Milky Way galaxy at night as viewed from earth
Is anyone out there? 

Are we alone in the universe? The question has been debated by stargazers since, well, since we’ve been able to look up and gaze at the stars. Scientists, theologians, and science fiction writers alike have all pondered whether life exists on one of those distant stars that light up the night sky. 

Mathematically, it seems almost certain that life must exist somewhere. Astronomers estimate there are 100-200 billion galaxies in the universe. The Milky Way galaxy alone is home to an estimated 100-400 billion stars, and if we multiply that by the estimated age of the universe (14 billion years), carry the one…and that’s a lot of opportunity for life to sprout up.

In 1950, Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi was having lunch with colleagues who were discussing the near mathematical certainty that other life must surely exist in the infinite universe. After a beat, Fermi interrupted the group with a simple question: "Then where is everybody?" That question, now known as Fermi's Paradox, has been challenging brilliant thinkers ever since. 

If someone else is out there, why can't we hear them? Why would all of them hide from us all this time? It begs the question: Are we alone after all?

Not every astronomer is convinced that life is actually out there. A team of NASA scientists is revisiting Fermi's Paradox with new eyes, and a new theory which posits that we are indeed alone in the universe... because everyone else destroyed themselves.

And they think we’re on the same trajectory.

The Great Filter

A team from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is discussing this “Great Filter” theory in search of an explanation for why we have yet to make contact with intelligent life out there in the universe. It’s estimated that there are potentially trillions of life-supporting planets out there, so why haven’t any of them given us a visit? 

The short answer is, whatever civilizations existed out there in the murky blackness of space died out before they could ever contact us. As the theory posits, entire alien species - with their own economies, cultures, and faiths - evolved, lived, and then perished before they could ever find us.

The scary part is, the NASA team reviewing this theory suggests that these civilizations weren’t wiped out by a stray meteor or an attack from other space faring species. Rather, they inflicted the wounds upon themselves.

War, famine, irreversible climate change, pandemics, rampant income inequality, artificial intelligence, you name it – the very same crises we face today are speculated to be the causes of who knows how many civilizations that came before us.

Turns out, once a species becomes intelligent enough, it becomes its own worst enemy. And the team at NASA says we’re potentially on the same track.

Filtering Ourselves

“Human civilization over the past 5000+ years, and in particular since 1945, has revealed much of what would surely impede, if not outright arrest, our aspirations to colonize other worlds in the Solar System and beyond,” writes the NASA team in a paper titled “Avoiding the ‘Great Filter’”.

“It seems as though nearly every great discovery or invention, while pushing back the borders of our technological ignorance, is all too quickly and easily turned to destructive ends. Examples such as splitting the atom, biomedical innovations and resource extraction and consumption come to mind with disconcerting swiftness.”

They say that if we’re going to avoid the fate that befell civilizations before us, we must work together to identify and solve these problems. “The key to humanity successfully traversing such a universal filter is found in understanding what characteristics the barrier will constrain, identifying those attributes in ourselves and neutralizing them in advance,” they write.

While the outlook is grim, they say all hope is not lost. If we can shed our “immaturity” and unite towards saving our planet, we may just make it yet.

What do you think? Are alien civilizations real, and if so, have they actually already killed themselves off? And if so, how can we avoid that same fate?


  1. Evone Payton Banks (Minister non denominational)'s Avatar Evone Payton Banks (Minister non denominational)

    Absolutely... there are other beings.. to believe we are the only beings created in a vast universe we haven't even got to explore all of us backwards. Proof of life on other planets has existed through the help of science as well. They found pyramids and mummified Egyptians on mars. Obviously they're was life similar to earth.. and DNA showed though they may have looked a little similar.. their genes or genetic make up shows and tells a different story. And features as well.

  1. Lori-Ann Neeb's Avatar Lori-Ann Neeb

    We are not alone. It would be a very scary truth if primitives like us were the only ones. It is true that there are many worlds and they are all far more advanced than us. This planet is considered the marshlands of the universe because we are so primitive and least advanced in all areas. Only old souls ever choose to incarnate here because the younger ones couldn't handle it. They often write difficult life charts to experience and learn more to perfect our souls. I have no doubt we have been visited by many other races and at least some of the stories you hear about witnesses are true. And being so much more advanced, I have no doubt they could remain undetected any time they chose also with us having no way to beat their technology.

  1. Lori-Ann Neeb's Avatar Lori-Ann Neeb

    I think that is sadly the truth. politics and religion have become intertwined in the last several years to the country's detriment. You can't start a spiritual discussion without the sides being split by liberals and conservatives. I have been guilty of it myself when those who disagree, which I am fine with until they start rolling out all the biblical verses that condemn me to hell, try to turn the conversation to some conservative political issue like prayer in school, book banning, persecution of different lifestyles, etc. I even try to carry on the discussion until they start name calling and other forms of disrespect. I have no doubt hardcore conservatives will get all bent out of shape over an AI app claiming that too will turn people against their values. I have my doubts of its usefulness for my own reasons. The sample shown in this article looked like Jesus replies were all bible verses so I am not sure the app isn't programmed to just spout verses or not. I would have to check it out and see how it answers certain questions myself.

  1. Rev, Dr Edward Taylor's Avatar Rev, Dr Edward Taylor

    No we are not alone in the universe. There are many Galaxies and Many Planets out there . The reason why we probably havent heard from them yet is probably our technology is not up to their standards. So another words our technology is primitive compared to theirs.

  1. Donald Preston Gray's Avatar Donald Preston Gray

    Maybe other civilizations haven't traveled here because they see no value in it. Why commit advanced tech and resources to travel insane distances to visit a comparatively primitive world? What if they started traveling, found what they need closer by, and stopped there? Many people today whine about resources going to exploring just our galaxy, for example the recent moon mission. Can you imagine the potential pushback of going well beyond that? Simply put, maybe the return on investment hasn't been worth it.

  1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

    I think everyone needs to stfu and be still and know THAT I AM GOD, as he commanded.

    1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

      Why are you saying stfu and wtf and then talking to other people here about sin, when profanity (even when made initials) is still a sin?!! Practice what you preach and stop sinning before telling other people to stop. Your bigotry, self-righteousness, and snobbishness are sins, too, and make you the same as the proud Pharisees!!

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        People are getting tired of your irrationality, John, even your own ilk. That should tell you something, right? In your case…..obviously not. 🤷🏼


        1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

          Only other unthinking people, such as yourself and such de facto atheists as Mr. Keith Eash, "think" that rationality is "irrationality"and the rest of us don't care what you "think" about anything and let you go on ranting and raving, since it only confirms the truth about you and is more evidence for the prosecution. Keep that evidence coming, as though you could do anything else, even if you wanted to! That would tell you something, if you had sense enough to see it, which, of course, you don't!!!

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Awe…are my comments upsetting you, John?

            Please keep being an apologist for your mythical God of the cult you belong to. I can see you need it.


            1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

              Keep being an apologist for your mythological atheism and the secular humanist cult that you belong to because we can all see that you need them and are too indoctrinated, cowardly, and bigoted to ever be able to free yourself from them. My comments are obviously upsetting you and hitting too close to home with you because you always go deeper into your pretentiousness, evasiveness, and game playing when you are upset by my telling you too much truth and those are the only ways that you can deal with it.

              1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                You are so funny. You have no original thought whatsoever, so all you can do is paraphrase my comments into yours. I wonder if you'll use the word "paraphrase" or "original thought" in your next reply to me 😂

                I see children hospitals are still thriving, John, but not soccer goals. Are you praying hard enough 🤭


              2. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

                Telling you the truth is an original thought for you, since you never tell any truth at all, and incorrectly made your statements to me and I merely correctly put them right back on you, where they actually belong! Your "thinking" that anyone else, much less myself, is paraphrasing you is just more of your narcissism, egotism, and delusional belief that "the world revolves around you"!! Actual truth belongs to everyone, not just you!! The antidote to all of that in you is the statement of our Lord Jesus Christ "With what judgment you judge, you shall be judged, and the measure which you mete out will be measured to you again". Learn and accept that truth and wise up to yourself and stop being so funny and such a joke yourself!! For the 10,000th time, though it's useless telling you this and more pearls thrown in front of pigs, God isn't going to deliver us out of all the consequences of our sinning against Him and let us just sin without any consequences at all, and it is our sins that cause cancer in children and all of the other problems in our world, as the result of the indiscriminate flood of sin over the world. You and all other sinners are keeping children in cancer hospitals, not God If you and all others want that to stop and children to be healed from cancer, stop sinning!!

