Have they finally found the final stop of Santa’s sleigh?
A group of archaeologists say they may have just uncovered the sarcophagus of Saint Nicholas, the historical figure who served as the inspiration for Santa Claus, in a discovery 1,600 years in the making.
It was made by a team excavating St. Nicholas Church in Antalya, Turkey. The potential remains were a surprise find, hidden six feet deep in the church’s two-story annex.
Though historians have long believed that the church served as the final resting place for Saint Nicholas, they say that the discovery of the six-foot-long limestone sarcophagus is the first hard evidence of ol’ Saint Nick’s original tomb.
Now it’s time to dig it out of those jingle bell rocks, unwrap it and see if the researchers have "claus" for celebration… or if their discovery will be a lump of coal.
Santa’s Last Stop
"While drilling inside the structure, we encountered a surprise sarcophagus," said associate professor Ebru Fatma Findik, who is leading the excavation team.
They say the sarcophagus’s existence is a miracle in and of itself. Buried deep underground, the 1,600-year-old tomb likely only continues to exist in the 21st century thanks to some sort of flood or tsunami which covered it in sand and mud which helped preserve it to the modern era. Findik continues:
"The discovery of a sarcophagus near the church, which is believed to be the resting place of St. Nicholas, could indicate that this site may indeed be the sacred area in question. We can say that we have reached archaeological evidence that confirms historical sources about St. Nicholas' burial place being in the city's sacred area. The fact that a sarcophagus has been unearthed very close to the church that is thought to contain the tomb of St. Nicholas excites us greatly.”
Now, the archaeologists hope to confirm their findings by locating an inscription or some other writings on the sarcophagus itself. And then… they may even open it up.
“Currently, we can see the lid part of the sarcophagus and we have uncovered a small part of its trough,” explains Findik. “In the future, we will dig deeper and reveal it completely."
Who is Saint Nicholas?

This is a potentially huge discovery because Saint Nicholas is one of the most widely known saints, and the man who served as the real world inspiration for Santa Claus.
You may have heard of him. He is known the world over as the jolly, red-cheeked, white-bearded portly chap with a wardrobe full of red and white suits. Every December 24th, he and his cadre of reindeer fly around the world and deliver gifts to good girls and boys.
As the global bringer of childhood happiness, Santa Claus is one of the most recognizable characters in popular culture… but did you know he’s actually based on the historical figure Nicholas of Myra, who lived in what is now Turkey during the third and fourth centuries?
Though there are few confirmed facts about the real Saint Nicholas now, we do know he was a well-known figure in his time for his widespread generosity and kindness, particularly towards children.
A devout Christian, Nicholas was made Bishop of Myra as a young man, and rumors spread in his lifetime of his miracle work, including the giving of dowries of gold to three poor girls who otherwise would have been sold into sex slavery, and the resurrection of a trio of children who were murdered by a butcher who intended to sell their flesh as pork. Historically, Nicholas is believed to have attended the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, and it is likely he was persecuted and tortured for his faith by the Roman emperor Diocletian.
From Sinterklaas to Santa Claus
Nicholas died December 6, 343 AD. Upon his death, his tomb in Myra became a favorite destination for pilgrims, and his legend grew in Europe throughout the centuries. He was particularly revered in the Netherlands, where he was known as Sinterklaas, his feast day – December 6th – a favorite holiday of the Dutch.
Dutch colonists took their Sinterklaas traditions with them when they traveled to New Amsterdam – what is now New York City – in the 17th century. And it was in America during the following three centuries where Sinterklaas fully evolved into Santa Claus, embraced by Americans as the favored seasonal gift-giver.

Santa Claus is a figure widely celebrated around the world, and the legend of the real man he’s based on has endured nearly 2,000 years. Now, archaeologists believe they’ve found his burial place… and they’re eager to unearth the truth.
What do you think they’ll find at Saint Nick’s alleged resting place? And what do you think they’ll find within? Should we all break out the cookies and milk in celebration of the discovery of Santa’s sarcophagus… or is this going to turn out to be a ho ho hoax?
My son is an archaeologist, so I may have a different point of view. By looking at the artifacts found in and around sarcophagi we can better understand the past. There are myriad reasons to study his remains, and since it was about 1,700 years ago, I don’t think he’s going to mind…
Oh ffs. Everyone knows that is a load of bollox. Really? Is this aimed at children? "Oh hey kids, we can prove Santa existed once but can prove he's dead now. Better be good or you'll join him"? Christmas isn't even a real Christian holiday. It's pagan with druid roots. The Catholic Church couldn't beat it out of them so they took it, drummed up some lies and sold as a Jesus birthday. Can't even believe this is even a story.
Could you be any more miserable than you are? Here’s a big trigger for you … MERRY CHRISTMAS! Geez, lighten up and go hit the egg nog
Pastor Lyn, your sentiments mesh with mine. Your thoughts are fresh, clean air wafting through my mind.
Now is not the time to get on the naughty list by looting a grave in the name of science. Wait until after Christmas! 😆
Yes, Rudolph, Let's not spoil the image of Christmas by emphasizing the discovery of St. Nicholas' gravesite. To all, I wish a very Merry Christmas and a Buona Saturnalia! May you all have good health and happiness in the coming year!
