Putin being hexed in pagan ritual
Witches are hoping to end the Ukraine invasion by hexing Vladimir Putin.

They’ve hexed the police, the Taliban, and even President Trump. But now a group of witches are taking on their mightiest foe yet: Russian president Vladimir Putin.

On March 2nd, a group of witches held a mass ritual to curse Putin and aid Ukraine as they remain besieged by the Russian military.

The global ritual was organized by Michael M. Hughes, author of Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change, and was such a success that future events – to be held every new moon until Ukraine is free – are already planned for the future.

Can the power of magic defeat Putin?

How to Hex Putin

According to Hughes, you’ll need a variety of household items handy if you intend to join the next hex:

  • Blue candle
  • Yellow candle
  • Handful of sunflower seeds
  • Matches or lighter
  • Ashtray, cauldron, or other fireproof vessel
  • Photo of Putin to burn

After lighting the candles and blessing Ukraine, the hex proper begins, with a curse against Putin muttered aloud, including these words:

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

You are cursed

You are bound

May you choke on the seeds of sunflowers

May your soldiers refuse to fight

May your people rise up against you

Break your bones

And cast you down into dust and ashes

The ritual ends by burning the photo of Putin, and hex organizers recommend purifying yourself in a salt bath or anointing oils afterward.

“The Putin hex aims to bring a whole constellation of rebound effects on Putin while breaking the support of his soldiers and his people and supporting Ukraine,” says Hughes. “The best goal imaginable is Ukraine beating back Russian troops and the Russian people deciding they are done with Putin’s autocracy. That’s what we all want.”

He acknowledges that it’s ambitious, but in his words, “f— Putin. It’s time for the Russian people to serve up some cold Russian justice.”

This isn’t Hughes’ first hex rodeo. He’s led witches the world over in hexes against police, the Taliban, and former President Trump, and in at least one case, it seems they may have succeeded.

Do Hexes Work?

Witches had been ritualistically cursing Donald Trump since he took office as president. And in 2020, many felt the question "do hexes work?" was answered when he was diagnosed with COVID-19. 

Trump’s diagnosis came on October 1st, during a full moon (which happened to be the 2020 harvest moon – an important event symbolizing the changing of the seasons).

Basically, this was the most superpowered full moon of the year, and Trump was diagnosed with COVID that very evening. Perhaps with tongue partially in cheek, many witches took a victory lap, as they felt validated after years of fighting MAGA with magic.

For those involved with the magical resistance, these hexes are an important part of expressing their faith, but also finding community; the witchcraft movement has grown from niche to relatively popular in just a few short years.

Whether hexes are the answer to resolving world conflict, however, remains to be seen. 

What do you think? Will the efforts to hex Putin be effective?


  1. David Arthur Lewis's Avatar David Arthur Lewis

    More power to them! People resist evil in what ways they can. Interesting reference to the power of sunflower seeds. Sunflower is Ukraine's national symbol and a major agricultural crop in Europe's bread basket. That would be an appropriate end for Vlad the Invader. In addition to cursing the Evil Empire though, I hope they will also send some positive thoughts and spells to support the people of Ukraine in their heroic lone stand in defense of democracy. Do you think they might have a spell to make Western politicians grow a spine or maybe some cojones?

  1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

    By the power of 3 times 3, may Putin experience 3 times the pain that he inflicts on the Ukranians.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      And may we affect that power Matthew, so it happens sooner than later, and makes him know his transgressions are what caused his karmic retribution to punish him as it will.

  1. Rev. Elizabeth's Avatar Rev. Elizabeth

    You Hexed, I prayed. Same difference, heh?

    May our Spiritual guides (me, God), hear us an act accordingly. (Me again, in Jesus name, Amen). We, Got This!

    1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      Didn't work when Hitler took power. God was on his side and the side of the Germans for nearly 15 years. God so loved Hitler, God saved him from 75 assignation attempts. But I guess Hitler fell out of favor with Hitler and God let him take his own life. Be careful whose side your God is on.

      1. Kerry Ann Michel's Avatar Kerry Ann Michel

        You don't seriously still believe that Hitler did Hitler in, do you?

        With an ego the size of world domination, what - honestly - would be the chances?

        1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

          @Kerry Ann Michel There were nearly 100 documented assignation attempts on Hitler's life. God saved him from all of them except the last one demonstrating Hitler is more powerful than God.

          1. Kerry Ann Michel's Avatar Kerry Ann Michel

            Oops! D.R. Spindler, I'm absolutely sure that you think that your reply makes sense, which renders it very cute and quaint!

            Hitler's purpose-built bunker in South America (Argentina if my. memory serves) is hideous, very well hidden, but it served its purpose: we don't KNOW when Hitler kicked his personal bucket.

            I don't suppose that Hitler spent a single moment giving God any space in his head - and that the bastard died when he became too old and to

            1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

              @Kerry Ann Michel Spend some time reading how the German people viewed God and Hitler, God and the Catholic church as Hitler was rising to power. As well as Hitler's personal view of God.

              With each assentation attempt on Hitler's life, Hitler felt it was a message from God he was doing God's work on Earth. You have to admit it's incredible that anyone could survive 100 assentation attempts.

              The German people viewed Hitler as being their savior and some that Hitler was sent by God to save them.

              Rumor has it there was a "secret" bunker built in Paraguay for Hitler. And that after JFK's faked assentation that's where he was living too.

              The Russians in 2020 arrested Jesus Christ. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sergei-torop-russian-jesus-vissarion-cult-leader-arrested-in-siberia-today/

              The Russians feel Putin is the son of God and believe in him. Putin with all of his nuclear missiles believes he is doing God's work on Earth. (Sound familiar?)