              3. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

                Compared to the infinitely bigger atheist mythology of an entire universe without any Mind behind it doing things for itself that all the geniuses in history put together can't figure out how it could possibly be mindlessly doing and couldn't figure out how to do themselves, fairies, Dionysus, elves, God, and all other things that atheists call "mythological" pale to insignificance and don't require anywhere near as much faith to believe in as the atheists require for their belief in this mindless universe running itself. You would think that anyone who could swallow hook, line, and sinker this biggest fairy tale of all of a mindless universe running itself would have just no problem believing in fairies, Dionysus, elves, God, and other "mythological" things, since there is far less evidence for their atheist belief than there is for all of these other beliefs, but the opposite is the case. The same as the Pharisees in Jesus' time, they strain at a gnat and swallow a camel! The reason why these atheists can believe in and swallow the "camel" of a mindless universe running itself, while straining at the comparative "gnat" of just a logical First Cause called God is because a mindless universe doesn't make any moral demands on them or impose on their "superiority over their world" and self-will or even they would admit the illogic and stupidity of that idea, whereas God does make moral demands on them and imposes on their "superiority over their world" and self-will and so, of course, "can't be true"! You atheists have far more faith than I and other believers in God have, while always putting down faith as "stupid", and in something that deserves to have far less faith in it!! We don't have enough faith to be atheists, but only enough logic and reason and science to believe in causality (which you claim that you have, except when it comes to the entire universe!!) and enough common sense to know that there has to have been a First Cause in order for anything to exist now or ever to have existed, and not an endless retrogression of beings' being created by other beings without a first and necessary Ground of Being, which is ridiculous!!

  1. A James Baird's Avatar A James Baird

    Do you know the phrase "Bootstrap Levitation?

  1. Glenn P. Miller's Avatar Glenn P. Miller

    If you landed on a planet in a middle of warfare, would you want to stay and make contact. Probably not. There is plenty of science and contact with the world military which shows they are real. Where from. We as a society will probably never be told. Could they be messengers from God? Heaven knows this planet is in grave need of help.

  1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

    @Keith Allen Steele Eash \ We know why many people suffer, it’s not because they SINNED, it’s because they are meanly ill, were rapped maybe by a priest or a minister. Why does God make so many of his loved children mentally ill? How does God expect mentally ill people to give our sins to God when it is God is the cause of sin?

    1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

      God doesn't make any one Ill. The devil came to seek and destroy and the Bible says he was a murderer from the beginning. That is the purpose of the story of Job. God permitted Satan, but He didn't bring that evil upon them. Some do suffer because of their sin, others suffer because of other peoples sin. The devil, the father of lies is succeeding at distorting God's character. Scripture is clear " God is love" which one of us would offer our son on the cross for our enemy. To intervene every time someone is going to choose to sin, would take away the free will, he gifted us with.

      1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

        @Thomas P. Davis If God is love, why does he kill young children with cancer and childhood diseases and inflict misery and guilt on the parents and families? I would not want that kind of love.

    2. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash


  1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

    Scientific knowledge is tentative (subject to change). Science is empirically based (based on or derived from observation of the natural world). Science is inferential, imaginative and creative. Science is subjective and theory laden. Science is socially and culturally embedded.

    1. Geoffrey C. Olive's Avatar Geoffrey C. Olive

      I’m done with these religoturd morons who lack the mental ability to understand how science, that benefits everyone on this planet, is written off when it questions their religious bigotry, but accept nonsense without evidence from a 2000 year old book of myths and fables constantly! It’s like trying to argue with a brick wall!👎

  1. Geoffrey C. Olive's Avatar Geoffrey C. Olive

    I think it is quite reasonable to think that religion is nice placebo for the probability that there is no afterlife (or before life!). It comforts the masses who can’t think for themselves and rely on myths and nonsense from a 2000 year book. However, the world has suffered for thousands of years by the enforced imposition of the religion virus which cannot even agree on which version of itself is right! If you want to believe in religious nonsense that’s OK, but don’t try to force it on anyone at the personal, local or national levels who doesn’t believe. I object strongly to churches not having to pay taxes when the rest of us have to! Maybe if they did, the rest of us would pay less!

    1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      you're an athiest. You deny the very existence of the one who created you. If there was no God you wouldn't have any reason to deny him, but you do. So therefore, God exists. The reason there are so many religions is the fact mankind denied God in one way or another and so chose to worship nature instead of Nature's God. If you truly understood God you would understand basic nature. Like LGBTQ goes against God and His nature. Anal intercourse rejects God. It is a pleasurable act and has nothing to do with creation. Abortion rejects God. The whole act of sex is life and sharing your life by bringing ging another into the world. You really have no.idea what the f you're talking about. Just a big burp.

      1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

        you seriously have no idea what you're talking about. according to your very weird and twisted logic, if I don't believe something exists, me denial is proof positive that said thing does exist? Do you understand logic or are you just winging you way through life?

  1. Mary's Avatar Mary

    And it isn't a theory either what you have is a hypothesis. We can't even cure the common cold yet some people believe to have all the answers of the Comos!? We don't even know what we have on earth or in our oceans yet you want to claim to have all the answers of the Cosmos!? The arrogance baffles me. Humans can't even cure cancers YET you believe you have all the answers again. If you put this much effort into curing cancer little children wouldn't be waiting to die in hospitals.

    1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      Well if you knew why people suffer it is because of SIN. When we give into sin anything goes. When we give our sins to God things would change. Sin is general. It's not necessarily suffering thst creates sin. It is sin of all mankind that creates suffering and not sins of the individual but of mankind.

      1. Tom's Avatar Tom

        People suffer because of man's inhumanity to man, not because of what a thousand year old book claims is wrong. The Bible claims it's a sin to eat shellfish or wear mixed fibers and condones slavery yet you claim mankind not following these rules is the cause of suffering?

        1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

          The "thousand year old book", which is actually three thousand years old from a thousand years before Christ, claims that it is wrong not to do unto others as you would have others do unto you or not to love your neighbor as yourself or to do anything to anyone that you wouldn't do to Christ Himself or to judge people by the appearance, but judge a righteous judgment, and those wrongs are the cause of man's inhumanity to man. Some very minor Jewish cultural laws no more invalidate those major rules for human conduct and prohibitions of seriously wrong conduct than the blue laws still on the books in every state in the country invalidate the laws against murder, rape, child molestation, abduction, bank robbery, and other major crimes or penalties for violating those laws.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            It looks as though you Christians, Tom, Keith, Thomas, and yourself, all seem to have different interpretations of a variety of Christian topics. No wonder there are so many Christian denominations. I bet you’re all claiming to have the truth, right? It’s totally laughable seeing how you all differ with your religious dogma. Just think, John, if your god was real he could show up and set you all straight, but we all know why that’s not going to happen, don’t we? He ain’t there, John. If he is, he must be having a good laugh, at your expense. 🤣


            1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

              Do all worldly and non-Christian people agree about everything and yet you all believe that your atheism and non-Christian beliefs are the "truth", even though you can't prove that there is no God or that any of your other beliefs are true or anything other than merely opinions?!! No, you don't!! Before you point out any disagreements between Christians, get in lock step and total agreement with all other atheists and non-Christians about everything and stop doing the same thing that you are ridiculing Christians for doing. Good luck with that!! Let him who is without sin among you cast the first stone and First remove the beam from your own eye and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Human beings aren't going to agree all the time or most of the time about everything in all the same ways and to the same extent. Welcome to the world!! But that doesn't make what they are disagreeing about, due to their human blindness, self-centeredness, and other distractions and obstacles to their agreement, not the truth or real! I don't believe, either, in the "God" that you don't believe in (the figment of some Bible writers' imaginations and spokesman and sanction for whatever they wanted "Him" to support, to "justify" themselves!), but only believe in the true God!! It is totally laughable seeing how you all differ with your anti-religious dogma for you to claim that you all have the "truth"!! Just think, Chickenheart, if you were right about God's "non-existence" and your non-God were the truth and showed up, he could set you all straight, but we all know why that's not going to happen, don't we? Because you aren't right in the head and your non-God isn't there!! If your non-God is the truth and real, after all,, he must be having a good laugh at all of you, at your expense. With what judgment you judge, you shall be judged, and the measure that you mete will be measured right back to you again!! How do you like it?!!

              1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                All atheists have one thing in common, and that is, until there is any real evidence for the existence of any god we have to assume there aren’t any. Just like fairies, werewolves, leprechauns etc.

                By the way, I see the mythical god you want to believe in is still not answering your prayers. Children’s hospitals are still thriving, John.