I had to look up Saturnalia: "Saturnalia was a time when moral rules were loosened and people indulged in merry activities". I wonder what "moral rules" were loosened and what sort of "merry" it a was. Thanks for that! I learned something!
Wish you health and happiness!
Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with good health, joy, and happiness! Wild parties are optional!
Wish you the same, Theresa!
There's a theater down the street with a billboard, "Grannies Gone Wild!" Performed by the Hell's Grannies Motorcycle Club!
Yes! "Wild" is in! 😆
Rudolph, I’m guessing you have a vested interest in this thread. 🦌
Please put in a good word for me for next year. 🎅
Is this a "Dear Rudolph" request for Santa? 😄 i made the naughty list ever since I got the sleigh too low over Afghanistan and Santa's beard was scorched by missiles. Panzer is on medication now. And Blitzen has nightmares. Needless to say, Santa doesn't want me anywhere near him!
They persecuted him while he was alive like every other person later hundreds years later made saint by those that persecuted them. In Saint Nicholas case he also was exiled to Sweden for having the gull to doing as Jesus/Yeshua said to do. But instead of being out of sight out of mind he goes off and becomes a God. Even if they prove it is his remains the fake version is too ingrained in society to matter. Leave the man alone.
We all like magical beings, whether truth or fable. It ways gives hope to find facts.
Tourist season is slow this time of the year. We all remember what a ruckus the story of the finding of Noah's ark caused.....promoted by people with one oar in the water.
I just want to ask the importance of this.
Wow what an amazing discovery if it's true especially as we both share the same name.But I do agree that find out if it is St Nick then leave the poor man alone.Dont go opening the coffin as it will be exposed to the elements and destroy what maybe left . Just let the poor man rest remember graves and coffin's are sacred and dare I say would you like your final resting place to be disturbed.
Thank you, Nicholas. My thoughts exactly. Let the man rest in peace.
Let it be . God bless . ✝️ 🎄
There never was a war on Christmas. It’s just pointless outrage bate for culture war posturing and mirroring. Gods this is dumb.
All I see is a chunk of limestone, it could be anyone! And isn’t it bad luck to dig someone up? Especially since they've been interred for centuries? Just assume it’s him and cover up the grave and go on your way!
When the Islamic armies were taking over what is today Turkey, Norman knights moved St. Nicholas's body to what is today southern France. When it appeared that Islamic armies might conquer that area the knights moved the body to Ireland where it resides today.
So who do you think they found over there in turkey? Merry Christmas!
So who do you think they found over there in turkey? Merry Christmas!
I just want to ask the importance of this.
the body isnt nicholas, for he wasnt a real person, santa clause is from Paganism, santa is really Pagan Norse God name Zeus, and christmas is really Yule, Yuke predates christmas, and at that era christianity wasnt created yet
The Discovery of Saint Nicholas’s Tomb: Truth or Holiday Hype?
By Rev. JTSunrise
The discovery of a sarcophagus near St. Nicholas Church in Antalya, Turkey, is an exciting event for historians and archaeologists, and could finally confirm the resting place of the real Saint Nicholas, the man behind the legend of Santa Claus. For many, this is a thrilling glimpse into the past, but it’s also an opportunity to reflect on the true meaning behind the figure of Saint Nicholas.
Saint Nicholas, who lived during the third and fourth centuries, was known for his deep faith and acts of generosity. As we learn from his life, he is far more than the jolly gift-giver in red that we celebrate today. He was a bishop who, out of his devotion to Christ, performed miracles and helped the poor and oppressed. His legendary acts of kindness, like secretly giving dowries to save three girls from being sold into slavery, have shaped his legacy as a patron of children and those in need.
Yet, as we eagerly await confirmation of the tomb’s authenticity, it’s crucial to ask: What does this discovery mean for us as Christians? Should our celebration of Saint Nicholas be purely a historical fascination, or does it call us to embrace his true legacy—one of selfless love and sacrifice?
In Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus teaches, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” The real Saint Nicholas was a man whose treasure was not in material wealth, but in the treasure of eternal life. His generosity was an outpouring of love for others and a reflection of Christ’s love for the world. As we learn more about the historical Saint Nicholas, we are reminded that true greatness lies in humble service to others, not in fame or recognition.
The commercialized image of Santa Claus can sometimes obscure the deeper, more spiritual lessons of Saint Nicholas’s life. As we celebrate the holiday season with our families, may we remember that the true spirit of Christmas lies in generosity, kindness, and love for our neighbors—just as Saint Nicholas exemplified in his own time. The tomb may be a fascinating find, but the true legacy of Saint Nicholas lives on in the way we give to those in need and share the love of Christ with the world.
So, should we celebrate the discovery of Saint Nicholas’s sarcophagus? Absolutely. But let us also use this moment as a reminder to embody the selfless spirit of Saint Nicholas in our own lives, following the example set by the man whose heart was forever anchored in Christ.
— Rev. JTSunrise
Najah Tamargo-USA
I know that scientists have to dig, probe, disect, analyze, and put everything under a microscope and carbon dating. But being a person who respects all religions, I feel that a person's final resting place is SACRED and should NEVER be disturbed...especially a Saint!?!?!?