Universal Life Church Logo

The Universal Life Church Ministries, recognizing that its ministers and members ought to have a day dedicated to celebrating our universal connection and encouraging us all to “do that which is right” in our communities, has declared that November 3rd, 2020 will be the first annual “Universal Day”. 

The ULCM was founded on the basic belief that we are all children of the same universe, and its ministers are asked to adhere to two tenets:

  1. Always do that which is right.
  2. You should worship and practice your faith however you see fit, so long as that practice does not infringe upon the rights of any others to safely do the same.

Universal Day celebrates this fundamental belief by allowing our ministers worldwide to connect and engage with one another, to discuss some of the big questions and challenges that face humanity, and to organize together to tackle these questions and challenges.

We look forward to celebrating Universal Day with you this year! To learn more about how you might celebrate in your community, visit UniversalDay.org

For information about other interesting religions and holidays around the world, check out our Guide to Divinity.


  1. Rev. Dr. James Jacob Showers Jr's Avatar Rev. Dr. James Jacob Showers Jr

    Thank you once again. This is my second entry for this beautiful Wednesday. I was just reflecting on that program 90 day fiance. What a wonderful, way for a minister to aclimate themselves, to the spiritual aspects of the calling. Some of these couples are truly beautiful on the inside as well as the out. I was just recalling a couple, that if not mistaken, had been together for over 20 years. If you sit down with a questionaire for the couple, one may be tempted to say-why ruin a good thing, with a piece of paper. If you pray for discernment over the couple. Maybe bless them with holy water, you may very well be tempted to say-why ruin a good thing. The perpetual motion, as the kybalion puts it: 'It is not the penudlum, that swings to and fro, but the essence which makes it go. let us just say, that it might not be a bad idea, for a minister to get engaged in that program for three or four season.

  1. Michael James Hanford's Avatar Michael James Hanford

    I just want to say thank you for all of the different comments on here i have read tonight,they have given me such an eye opener. I feel that not all the comments right and not all the comments were wrong .As a matter of fact I felt that most had a lot of both right and wrong answers. But what did matter to me most is seeing how deeply everyone really cared about the topics they were talked about . I was ordained a few years ago and have only done one wedding but want to do so much more. I try to lead by example and I hope that my example will lead others to do the same. when I am thanked for something nice I have done I simply tell the people I have asked that god gave me the notion to help them and so when they have the same notion to help someone else all I ask is that they do the same for someone else.Pay it forward or what ever you choose to call it God had a hand it in and lets not take that away from him. and his wonders that he works every day. Becoming a minister has truly changed my life and it made me want to be a better person I used to be full of hate and had a hardened heart but God has worked wonders with in me I am truly his own miracle that God has to show people that he is real and that he can change any life all we have to do is open our hearts to him and let him in he will do the rest. Of course we all ask him for things here and there and we will have to do something that he that will need us to do in his name in order to be deserving of his miracles and his gifts . of course tis is simply my testimony and you cam take it or leave it. I can only say what god did for me. Thank you for taking time to read this


  1. Clifford's Avatar Clifford

    One step closer to Universal Truth.

  1. T Kosse`'s Avatar T Kosse`

    Fraudsters would need to know a voters' personal information, such as date of birth, and be able to forge their signature to match the voter registry. Election officials "conduct a careful examinations of these applications to ensure they are authentic, complete and comport with the law.

    Well those "90% of folks who say it is unsafe to vote in person go grocery shopping" as you say, Don't have to vote in order to live but they still need food to to live. Walmart only allow 5 people (that include the store employees) per 1000 square feet of any store size to be inside the store Just how much square feet of any voting place do you think there would be people in at and far as the church's emphasis on voting in person I haven't heard any church pushing voting by mail so I don't know where you get that from. You have to remember it was President Lyndon Johnson made the passage of slain President Kennedy’s civil rights bill his top priority during the first year of his administration. He enlisted the help of the NAACP, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, and key members of Congress such as Senators Hubert Humphrey (D-MN) and Everett Dirksen (R-IL), and Representatives Emanuel Celler (D-NY), and William McCulloch (R-OH), to secure the bill’s passage. He also asked for support from friend and mentor Senator Richard B. Russell, Jr. it was only one Southern Democrat in the Senate, who opposed the bill. The Democratic party isn't the same party it was in the 1860 the same goes for the Republican party in about 1936 when Democratic Franklin Roosevelt became President, the Republican the party of big government became rhetorically committed to curbing federal power and the Democratic party of small government became the party of big government

  1. T Kosse`'s Avatar T Kosse`

    The Universal Life Church Ministries, recognizing that its ministers and members ought to have a day dedicated to celebrating our universal connection and encouraging us all to “do that which is right” in our communities.