                He did manage to help some soccer players score some goals though. I saw some players looking up to the sky to thank him after they’d scored. He’s obviously more of a soccer supporter than a cancer relieving supporter. He’s quite pathetic don’t you think. Keep believing in him, John. Try praying for your recovery from dilutions 🤪


              2. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

                Here are more books that blow atheism out of the water and that you are too cowardly and bigoted to get and read and fairly consider, but are presented here for those who aren't as cowardly and bigoted as you are and do actually have open minds, which you only pretend to have for your games. (1). Is Atheism Dead? by Eric Metaxas. (2). Against Atheism: Why Dawkins, Hitchens, and Harris Are Fundamentally Wrong by Ian S. Markham. (3). Atheism on Trial: Refuting The Modern Arguments Against God by Louis Markos. (4). Answering The New Atheism: Dismantling The Dawkins' Case Against God by Scott Hahn. (5). The End of Reason by Ravi Zacharias. (6). The Last Superstition: A Refutation of the New Atheism by Edward Feser. (7). The Godless Delusion: A Catholic Challenge to Modern Atheism by Patrick Madrid. (8) God Exists....Despite The Absurd Assertions and Amusing Arrogance From The Atheist Alignment by S. Raymond Langevin. (9). The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions by David Berlinski. (10). The Delusion of Disbelief: Why The New Atheism Is a Threat to your Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness by David Aikman. (11). The Delusion of Atheism: Jesus as Holographic Model by Patrick Mooney.. (12). The Atheist Delusion: Does Atheism Make Sense by Prof. Dr. Md. Anisur Rahman. (13). Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and its Fashionable Enemies by David Bentley Hart. (14). The Dawkins DELUSION?: Atheist Fundamentalism and the Denial of the Divine by Alister McGrath. (15). The Atheist Delusion by Ph.D. Phil Fernandes. (16). God is No Delusion: A Refutation of Richard Dawkins by Thomas Crean. (17). The Atheist Delusion by Vic Zarley. All of these books are available on Amazon. So, go and get some or all of them and see if atheism really holds water and Christianity is "irrational". Refusing to even look at or consider any of this evidence in these books is a de facto admission that you know that it is really atheism that is irrational and you can only maintain it by closing your minds, hearts, and eyes to anything that disproves your narrow minded "thinking" and being cowardly and bigoted. Some "thinking" that can only be maintained that way isn't worth the trouble of keeping and can't possibly be true!!

              3. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                On the plus side, John, I see there’s a god helping some World Cup soccer players score some goals. Whoop De Doo!

                Children’s hospitals on the other hand seem to be down the totem pole in priority. I wonder why? Could it be your god doesn’t exist? 🤔

                Keep reading your apologist books, John, to keep convincing you.


        2. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

          Sin is the transgression law and if we treated each other and each other treated us by that law there would be less suffering. Although the earth also has been tainted by that sin as well. As far as I know eating shellfish was a health law and not the moral law. Medical science will proof it is not the best food to eat. Those creatures were designed to perform cleanup duty and are different than the ones noted as clean. Thus, why most people do not know how the animals boarded the ark. They know the 2 by 2 for the unclean, but not the 7's for the clean. If after the ark landed and one pig was eaten there would be no pigs today.

  1. Mary's Avatar Mary

    My next question will be then if that's 1000% true which no one knows for sure well then who exactly has been abducting, drugging, kidnapping humans and slaughtering cattle? Heh Not all the stories can just be some hoax people all over this planet are not only experiencing something but reputable people have had experiences. I highly suspect it was never aliens from another world from the start but something is going on and SOMEONE is doing it or was. .

    1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      fallen angels is the answer. Not other aliens.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Do you have any substantial supportive evidence to the claim of any type of angel, let alone fallen ones?

        Without evidence, your indoctrination can be brutally inaccurate at times, Keith.


  1. Mary's Avatar Mary

    "It would be inexcusably, egocentric to suggest that we are alone in the Cosmos". "The Chemistry is to rich to declare that. The Universe to Vast!" - Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson

    1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      Tyson knows nothing. A self gratified nobody.

      1. Tom's Avatar Tom

        He has a BA in physics from Harvard, a MA in astronomy from University of Texas at Austin, and a MPhil and PhD in astrophysics from Columbia University. I'd say that's a far cry from knowing nothing as you want to claim.

      2. Geoffrey C. Olive's Avatar Geoffrey C. Olive

        Seems that you qualify for that description more than anyone else!

  1. Reverend Kurt's Avatar Reverend Kurt

    Any alien civilisation capable of travelling the vast distances of space would use technologies that we can not yet even dream of. It would be very prudent for these aliens to discreetly study our civilisation before committing themselves to any official contact. As a species we are aggressive, steal whatever we can, murder all our lifeforms including ourselves, indiscriminately wage senseless wars, macabre religions that espouse murder, genocide, theft, paedophilia and have an economic and trading systems designed for greed and promoting profit over mutual benefit.

    Were I an alien species, I would isolate the earth, making sure that it is isolated and well contained.

    Our mistake is in thinking that alien species are motivated and think just like us and have the same drive toward eventual destruction.

    How can we hope to communicate and understand another species, when we cannot understand our own evolved intelligent species Eg dolphins, whales and animals in general?

    All our animal species can co-exist, except man.

    \Why would any half intelligent aliens wish such grief and contamination upon themselves ?

    1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

      Thus, the parable of the sheep, God left the 99 to save the one (us) that is lost.

  1. Lady Terra LunaWolf's Avatar Lady Terra LunaWolf

    It sounds like NASA is being more political than they are scientific. They seem to only be citing the talking points of the day.

  1. Lady Terra LunaWolf's Avatar Lady Terra LunaWolf

    It sounds like NASA is being more political than they are scientific. They seem to only be citing the talking points of the day.

  1. Nancy Pianfetti's Avatar Nancy Pianfetti

    I harbor more hope than most of you! I believe we are near to exhausting the life of this planet and we are currently working on Mars as Planet B. As humanity keeps growing we must find ways to sustain, cherish, inform and educate those who come after us. Earth is not large enough for the abundance of humanity upon it...we have taken over every green space and pasture that was available. Planet B is our only hope. I live in cockeyed optimisum!!!! The Universal One (God) has always provided us for our ignorant masses. I trust HE/SHE/THEY will find a way to salvage the dregs of society again and hopefully some forward thinkers and innovators who will conjure up ways to bring us forward! In the meantime, let us rejoice in music, art, dance, laughter, tears and whatever lays ahead of us!!! Sending you all love, light and blessings!

    1. Geoffrey C. Olive's Avatar Geoffrey C. Olive

      Nancy Pianfetti: I appreciate your optimism, but I am more concerned with the way religion has dominated humanity in negative ways for centuries! We should enjoy our lives on the only planet we currently occupy and not plan for a man made nonsensical idea that there is an afterlife in a heaven or hell depending on your behavior and beliefs! Unfortunately or fortunately, those who believe this nonsense will never know how wrong they were when the only experience of afterlife is the same as before life, that is absolutely nothing, nada! An additional thought is what happened to all the other life forms their imaginary sky daddy created in the previous millions of years before humans evolved? Did they go to heaven or hell? If either heaven or hell exists they would be overflowing with bigoted xtians anyway! Why do xtians claim that humans are something unique enough to warrant this special treatment compared to billions of years of evolution of life forms supposedly created by their fictional sky daddy! The evidence of evolution of life forms is everywhere for everyone to see and check if they can be bothered to read the enormous amount of scientific and other evidence instead of referring to an out of date 2000 year old book of nonsense and myths written by limited knowledge people biased by religious bigotry! Faith = Belief without evidence!

      1. Lori-Ann Neeb's Avatar Lori-Ann Neeb

        God bless you. lol. I really hope I run into you at Home some day after we both have passed.

        1. Geoffrey C. Olive's Avatar Geoffrey C. Olive

          Lori-Ann Neeb: Unlikely as, according to your beliefs, I’ll be going down to hell and you’ll be going up to heaven! Please provide a map and details of where, in your eyes, we might possibly meet including travel arrangements!🤪

          1. Lori-Ann Neeb's Avatar Lori-Ann Neeb

            This thread is a little hard to follow sometimes as to replies so I am not completely sure which remark I replied to but remember the jist I think.
            First - there is no hell so unless you are a dark entity, your place at Home waits for you. I suppose even Mr. Ashe who seems to hate all of us will even be there. And, for his benefit... dark entities are not demons. Just other entities like ourself who did reject God. Demons do not exist, except maybe in some people's minds. Home is another dimension about three feet or so above the one we inhabit. it is the planet as it would be without all the damage we have done to it. I think just about everyone pictures it like one of those drive through bank dispensers where you put the canister back in the tube then it shoots straight up when you push the button but it is really about a twenty degree angle. We are unaware because the laws of physics and time are different there. Sort of like seeing a humming bird appear to be just it's body hovering outside the feeder. We know it has wings but they move too fast for us to see them. I'll worry about the map and details later. lol.

      2. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

        There is more evidence for creation than for evolution. That is why in the Christian world they say that it takes more faith to be an evolutionist, because there is absolutely nothing to support it. More scientists every year are coming to that conclusion too. Some don't publicly admit it since they are close to retirement and don't want to lose their jobs. One reason why the age of the earth has increasingly been getting older with the evolutionary thinking because they cannot prove their current or past theories with their present ideology. As for your thoughts on hell, you should listen to Pascal’s wager by Pascal`s Wager by David Asscherick, he explains it in simple terms. The cost to go there is minimal, the risk is also minimal, but the payoff is huge. Similar to a lottery ticket. So, it doesn't cost a Christian anything but the blood of Jesus to get there. If there never happens he risked nothing and lost nothing. If you on the other don't believe and it is there, you have lost everything.

