on topic but it’s also like walking into a saloon where half the people are drunk full of nonsense. But if you look around, you might find something interesting. Outside my little corner of the universe (my home) I treat the world the same way. Sometimes I choose to interact with it and sometimes I choose not to and simply go home back to my wife and small dog where my world really matters. That is how I stay happy, by focusing on what is actually in my soul and ignoring anything else that is external as much or as little as I choose to.

      That’s just me and my Way. If what you are doing keeps you happy than by all means! Carry on with your merry way. But remember it’s YOUR way and your way alone. Make good choices. And the rest of us will make our own. I wish you good luck!

      1. Rudolph M Garza's Avatar Rudolph M Garza

        Correction: The first message I found is, “Ecclesiastical Proclamation” posted on Jul 27, 2007“ with 0 comments.

      2. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

        Words of wisdom, thanks

  1. Christiaan Wagener's Avatar Christiaan Wagener

    All of these arguments can be reduced to a simple statement that is completely circular.constantly thrown around. It is, therefore it is, or, it is not therefore it isn't..How long will humanity keep trying to put into words that which we can sense but do not have the tools to understand. Inherently we are physically trapped in our bodies on this earth but spiritually we can soar singularly or communally. Pure religion has promoted to work communally for the better good but it is being hijacked by people who portend to have more knowledge of the unknown. Let's agree that we know very little and humbly work from that standpoint.

  1. Martha Simmers's Avatar Martha Simmers

    Grow up!! Are you that unstable mentally your casting spells on a President that helped America? Dr. FALSY and Biden cooked up Virus, soon as Biden gets in a cure was found vaccine.

    Then we get inflation, can't afford to rent a house landlords saying don't look if you cant afford it and your credit score, huh? Back in your day you rented a house pennies on dollar you got help. Nowdays it's man eat world stomp on your beliefs but you better respect mine

    You better not talk about gays, lesbians, blacks, illegals your racist. But we can shove our agendas down your throat but you better not react we will kick you off internet, we will chastise you in public. We don't take to your kind.

    But yet we are not any of this can't say nothing.

    1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

      .You are obviously deep in the tRUMP cult and swimming in red koolade. You have no idea what you are talking about. Everything you just posted is 'projection'.

    2. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

      .You are obviously deep in the tRUMP cult and swimming in red koolade. You have no idea what you are talking about. Everything you just posted is 'projection'.

    3. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

      .You are obviously deep in the tRUMP cult and swimming in red koolade. You have no idea what you are talking about. Everything you just posted is 'projection'.

  1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

    How long are going to beat this dead horse?

  1. Angel H Pollard's Avatar Angel H Pollard

    Ok, I have sat here and read every comment on this post and think everyone has a point one way or another, but the fact is magic does exist. Look at a child being born, don’t people say that is magical?! Yeah I know it’s not same thing as a witch’s magic being cast, but isn’t it?! I mean just because something isn’t working right now doesn’t mean it won’t begin to work! Prayer doesn’t manifest its fruits right away either. It all happens in its own time. I am a born witch! Witches run in my family as far back as I can research.

    But now on to pressing matters! When people on here say that binding someone or something is black magic it’s really not. It’s a way of protection or guarding oneself from harm. Oh and BTW witchcraft is the oldest religion in history. It dates back to the beginning of time.

    Who on here really knows the Bible as well as they say they do? Anyone want to debate that issue? I mean everyone wants to debate whether magic is real or not. So let’s debate the bible!

  1. Rev Samantha Counihan's Avatar Rev Samantha Counihan

    dont underestimate us Witches, theres us real Witches that dont follow the witchtock crap, real Witches dont curse nor hex especially for no reason and those of us myself included are ethical Witches, and christian prayer dont have the power a Witches spell has, trump isnt protected nor shielded, this Wiccan Witch dont care for politics, idc about trump, harris, biden, also harris is a cultist, she and other government has tunnels that sacrifice people and they eat a certain flesh

  1. Sasha Boonwaat's Avatar Sasha Boonwaat

    Truthfully i do not feel it should be sanctioned, nor that Trump should be permitted to even be president of the USA again, he created turmoil before and an unruly nation, he has a criminal record and how anyone can be president with a criminal record is absolutely bizarre. I truly believe he will be the man who starts WW3 to be honest, he is not all peace and harmony and the world should all get on, this is what we all want in our hearts of hearts no more country wars nor people fighting and many losing their lives. the president should be responsible with the rest of the world to help stop these wars.

    I seriously upsets me that such a joke is made of the USA Presidential position by having a person like Trump even in considered for the running and election, he has no respect for the government, went to sleep during his court trails as in he wasn't interested in it and after all the riots he created via his social media, even the landside of votes as they are calling it feels like a pure scam, he probably had people paying folks for their votes.

  1. Reverend Jackie's Avatar Reverend Jackie

    I'm a witch and I'm FOR Donald Trump! I'm one of the rare ones who wants him in office! My other witch friends and my coven mates who are lesbians, I'm not, I'm the only straight one, wanted the liars and the old administration to stay! I'm happy to say that he's in office and is keeping his word! I haven't been around them much lately since the election has been won and Trump has been in office. Our high priestess has since moved away and she was the main voice against him. I kept my mouth shut when they would bring him up.

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