    2. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      Exactly the same. Wishful thinking. So Trump was hexed and he caught Covid? Guy didn’t wear a mask, went against medical advice, and got Covid. Yeah, MUST have been the hex. But was Covid the best they had? Stephen King wrote a much better ending in ‘Thinner’.

  1. robert's Avatar robert

    It is really hard for me to believe that on this site it is showing how to use magic on another person , very messed up people!

    1. Robert Wilson's Avatar Robert Wilson

      Rev robert wilson

      Site is messed up your correct. God bless Ukraine

    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Please indicate where it's showing how to use magic, and also identify what "magic" is. Clearly, you are under the impression that there really is a thing called "magic".

      You've been watching too much Penn and Teller, and believing it all.


      1. Irene T Schultz's Avatar Irene T Schultz

        Magic is the power in your heart, that we all have. If a person has a connection or believes in something wholeheartedly... then the heart can tap into the Universe, and create an understanding.

        It does work for good, however, does not work for evil. That is where the saying "be careful what you wish for" comes into play. "Everywhere you go... there you are" and so if it is not your battle to fight, then walk away... your magic will not work. Just as the Wicked Witch of the West tried to use her magic in the land of Oz... her magic would not work there.

        My analogy is just an explanation from my experience of miracles and magic in the modern world. I have no interest in the propagation of spells, and so the original poster for others to cast a magical spell will have it placed back upon their own level; which is so far from the real realm of magic from my side of the Universe. I would caution everyone who intends to use magic against another: IF its not your cause personally, then be warned that your light is being used for darkness...

        There are, I believe special forces that can come into one side of the Universal Spirit, but not the other; therefore "One" can be better than most, but not as good as some at performing the magic that involves the elevation and transformation to a higher level of understanding of peace in the Universe or the sides of justice that tip the scales back to being even.

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Thank you for your thoughts and comments. I have been where you currently are, saying the same words of things like “magic, or energy, of the universe” “power in your heart”. All these things are of course an illusion and total fallacy which people like to believe in even though there is no demonstrable evidence.

          Magic, has always been a word that is used for things that people do not understand, even though some others do, because of the scientific knowledge that they hold and have been educated in.

          It is totally okay for you to believe in, special forces, universal spirit, peace in the universe, power in your heart, etc. All this is new-age word salad that people like to use with no knowledge whatsoever of what they are really talking about, but it really sounds nice to say doesn’t it? I have not met anyone yet that uses all these new-age sayings that has been able to empty children's hospitals using their magic, or the piece of the universe, or the universal spirit, or their higher understanding, or the power in their heart (whatever that really is). The reason is, they have all been conned into using new age Word salad because those words sound very nice to say, but with no real meaning of any evidence whatsoever.


          1. Irene T Schultz's Avatar Irene T Schultz

            I appreciate your logical response (in your reply) from your standpoint of how you interpret words. To be a bit more clear, from my interpretation, for you to respond "that you have been where I am" may be a generalization on your part, due to the fact that nowhere in my reply do I state any ridiculous use of magic to "empty children's hospitals." Trained Medical Doctors who specialize in their own fields of expertise perform their calling in life to accomplish that, one patient at a time. That is okay that you choose general negative words such as "conned" and okay for you to believe in "total fallacy" when you are making up your own premise, however... I guarantee we are not on the same word page in the gestalt of the universe. I do appreciate your skepticism though.

            1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

              Yes, I was generalising when I said I’ve been where you are. I am indeed referring to my involvement with new-age, and I was also involved with Pagan studies at one time, which is a very typical step of those leaving organised religions. I did eventually move on from that as I came to embrace the need for demonstrable evidence of magic, or what many call the supernatural, which is still my stance. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful reply. 🤗


      2. Retta K Mallady's Avatar Retta K Mallady

        When I was a young kid back in the 50's, I thought the radio was 'magic'...and when tv showed up, my head exploded...still does, though I get the gist of it now. When I studied Wicca in books, before computers, I felt a strong affinity, but was uneasy in one respect...all those 'Gods' in all those European and middle eastern heavens, as well as the Christian one. It was a bridge too far, for me. Then computers came along and blessed us all with some scientific truths, if we can winnow it from the misinformation. What I discovered took me back to my first belief, that the energies that surround us, that encompass everything in the universe...is what I called magic when I was 6! I'm an atheist. I cannot get behind the gods of Wicca, Christianity, or ANY of them, in a material sense. But I DO believe in the energies that surrounds us and believe the more a God's name is spoken, the more energy is apt to be available to tap into, just as the older a tree is, the more energies it has available. The same principles apply to our correspondences (other things we call upon to add their energies) of photos, colors, scents, herbs, and especially, our sun's and our moon's energies. I don't 'offer' these things to the 'Gods', I'm just adding them to my 'energy pool'. Now, if you still want to scoff, have at it. Just hoping you're a little wiser about what 'magic' is. I think it's science.

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Retta, I actually think you are almost there. You have seen the fallacy of religion for what it is. As you already know, there is no demonstrable evidence for any of the worlds religions deities. Likewise, there is no demonstrable evidence that the more a fictional deities name is spoken “the more energy is apt to be available to tap into.” You are still hanging on to that six-year-old that wants to believe radios are magic, and what you have done is replaced the radio with the fallacy of supernatural energies of mythical gods. Hopefully, one day, you can replace your “energy pool” with logic and reason, just like you have done with Religion. I hope you will one day become a little more wiser as to what magic isn’t.