    2. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

      I remember years ago when the earth was 6 million people. I was given the formula for the area of a circle. All the 6 million people in the world could fit in a circle with the radius of 26 miles. The overpopulation is a myth. Soon after that I stated to travel and saw firsthand all the unpopulated areas. As for food shortages, look at all the produce that is purposely destroyed each year to keep the supply low, so the demand will be high, so the cost can be raised to the consumer. Learned this in college economics. Add to this the farmers that are paid millions of dollars not to grow for the same purpose. Add to that the food that we Americans alone waste every year. Go to a buffet sometime and look at all the plates of food going to the dumpster. I also work for a foodbank, and we inspect the cans of food before packing for certain date ranges. If outside of those dates, into the dumpster they go. Those dumpsters fill quickly. Finally, if just Americans alone would quit eating meat, the land that was used to grow cattle feed for one family could grow food for 16 families, not including the water that is used for the purpose of growing this inefficient form of food. Planet B is not an option either. A famous newswoman in Cleveland years ago commented on that idea Man will go to the moon build the same holiday inn with the same potted plant in the same corner, with the same asphalt streets and same garbage dumps and soon it will look just like earth.

      1. Geoffrey C. Olive's Avatar Geoffrey C. Olive

        Thomas P. Davis: I cannot even come close to understanding your diatribe! Are you saying all this nonsense as a tongue in cheek joke? If you remember when the world population was 6 million then you would be thousands of years old! You can’t even get your facts right when you should have said 6 billion, with a B in 2006! There are unpopulated and uninhabitable places everywhere even in the middle of cities, not to mention deserts, mountains, Antarctica, etc! As for more evidence of creation than evolution, where did you get that nonsense from? The Bible, a well known book of myths and nonsense or from so called “creation scientists”? Have you even heard of palaeontology that shows from fossil evidence the change of life forms over many millions of years or are you so infected with the religion virus that you cannot see what science has known for many years! Go to a fossil rich geological area or a museum to see the evidence for yourself instead of some man made up nonsense peddled by religion in a church! It’s no wonder that the world is 2000 years behind what it could be because of religion and people like you with their medieval clinging onto myths and nonsense!

        1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

          You are correct, I made a mistake writing million instead of billion. Hurried writing it on break time at work. The rest is still true. I am glad that in the land of America we still have free speech.

        2. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

          You are correct, I made a mistake. I meant 6 billion. As the nuns told me in Catholic school, haste makes waste. I was hurrying to complete it during my break at work. I should have proofread it one more time. If you have change in life forms, you would still be seeing them today, but they call them missing links. If man gradually evolved from ape to man, you would still be seeing that transition today. It is wonderful to live in a country that still grants free speech, although that book of myths you spoke of, says one day it will speak as a dragon and many of us saw the start of that during covid. I am a bit perplexed though at the harshness of your words. I thought that this was a church site, and that book of myths says, they shall know that ye are my disciples for the love they have for one another.

      2. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

        Well said.

  1. Nancy Pianfetti's Avatar Nancy Pianfetti

    I harbor more hope than most of you! I believe we are near to exhausting the life of this planet and we are currently working on Mars as Planet B. As humanity keeps growing we must find ways to sustain, cherish, inform and educate those who come after us. Earth is not large enough for the abundance of humanity upon it...we have taken over every green space and pasture that was available. Planet B is our only hope. I live in cockeyed optimisum!!!! The Universal One (God) has always provided us for our ignorant masses. I trust HE/SHE/THEY will find a way to salvage the dregs of society again and hopefully some forward thinkers and innovators who will conjure up ways to bring us forward! In the meantime, let us rejoice in music, art, dance, laughter, tears and whatever lays ahead of us!!! Sending you all love, light and blessings!

  1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

    I'm seeing what appears to be a direct correlation between religion and science: the more some here believe in their god the less they believe in science. it's no wonder so many people actually believe the bible, they lack the training to understand what the scientific method is, what a theory is and how science operates in general. but boy howdy do they know they scripture.

    Any way, to the people who quote the bible to prove their point, do you not realize that the bible was written by man, translated and mistranslated and added to and subtracted from so that in the end, the bible tells the story exactly as the last nicene counsel decreed (more or less).

    In other words you believe in a book of fables written by men who believed in made up those fables and you use those fables to prove that those fables are true and real

    1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      The Bible was inspired by God, not written by man. The inspiration of the writing came from God. Jews and Christians profess that God is the Author. Translations are by man, not God. You do not have the furthest idea of what you say. And the councils declared what was right and proportionate according to Jewish Tradition. And you don't know the difference in science. You don't study theology as science. Theology is the philosophy of God. Science is a theory until proven true. You liberals believe science to be anything you choose to believe. Not knowing a baby is a boy when he's born with a penis etc. Believing that the gender born may not be the gender intended. If you believe you're a cat you're a cat. That's not science. That's craziness. Not to waste any more time on this. Everyone in here is pretty ridiculous. Rev Fr. JJ. What is that? Sounds fake to me.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart



  1. Marvin G Meyer Jr's Avatar Marvin G Meyer Jr

    I'm surprised at the certainty, egocentricity, and narrow-mindedness expressed in several of these comments. Especially the religious statements of unwavering certainty which presume that a narrow belief system applies universally to all of us.

    I used to try to have black and white answers to as many things as possible. Now I'm much more comfortable with allowing multiple possibilities, not knowing the answers, and simply standing in awe of all that exist around us.

  1. P. Keith Benefiel's Avatar P. Keith Benefiel

    After reading all the comments, I am convinced that humans were created as entertainment for "aliens".

  1. Ahmed Abduljabar Al-Hujazi's Avatar Ahmed Abduljabar Al-Hujazi

    It does not seem reasonable to me to say that all other life in the universe has been destroyed, whether by outside or inside influences. That would imply that all life evolved at the same relative starting point or at the same speed, which doesn't seem logical. What's more likely is that we are not close enough to be reached by other said intelligent life, which is likely because the sci-fi concept of faster than light travel has become accepted as impossible, at least as far as our technology is concerned. The other possibility is that we are quarantined as a divided planet, that is not mature enough to join a greater interplanetary community. Given our current human society, the latter is where I lean.

  1. Ealdormon Piparskeggr Robinson's Avatar Ealdormon Piparskeggr Robinson

    I think we are being observed, including TV advertisements. The Others have likely decided that a species so hung up on natural bodily functions and dysfunctions is too primitive to contact.

  1. Brian Edson Compton's Avatar Brian Edson Compton

    Take a cup of water once, from one beach on one day. Look in with the naked eye and declare nothing lives in the water. A mere few hundred years of looking, with weak tools, at a tiny portion of space that is visible to us is the same. Scale is the forgotten issue for many. Maybe in a hundred centuries of looking using powerful tools the numbers become supportive of a claim that no one is out there.

    That aside, I can't fathom how anyone would claim there is no evidence that we have been visited. No PHYSICAL evidence, perhaps. Most cultures on Earth describe more powerful other-worldly beings that came from "heaven". Not saying Erich von Däniken was not a speculative science fiction writer, but his premies merits consideration.

    1. Elga Konietzny's Avatar Elga Konietzny

      Brian,,, there is physical evidence besides the giants that lived here long time ago,, Bones of them and so many others were found even in Ohio under the mounds,, just not being given to public ,, that wold shake the power of the so called government oh btw i was in Ohio and visited the mounts,,, there were highly advanced people living on his earth and many things were lost when the invader races highjacked our planet,, we did not even live in 3D earth is a 5D sentient being,,years from now those things will come into the open,,

    2. Elga Konietzny's Avatar Elga Konietzny

      yes Eric van Daniken is correct and we have proof,

    3. Rev. B's Avatar Rev. B

      History has shown us that his premises DO NOT merit consideration. He is a con man, plain and simple. Everything he's written has been disproved or explained. PLEASE don't give credence to him. As you said, he is a science fiction writer.

      Oh, and hearsay is not evidence. That is why people claim there is no evidence we have been visited. It's the same reason religion is all fairy tales. Just because it's written in an old book you found, does not mean it is real.

  1. Robert L Young's Avatar Robert L Young

    Just thinking, if there is no end to space (infinity) then there are no odds to set on whether there is life out "there" somewhere. Our God is mighty, and we truly have no idea of how infinite he really is.

    1. Elga Konietzny's Avatar Elga Konietzny

      EXACTLY,,,we have to think out of the box

  1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

    Since the bible is clear that there are other worlds, I will stick with God's word and not man's theories. Heb 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Heb 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. 

  1. Robert L Young's Avatar Robert L Young

    Just thinking, if there is no end to space (infinity) then there are no odds to set on whether there is life out "there" somewhere. Our God is mighty, and we truly have no idea of how infinite he really is.

    1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      You would if you were open to the Spirit.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Perhaps you can describe “Spirit”, Keith. Is it the same thing that other religions used to determine their god, or religion, is the right one?

        I’m sorry I keep asking you difficult questions to answer, Keith. 🤗


        1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

          Look it up. Why should I do it for you.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            All I am doing is wondering what your interpretation of “spirit” is. Could your interpretation be different to others that used it to determine the truth of their faith/religion? 🤔


            1. Geoffrey C. Olive's Avatar Geoffrey C. Olive

              Give up trying to argue rationally with morons infected with the religion virus! Why is xtianty the only religion with such closed minded morons? I gave up listening to circular responses using man made scriptures from 2000 years years ago and totally ignoring anything else that didn’t agree with their religious nonsense! As an atheist, I am totally open to ANY explanation of the universe and human evolution if SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN EVIDENCE can confirm the existence and capability of these and NOT just keep referring to man made myths and nonsense of the scriptures.