    If you want to pick a date then have it on Thursday, November 26 Thanksgiving 2020 or any other date but not on November 3 the day of the the presidential election to hold this 'Universal Day'.

  1. T Kosse`'s Avatar T Kosse`

    Of all the days in the Year that you could have chosen to have 'Universal Day' Why did you pick Nov 3 the day of the the presidential election to hold this 'Universal Day'? What was your thinking behind this? Do you have some ulterior motive behind this? If not, then I strongly suggest that you move it to another date. So there is NO conflict or appearance of ulterior motive.

  1. John Louis Gavello's Avatar John Louis Gavello

    go to Universalday.org

    Then click on the state of california. Your universal life church supports Harvey Milk ( a homosexual rights activist ) as being a california Hero.

    I called and emailed ulc to remove Harvey Milk and add another. They responded; here's their response:

    'Thanks for your concern. We intend to keep Harvey Milk's photo in place. Please note that you don't have to fully agree with us to remain a member - you're welcome to disagree. We accept all regardless of race, sex, orientation, or political opinion.'

    This is DESPICABLE! I'm not only denouncing ULC, but encourage ALL ordained with this sinful organization to stop giving them your money and any referrals!

    Whoever runs this place is going to hell!

    1. T Kosse`'s Avatar T Kosse`

      Surely when you first became a member of the ULC you have read this:

      The ULC, recognizing the importance of maintaining open hearts and minds, embraces any individual, no matter his or her spiritual background, who wishes to become a member of this family of faith.

      The ULC has also become renowned for its role as a champion of religious freedom, social justice, and spiritual expression. While the Universal Life Church Monastery has become a global leader in these fields, it largely attributes that status to the commitment and competence of the millions of empowered ministers brought together in a world tent of togetherness.

      That mean to be ALL inclusive of all faiths, religions, believe, creed, or non-faiths, non- religions, non believe, race, gender, or non-gender and ALL sexual orientation.

  1. Hawk-A Spiritual Advisor's Avatar Hawk-A Spiritual Advisor

    I plan to attend on November 3, 2020. I think an open forum Celebrating Spirituality and all the differing Walks that it may entail, will be most enlightening. I will show up with an open mind and hope all who attends does the same. Be Blessed All.

  1. Alan S Corr's Avatar Alan S Corr

    So I have a question ! Universal church is political ? Universal church believes Trump supporters are a coult ?

  1. Stephen Glen Foster's Avatar Stephen Glen Foster

    I appreciate the church encouraging its ambassadors to vote. Why not just give us a list of reasons our vote, as religious leaders, is particularly important and let us figure out as adults how we vote. I don't understand the emphasis on voting by mail? I think that because this election finds one political party pushing vote by mail may create the impression the church is taking sides which would be legally questionable.

    1. T Kosse`'s Avatar T Kosse`

      You made this statement: "I appreciate the church encouraging its ambassadors to vote." but you contradict yourself when you made this statement: "I think that because this election finds one political party pushing vote by mail may create the impression the church is taking sides which would be legally questionable." By the "church encouraging its ambassadors to vote" isn't that the same as "the church is taking sides" which you said would be "legally questionable".

      First of all religion has nothing to do with voting by mail and second of all in case you been living under a rock this whole time, there is a corona-virus pandemic happening at this time. So voting by mail makes a great deal of sense because it will allow everyone the chance to vote without having to be expose to the corona-virus. Plus NO ONE vote will disenfranchised as I know Trump and the republican party is trying to do along with all the voting districts gerrymandering they been doing and the voting laws they been passing to disenfranchised the voters.

