‘The Last Supper’… ‘The Creation of Adam’... Luce the anime girl?
Step aside classic Catholic art, the Vatican’s got a new mascot, and her name is Luce.
Luce, whose name means ‘light’ in Italian, debuted at Lucca Comic and Games, a video game and fantasy convention in Italy similar to Comic-Con. Luce will represent the Catholic Church as its mascot for the 2025 Jubilee, a holy year of hope, faith, and forgiveness occurring every 25 years, in which millions of pilgrims visit Rome.
Archbishop Rino Fisichella, who is organizing the 2025 Jubilee, said that Luce (and her cohort of cutesy friends) is all part of a new strategy on the Vatican’s part to engage youth by using “the pop culture so beloved by our young people.”
Will it work?
Who is Luce?
With giant, glistening eyes, brightly colored clothes, and a big smile, it’s hard to deny that Luce is cute.
Luce (and her cadre of friends and faithful dog Santino) are the work of popular Italian artist Simone Legno, who was commissioned by the Vatican and who designed her with Japanese anime in mind.
Luce was “created from the desire to enter into the world of pop culture” according to Archbishop Rino Fisichella, and though her design is unabashedly cute, it’s also full of symbolism.
The yellow raincoat and muddy boots, for example, represent the lengthy pilgrimage many will take during Jubilee 2025. And the scallop shells in her eyes symbolize the Camino de Santiago, a lengthy route taken by pilgrims, once a Roman trading route, where scallop shells are commonly found.
A Kid-Friendly Pivot
A games and comic convention may seem a strange place for a faith one billion strong to unveil a new mascot. But it’s all part of the Catholic Church’s latest attempt to appeal towards the younger generation.
The Catholic Church held a special event to debut Luce at the Lucca Comics and Games convention, where she was a big hit. She will also represent the Vatican at Expo 2025 in Osaka, Japan, next year.
Participating in these events “will allow us to speak to younger generations about the theme of hope, which is more central than ever in the evangelical message,” says Archbishop Fisichella.
Reactions Roll In
Reactions to Luce were mixed online, though there was a single common denominator amongst most responses: Surprise.
After the shock wore off, many admitted they adored the new design.
But others viewed it as a cynical attempt to give Catholicism a kid-friendly rebrand.
And some even found it demonic, pointing to the similarities between ‘Luce’ and ‘Lucifer’ as proof of some sort of sinister motive.
But most of the responses? Good ol’ fashioned memes.
What do you think of Luce? Since her debut, fan art of her has flooded the internet. But do you think her cutesy design will actually bring more young people to the Catholic faith?
And was this necessary? Did the Catholic Church really need an anime-inspired mascot? Should a faith’s values speak for itself, or is a little marketing okay - even for one of the world’s biggest faiths?
First thought that came to mind seeing this was "Get into the van my child, we've got candy..."
In other news, because Vatican doesn't understand rule 34... https://www.404media.co/luce-porn-vatican/
People constantly piss and moan about the main line churches being so dull, so boring. The liturgy is this or it’s that, the same old hymns, stand up sit down, blah blah blah. So they try to spruce it up a bit here and there, starting with the younger members and all you can think of is every bad thing that has befallen the church. If you’re not Catholic, leave it alone. If you are and you think bad of it talk to your Parish Priest. This is really not worth the waste of hot air.
Children like animals better then animated characters of people they like animals better cute, fluffy little animals
I think it's absolutely wonderful! What a creative way to bring the church to younger generations.
This kid/mascot will be abused by some perverted bishop, no doubt
How long has the LGBTQRST been hiding in the church? How long have church officials been raping children? I don't believe that the timelines coincide. The RCC has stayed well staffed with child abusers for centuries. How many wards of the church that are abused become clergy and abusers? Now they have created an new Light (bringer?) to entice more victims. You can't absolve the church of their sickness by blaming a more contemporary sickness for their crimes. That would be akin to blaming Islam for the Inquisition. It's all evil incarnate.
QRST? Regardless of how people label themselves, the acts of the perpetrators define them as LGBT
Where in LGBTQ does pedophilia fit? Last I checked there isn't a P involved with that community. Pedophilia is sexual feelings directed toward children. Being a pedophile doesn't make you gay, it makes you an abuser.
Michael Hunt
Not necessarily, only if acted out.
Pedophilia is a recognized medical condition. It can be treated. It is practically a sexual attraction towards minors, mainly teenagers. Therapy can redirect that, and there is anonymous help available for them.