  1. Lady Celynia's Avatar Lady Celynia

    No, we are not alone. I think we have been visited before and will be again once we get over ourselves and stop culture of death. Who in their right mind, monitoring us from away, would want to come here among all this infighting?

    1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      Of course not. God is with us.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Any proof of that, Keith? I’m thinking not 🤷🏼


  1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

    Since the bible is clear that there are other worlds, I will stick with God's word and not man's theories. Heb 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Heb 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. 

  1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

    Since the bible is clear that there are other worlds, I will stick with God's word and not man's theories. Heb 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Heb 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. 

  1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

    Since the bible is clear that there are other worlds, I will stick with God's word and not man's theories. Heb 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Heb 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. 

  1. Roger Kressly's Avatar Roger Kressly

    I hope we are alone because based on the human history we suck as a species and any meeting with another life form would just start another war.

  1. Edgar M Wise's Avatar Edgar M Wise

    I hear the arguments of the scientific community, and do not disdain their theories, but they are simply that, theories. Who can tell the exact size and dimensions of the cosmos? Our universe is infinitesimal, and adorned with galaxies far numerous to tally using the feeble systems we have developed here on Earth. Has any scientist truly seen the very extreme outer edge of our universe? Can Science, with certainty, explain the origin of our universe, or predict the expiration date of it with numerical certainty? Scientist are still trying to determine which came first, the Chicken, or the egg. Scripture tells us that only a fool would claim there is no God. Given the limitless expanse of the universe, with its innumerable galaxies, and planets, it would be equally as foolish to assume God merely created life on a single planet, or that God may have created life on other planets and they all died out before God created us. Job 1:6-7 describes a scene where God held a meeting of all of the sons of God. Where know there to be only one true Son of God, and that is Jesus, thus we can safely assume that the sons in the meeting were delegates of their respective worlds, which explains why Satan appeared as if to represent Earth. That one passage, even taken alone, is reason enough for me to accept that there is life on planets beyond our own. The fact that I have not physically seen extraterrestrial life is irrelevant. God's inspired word is good enough for me.

    1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      most intelligent person in here.

  1. Geoffrey Congo's Avatar Geoffrey Congo

    utter nonsense.NASA is lying, floating balloons here and there!

  1. Geoffrey Congo's Avatar Geoffrey Congo

    utter nonsense!

  1. Randy C Hamilton's Avatar Randy C Hamilton

    I'm SOOOOO tired of the "math and statistics" says probably aliens are "out there." 1-What if we are the FIRST, not the millionth? 2-Statistics is the "science" that says that the AVERAGE human has one Testicle. Which makes me doubt their work.

    1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      The average human has one testicle.

      I give up. I’ve sat here for a full two minutes thinking of how to respond to one of the most stupid things I’ve heard and have nothing.

      1. Geoffrey C. Olive's Avatar Geoffrey C. Olive

        I can see where he arrives at that nonsense! If human males have two testicles and human females have zero testicles, mathematically the average number of testicles for all humans is one! Absolute bollocks of course!🤪 Similarly the average number of penises of all humans is a half! One per male, zero per female! Anything unique to only one of the two sexes must divided by two to show the average for all humans! Simple but absurd mathematics!👍

    2. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

      The average human also has 1/2 a vagina, 1/2 a penis and 1 breast. I suspect Randy may be skewing the data on the number of teeth the average human has

    3. Geoffrey C. Olive's Avatar Geoffrey C. Olive

      Randy C Hamilton: Where did you get that statistic from? It sounds like a load of bollocks to me!🤪

      1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

        @Geoffrey C. Olive Here's the answer your looking for..... The way Randy C Hamilton used science to determine the AVERAGE human has one Testicle was self examination using one data point. Do the math and you'll find Randy to be correct.

    4. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      I think what Randy might mean is the average man has no testicles 🤭.

      He also might be making reference to that fact half the human race has none, the other half, two. So, on average mankind has only one. 🤷🏼


  1. Canadian Yankee's Avatar Canadian Yankee

    I hope we are alone. The way the human race has screwed up our own planet would cause me to hope there are not others out there like us.

  1. Rolland Pitzer's Avatar Rolland Pitzer

    As a professional hypnotist I have done years of research on this matter and have personally witnessed things that have no explanation but have documented them on video. There is no doubt in my mind that extraterrestrial life exists and has been around us for a very long time. I have traveled the world to see for myself the wonders that have been constructed by people who would not have had the knowledge or manpower to accomplish these magnificent feats. Once again don’t be so vain to think that we are the only ones around open your eyes and mind maybe just maybe god would like that

    1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      my mind is open. Prety much all the world religions view life as what is on earth. Pretty strange in all 9 planets in our solar system only one has life. That pretty much tells you the rest of infinite space has no other life in this world. The extra terrestrial life is as Scripture says it is.

      1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

        @Keith Allen Steele Eash Nine planets? Is that in the Bible? There are only eight.

        1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

          nine if you still believe Pluto is still a planet. Many scientists still do. It revolves around the sun It's a planet. Regardless of size. Poor little guy. Leave him alone 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 besides God works in numbers of three. Not as a quad.+another quad.

          1. Lori-Ann Neeb's Avatar Lori-Ann Neeb

            I am assuming even you accept that our moon exists. It orbits the earth which orbits the sun, therefore the moon is also orbiting the sun. By your screwed up logic, that would make our moon a planet also.

            1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

              The moon is in orbit with the earth. The moon does not orbit around the sun. You must define your words. Your own lack of science or astronomy leaves you clueless. The moon is in Earth's orbit as the earth is in orbit with the sun.. mybreply is DUH.. Study some astronomy.

              1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Lori-Ann is correct, Keith. Though the moon is tied gravitationally to the earth, it does indeed orbit the sun due to its attachment to the earth, which orbits the sun.


    2. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      Through hypnotism you're findings can ve proven thzt any life out there e are higher spiritual life and u s ually demonic. Do the research.

      1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

        Mr. Eash, your idea of research is sticking your head in an echo chamber that confirms your biases and prejudices. I guarantee that if you were to meet Extraterrestrial intelligent life, you’d call it a demon and try to kill it. Like the superstitious barbarian you are.

        1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

          First of all, you can't kill demons. You can only exercorise them. I run laps with them on a consistent basis. 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 your logic is so funny.. a superstitious barbarian. I worship hat I cannot see but resides everywhere and in a wafer and wine. If I was a barbarian I would be sacrificing the young and unborn on the altar of Moloc. I think you libtardsvare doing that through abortion. So who is the real barbarian here. Pshod.

          1. Lori-Ann Neeb's Avatar Lori-Ann Neeb

            You are clueless, disrespectful and do not belong on a church thread. I am sure there is a KkK meeting somewhere you could go.

            1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

              This is not a church thread because it harbors all faiths including Satanists and atheists and I don't hold discussion with any of them because they are anti God and anti church. And Christians worship in churches, jews in synagogue, Muslims in mosques, Buddhists in temples, etc etc. So this is not a church forum. Know the meaning of the words you use.

              1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                We are not anti-god, or anti-fairy, or anti-Krishna, or anti-Vishnu, or even anti-flat earth. We are more than happy to believe any of the claims, as long as there is any sufficient demonstrable evidence to support the claims.


          2. Reverend Kurt's Avatar Reverend Kurt

            Exercise your demons. Walk, no run, to get professional help as you profess not to be able to live in this physical world living in a world of ether and your imagination.

          3. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

            Like how you sacrifice would be mothers during a life threatening failed pregnancy? Like how you sacrifice children’s self esteem, free will, and ability to have critical thinking? An for what? So you can have some kind of power in your death cult? You call me the libtard when you’re pushing exorcism. What a pathetically sad little man you must be outside this chat board.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    Who says we're alone? Explain to me and everyone else.About the moon landings etc When I have Googled it.It explains Van Allen Belt around the earth's atmosphere no rocket or space craft can pass through the belt without being vapourised Yet look at the minds of Gene Roddenberry and others who can dream up about space travel.Others like MIB ,Lost in Space and our own Dr Who that's why we didn't see aliens.Because no one can get through to the earth

    1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      @Nicholas J Page You will find there are several organism living on earth that we know can survive space travel. Take look at Water Bears and Deinococcus radiodurans.

      There's a long list of organisms which can survive and thrive is space. And some can survive atmospheric reentry. So while we have not found life on other planets we have found it is space and we know it can survive at trip through the atmosphere. God/Bible might be wrong when God created the heavens and the Earth. Or maybe got it right if the Garden of Eden is on another planet. But the Mormons seem to know where it is, Jackson Mississippi. But when you die you become God and live on your own planet. Mormons must believe there's life on other planets since that's were all dead Mormons go to live.

    2. Loren William Kinzel's Avatar Loren William Kinzel

      Nick, you did not Google very effectively. "Apollo Astronauts going through the Van Allen Belts received a very low and non-harmful dose of radiation." Is what Google provided me with. That is a far cry from being vaporised.