      1. Stephen Glen Foster's Avatar Stephen Glen Foster

        Dr Fauci has stated that voting in person is perfectly safe, just wear a mask. That is the current science and you can verify it for yourself. I am willing to bet 90% of folks who say it is unsafe to vote in person go grocery shopping, go to Walmart etc. Mass mailing of ballots leads to political fraud, absentee voting is perfectly fine,

        What made the church's emphasis on voting in person questionable to me was they waited until vote in-person / vote by mail became a political football then decided to get involved and they chose one side over the other.

        By the "church encouraging its ambassadors to vote" isn't that the same as "the church is taking sides" which you said would be "legally questionable". your quote is incorrect I said I appreciate the church encouraging us to vote but not in the church taking sides.

        You need to check your history it is the democrat party who institutionalized segregation, who voted against civil rights and voting rights not republicans. The dos were controlled by democrats in Selma and Montgomery not Republicans.

        1. T Kosse`'s Avatar T Kosse`

          It would not lead to political fraud since you have to be a registered to vote and have voted before in order to received the ballot to mail it in, and there are states that do hold mail in voting with out any voter fraud. You are just parroting a republican lie that they are spreading Most voting places are small cramp with voting booths right next to each other and not 6 feet apart. usually filled with people close to each other. And you are wrong it was the republicans who push institutionalized segregation, who voted against civil rights and voting rights

  1. Carl Joseph Christiansen's Avatar Carl Joseph Christiansen

    Spot On my friends. Keep God first and things will follow Re. Dr.carl christiansen stay safe.

  1. Godfrey-Dale Fforbes-Hamilton's Avatar Godfrey-Dale Fforbes-Hamilton

    Being from the UK I think this is a wonderful idea to celebrate life and the true connection between us all and our own belief and faith please let’s not make it about politics but about being thankful xx

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    I agree with that completely, Brien.

  1. Brien's Avatar Brien

    I do not mind the day of peace but why must it be attached to politics? I will celebrate this day, but NOT for the reasons given by the ULC. Trying to attach politics to a spiritual celebration is in very poor taste. I expected better of the ULC.

  1. Mya-Lia Sharizyn's Avatar Mya-Lia Sharizyn

    Is there some significance to the date that was chosen for this day?

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      If I’m not mistaken, my good friend Carl Elfstrom was suggesting it’s in celebration of President Trump being re-elected to four more years as President.


      1. Mya-Lia Sharizyn's Avatar Mya-Lia Sharizyn

        Where did he see that? Or did he simply seize the opportunity to get his voice heard about a subject that wasn't in any way related to the topic clearly stated above? it's good you have much love for your good friend, as this topic has nothing to do with the tactic of upgrading anyone through the hostile act of demeaning another.

      2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        No sir, my good friend and fellow Republican Lionheart, you are definitely mistaken about that. And this Republican will be voting for a Democrat. I'd rather vote for my own party, and willost likely vote for all other Republican candidates on the ballot, when I go to the polls with a mask on, but definitely won't vote for Trump, and never have. However, as a patriotic American, and a Republican, I'll support the decision of the majority of voters, however it goes.

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      I bet it was purely coincidental. But, who knows, they won't tell us, ieth3r way. They never tell us anything, directly. Maybe they thought it would be another good subject for us to talk about. And I must say, it's better than a lot of the stories they give us. All we can do is speculate.

      1. Mya-Lia Sharizyn's Avatar Mya-Lia Sharizyn

        It seems more suitable to have it at a time when nothing else is going to distract from it.

  1. Elder Eugene E Andy Jr.'s Avatar Elder Eugene E Andy Jr.

    So it be

  1. The Right Reverend D. Batch's Avatar The Right Reverend D. Batch

    I'm in! I hope it's a Positive Day for all involved.

  1. Brien's Avatar Brien

    I hope this day finds everyone well, even those I disagree with. Everybody deserves at least one day of peace. ❣️❣️❣️

  1. Rev Hannah Grace's Avatar Rev Hannah Grace

    Trust a Trump supporter to make it all about politics instead of about spiritual things. Is there an ounce of spirituality in his followers?

    1. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

      Religion and spirituality are not the same. Some who claim to be religious and Christian for example, do not follow the teachings of the person they claim to be their lord and savior. One cannot be a follower and support kidnapping and locking babies in cages. One does not to take photo ops with borrowed bibles to prove devoutness and knowledge of our interconnectness with all of Creation. The followers of Trump are members of a cult. How else can they support such an evil character who mocks the disabled, denigrates POW's and Gold Star family members, and supports White Supremacists, KKK, armed militias, cheats on his wives, sexually assaults women, displays racist behavior and doesn't pay his creditors? These people are looking outside of themselves to be "saved" while supporting adulterous, greedy, lying evangelical pastors. They are brainwashed, plain and simple which is very sad to me.

