The look of the U.S. Army is about to get a facelift. For the first time, the Army will allow a Christian soldier to break their long-standing dress code and grooming standards and grow facial hair while serving.
In 2019, Sgt. Jacob DiPietro filed an official request to grow a beard, arguing that shaving is against his personal religious beliefs. DiPietro observes the Nazarite vow from the Old Testament, which states that "no razor may be used on their head."
Now, two years after filing that formal request, he’s finally been approved.
A Hairy Situation
For DiPietro, observing the Nazarite vow is a way to show his love of God.
He spent months working on his formal request, knowing that the Army would look for any reason at all to deny the request. But after years of the request being stuck in limbo, the Army found the request was made in good faith and on a sincerely held religious belief.
While Muslims, Sikhs, and even Pagans have received individual exemptions in the past to grow their facial hair, DiPietro is the first known case of a Christian receiving such an exemption in the U.S. Armed Forces. DiPietro encourages other faithful who might want a similar exemption to stand their ground… provided their faith is sincere.
“If you’re trying to fleece the system because you just don’t want to shave, or you just want to grow your hair out,” he says, “it’s not gonna work.”
Bearded Backlash
In 2017, grooming standards in the military were updated to better accommodate the faith practices of religious soldiers, primarily Muslims and Sikhs, whose faith requires they keep facial hair.
When those changes were made, internet commenters far and wide were quick to point out that the facial hair ban serves a legitimate safety purpose. The military first banned beards during World War I, as beards greatly increased the risk that soldiers wouldn’t be able to put on their life-saving gas masks during a chemical attack.
Now, though, mum’s the word from internet commenters. A cynic might believe that a white Christian male exercising his religious freedom in the military is somehow more acceptable to some than people of other faiths doing the exact same thing.
What do you think? Should the military allow religious soldiers the unique privilege of keeping a beard? If so, should the military allow all soldiers to keep beards, regardless of religious affiliation?
Or should everyone follow the same regulations, regardless of faith?
As a veteran with 17 years in the army with multiple deployments, yes he should be required to shave if he is in any line position. Mainly because he wouldn't be able to wear the proper PPE like a gas mask. Now if he is a rear echelon desk jockey then that might be a different matter. It has absolutely nothing to do with religious beliefs. The next move would be exchanging the uniform for robes for some religions or replacing helmets with turbans. After that women wanting to wear dresses instead of the standard uniform.
Enjoyed your very 'insiteful' post. Thanks for giving me a Vietnam Vet something to think about.
The idiots that want to be in the military will soon learn that when he needs to use a chemical protection mask... he is a dead man because the mask wont seal.
Some people here really seem confused, and equate being in the military to any other "Job". It is not. To sign that contract with the U.S. gov is fo forever surrender your citizenship, from that moment on you are property of the U.S. and every actual citzen who makes their own way in society rather then selling themselves into slavery for security in the form of food,shelter, medical,dental, and the fraternity of the most well armed militant cult on the Earth.
I loathe nothing more then self sold slaves acting as if that action should entitle them to some greater status in society. The sense of special privilege they come to feel based entirely on the might makes right attitude they are indocrinated into makes every one of them, no matter if they see actua combat or not, a mentally damaged threat to actual society and citizens.
Every soldier needs to be treated as the slaves of the south a mere two centuries ago. A whip on their backs when they forget their place in society, and clear 0 tolerance for them speaking a word or raising a hand against an actual citizen ever in their life even when they are old and grey and kept contained in "homes" to more easily dispose of them when their use has ended.These would do much to improve our military as we need to stop glorifying them and start putting them at the bottom rung of society as the lowest of the low. Strip them of all that makes them think, or feel, and turn them into the mindless meat machines they should be.
A soldier wanting such things, or wanting at all is to me a reason to put a bullet in the head of the unruly and dangerous element in a unit that must be devoid of all individuality.
I so look forward to the day human soldiers are obsolete and we use weapons like those in sci fi films such as the iconic terminator. I want killing machines that never falter nor stray nor betray, and certainly want ones that dont bitch about facial hair or gods.