  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    I do believe there is other life out there. I also believe we are too far apart to communicate.

    Do I think they have all destroyed themselves? No. Even if a majority did there would still be a remnant that did not.

    God always leaves a remnant. Who knows besides Him?

    Besides is not the hunt for treasure most pleasing? Enjoy the journey, don't dwell on the end.

  1. Stephen Mohlaloga Makgoathane's Avatar Stephen Mohlaloga Makgoathane

    Does it matter,if you get exactly how Jesus,Mary and Joseph look like,then what. Is it a matter of their facial appearances for the world to believe in Christ,in Mary or in Joseph for that matter,or else they don't believe anything that proclaimes their existence. Why do people want to know things that doesn't matter? Make your choice and shut the matter. Bible, Christ Jesus and all people in HIS Surroundings that includes GOD of the Heaven do exist,did existed, and that's it. STEPHEN MOHLALOGA MAKGOATHANE

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    Judging by man’s inhumanity to man, much of it caused by religion, there’s even very little intelligence to be found here, so why would we expect to find intelligence elsewhere? 🤷🏽


    1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      Poor excuse blaming religion. More like politics.

      1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

        Politics and religion are intertwined... One in same.

      2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Politics , yes. Religion, yes.


        1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

          Atheism, DEFINITELY YES!!!!, thousands of times more than the other two put together!!

    2. Elga Konietzny's Avatar Elga Konietzny

      oh Douglas you really need to wake up UFO's are even mentioned in the bible old paintings show UFO,, if you are really interested then make your research,,, i have my own mind always did,, and experiences,, i just never talk about those things exactly because people like you and your answer ,,, that is so alright with me i do not waste my time with that anymore,,, even the smallest window in your mind is closed be well and God bless

      1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

        @ Elga Konietzny. UFOs weren’t a thing until 1946. Most be a new Bible you are reading. People have closed minds when people make ridiculous claims with no credible evidence. Are you a member of that club?

        1. Elga Konietzny's Avatar Elga Konietzny

          like i said WAKE UP open your mind and have a Expresso if that does not work go back to sleep Hitler had contact in 1932,,

          1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

            @ Elga Konietzny no no no…. You got your crazies mixed-up. It wasn’t Hitler in 1932 who was talking to aliens it was Nikola Tesla. They helped him build a car which ran off the power from the universe and God.

  1. Elga Konietzny's Avatar Elga Konietzny


    1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      @Elga Konietzny Well said. Is your God meth or blow or mushrooms? I'm thinking a meth and shroom cocktail is your God.

  1. Christopher Lee Campbell's Avatar Christopher Lee Campbell

    The article mentioned numbers :"Astronomers estimate there are 100-200 billion galaxies in the universe. The Milky Way galaxy alone is home to an estimated 100-400 billion stars...." I billion is a very large number. Hundreds of billions multiplied by hundreds of billions yields an almost incomprehensible number of stars, at least some of which are orbited by planets. The theory concedes that there have been other life forms somewhere, but then leaps to the conclusion that they have all self-destructed. Really? Isn't it far more likely that at least some, at least a small proportion of them, used their knowledge in more productive ways? Even a modest optimism would suggest that at least a few succeeded. Some may be more advanced than we are, others less so.

    1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      We know complex life forms on earth can travel through space and survive. Just take a look at the Water Bears. It’s plausible Water Bears traveled through space to earth and we all evolved from Water Bears.

      1. David Cox's Avatar David Cox

        Lol...what are you smoking Douglas

        1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

          @David Cox I'd really would have liked to have had smoked something, but it's true. Google Water Bears and Deinococcus radiodurans. Any ideas how many organisms can live in the vacuum of space? Or how many are growing on the outside of the ISS?

    2. JaZe's Avatar JaZe

      More likely they are at different stages of development in this mind blowing large universe.

      Or they found out the truth about their existence and were, well, redeployed with amnesia.

  1. Alexander Arends's Avatar Alexander Arends

    I have no idea about life in the universe. If scientists can't agree on that, then I certainly don't know. And Earth seems to be self-destructive, much of which is due to the nature of mankind.

  1. Dr. Bob Thomas's Avatar Dr. Bob Thomas

    Too far apart...Check. Already dead by their own hand ... Check. Already dead by the Cosmos...Check. Have already stopped by and decided they didn't want anything to do with us...Check. Are actually from the past and trying to perfect time travel...Check. Are actually from the future and trying to stop us from setting up the human race to destroy itself...Check. Are really Chinese / Russian / North Korean /Wal-Mart drones looking for secrets that will be used against us...Check. Are the drug induced hallucinations of weak minded hippies / pilots / college math professors who are experimenting on their conscienceness...Check. Are Angels...Check. Are Deamons ...Check.

    I fail to see what the point is knowing where the Little Green Men are from with respect to my faith, my life, or my role as a parent, husband, and father. The very best thing I can do is to look about me and see just what I can do to make this world a little better place to live in. You know? Try to leave this world just a little better off when I leave compared to when I arrived. Try to releave some pain, some suffering, some loss, dry some tears, feed some hungry, dress the naked, warm the frozen, comfort the lost, pay hede to the elderly, Give aid to the poor. Heal the sick. Bring peace where there is no peace. Fight against evil and corruption. Bring enlightenment to the illiterate. All this without seeking a big pat on the back or having a street named after me when I am dust, or having medals pinned upon my chest.

    Just once, I would like to bring home just one of those boys who died fighting, alive to their mother. Instead of standing beside an open grave and wondering what I did wrong or what I failed to do right.

    There are much more important and meaningful things in this very short life than chasing after Little Green Men. Real or Otherwise.

  1. Bishop William Dusenberry, DD's Avatar Bishop William Dusenberry, DD

    It’s obvious, that everyone who hypothesizes that the only life in the Universe is on this Earth - is an atheist — because anyone who believes in any religious superstitious nonsense — knows that the Christian God, his son, and the Holy Ghost — all the angels, saints and those allowed by the Christian God into the Christian Heaven, are also living things

    Unless, that is, all actual religious believers in the supernatural, know that the Christian Heaven exists outside of our Universe — then the remote possibility that life exists only on this Earth, is a theoretical possibility.

    Just as winning Billion dollar lotteries, hundreds of billions of time in a row, is theoretically possible.

    1. Rev. B's Avatar Rev. B

      I have had the opposite experience. It is xtians who do not believe in life on other worlds. They believe that if their imaginary friend put life on other worlds, it would be in their magic book.

  1. Lori-Ann Neeb's Avatar Lori-Ann Neeb

    Saving our planet is common sense but we are far from alone in the universe. If anything we can't find proof of other lifeforms yet because we are the least advanced of all inhabited world's. Ours is primitive compared to others. The state of the world, and especially our own country should be proof enough what a primitive and unevolved species we are.

    1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

      We don't even know that for sure. Their could easily be other planets with less development. The only point would be that this planet just isn't quite developed enough yet.

      1. Lori-Ann Neeb's Avatar Lori-Ann Neeb

        The teachings I follow never did outright say there are no less evolved world's, just that we are less advanced than those that do travel in ways we do not know how to do yet. So I suppose thinking less advanced world's could exist isn't unthinkable.

    2. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      . The research is there. Do it. You'd be amazed at what you'd find. We are unique because God is unique. really what is your evidence on other planets being more advanced. This site is a belly full of laughs with such tards that believe this or that. Show proof. You can't. So let's just stop it.

      1. Lori-Ann Neeb's Avatar Lori-Ann Neeb

        You first. I have read all through the thread. You are the only one lowering yourself to calling anyone who disagrees with you names. Worry about your own intelligence and character. God may love you as one of His children but I doubt very disappointed and sad for you and your attitude.

      2. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

        show empirical proof your god exists..or STFU

    3. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

      We didn't evolve. We were created in the image of the one that made us. So God was an ape? You been watching to many planet of the apes sisteh

      1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

        Your saying "God was an ape?" because of our earlier evolutionary form's possibly having an apelike appearance is your once again equating "in his image" with physical appearance, despite your telling me before that "in his image" wasn't the same as having physical attributes of human beings and "after his image". Get your story straight and actually think about what you are saying before you post anything in here, and you might be able to avoid such obvious contradictions and foolish comments as you have just said here!! "In his image" means in his spiritual image and isn't about physical appearance at all or else severely deformed people, such as John Merrick, (the "Elephant Man"), wouldn't be made in his image, but even he and beings on other planets were and are made in the image of God and external appearance has nothing to do with it. Get that into your head and "Judge not by the appearance, but judge a righteous judgment", as Christ tells you to do!!

        1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

          I never said God was an ape. That was a question put to you. The Scriptures are clear "in his Image". Christ is both human and Divine. He made us in His image which was human form even in the Divine nature. Jesus appeared as man. He was in existence before His incarnation in the form of man. The Scriptures, Tradition and Patristic Fathers were clear about that. In his image includes both natures as we also have a soul, a spirit and a body. And why bring up deformed people. That is caused by disease and disease exists because of the fallen nature of man. Before you say I say stupid things please be informed I will chew you up and spit you out everytime. I think if beings existed on other planets the Scriptures would say so.Mormons say they do but Mormons are a false religion and hold no validation to even argue. I rely upon what the Catholic Church teaches. Not what you interpret Scripture as. So please don't argue with me.