          Thank you for your comment. 🤗


      3. Laurette O'Keefe's Avatar Laurette O'Keefe

        We are creatures of Energy. Prayer sends positive energy into the world. Hexes should only be conjured by master practitioners, some of whom would most likely refuse to comply.

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Do you have any demonstrable evidence of that claim Laurette that "prayers sends positive energy into the world", or are you just quoting what you have been reading without asking for evidence of what you've read?

          Perhaps you could describe what positive and negative human energy actually is? And then explain how speaking words "sends that energy into the world". How would we test for that, and measure it, to prove your claim is true?

          Also, how would you determine what a "master practitioner" is? Do they have super powers strong enough to heal sick little children and empty children hospitals? If they don't I would question where, and how, they became a "master". Are they self proclaimed, just so that it sounds good to the woowoo community?


          1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            @Lionheart, how about personal experience?

            1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

              Personal experience of what, George? If personal experience just involves feelings, with no testable evidence that anyone can do to prove the claims, then we have to assume those claims are false.

              As far as I’m aware, George, there is no evidence, that talking to a wall, floor, or ceiling, that people call prayer, does anything at all, other than to the person that enjoys doing it due to the nice feelings they get. Alcohol, and other types of drugs can influence the brain in similar ways.

              Thank you for reading my posts.


              1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

                Lionheartk, when you put things that way, it's a blunt statement hard to argue with. You need to get to the bottom and connect with real life stories and see what happened to them. That's when you start to realize the effects of faith in people's lives. Dr Silkworth recognized this when he gave credit to Alcoholics Anonymous for being able to do what medicine had been unable to achieve: the recovery of real addicts and alcoholics. AA attributes this healing to the power of God, as expressed differently in people's stories. 

              2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                I have plenty of real life stories, George. Two of them I have mentioned in a previous post to you of two young girls that I helped to prevent them from committing suicide, all caused by the religious dogma of their faith. I actually have hundreds of stories like those, all caused by religion.



    3. Frank F. Deshler IV's Avatar Frank F. Deshler IV

      our police are the same as Putin or the Taliban ???..... I do not know why you would put this information on the church site.

    4. Erik C Ferguson's Avatar Erik C Ferguson

      Usually I am against it, but Putin has lost all humanity and has his finger on the nuclear launch button. He would kill all of us for his own glory. He would end all life on this planet. He would destroy everything beautiful in the world. He's already threatened to turn us all into ash. Count me in.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    No witches can't do anything.Its just coincidence that Donald Trump had Covid To rid this world of Mad Vlad send in The Special Forces around the world.Whom incidentally the British started and trained the world over Thanks to Sir David Sterling who established the elite forces.Although I reckon the SAS And SBS Will have set up camp somewhere.Look in the papers the Russians have lost a lot of equipment and the Russians have/are turning their backs on Putin We stand with the Ukrainian people God Bless them all and save them.

    1. Donna Christ's Avatar Donna Christ

      If we send in our troops World War 3 begins is that what you wany?

  1. Robin Anne Hannon's Avatar Robin Anne Hannon

    Um ROFL...lol I doubt it.

  1. Robin Anne Hannon's Avatar Robin Anne Hannon

    I doubt it. I find it rather ridiculous actually.

  1. Alice Anderson's Avatar Alice Anderson

    I hope and pray that the hex does work on him. I didn't know that there were really witch's were still around. That's very interesting. I would like to know more about them. Not that I am one nor do I want to be. But it does catch my ears and eyes to see what it's about.

    1. James Leroy Georgeson's Avatar James Leroy Georgeson

      What God do you pray to to cause harm to any of his Children? Wow. I'm, ion the wrong site for sure.

  1. Kaylin Elise Somavia's Avatar Kaylin Elise Somavia

    I have followed the Wiccan way for over 50 years and pray for political things such as this daily. I'm thrilled we are finally able to become more mainstream and prove our effectiveness and power of goodness to aid our Mother Earth from this conflict. It is horrific for her children and her Earth and will have untold lasting effects on both. I STAND AND APPLAUD MICHAEL FOR HIS GREAT DEED! High Priestess Kaylin

  1. Rosalie Cryan's Avatar Rosalie Cryan

    I've been asking Archangle Micael to use his sword to defeat Putin and remove him from power in whatever way necessary!

    1. Laurette O'Keefe's Avatar Laurette O'Keefe

      As have I. I’ve been praying for the choir of archangels to intervene in the protection of the people of the Ukraine,

  1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

    Like prayers, hexes don't work either.

    1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

      Because you don't believe, they don't work for you.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        If prayers truly worked, children dying in hospital wouldn't exist, or are you now going to try and find another reason/excuse for your pathetic genocidal, infanticidal, God that you worship, as to why children's hospitals still exist?


        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Iether way, as soon as I can get some sunflower seeds and a picture of Putin I'll be well on my way, to joining the good fight against evil. Ofcourse, as a Wiccan, I definitely believe in Magick, and have seen positive results of it when done the right way by qualified people. And when two or more people put the same energy, in the same way, at the same time the power is amplified. Believe it or not, I could care less, but this is my experience. Prayers work the same way, and so does thought projection.

        2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Everything dies, Lionheart. And like it or not my friend, karmic debt doesn't end at death, but continues from one life to the next. The universe will be balanced, regardless of my lack of demonstrable evidence to prove that to you. Some things seem more obvious to some, than to others.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Yes, everything does die, but the reality is, we have no evidence whatsoever of karmic debt, or even if there is another life after we’ve had this one.

            People believe that it’s obvious their God is real, and it’s obvious all other peoples Gods are not.