They need our help and prayers, in order not to turn into monsters. I have met a few in my ministry, and they have been able to set boundaries and establish strategies to build functional families.
I guess the pedophiles with white collars are running out of children to molest! This is just wrong, more and more people are realizing that there is nothing out there and no one is coming to save them - this life is all you get! The ego and arrogance it takes to basically say that this entire vast universe made up of billions of stars and planets with more than likely has life on many of them was created by a human looking all powerful deity but is only reigning over earth because that’s all that matters out of the billions of other options! But people believe this stuff no matter how incredulous the story, even if the story has no evidence of ever happening they still buy that crap as if it’s real - kinda like how through mass psychosis the democrats and mainstream media has convinced millions of people with absolutely no evidence whatsoever of lies about Donald Trump and then if you ask for one example of let’s say racism - they get angry and incoherent! It’s really crazy what weak minded people who are also lazy will believe without question or facts or evidence!
Those old lame false accusations were debunked years ago and revealed to be LGBT actions
They weren't. You're just brainwashed.
I don't think that kids should be pressed with religious views. In scripture and following what we know about God's view on temptation we learn that those hosts who are responsible for the tempting and testing of mankind are only allowed to do so once a person has reached the age when they know the difference between right and wrong, sin and virtue. Until then they are innocent souls who know not of the wages of sin. However we also learn that no one is beyond temptation, not even the Son, and all must face this challenge at some point. So it is because of this factor that I do not think religion should be pressed upon those who do not know the difference or the value of living a righteous life, they must come to that decision on their own without the institutionalized indoctrination that many have come to see the church as being.
Luce does not represent society she needs to be multicultural Minister Hannah
I'll stick with Bugs Bunny, Popeye, the Flintstones and other oldies... even that spaz, Roger Rabbit! The subject is a creepy little "creation" isn't she...? Is the antagonist a perp already, or do we have to wait for that "red" and "racist" fellow to entice one?
Today's Tech sometimes freaks me out....
Peace... Reb tk
Gotta groom those kids so that they grow up, attending mandated mass every week and PTL (Passing The Loot) keeping the business rolling in the dough. All those fancy idols are not cheap.
Why does it look like their shoes have blood on them? I mean, the Catholic record with children and babies is already pretty damming.
All I can really say is WOW 😮
What s with the eyes of Luce? It looks like she s permanently crying. With good reason, no doubt. It doesnt exude any light anyway. A play on 'I m the Light and the Way'? oh please.
Food for thought , the Roman Catholic church along with powerful pagan leaders, changed the day of our commanded sabbath , and the Israelites were killed if they didn't adapt, Whom were God's Chosen people , there's flaws in every Sunday keeping church , for it's a pagan day of worship , God will know his people by the laws we keep , Jesus didn't redeem us from the Law , he redeemed us from the statutes and rituals of sacrifice , And Idol worship is one of God's pet peeves, but our six thousand probation is nearly over , and all confusion and the destruction of children will be Over
Food for thought , the Roman Catholic church along with powerful pagan leaders, changed the day of our commanded sabbath , and the Israelites were killed if they didn't adapt, Whom were God's Chosen people , there's flaws in every Sunday keeping church , for it's a pagan day of worship , God will know his people by the laws we keep , Jesus didn't redeem us from the Law , he redeemed us from the statutes and rituals of sacrifice , And Idol worship is one of God's pet peeves, but our six thousand probation is nearly over , and all confusion and the destruction of children will be Over
Teresa Freeman
The concept Sunday worship is a common myth among Gentile Christians used to discredit Seventh-Day Christians.
I am a Messianic Jew, as were the early Christians. All of them except on the part of Paul and Barnabas were encouraged to follow the Torah and worship on Shabbat. We still do. However, they would stretch Shabbat worship into breaking bread in homes on Saturday evenings. It was an extension of Shabbat to honor Yeshua HaMashiach's resurrection through communion.
After the Edict of Milan of Constantine in AD313, Gentile Christianity was severed from its Jewish roots. As the day begins in the morning daylight in the nations, contrary to Israel where it starts at Erev (the eve of the actual day), they began to think of Shabbat rest as an exclusive Sunday practice.
It was not a substitution. It was rather an evolution. We Messianic Jews and Gentile Christians worship on both days or on either one. As a pastor and rabbi, I run Shabbat on Friday evenings, two Sunday services, and Havdalah on Monday evenings to say farewell to Shabbat.