It helps to have a god on our side, no matter who we work for. In some circumstances though, it can be best to keep it to ourselves. Us Wiccans did that for many centuries, and it works like a charm.
Once you join the military, you no longer for work God, you work for the US government...besides, dousn't the bible tell you to follow giverment laws??
Religion should be left out of the workplace. You want to practice your religion fine but you should receive no consideration in the workplace. If your religion requires you to dress in a manor that restricts your ability to do a particular job or work on certain days, etc. that is your choice and you should be willing to live with the consequences. No employer private or public should be required to accommodate your particular religion. Unlike the ADA religion is a choice.
I have absolutely no qualms with soldiers growing beards. What I do find completely offensive is that this soldiers defense of growing a beard is to claim taking a vow before God and providing no evidence that they are fulfilling all the requirements of that vow.
How can he avoid lands that are declared unholy and how could a soldier not have anything to do with dead bodies in a military offensive? Then there's the avoidance of wine and grapes and the cleanliness/atonement rituals.
Oh well, I guess people will pick and choose to suit what they like to justify their worldly desires.
It is my humble opinion, times change and that does not mean that they develop as bad soldiers, I understand perfectly the regulations of the armed forces but if we compare it the people who ask for that special permit are minorities and it is clear that it is for matters of faith. I agree that they are allowed to have a beard, and by the way Nazarite Christians or Nazarite Jews, don't get me wrong, they can certainly be Christians and want to practice the Nazarite Jewish system? I respect it of course that they have the right but I understand that the practice belongs to the Jewish religion. And I repeat again, I respect the Christians who wish to be Nazarites, regardless of whether they have a beard or not and have been well trained, they will be good soldiers both for the country and for God, all be blessed.
They shouldn't make ITalian female soldiers shave their faces iether.
They could make larger gas masks, and beards can be kept short, and well-trimmed.
Thats fine but his career is over. he cannot be deployed if the safety equipment he may need cannot be safely used. For instance the Military Regs do not allow beards or hairbuns for women if there is a chance they can be sent into combat where gas and chemicals can be used. The gas masks are made to fit tightly against your face, and they can do that if there is a beard blocking it from a complete seal or a hairbun that does not allow the straps to be pulled tightly. The Military has already told Sikhs this and they have already told orthodox jews this and they have even told Rastafarians the same thing. So while they cant stop you from wearing a beard or hair buns, they can refuse to deploy you and if you cant be deployed, then your military career is over.
The answer might be, allowed if Soldier 'pays' for a new type of 'secure' over gas mask for people with beards (who knows what the future will bring).
no sorry, a soldier MUST use US Government approved equipment. They are not allowed to go out and buy their own. And at present there are no government approved gas masks or chemical suits from private makers. So they either accept the fact that hair buns and beards (with a religious exemption) can be worn but they will not be deployed and if you cant be deployed then you are of no use to the Military and out you go.
What does religion have to do with it? Just let the men grow beards or don't. I'm sick of one rule for this person and another rule for that person. Treat everyone with respect and dignity.
Beards are cool. I have one. It was hanging down seven inches below my chin, then shaved it off in April, but regretted it, so have since been growing it back. This time I'll probably let it keep growing for the rest of my life. If men weren't supposed to have beards we wouldn't be able to grow them. Let's leave pretty faces to women. Clean shaven men must have started with someone who had a distorted view of reality. I bet all the men who were written about in the Bible had beards. Jesus has never been depicted as clean shaven. Clean shaven men can think they look manly all they want, but that doesn't make it so. Why should it be any different in the military. Do we want pretty boys defending us, or manly looking men. The psychology of having bearded soldiers might only make the defenders of our nation tougher and more rugged, than the clean shaven soldiers of other nations. It might even make them jealous.
Did it ever occur to you there might be a different reason for it? like not being able to see or even fit a gas mask or other military required eqiptment? beard getting caught up in their machine gun? lice out in the field?