      1. Susan Beck's Avatar Susan Beck

        Well written and I agree 100%

        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          You've got my vote, Catherine.

      2. Wesley Allan Good's Avatar Wesley Allan Good

        This is nothing more then HATE for Trump, and has NOTHING to do with religion. IF this is your idea of forgiveness and Godliness, then I am afraid you are not a true Christian..

        1. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

          Who said I was Christian? Hate of Trump? NO I do not hate but I do not like fake Christians who support monsters who lock children in cages, resort to bullying, name calling and lying and for the same things I have indicated in my original post. Do you? What did Jesus teach about helping and loving those less fortunate? Supporting racism and racists is SIN in the eyes of Jesus. Where is the "forgiveness" you refer? I do not need to be forgiven for heeding Jesus' teachings. I love Jesus and I agree with his teachings of feeding the hungry, welcoming immigrants, housing the homeless. The cult Trump leader is a racist, misogynist and fake Christian and perhaps so are you as you have gotten bent out of shape about my post.The fact that you come on here to bash me for my words is clear proof. Who said "hate the sin"? Well, I still don't hate, but I do call out hypocrites. Best you begin to follow the Lord and his powerful teachings.

        2. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

          Hate for Trump? My how you twist things Wesley. I dislike immensely his monstrous criminal, cruel and hypocritical behavior while shaking a holy book up and down not even his own. There is a difference between spirituality and religion. So you are unable to speak to the words of truth regarding the difference between religion and spirituality, only to attack me? Did I attack you or anyone else? Ridiculous, you are a part of the problem and an example of why so many have left organized religion because they see the hypocrisy.

        3. T Kosse`'s Avatar T Kosse`

          Yeah right just like Trump and all of his followers are ""true Christian" and maybe you should give yourself, Trump and his followers a lessen in "forgiveness and Godliness".

      3. Glenn Joseph Miller's Avatar Glenn Joseph Miller

        Let he who is without sin cast the first stone I find this assessment to be naive and uninformed and in Christian this diatribe casts operations on millions of people the bible is full of flawed individuals called upon to do great things (David Solomon...etc Jesus was called a blasfemer the problems facing this country are not the fault of this man Year's and Year's of money changers in the temple crooked politicians in the government for 40 to 50 years enriching themselves with lies and deceit

      4. Hawk-A Spiritual Advisor's Avatar Hawk-A Spiritual Advisor

        I find that there is no place for politics where Spirituality is Taught. When one walks a Spiritual Way of Life, One sees the whole picture instead of just the mundane physical life. Reaching out and teaching Spirituality does not infringe on what others do or believe. As an Ordained Minister of ULCM, I agreed to adhere to the following: "The ULCM was founded on the basic belief that we are all children of the same universe, and its ministers are asked to adhere to two tenets: 1) Always do that which is right. 2) You should worship and practice your faith however you see fit, so long as that practice does not infringe upon the rights of any others to safely do the same. With that in mind I believe that my personal political believes need to be kept private, especially when I am speaking of a Spiritual Walk. My first duty is to Walk my Walk as an example to those around me. Second to help others find their way to their walk if they are seeking it. I have no right to speak out in a detrimental way of anyone. This shows a lack of being Spiritually Open-minded. Everything happens for a reason, and it is perfect in the Eye's of Creator. Who am I to pass judgement on another. All things have been there from the start. May you be Blessed in your Walk on Gaia. Hawk

      5. Mattie N Boyce's Avatar Mattie N Boyce

        Very true.

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      There is in many of them Hannah, but they've been mislead, which deeply saddens me.

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    Yes, what better day to celebrate 3rd November at the same time we elect President Trump to another 4 years. Thank you ULC for Universal Day.


    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Don't expect very many votes of confidence over that one, my friend.