            “Obvious” is clearly an extremely subjective word isn’t it?

            It’s obvious people will disagree with me…….or will they 😜


            1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

              It seems a pity that some can't remember before birth, and don't know beyond that which they perceive physically, and cognitively through only their brains. They've probably never even seen a ghost, nor heard the gods and goddesses speaking to them.

              1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                My grandmother saw ghosts and talked to the dead all the time Carl. Having said that, she was in a mental asylum 🤷🏼🤪


            2. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

              Hitler and prayers for Hitler is proof their is a Christian God. God so loved Hitler, God saved Hitler from 75 attempted assignations. And what about the millions in Concentration/Death camps? Care to tell us why God didn't answer any of their prayers?

              And what about all of the young Christina Dutch girls and women who were "Comfort Women" for Japanese milatary. These girls and women prayed over and over their Christian God not to be rapped over and over. How could a loving and caring Christian God allow this young girls to be repeated rapped and brutalized?

            3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

              Patience, my good man, we can only heal one person at a time, if and when a stronger power isn't working against us. There are many factors involved in healing, and different kinds of healings require different kinds of correspondences. There isn't any such thing as a generic spell to heal all, or fix everything. Us Witches of Wicca aren't the God and Goddess themselves, but work with and through them, when they are in agreement with our desire. We think the creator of all (by whatever names we choose to call it) has a plan for each of us individuals, and nothing can go against that which is pre determined, but much can be done to help it along its course.

            4. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

              Carl Elfstrom, in answer to the question put to you about a life after this one, all that people have to do is go to notoriously haunted locations and they will prove to themselves, as have many other atheists and skeptics before, that there is survival of death or else will be driven into insanity and put into psychiatric hospitals (and so be right where they belong!!). Other than the improvement in their honesty, nobody would notice the difference!!!

              1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

                You're absolutely right, Mr. Partin. And I know of some very locations we can take them to, and bet you know of some too.

              2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Nah! People have visited these “supposed” haunted places with all sorts of scientific equipment, but nothing has ever been proven, or seen during those tests.

                Yes, for the purposes of reality TV they will say they saw a shadow, or heard a creak, but that’s reality TV for you, and that’s why those reality TV shows stopped airing because there was no real concrete evidence. Those who want to be fooled will believe it, and in general they are the type of people that are easily fooled by all manner of religions. Does that ring a bell John?🤪


              3. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

                Carl, yes, I know of haunted locations. This is for the person who replied, not you. People have been visiting these kind of locations long before reality TV and the need for vying for ratings, throughout recorded history and before, and only if all of these personal encounters with paranormal phenomena down through history are going to be discounted as "fantasies", "delusions" or "lies", along, consistently, with all other historical accounts and personal revelations in the world, leaving us without any history at all----long before there were cameras or scientific equipment to verify any of it and we had to take their word for what happened, can we reject them and then have no knowledge at all!! Observation and seeing is believing are also scientific, not just equipment to verify anything, or else no scientific advances and conclusions before those devices existed could ever have been accomplished. Again, prove it to yourself, the same as earlier scientists proved things to themselves, by going to these locations yourself and spending the night in them, which have convinced other skeptics and atheists before, unless you are too afraid to do so, inconsistently with your belief that "there is nothing there". No cameras or equipment, since anything that you recorded wouldn't convince other atheists anymore than what others have recorded convinces you, but just YOU!!! by yourself and prove it to yourself without the hype!! You will see what there is to see, if you can open your mind enough to experience it, and become a believer or else will go crazy and go into a mental hospital!! Either way, we will be rid of your lies and mockery and disbelief!! As for those who want to be fooled and are easily fooled by all manner of religions (such as Trumpianity!), you of all people shouldn't bring that up, considering your own falling for Trumpelstiltskin's lies and believing everything that he said "while in office"!!!

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Since your prayers don't work Douglas, I'll be sure to never ask you to pray for anything.

      1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

        @Carl Bernard Elfstrom Thank you for not asking me to prey for anything. It has been my personnel experience, and the experience of others, country and world prayers do not work. On the other hand I have found knowledge, hard work and science always works.

        I'll give you an example. My entire life people have been preying for world peace.... Hasn't happened. So is it God doesn't want world peace and promotes voidance and killing? Or is it there is no God? And preying and religion are just a scam to keep people busy and hoping for good things to happen.

    3. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      @Douglas Robert Spindler, why do you have to be so insensitive! Have a scotch, for goodness sake!

  1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D
    1. Trump didn't die.
    2. Wait till the late night comedy talk shows find out about this one.
    3. Sunflower seeds?
    1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

      A Ukrainian grandmother gave sunflower seeds to soldiers and told them to put them in their pockets so the flowers can grow from their corpse. I’m pretty sure that was Baba Yaga cursing them.

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Magick isn't instantaneous Mark, but a process. And in this dimension processes require the illusion of the passage of time. Trump isn't dead yet, but everything dies, and believe it or not, when enough destructive energy is projected at someone that person will die a lot sooner than if nobody had been wishing him dead, unless he is well protected against such attacks, which I seriously doubt Trump or Putin know anything about, or like you would laugh it off, thinking of such things as fictitious, even while pushing up daisies.

      1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

        I laugh it off because it's foolish to take seriously...and the big emphasis here is on the "pushing up daisies," nothing else being materially relevant. Your mistake is in believing there is experiencing while pushing up daisies and that wishes create events. Nobody thinks anything or does anything else while pushing up daisies, and mental phantasy is still nothing more than just that...phantasy. All those people destroyed in the meantime while your little phantasy carries on in your mind and creates or influences nothing, all of those souls and spirits and bodies carved up alive, tortured, murdered, by these monsters while you put your energy into what is simply mental self-stimulation, thumb twiddling, you simply discount. If it were not to laugh off, it should be decried in shame.