Soldiers ought to be carrying RID shampoo with them anyway. It won't take up much room in their fifty pound backpacks. You must be related to cousin It, Angel. Beards don't grow over our eyes, and we don't comb them up on our faces. However, the rest of my hippie hair is long enough to comb over my bald head, and I could hold it down with a bandana. Wouldn't that look cool when I'm riding my men's cruiser bike with 25" apehangers along the Galveston seawall? Or should I say a sight for sore eyes. They ought to make soldiers have long hair, and wear olive drab bandanas, and ride bicycles on the battlefield. They might even call it the cavalry. And beads...they should wear hippie beads too, while holding hands and singing Kumbaya, in between sips of espresso, and bites of biscotti they've dunked into it. That would really confuse the enemy.
The first time I went on a recon mission, in Sam Houston National Forest, with U.S. Army J.R.O.T.C. in highschool, my grandmother made me take a bath with Clorox in the water. That killed the live and chiggers, Angel.
And if the enemy doesn't want to fight bearded soldiers, they should all go home, and forget about. We should make those sadistic Kings and presidents who declare war be the ones who fight them. As long as they aren't the ones who are getting hurt they won't care if they send a million troops into combat, to do their dirty work for them. We don't even elect generals as presidents anymore. They're all a bunch of loudmouth, sissified politicians, who would cry bloody murder if they cut themselves shaving. That's why they all use electric razors.
The issue has always been related to the use of gas masks. The face needs to be clean shaven so that the mask can make an air-tight seal and prevent smoke, dust, poison gas and radioactive particles from being inhaled. Firefighters go through the same thing with their masks. There are plenty of images of firefighter with thick mustaches, but no beards. Many things in the air of a burning building can cause cancer, so breathing that in because you can't or won't shave doesn't make a lot of sense.
Nowadays there are companies turning out beard friendly gas masks. Why the military doesn't just go with those, I don't know. Maybe there are too bulky for a soldier to carry. Maybe they don't meet minimum standards for protection. Or maybe the government hasn't gotten around to it yet. Who knows?
Amy Minckler made the comment that as long as it doesn't endanger anyone but themselves, they should be allowed to have facial hair. The flaw in that thinking is that when you do something to endanger yourself, you endanger those around you, especially in firefighting and combat. If there is a wounded soldier on the battlefield, it takes at least two soldiers to get him to safety and treat him. Same with firefighters. Your not going to let a fellow firefighter die in a burning building because he tried to use his mask with a beard and it failed. "Hey, sorry man. You should have shaved this morning." is not going to cut it. Too many other people at risk for a religious belief or a fashion statement.
I seriously doubt they have a Walmart in the middle of the jungle to pick up that lice cream.
Walmart does very surprising things, Angel. And so does Amazon!
Only UK Officers are allowed to grow facial hair and SAS in the field on ops are also non shaven This helps them blend into the background in Arabic countries
Having a beard to blend is sounds like a good idea. But I don't think that works when you are wearing a military uniform. :D
All of those who insist on wearing beards, should be trained to be medics, so it’s easier for enemy snipers to identify them in combat.
We know, that enemy snipers, and those who fire mortars, won’t ever shoot at a medic.
Apparently,you have not met the Taliban, ISIS, al-Qaeda, al-Shabab , or the Proud Boys. Not to mention the Mexican drug cartel armies. They ALL target medics, aid workers, journalists, legislators, police, and women. Oh, and ministers as well.
As long as it doesn't endanger anyone but themselves go for it. If the only reason is because of the masks fitting and they are willing to take that chance just get rid of the rule completely.
'a mink': You're clueless! In the military, a soldier doesn't live for himself, but tor the mission. You intimated that if one endangered only himself, go for it.
A soldier's actions DO affect others and the outcome of the mission. If a poorly fitted mask cause a casualty, distraction or interference to the completion of an objective, then his personal choices are a detriment to others.-
Finally, flugo got my vote. Màybe he's gotten a little better. I guess it wouldn't be impossible. And still, stranger things have happened, in the Twilight Zone.