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Trump will be going back to Washington after the election Lionheart, but it won't take four years to clean out his desk, but more like two months. Most of his sundries are already in his locker at his golf club, so he won't have much to move out in preparation for his Excellency Joe Biden. Beyond that, the only thing left for Trump to do would be to bow down and kiss his feet, at the foot of Biden's throne, when he surrenders his Sceptre, and crown.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Too funny my friend. Has Biden come out if his basement yet?🤪


        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Biden comes out when he has to. Apparently, he's more health conscious than Trump. I only leave home when I have to anymore, too. My brother called this morning and ivited me to his hurricane party, here on Galveston Island. I bet it's going to last as long as the hurricane. I appreciate having a place to go if my home blows away, but until it does I'm staying home. The only thing left to do is find my battery operated cell phone charger, so I can stay active on this blog during the storm. My party days have long since passed, and this is enough of a party for me, right here in the basement (the home of true leaders).

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Please stay safe my friend. All lives matter, including yours.


            1. Carl Joseph Christiansen's Avatar Carl Joseph Christiansen

              Spot On my friends. Keep God first and things will follow Re. Dr.carl christiansen stay safe.

      2. flugo's Avatar flugo

        'sea bee': You're right! Mr Trump will be going back to Washington to 'clean out'! To clean out more corrupt swamp rats like the scared, senile Biden-in-hidin'! I suspect the most effective tool for the clean-up job is a toilet plunger. Mr Trump is God's choice at the moment.. Romans 13; Proverbs 21:1. It's foolhardy to oppose His dealings in government!

    3. flugo's Avatar flugo

      Right on! Hr Trump will win another 4 years by a larger margin than he did in the last election.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        I think you could be right. The DNC didn’t even condemn the riots and looting. They are seriously shouting themselves in the foot.


        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          I bet far more of those looters were Democrats than Rebuplicans.

          1. T Kosse`'s Avatar T Kosse`

            This is to both Lionheart and Carl Bernard Elfstrom. Both of your comments disappoint me. You both should know better then that.

            Get real politics has nothing to do with why people go out to loot and burn and destroys things. They are just opportunist taking advantage of any situation, that may arise were the police or authorities are overwhelmed. They really don't give a damn whether you are Democrat or Republican, Rich or Poor, White black or Brown.

            1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

              You could be right, and it would be nice if Democrats would wholeheartedly denounce riots, looting, and un-peaceful demonstrations, but they don’t. That’s why I believe they are shooting themselves in the foot by not doing so.


    4. T Kosse`'s Avatar T Kosse`

      Need I remind you he loss by over 3 million of the popular vote and if it wasn't for the corrupt electoral college, he would have never sat his slimy behind in the Ova office.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        But that’s the system here in the U.S. and I’m sure you understand why the Electoral College was established and agreed upon, so we have to abide by that decision.


  1. Krystina S.'s Avatar Krystina S.

    This is a wonderful reminder to us to be positive and to be respectful of those with other beliefs.

    1. Daniel R Garza Sr's Avatar Daniel R Garza Sr

      I agree with you everyone has their own opinion as long as you don’t hurt others and Burning other peoples property or businesses is not having respect Respect is something you give and have the right to receive . We should all do what the Lord has Instructed all of us to do love and care and lay our lives down for each other but we don’t . All I can say my the Lord forgive us all . We love you all have. Blessed day

      1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

        The people we really need to respect right no are all of the doctors and scientists who are helping covid patients and trying to find a vaccine for the corona virus. These people deserve our upmost respect praise even regardless of their beliefs. God gave us world this virus and it's killing a lot of us. Let's hope evolution occurs very soon and the virus mutates so 5.000 people per day are no longer dying. It's going to take our best scientists to find a vaccine. One has to wonder why God is making it so difficult for us. This is a time we all need to work together and love one another.

      2. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

        I agree 100% and also agree that killing unarmed Black people is not only a show of disrespect but goes against the teachings of Jesus. Hate of certain peoples of Creation is a sin in the eyes of the lord. Jesus was an anarchist who called for the overthrow of the Roman government because of the horrible ways some people were treated, just like now. I do not believe that the virus is God making it difficult for us. It is showing us how some are utterly cruel and uncaring about the welfare of others and that we have to step up and have our voices heard, take action and care for those less fortunate. Rev. William Barber of the Poor People's Campaign speaks eloquently and succinctly about this in his "Message for the Nation" which is so uplifting and loving. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkTgWbKN7kk

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