        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Mark, the word fantasy starts with the letter f, not a pH.

          1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

            Not where I come from or where people live still...but thanks for narrowing your world view and for the correction, wouldn't want to you to stop thinking.

          2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

            Actually, @Carl Bernard Elfstrom, Phantasy and Fantasy are both acceptable spelling in the English language - I am an ESOL teacher beside being a pastor.

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    Obviously if Witch's Hex's worked, and also things like prayer, from all the earth's religions, there would be no children suffering in hospital, and men, women, and children wouldn't be horribly dying in the current war. There will of course be people who will try to defend their pathetic mythical god's inactivity of helping to ease the suffering, but that's how it has been for millennia. Such is the world of religious indoctrination!


    1. James Leroy Georgeson's Avatar James Leroy Georgeson

      Read and Study the Bible. The answers you seek are in there. Their God? My God? Son you are very deceived. There is one God that we should all be worshiping Him. If I'm wrong then what happens to me? but If your wrong? I take it that your a gambling man. The gamble you are taking has devasting consequences. I will pray for you.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Thank you James. I have read and studied the Bible, for whatever that is really worth. I even managed to get passed where he killed nearly everyone on earth, and those children he killed. I even managed to get passed where he condoned slavery and stoning people to death. I did find the answers there that I needed James. I determined that anyone that could do that was a genocidal, infanticidal, misogynistic butcher. And anyone that could worship that type of deity needed psychiatric help.

        Fortunately, there is no real evidence of any of that really happening, which I'm sure you are banking on...right? Please let me know if you ever find any demonstrable evidence for your god, or even Moses, and Abraham, or even Jesus.

        You are more than welcome to talk to any wall, floor, or ceiling, on my behalf if you feel it will help you get through this life. The success rate of doing that is just as good as crossing your fingers, or tossing a coin. Please let me know if your prayers ever get answered to clear hospital wards of dying children. I'm guessing that's not going to happen is it James? And if we were being really truthful, we all know the reason why, don't we? No one appears to be listening, or if they really are, they aren't interested in helping out. If your god really did part the Red Sea, he could have opened the gates at Auschwitz, or Belsen.....right?

        I have more humility, and compassion, in my little finger than your mythical deity.


  1. Bishop William Dusenberry, DD's Avatar Bishop William Dusenberry, DD

    In my capacity as a ULC Bishop, with a DD, and four other ULC doctorates, as well as being sainted twice, I can categorically state that there are no longer any witches, because the Christians (Catholics and Protestants alike) burned them all alive, at town centers all over Europe during Christian Inquisitions.

    The few witches, who escaped from Christian Europe, who made it to places like Salem Massachusetts, so that they weren’t burned alive at the stake in Europe, for the most part were drowned or hanged, by Colonial Christians, who left Europe in order to achieve religious freedom in the new world.

    Bottom line: the fact is, every witch that ever lived, who was still alive, during the European Christian Inquisition, was murdered by pius Christians — meaning any current claims of hoaxes, are preposterous.

    What White Christian Nationalists GOP’ers today, call religious freedom, is that everyone must be free, to believe in the same religion as John Calvin did — and anyone who doesn’t accept this, should move to a place like Cuba or North Korea ( or, be burned, like the witches of yure).

    1. James Leroy Georgeson's Avatar James Leroy Georgeson

      I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you sir!

  1. Rev Nolan's Avatar Rev Nolan

    What I’m wondering is whether the witches creed to do no harm is in conflict with any type of curse. To curse Putin, which I do out of such tremendous hatred I hold for him, by cursing him, is that even how true witchcraft even work?

    1. Matthew Mastrogiovanni's Avatar Matthew Mastrogiovanni

      The do no harm, is Wiccan. Not all witches follow that. Just like Christian's aren't to bear a false witness, yet politicians and news reports are full of lies.

      1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

        They don’t exactly follow the golden rule to the letter either.

        1. Elder Eugene E Andy Jr.'s Avatar Elder Eugene E Andy Jr.

          Good afternoon, exactly 💯!!! Also there's Christian ✝️ peoples that I notice that 99% of them want love to put their own flocks and others in HELL if you don't follow there procedures and practice in serving God our Creator, also let me add, God our Creator will give us guidance and direction different from the so call of the 99% of the Christian and to me my opinion is not to follow them, because you will be heading off the cliff, and that is murder.

          1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

            Also Eugene, don't forget that faith without work is dead!

        2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Not only that Mr. Ruhnke, although many of us do try, some of us sometimes find it best to do unto others as they have done unto us, in helping the universe stay balanced. Like they say, "Pay back is a bitch"! And also, "What goes around comes around". There's nothing wrong with helping karmic retribution run it's course, if that's all you're doing, and don't go beyond that.

          1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

            Isn’t there some kind of 3x3x3 karmic affect? You do it to them, and they retaliate 3x harder? There’s also, “learn to pick your battles.”

        3. Elder Eugene E Andy Jr.'s Avatar Elder Eugene E Andy Jr.

          Comment removed by user.

      2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        In Wicca, there's nothing wrong with protection Magick. Not doing so is more likely to cause negative karma.

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Us Wiccans seek not to harm,Nolan, but do seek to protect from harm. We aren't the fools who turn the other cheek!

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        @Carl Bernard Elfstrom, turning the other cheek isn't at all full: it ceases conflict and shows strength of character.