I suggest you do your homework from original sources.
The church s motto is 'catch them early' meaning start brain washing people at an early age and they've been very successful. Over the centuries how much hate and persecution have they generated?
Are the priests etc. running out of children to molest? The pope cannot have that happen! He would not have any of "god's men" left to send him cash.
It is a lesson that needs to be learned by all churches interested in evangelism that you go to your audience with something they will understand. If you go with pagan symbols you will attract/convert the pagans, which was how Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny co-opted the "Christian" holy days. Telling people that they are garbage, and the only way out is your religion causes their ears to shut off at "garbage." This is why gay people have left churches in droves. It's time the Catholic Church tried to bring people into the church using something they could identify with in a positive way. I'm not sure that targeting children at this point in time is the wisest decision, however, for the same reason some have mentioned already. But, who knows maybe the church will learn something positive as well. Diversity of thought, even in theology, is not a bad thing.
The problem is the dangerous LGBT belief system that churches have a responsibility to call out
Last I knew, LGBT is not a belief system, so I'm not sure what you are saying here.
That's exactly what it is. It's dogma is the presumed existence of human traits of sexual orientation and gender identity, which are both dangerous myths.
You should really do your own research on things. Basically every animal on earth has same sex pairings, bisexual tendencies, and some can even change their gender! We are also animals.
While being straight is presumed to be the default, it is not the only way. You shame yourself by trying to pass blame on those you do not understand.
All of this is true. There is also history of pedophilia being beneficial for all involved- only if kept properly confidential of course. However, while sexuality between females has a history of being generally harmless, the opposite is true of sexuality between males in us humans, leading to widespread social calamitous effects such as AIDS or males actually falsely claiming to be female.
"There is also history of pedophilia being beneficial for all involved- only if kept properly confidential of course." No, there's no history of pedophilia being beneficial. Where did you get these deranged ideas?
There is more evidence of pedophilia being beneficial than there is of homosexuality being beneficial. But all of the evidence consists solely of opinions which can be neither proved nor disproved. But there is no difference in reality between pedophilia and the rest of LGBT. Just because the victims happen to be older doesn't somehow magically make it all OK by calling it LGBT
Joseph P. Aleks
I am a survivor of sexual abuse, and your statements are nothing but empty rhetoric.
I wonder if you are aware that your own words are making mockery of yourself.
Patricia Ann Gross
Joseph P Aleks appears to be stuck at the same point endlessly... as the Italians say, the tongue beats, tooth aches :-) !
Fine idea so long as they keep the pedophile priests/monks and the sadistic nuns away from the kids. (Had a finger broken by a nun in elementary school because I couldn't properly memorize an assignment.)
The Catholic Church was just forced to pay $1 Billion in damages to the 1000 children that were sexually assaulted by the clergy in California. Leave the children alone you freaks!!!
It was not the church that was to blame, but LGBT pretending tom be church people to troll for new victims
It's Anima, disguised as Anime! The desperate need for union with the feminine, cut out by the Catholic Church and still not allowed inside the hearts of men, is now luring them via a jejune cartoon game with a female protagonist! Propaganda. Reminds me of the movie Metropolis. Bring back Mary Magdalene, Anima, the feeling, related side of the psyche and Eros, and then the Church will reconnect to soul to balance out the decay of the masculine stuck in power and control rather than united in spirit and soul.
I think the early Catholic Church tried to make the Virgin Mary and Mother Mary prominent as their way of honoring the old goddesses who graced Rome. I guess it’s why I have a soft spot for Catholics and Lutherans, but kind of harsh with a lot of Protestants with their disdain for women and femininity. I do agree with your view. I think too many men forget their X chromosomes come from women.
Reverend Rick Ross
Is there going to also be an anime character of a nun with an 18" ruler? Does the church really need to be this far reaching to entice membership?
Yes, they do. The Shakers believe in total separation of the sexes. I recently read that there’s only 2 of them left.
This could only happen from The Vatican after all they have been covering up child abuse for years. Is this another way to lure children to peados that springs to my mind.
NOT the church- but LGBT hiding out in church settings to troll for new victims and try to blame the innocent
It must be sad to be this delusional.
What's even sadder is trying to put the blame for LGBT predation on innocent Church people
LGBTQ people are not preying on people in the Church. They're simply asking to be allowed to exist without discrimination and hatred being directed at them.
The Catholic Church, however, has a well documented history of protecting clergy who are pedophiles and sexual abusers. Not a single one of those predators would call themselves LGBTQ or identify with that community.