Then again flugo, not everyone in the military is in a combat position. As a matter of fact, many aren't. Take healthcare personnel in military hospitals, cooks and cafeteria workers on military bases, for instance, who won't be sent into combat. Somebody has to stay home, and tend the fort. And don't forget about office workers, most computer technicians and programmers, and administrative personnel. The list goes on. I've got a first cousin who's a 30 year retired U.S. Airforce colonel who is a registered nurse, who only ever worked in military hospitals. And his wife is currently a colonel, and a nurse who only works in hospitals. Ofcourse, surgical nurses don't have beards, but it wouldn't hurt if they worked in psychiatric units (except for an occasional pull, by a nut).
I made a mistake in my above comment. I've since spoken with my mother who informed me that my first cousin, retired USAF Colonel Mark Pistone met his Airforce colonel wife when they were both stationed at something like a MASH unit, in Afghanistan. Now they both work at a hospital at a USAF base in this country, him as a civilian, since he's retired.
I bet Amy would look good in a mink, flugo. Since you mentioned it, you ought to buy one for her. Just go to , Macy's.com, and charge it to your account. They'll gladly gift wrap it, and send it directly to her. And a box of Godiva chocolates would perfectly complement it.
Thank you for the compliment and the smile this morning.
I would love a nice faux fur, though to be honest I would prefer a shrug over a full coat and in silver as that would help the wonderful highlights I have been getting this last couple of years. Oh and dark chocolate please. :D
My response was to the article saying there are already men in the military who are allowed facial hair. So if it wasn't a problem for them, why should it be for others as long as it did not endanger those around them. I thought that it was an easy-to-understand thought process. As Carl pointed out, there are many non-combat positions, and I, foolishly it seems, believed that would go without saying.
I also wonder about your age a bit (or at least your maturity level) due to the name comment. Really? are you still in grade school? For someone who doesn't use their name, I find it a bit telling that instead of trying to make your point first, you needed to try to come up with a put down beforehand.
You could have at least tried to come up with something more unique. It's been many decades since I was in school, and the kids back then were at least creative about it. I mean hell, since before I started school, my nickname was, and still is Mink or Minky. It was also my dad's nickname, and I am proud to carry it.
O.K. then. I would have gotten back to you sooner but this area has been without power since Wednesday due to storms.
My response was to the article saying there are already men in the military who are allowed facial hair. So if it wasn't a problem for them, why should it be for others as long as it did not endanger those around them. I thought that it was an easy-to-understand thought process. As Carl pointed out, there are many non-combat positions, and I, foolishly it seems, believed that would go without saying.
I also wonder about your age a bit (or at least your maturity level) due to the name comment. Really? are you still in grade school? For someone who doesn't use their name, I find it a bit telling that instead of trying to make your point first, you needed to try to come up with a put down beforehand.
You could have at least tried to come up with something more unique. It's been many decades since I was in school, and the kids back then were at least creative about it. I mean hell, since before I started school, my nickname was, and still is Mink or Minky. It was also my dad's nickname, and I am proud to carry it.
Black men have always had shaving and facial bumping problems. The hair curls back into the skin and causes bumps. It's very distracting and uncomfortable. If prescribed medications are needed to alleviate that problem, then it SHOULD be included as a DISABILITY percentage, and freely given at discharge or retirement, PERIOD!
Meanwhile, while STILL on active duty, black soldiers with that issue should be given the same consideration and respect as white soldiers to grow a beard without penalties and discrimination. It doesn't have to be long and cave-man-like, as the white guys WILL grow. But the ability to grow it out far enough to stop the bumps.
If blacks don't have that privilege, then whites shouldn't either, period, regardless of their religion. Both are highly justifiable, but if a white man's issues are going to be more important than the uncomfortable problem black men have, then NEITHER should be approved. I'm a retired Army female. So I'm speaking from what I've seen during my years in the Army.
Personally, I don't think any of them should have one. You know what is required, if you can't do what is required, then you shouldn't be there, I don't care what color you!
If I read the above article correctly, the issue is not about the color of one's skin but the religious affliation of that solider...you seem to believe there are no black christians...If one religious group does'nt have to shave to honor their god (Muslims) than nobody should have to. BTW...there are plenty of black muslims...not everything is about color.
Exactly what i was going to post. I am Army HR and even our civilian guards per regulation ca cannot have facial hair for these safety reasons you cited.