    3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      That's not called the Witches Creed Nolan, but The Wiccan Rede. It's a very good poem, that us Wiccans can relate to, and most even abide by, but there aren't any laws in Wicca that we must abide by. And there is no such thing as Wiccan dogma, no one holy book that we all abide by, as is the case in some other religions. As a matter of fact, my Wiccan mentor told me many years ago, during my year and a day of training that Wicca really isn't a religion per se, but more than a religion a life path, and way of being. Furthermore, we don't seek to be good or bad, but simply are, similar to what is also described in Zen. Blessed be!

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

        @Carl Bernard Elfstrom, do you guys have a standard of moral code?

  1. Rev David Drudge's Avatar Rev David Drudge

    Its all absurd.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      To be or not to be, David. That is the question.

  1. Rev David Drudge's Avatar Rev David Drudge


  1. Lucy Carrasquillo's Avatar Lucy Carrasquillo

    If God knocked Saul of Tarsus off his horse on the Damascus Road, blinded him, made him see the wrongs of his ways, then gave him a heart of flesh filled with compassion that endedhis wrath to those he was persecuting, why not pray that our Lord do the same with Putin??? The Love and Grace of Jesus will prevail. No other diety or entity has that power to change a persecuter into a promoter of The Gospels! I agree that listing ingredients for a hex add to the plans of recruiting more lost souls for the evil one. Very sad promotion by The Monastery. I don't want to be part of this organization any longer because these hexers aren't children of God's universe of good.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Lucy, thanks for leaving! Will you please take some other fools with you when you leave, Miss goodie two shoes?

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Although all Wiccans are Witches, there are many practitioners of magic who claim to be witches that aren't Wiccan, and don't abide by the things that most of us Wiccans abide by. They play by their own rules.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Go to Amazon, Alice. They sell a large number of books on the subject of Wicca. Pick out one that says it's for biginners. Or, if you want to delve deeper, and learn a lot about Wicca and it's roots I suggest you read The Wiccan Mysteries by Raven Grimassi. Or, if you'd rather not shop with Amazon, I would suggest you check out Llewellyn Publications.com.

  1. Geoffrey C. Olive's Avatar Geoffrey C. Olive

    What a shame that so many humans have been infected by the religion virus that they have to believe and justify this nonsense. Just make up something and watch the sheeple flock in! Why can’t some humans accept that the universe is a product of physics and that alone and not some magic sky daddy? It is fear of the unknown that religions were invented to comfort and control the ignorant masses. There was no ‘before life’, and there is no ‘after life’. Anything other than this is just a made up method of controlling fear of oblivion!

  1. William's Avatar William

    I love the "idea" behind the action, however, I do not believe in these type of rituals.

    BUT - I would be the first to defend their belief(s) should it be infringed on by the state.

  1. Retta K Mallady's Avatar Retta K Mallady

    I'm all for a proper binding spell on folks like Putin and Trump...my problem is with PUBLICLY ANNOUNCING our intent to the world! Our history with 'witch trials' may not be over! If we convince people that we can actually stop a war, among other things, they could become angry and vengeful...instead of vaguely amused by us. I think they are playing with fire...and my desire and my right to be Wiccan!

  1. Kaylin Elise Somavia's Avatar Kaylin Elise Somavia

    I have followed the Wiccan way for over 50 years and pray for political things such as this daily. I'm thrilled we are finally able to become more mainstream and prove our effectiveness and power of goodness to aid our Mother Earth from this conflict. It is horrific for her children and her Earth and will have untold lasting effects on both. I STAND AND APPLAUD MICHAEL FOR HIS GREAT DEED! High Priestess Kaylin

  1. Todd Bettis's Avatar Todd Bettis

    Of course it won't directly work. You have people putting in energy from both sides. E.g., when Trump was president, they cursed him and Christians prayed for him. They balanced out, I believe.

  1. Catherine Newton's Avatar Catherine Newton

    Personally, I never, ever do hexes. What you put out in the world comes back to you threefold. Perhaps a binding of peace or a protection of the victims or a clarity of mind. Our world is so full of negativity. Blessed be to all :)

  1. James Leroy Georgeson's Avatar James Leroy Georgeson

    Is this what this site is about? Witches? And to think I was ordained from this site. Maybe that would explain my last nine years of the worst luck I've ever had. None of this foolishness comes from the Bible. Your leading people astray. I was skeptical when I had seen that star logo on some documents. The same star symbol that represents the devil. Where do you stand. I will burn my Credentials if you stand with Satan and witches.

    1. Retta K Mallady's Avatar Retta K Mallady

      Ignorance is not becoming. The Devil/Satan is a Christian invention! So, no...we don't worship that fairy tale! You can't go around believing everything you see in the movies...right?! If you're thinking about an 'inverted' pentagram, where the 'star' is upside down, you need only look at your 'inverted' cross to see they try to pervert all religious symbols, not just ours. OUR pentagram's 5 points stand for Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit to bind them all. No demons to be found anywhere in MY home. I will be the first to tell you that I don't know everything. Only a fool would profess to know things that they really don't know. I had a neighbor, the other day, tell me that "miracles were the work of God!", he said. "It HAS to be God, because if it isn't, it would HAVE to be witches!" It was all I could do to make it home before busting out laughing, then I stopped laughing and started thinking about it. I finally decided, what the hell do I really know about it? You might try that sometime soon.