          1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

            "I will chew you up and spit you out everytime" and "please don't argue with me" are spiritual pride and arrogance and still more evidence (as everything that you write in here is!) of your belligerence and rotten attitude!! Such belligerence, pride, and arrogance as you clearly display every time that you write anything in here have no place in this blog or in an actual minister of Christ, but are only found in false apostles and ministers, and ministers of unrighteousness, and wolves in sheep's clothing, such as yourself!! Wise up to yourself and stop believing all of your lies about yourself and repent of your attitude and ungodliness and actually become a minister of Christ or stop claiming to be one. Besides which, we all see your arguments with people in here and you aren't chewing anyone up and spitting anyone out, except in your own egotistical delusions about yourself, but they are soundly trouncing and defeating you every time!!! So much for your "mastery" (actually incompetence and blindness!) in argument!! Your not admitting that to yourself or even seeing it and its not being true are two entirely different things!! Go on in your self-delusion and self-righteousness, thou blind and proud Pharisee, as you will, anyway, since you won't listen to anything or anyone that could possibly ever bring you out of all that, and we will go on knowing and seeing how self-deluded, egotistical, and self-righteous you are!! You are supposed to be a soul winner for Christ, instead of a soul loser and soul alienater, which is what your pride, arrogance, and belligerence do to the people in here and out in the world and turns them away from following Christ because they say "if you are an example of being a Christian, I don't want any part of it and it can't be true or right!!". Stop being an obstacle to the spread of the Gospel and become, instead, a bringer of people to the truth of Christ through love and a fisher of men and not keep throwing the "fish" back and turning them away!! I say to you what Jesus said to the Pharisees in his time "You are of your father, the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do". Pride, arrogance, belligerence, self-righteousness, bigotry, and snobbishness are the lusts of your father the devil. By their fruits you will know them, as Jesus said, not by what they say about themselves or you say about yourself. The Inquisitors, Crusaders, Conquistadors, Pharisees, and other pretentious and hypocritical people down through history also cited the Scriptures, Tradition, and the Patristic Fathers to "justify" themselves. The Devil can quote Scripture for his purpose and you are just following your daddy Satan's example by doing the same thing!! Since you don't even know the truth about yourself or see yourself as you really are, it is obvious that you can't see the truth about Scripture, Tradition, and the Patristic Fathers, either, which are too much for you to understand. God as the second Person of the Trinity didn't need a human body, quite obviously, before he was even born, since that was only for the purpose of relating to people and their being able to relate to him, which was unnecessary in a spiritual Heaven.Your post is too full of holes (to put it politely!) to waste any more time on it for now. More later. Keep on reading and re-reading the 13th chapter of 1st Corinthians, if you are, and it may get through, in time, even to someone such as yourself, and knock you off your high horse, as it did to Saul on the road to Damascus and transformed him into Paul!! Try it, if you aren't too afraid to do so!!

  1. Geoffrey C. Olive's Avatar Geoffrey C. Olive

    Religion, particularly xtianity, claims that man is created in the image of the xtian god. Either that means there are probably millions or trillions of ‘man’ planets around the universe, all having the same history of Jesus as the son of god, etc, or the Earth is the only ‘man’ planet ever to have existed in the universe. The former is possible if evolution was identical in all - which is highly unlikely, or other not ’man’ high level life evolved - which is highly probable! Given the universe’s time span, size and numbers of potential life supporting environments, the Earth being the only planet with a god created ‘man’ type life form is also highly unlikely! Just because humans have never had any contact with extra terrestrials doesn’t mean they are alone in the universe, just that technology, time and other possibilities may be be not be sufficiently advanced to prove their existence or non existence!

  1. Rev. MichaelRS's Avatar Rev. MichaelRS

    😄 Of course saving the human race depends on leftist social justice and climate programs.

    But I really doubt it was the carbon emissions from the campfires of a couple of million stone age hunter gatherer types that caused "global warming" to take us out of the last ice age 25,000 years ago

    And who was around a 1,000 years ago to cause the California droughts that are now being blamed on man-made climate change

    Then there is the theories that an alien species did visit here thousands of years ago and bumped nasty with some Neanderthal women to throw their DNA into the gene pool to give us modern homo sapiens/humans.

    I mean that seems reasonable. You know how guys get sometimes when they're on vacation abroad (even if in this case "abroad" means across the universe). You get together with some of the local girls to throw a barbecue party with some brontosaurus ribs as the Romulan ale is freely flowing and everyone gets a little frisky.

    The next morning you wake up looking at your bed mate going "oh geez what did I do? I swear last night I went to bed with Miss Galaxy and this morning I'm waking up to Miss Primordial Sludge. God, I'm never going to drink again on these trips."

    Then you and your mates quietly slip on your silver space suits and sneak out to the shuttle to blast off to the mothership the head back to the planet Gork at warp speed. Meanwhile, back on Earth 9 months later a few half Neanderthal half homosapien babies are being born thanks to you and your friends and that is the DNA that takes over.

    On the bright side if we were ever contacted by an alien species, communication would be easy since they all speak english. You just have to watch any episode of Star Trek for the proof of that.

    But yep, the only way to save the planet is to eschew nuclear or/and petroleum energy, redistribute all the wealth and adopt extremist green energy policies.

  1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

    We haven't made contact because there is no other intelligent life out there. Instead of searching for nonexistent intelligent life we need to be seeking God . There have been plenty of theories that UFO'S etc are nothing more then fallen angels trying to draw humankind away from God. People don't think theologically why would God do what he did with his own son and then have intelligent life . Did he create them in his image. I really don't think so. And if there is intelligent life out there I can guarantee it's not friendly. If humankind subjugated their fellow man then I can guarantee intelligent life would subjugate humanity. No intelligent life exists.

    1. Geoffrey C. Olive's Avatar Geoffrey C. Olive

      Keith Allen Steele Eash: I repeat - Nonsense!

      1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

        . The research is there. Do it. You'd be amazed at what you'd find. We are unique because God is unique.

    2. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      Posting such drivel twice doesn’t make it right.

  1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

    We haven't made contact because there is no other intelligent life out there. Instead of searching for nonexistent intelligent life we need to be seeking God . There have been plenty of theories that UFO'S etc are nothing more then fallen angels trying to draw humankind away from God. People don't think theologically why would God do what he did with his own son and then have intelligent life . Did he create them in his image. I really don't think so. And if there is intelligent life out there I can guarantee it's not friendly. If humankind subjugated their fellow man then I can guarantee intelligent life would subjugate humanity. No intelligent life exists.

    1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

      so the only possible way to view it is through your narrow chrs chn viewpoint? that's actually sad. a universe that is infinitely large with trillions of opportunity for life to appear and evolve and you're convinced that it's just earth and your version of religion? narrow viewpoint doesn't even begin to explain your position

    2. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      No intelligent life exists? Thus speaks someone that believes in the superstitious beliefs of Bronze Age nomadic desert goat herders that couldn’t even expkain where the sun went at night. And the current adherents haven’t progressed much further. Their major accomplishment was to learn to use an iPhone (computers proved to be way too difficult for a long time) to annoy others with their antiquated belief system.

    3. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

      @ Keith Allen Steele Eash Pretty arrogant to think that an all mighty powerful God would crate billions upon billions of galaxies with billions upon billion of stars with billions and billions of planets and just pick just one to have life evolve on it. Why would God create so many different galaxies, stars and planets and only have life evolve on one?

      We do know there are several life forms on our planet which can and have survived space travel. One of the most complex are the water bears or tardigrades. How do we know they did not travel from another world to earth bringing life to it? How do we know Water Bears are not living on other planets? We don’t.

      1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

        No actually that makes God pretty unique. He chose to love us and only us. He created the millions of systems for our future. And I'mnot arguing with a fool who believes in fairytales.

        1. Reverend Kurt's Avatar Reverend Kurt

          Whatever drug you are ingesting, i suggest you cut down on the dose.

      2. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

        If you were a Christian and knew your Scriptures you'd have the answer to that but, You're not all knowing, past, present, and future. God would not create life elsewhere and sacrifice his son over and over and over again. As I said if God had created other life they would have contacted us by now. There is no other life because there are no other planets in existence placed exactly as ours in a universe. Give your life to Christ and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the knowledge as you study the scriptures.

        1. Tom's Avatar Tom

          Or maybe there is no God and you've just been conned into believing a thousand year old myth? You're clearly not all knowing either based off your comments.

          1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

            Once again, "a thousand year old myth" (actually, three thousand year old and infinitely older reality) couldn't begin to account for a mindless universe that can't do anything for itself without a Mind behind it. So, the "myth" can't possibly be a myth and must be the greatest truth and reality of all!!!

            1. Tom's Avatar Tom

              The universe doesn't need a mind behind it to exist anymore than a rock needs a mind to exist or the ocean needs a mind to make waves. Even then, you're making a big leap from "the universe has a mind" to "therefore the Bible is truth." There certainly could be an intelligent mind operating the universe but that wouldn't alone prove the Bible to be truth. For all we know, there could be a god running the universe that is nothing like what the Bible claims.