Michael Hunt
Have you checked the Watchtower Society? They are actually the worst Christian organization in the field of hiding pedophiles!
NOT the church- but LGBT hiding out in church settings to troll for new victims and try to blame the innocent
Joseph P Aleks,
You seem to express homophobic sentiments. Is this an indication of internalized self-hatred?
Does nothing to convince me that my decision to leave the Catholic Church in March 1975 was wrong.
It does seem like the Catholic church ought to avoid any suggestion they are trying to entice children.
What's next? Candy from a windowless white van?
What could possibly go wrong!
It's a man made device to draw children to the catholic religion: (Not to Jesus Christ). Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life. Not animation. This lacks the Holy Spirit.
It's not the church that's to blame, but LGBT pretending to be church people to troll for new victims
This NEVER HAPPENS. If you genuinely believe this, all I can wonder is if you got this from the church you're trying to defend. If that's your source, it seems extremely suspect.
That is the ONLY way it happens. The actions of the perpetrators define them as LGBT, regardless of what they may pretend to be.
I'm pretty sure the Church covering up pedophilia and sexual abuse by their clergy is a reason to blame them. LGBTQ people aren't pretending to be faith leaders so they can abuse children. There's zero evidence to support that statement. Abusing children does not make someone LGBTQ; that community vehemently condemns sexual violence.
While LGBT apologists may try to claim that pedophilia is not part of their spectrum, the fact remains that there are a number of categories. One that clearly does not belong is the L. Women are nothing like pedophiles or males falsely claiming to be female. And the transgender part is far worse than the pedophile part of LGBT.
Lets be very clear here, pedophiles are not welcomed by the LGBTQ community and pedophiles harming children are far, far worse than transgender persons existing. You simply hate this group for being different than you.
Joseph P. Aleks
I am LGBT, and this is utterly nonsensical!
Much ado about nothing
Colleen McAllister
You can provide better comments than that, considering how well I know you now. I find the idea endearing. There is no need for a lengthy argument!
Other than the creepy, empty eyes and the barbecue fork, I guess she's OK. Reminds me of a Teletubby.
You are the first person since the voting catastrophe to make me laugh. Thank you
This is probably the most pathetic excuse of a plea to renew the church as I could possibly imagine! Japanese style Anime? Seriously, WTH?
It's indicative of just how desperate the christian chuch is to ensnare more victims.
It's what churches and families do best. They teach children the reality of Santa Claus, and the Tooth Fairy, Then they entice them with Religion because children are so vulnerable. The children later come to realize the first two are false, but indoctrinations continue with the other one with threats of Hell if they stop believing. It's actually mental abuse, and even more so if the indoctrination is Islam.
Lionheart, Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny brought me goodies. The church never "enticed" me with anything. Just a big spooky, echo-y building with scary statues and scarier Stations of the Cross, wanting me to eat the body and blood of a 2000 year old guy. No enticement there. Quite the opposite.
Come on, be realistic! Many young people will likely attend the Jubilee, whether they are Catholic or not. This is a charming innovation to make the Church more like a companion than a Mater Magisterium.
It’s still a form of manipulating and gaining control of one’s mind when very young. Religions do it very well. Then, when they have hooked the fish with the bait, they use manipulative threats of burning in Hell if they ever want to start trying to think differently.
I believe you may be exaggerating slightly.
In what way Sir George?
In my experience, the fallacy of burning in Hell is what causes the most psychological damage to those who start questioning their faith, and is often the cause of RTS, (Religious Trauma Syndrome).
In what way Sir George?
In my experience, the fallacy of burning in Hell is what causes the most psychological damage to those who start questioning their faith, and is often the cause of RTS, (Religious Trauma Syndrome).
What age group are you classifying children under and trying to appealing too? I was raised Catholic because my parents were. I went to all the religion classes, then the Catholic school, etc. I went to church every Sunday because as I was raised, my parents said here is where you will go. What CHILD gets to choose, so why do you need some animated character to appeal to the “younger generation”? Makes no sense. The generation you need to be trying to appealing too to are between 25-45. Isnt there a “Welcome Home” program? Well whatever is happening I left the Catholic Church many years ago. My choice my reasons and wouldn’t go back, and certainly a meme or animated character wouldn’t work for me at any age. My opinion. But the younger generation -children - go where their parents go and believe what their parents believe and teach usually until they are graduated and out of house or given the opportunity it’s to choose (rarely happens) .