    2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      @James Leroy Georgeson, ULC is a Universalist church. Universalism is part of Christianity, though at the fringe of Protestantism. It began with Quakerism when they said we see the glory of God in all human beings from all walks of life. As an evangelical Christian, I believe salvation is only through Jesus Christ. But I accepted ordination from ULC because I also believe that Christ can walk incognito with the searching souls in all walks of life. That is my understanding of Universalism. No one is in a position to judge. Only the 'Incognito Jesus' that walked the path of Emmaus can judge the searching heart. I have my own church that I run as part of Evangelical Alliance, but I'm also happy to be part of ULC fir my aforementioned reasons.  

  1. James Leroy Georgeson's Avatar James Leroy Georgeson

    Its all in Revelations people. If you think this is bad then like the saying goes "Buckle up buttercup cause you haven't seen nothing yet". The end times are all in revelations and none of it is good. Never did God say that life will get better and better. The ending will be merciless and hopefully I won't be hear to see it. Youve all been given the opportunity to give your hearts to Jesus but you reject him. This is what He has in store for those who reject him. John 3:16

  1. James Leroy Georgeson's Avatar James Leroy Georgeson

    Its all in Revelations people. If you think this is bad then like the saying goes "Buckle up buttercup cause you haven't seen nothing yet". The end times are all in revelations and none of it is good. Never did God say that life will get better and better. The ending will be merciless and hopefully I won't be hear to see it. Youve all been given the opportunity to give your hearts to Jesus but you reject him. This is what He has in store for those who reject him. John 3:16

  1. James Leroy Georgeson's Avatar James Leroy Georgeson

    Its all in Revelations people. If you think this is bad then like the saying goes "Buckle up buttercup cause you haven't seen nothing yet". The end times are all in revelations and none of it is good. Never did God say that life will get better and better. The ending will be merciless and hopefully I won't be hear to see it. Youve all been given the opportunity to give your hearts to Jesus but you reject him. This is what He has in store for those who reject him. John 3:16

  1. James Leroy Georgeson's Avatar James Leroy Georgeson

    Its all in Revelations people. If you think this is bad then like the saying goes "Buckle up buttercup cause you haven't seen nothing yet". The end times are all in revelations and none of it is good. Never did God say that life will get better and better. The ending will be merciless and hopefully I won't be hear to see it. Youve all been given the opportunity to give your hearts to Jesus but you reject him. This is what He has in store for those who reject him. John 3:16

  1. Jeffrey Stoecker's Avatar Jeffrey Stoecker

    I was raised by witches. I could cast a spell on Putin. It would require a speck of rust from the cauldron of a true witch, or a screw from Sarah Palin's glasses -- whichever was available. ;-)

    It wouldn't do any good, though, except making me feel special... Which -- don't get me wrong -- I could really go for most days.

    The problem is the spell Putin has cast on us. It has to be broken world over. People have got to shake off the fearful thrall he's put them into and LAUGH at this crazy, pathetic, murderous creep. The more he shakes his rattle and goes "OOGA BOOGA" the harder we need to laugh.

  1. Kathryn Piller's Avatar Kathryn Piller

    Our problem is the biden. Our president has not aided Ukrainian people the president caused a increase in our gas prices long before Putin. He is the weak link that gave Putin the lever to fight. He shut down our oil production and made us depend on other countries. He caused unemployment by closing them. He opened the borders and now we have drugs and children and women sold into slavery. We have the cartel bringing fetenol drugs here. People are coming who have no Covid test or any test. They are shipped all over our country on planes in busses and cars. We can not afford the cost to our health and monetarily. No it is not about withes but about stupid evil politicians who do not have the American people in their mind or heart.

  1. Jackie D. Reeder's Avatar Jackie D. Reeder

    Is resorting to magic biblical?

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Magic doesn’t exist, only unanswered questions that we have about many aspects of life and the universe.


    2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      @Jackie D. Reeder, no it is not. The Bible condemns magic.

  1. Ursula C Hart's Avatar Ursula C Hart

    Be careful who you ‘hex’ and what activities you engage in…it will come back to you threefold. The fact that many will so openly engage in activities is concerning to me. Can one not just pray for resolution without having an ‘enemy’? Are we going to continue this polarization of ‘us’ versus ‘them’? When will we all learn that we are all mirrors of one another and that peace, true peace, begins in our own hearts?. Tend to that and if you have time left over because you are ‘finished’ with yourself, and that log in your eye is gone, then sure go seek out the specks in other peoples eyes. 💕🌏🌍🌎💕

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      All delusional fallacies Ursula, with no demonstrable evidence whatsoever.


  1. Akhil Jojo's Avatar Akhil Jojo

    Magic is one of the pure and eternal force of energy and power which is understand and mastered by the One who took hard work. Magic is a wisdom which is both the path of salvation and a key of defense. Magic i prefer to call it Maya. Maya is eternal and according to different dogma and understand its eternal and everlasting. If one use his wisdom and power not for selfish, but for the good of the weakened and suffering ones, then the true action of the eternity which given the wisdom and power is full filled.

    "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God". Mathew 5:9.

    Put the full heart and Mind in the action with love and faith the eternal maya will work in a rapid manner.

    Blessings to all those who do so. May your quest come to a victory and may the peace you wish to make in the world come to you.

    in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, Amen

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      It should actually spell: in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritui Sancti...

  1. Rev Ned's Avatar Rev Ned

    It can’t hurt.

  1. Gwendolyn Lord's Avatar Gwendolyn Lord

    Magic is energy. Energy that is directed. It works, too. Prayer is another fo r m of magic. Belief is the power behind ritual, spells, prayer, hexes. The funny thing is, only one half of the equation needs to believe, for it to work. I already put in my magic, to bind, banish, turn to ash, Putin. To protect Ukraine, and for there to be victory and freedom for Ukraine. Just sit back, believe, and watch.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      @Gwendolyn Lord, prayer is not magic, it is faith. Faith and magic are fundamentally different.