              1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

                The actual God of the universe isn't like the stories that have been made up about Him in the Bible and lies that have been put into His mouth to make Him the spokesman and sanction for whatever those Bible writers wanted Him to support. He is quite different from all of that, which you correctly state, since that presentation of "God" is a fictional character. God is the necessary Mind behind the universe because mindless matter and natural forces simply aren't up to the job of synchronizing, calibrating, coordinating, and maintaining the universe or creating it in the first place, since it didn't create itself, anymore than it can take care of itself now and for the past 10 billion years or longer. All that you or any other people here or in the world have to do to prove me wrong is show us an example of a self-driving car, getting its own gas and making repairs on itself. We are waiting eagerly to see it. What you can't even get a car here on Earth to do, you can forget all about the whole rest of the universe doing. Until you provide that example, matter and forces need a Mind behind them to do for them what they can't do for themselves.

        2. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

          @Keith Allen Steele Eash Appears you are all knowing about the past, present, and future to make the claim “ God would not create life elsewhere and sacrifice his son over and over and over again.”

          Who made you God?

          1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

            Scriptures pretty clear on where life was created. Amazing out of nine planets only one is unique and has life. Put the common sense into force every other universe is probably devoid of life. No planet in those systems are placed in a unique spot and error sun or suns are not as unique as ours. I never claimed to b see God, but I know he's all knowing. All loving, and is everywhere.

            1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

              @ Keith Allen Steele Eash. You say scriptures pretty clear on where life was created…. Your the first person to claim that. Where exactly was life created?

              Them Mormons claim it’s in Jackson County Missouri.

        3. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

          God wouldn't need to sacrifice His son over and over again for the salvation of beings on other planets in the universe, if they didn't have the same problem with sin that we do here on Earth because the Devil isn't omnipresent, as God is, and they just don't have any Devil to tempt them into sinning. Also, Jesus' death on the cross would be for all other beings in the universe, too, and so wouldn't have to be repeated on every other planet with intelligent life. Thirdly, their intelligent life might not be and probably isn't humanoid (the "grey's", notwithstanding) and so the same treatment wouldn't apply to them as applies to us, from God. They might very well already be closer to physical versions of angels and man, in their different forms, before the Fall. Other beings in the universe not having contacted us by now isn't proof that they don't exist when there are even some people who live across the street from some other people and won't cross the street to say hello to them or acknowledge them at all because they (1) don't care about them, (2) have no interest in them or (3) dislike or vehemently hate them!! But nobody is saying that that proves that those neighbors don't exist. Thousands or millions of light years of space are even more reason than the width of a street not to talk to people for those reasons, either, And that doesn't make them non-existent, either. All Christians don't agree that there is no life on other planets.

          1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

            First of all, if there e was other life on planets it would be similar to ours being made in His Image. Jesus wouldn't look like a lizard. To create th e ology uou do so according to Tradition and Scripture. If thete is no mention then it doesn't exist.

            1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

              Our being made after the image of God doesn't mean our physical appearance is like God's because God doesn't have a penis or vagina or a butt or testicles or our other physical attributes, but refers to our spiritual likeness, and it is that spiritual likeness that would also make beings on other planets made in the image of God, no matter what they look like externally or if they aren't humanoid. God was speaking to the people in this world in the Bible and so, of course, wouldn't talk to us about beings on other planets, when He was having a hard enough time trying to get through to us about our lives here and with many even religious people (the scribes and Pharisees!) couldn't succeed in doing so without bringing up all this other life outside of our planet, which we would comprehend even less than what He was telling us and would completely overwhelm us!!

              1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

                Life wasn't made after the image of God but in His image. Big difference. Don't change my words around to please your lack of theology. God is Jesus Christ. He took our image so therefore he was our image before us. Since God chose the human form then all life elsewhere would be human form. All except was was created before us. Your logic lacks all common sense. God doesn't have a hard time trying to get through to us. It is our own la k of understanding him due to the fall of Adam. Please don't argue with someone with a theological training and an understanding of God.

              2. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

                "In His image" means in His spiritual image, which isn't about external appearance at all. That isn't "distorting it to make it fit my theology", but the truth! Our Lord Jesus Christ himself plainly said "Judge not by the appearance, but judge a righteous judgment", meaning for those who didn't consider Him to be the Messiah because of how He looked, the same as you wouldn't consider beings on other planets to be made in the image of God because of how they look, that they and you are wrong!! The image of God isn't in the appearance, but in the spirit, which is found in life throughout the universe. Your assumption that life everywhere in the universe has to look exactly like us or even be humanoid is just incredibly self-centered, egotistical, and anthropocentric, and makes no more sense than saying that because you like silk shirts and Argyle socks and red ties or whatever clothes you like to wear or speak English or have brown hair or have all your other characteristics and likes, everyone else has to look and like the same. That doesn't even fly in this world, much less throughout the rest of the universe. Variety is the spice of life, not the curse of life and "non-existent", as you seem to "think". If even sensible people in this world think that variety in life is a good thing, why wouldn't God think that even more than we do, since He is wiser than we are, and make life throughout the universe in many different forms, instead of just one. The Bible doesn't anywhere say that human life here on Earth was the first or only life anywhere in the universe and all other life made after our pattern, but only the first life here, since the Bible is only concerned with and addressed to life here and doesn't overwhelm us with everything in the rest of the universe!! Your "thinking" that anyone who disagrees with you must be "lacking in theology" gives a very bad example of Christianity to everyone here and doesn't help to convince people of the truth of God's teaching, since "if that is what it makes you, why should I want to be involved in anything like that?!!". Bigotry isn't following the example and teachings of Christ, but is another sin, which He died to save us from. You make yourself like the Pharisees, who also thought that Jesus was "lacking in theology" and "inferior to them". Snobbishness isn't Christian. You make yourself like the Inquisitors and Crusaders and Conquistadors, who also thought that they were "theologically superior to other people" and "closer to God than everyone else", but they were wrong and so are you! This is much bigger than just about life on other planets, but is about you and your wrong personality, thinking, and attitude! The 13th chapter of Corinthians refutes your "thinking" and personality and wants to wake you up to the truth about yourself and teach you humility by saying "Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things (such as life on other planets), hopes all things, endures all things" (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). Stop insisting on your own way! Read and re-read that over and over again, until it sinks in, and wake up to the truth about yourself and smell the coffee, and stop continuing down the path of the Pharisees and Inquisitors!!

              3. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Keith, you are onto a loser with John. Even Christians don’t agree with him. We all are hoping he eventually gets well with his apologetics for his god. Personally, I don’t see any hope.


              4. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

                Mr. Keith Eash doesn't qualify as a Christian because he keeps putting this issue of denying life on other planets and his belligerence and his rotten attitude over doing what a true minister and Christian is actually called to do and that is lead people to Christ through love! So, disagreeing with him (a de facto atheist and Satanist, since their rottenness is what they put first, too!!) isn't disagreeing with a Christian. You are both cut from the same cloth and don't even recognize it because of you superficial differences. The rest of us are all hoping that you both and all of your ilk get well soon, but we don't really see much hope of that!!

          2. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

            You don't even know wtf you're talking about. Sin is sin and would b e universal in all the vastness of space.

            1. John D. Partin's Avatar John D. Partin

              Wtf and stfu are sins, too, and sin is sin, and so you don't know what you are talking about or saying, since you are still going on with your sins. Your bigotry, self-righteousness, and snobbishness are sins, too. Stop your sinning before talking to other people here about sin. First remove the beam from your own eye and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye and Let him who is without sin cast the first stone!!

    4. Lori-Ann Neeb's Avatar Lori-Ann Neeb

      You have no clue. You would treat visitors like enemies but that is on you and any others who think as you do. We have no exclusive claim on God. He created all inhabited worlds. We haven't made known contact because we are the least advanced of all the races. This planet is the marshlands of the universe because we are so primitive compared to all of them.
      It is sad some people live in so much fear of all they don't know that they hide behind backward and outdated thinking. God love all His children from all inhabited worlds. It is really petty and small minded to think otherwise.

    5. Geoffrey C. Olive's Avatar Geoffrey C. Olive


    6. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

      Mr. Eash, you are living proof as to why no other intelligent life would want anything to do with us. You’re living proof there isn’t much intelligence amongst the superstitious on our planet. You’re projecting when you say Alien life would be exploitative. It’s ironic as well, considering it’s been fools like yourself exploiting the rest of us for your benefit since Christ was crucified.

      1. Keith Allen Steele Eash's Avatar Keith Allen Steele Eash

        Libtardism does rule even in here.

        1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

          Mr. Eash, Libtard? How positively childish of you. Better that, than being a sacrificial reich wing pawn.

  1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

    Assuming that this is the case, why is this heartbreaking? And it doesn’t mean we are alone. Other civilizations are simply too far away to communicate. Things likely would not go well if contact were made, so not having to worry about such should be comforting.

    1. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher


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