  1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

    Such is the world of atheistic and secular indoctrination that something is required to work all the time or always produce the result that we want to be considered "worth doing or effective at all". If that were true, human efforts (and not just relying on prayers or wishing) wouldn't be worth doing, either, because they aren't always effective or productive, when they are, of the results that some people want. So, by the same standard that makes some people say "don't waste your time on prayers because they don't work or always give us what we want and get off your knees and do something", it should also be said "don't waste your time on trying to do something about anything, either, because that doesn't work or always give us the results that we want" and there would, then, be nowhere to turn and no remedy or hope for solving any problems!! But just as human efforts don't instantaneously produce results and take time to achieve their goals, if they can be achieved, and aren't considered "worthless" because they don't work immediately or produce the results that we want or expect, but take time, persistence, and patience, so, consistently, prayers shouldn't be considered "worthless" because they don't work immediately or produce the results that we want or expect, but take time, persistence, and patience. That is the same standard for both efforts and prayers, instead of a double standard. Look at the efforts to end this war in Ukraine today and that will end it, in time and with persistence and more pressure and sanctions on Putin and Russia, but not immediately and aren't worthless because they don't work immediately!! Look at the civil rights movement in this country and fight to end slavery, racial and religious discrimination, lynchings, and all other social injustices, and that have been going on for over 150 years since the end of the Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation and are still going on and necessary today. If some people had had their way and their "thinking" had prevailed, all of those human efforts against injustice would have been called "worthless" and ceased because they didn't work immediately, but, thankfully, more far-sighted and patient people prevailed over them and those fights continued and produced and keep producing good results!! Look at W.W. II, the Revolutionary War, and other human efforts throughout history, which have produced good results. Prayers also have produced good results for many people, in time and with persistence and patience, when people have recovered from medical conditions that their doctors had tried everything they could do to cure and couldn't do it and thought were "beyond hope" and for many other matters. That proved that there is a limit to what our own efforts can do and then we need to rely on something far beyond our own efforts. When all human efforts are able to clear all hospitals of sick and dying people and cure them, and solve all other problems immediately, then we could ask that of God, too, but until we can do it, why would we put all that on God, hypocritically, because He can, supposedly, "do and fix everything", but not without our cooperation. Jesus couldn't heal people in some places because of their little faith. Nobody is saying that "human beings don't really exist" because their efforts and asking them for help don't always work or give us what we want, and so it is inconsistent and self-contradictory to say that about God for that reason. God would have to take away everyone's free will in order to stop them from doing any more evil in the world and that would eliminate the possibility of freely chosen love and goodness in the world, too. By our own choices, we keep evils and filled hospitals going on in the world, which God won't interfere with, out of respect for our freedom, even if our choices grieve His heart!! Any atheists who don't actually pray to a higher power or wish well when their loved ones, if any, are seriously ill or injured and human efforts aren't working to solve those problems don't really love those people because it is instinctive in human beings to turn to something higher than ourselves when our efforts aren't working fast enough to help those whom we love, including ourselves. So, it is hypocritical for them to condemn others' prayers. Christians and others who believe in prayer don't believe only in praying and not in also working to solve problems because it is a Catholic saying, common to all prayerful people, that "We should pray as if everything depends on God, but work as if everything depends on us".

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      @John D. Partin, I couldn't have said it better. And you're right. God in humility, respects our free will. By the way, hospitals are one of the results of prayer. It is thanks to the Church that hospitals are in existence.

  1. Laurette O'Keefe's Avatar Laurette O'Keefe

    Practitioners must be very careful about performing ritual hexes. Many believe such practice invokes bad or chaotic karma. A binding ritual can be effectively carried out to keep Putin from doing further harm. He is an existential danger whose fodder is Negativity. Hexes create negative energy.

  1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

    This is beyond silly. Anyone who's done even a modicum of research into this subject should know full well that it can't be boiled down to a comic book style good vs evil battle. People who are believing the mainstream media narrative are spellbound by a state military psyop and living in a fantasy land. If you want to help people in this situation the best thing you can do for a start is pull your head out of your own **s and do a little independent research into the history of the conflict, which involves in more recent decades 2 separate illegal regime changes conducted by the USA government, and a ridiculous degree of genocidal mania over the past 8+ years committed against eastern Ukrainians by their own USA sponsored puppet government. End of the day it's about the oil and gas resources in the country, as well as the rare earth elements, precious metals and arable land. Ukraine has been ruined by western intervention with the help of Ukraine's gangster oligarchs and a blood curdling number of openly neo-Nazi militants. If that's what you all are defending with your witchcraft, you need your heads checked, to put it mildly.

    1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      @Thunder, I am totally with you in this comment. And yes, I was afraid of expressing this thought because of fear of attacks. They say we have freedom of speech and democracy, but it seems that boasting opinions must prevail in the West. It seems like presenting this side of the coin has become 'opinion no-grata.' Thank you for your courageous comment!!

  1. Anton Teodorovich Bogolyubov-Malinor's Avatar Anton Teodorovich Bogolyubov-Malinor

    Perhaps, joining the witches is the only way to fight for the Russians, who do not want this war and do not want a quarrel with their spiritual brothers around the world.

  1. Catherine Ann McDonald's Avatar Catherine Ann McDonald

    The time has come that love and kindness through God, through the spirit of goodness, that shall reign over ignorance and evil.

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