The Bible says in the Old Testament that ten plagues were inflicted on the Egyptians by God as punishment for enslaving the Israelites.
With the coronavirus outbreak continuing to expand around the globe, one evangelical pastor insists that we are now seeing an eleventh plague – a punishment from God for humanity’s sins.
Pastor Rick Wiles is the host of an online show called “TruNews,” a faith-focused news program in which stories are presented through a fundamentalist Christian lens. During a program segment earlier this week, Wiles called the coronavirus is God’s “death angel,” and insisted it is a “genuine plague” that has been sent down to earth as retaliation for “transgendering little children” – among many other supposed sins.
Those who are “right with God” have nothing to fear, Wiles insists. But for nonbelievers, it’s another story:
Godless Country
Why did the virus begin in China? Wiles has a theory for that too. He says China was specifically targeted because it’s a “godless communist government that persecutes Christians,” and carries out “forced abortions.”
China has notoriously cracked down on religious freedom in recent years, including destroying Christian churches, and putting over a million Muslims in “re-education camps.”
But Wiles seems to think all the world’s sinners are at risk, and apparently the United States has no shortage of sins ready to be cleansed:
“Look at the spiritual rebellion in this country — the hatred of God, the hatred of the Bible, the hatred of righteousness. There are vile, disgusting people in this country now, transgendering little children, perverting them. Look at the rapes, the sexual immorality, and the filth on our TVs and our movies. God is about to purge a lot of sin off of this planet. This is the time to get right with God.”
The End Times Brigade
Of course, Wiles is but a single crackle in religious-fundamentalist choir that seems to roll out these very same end-of-the-world predictions with every major outbreak or natural disaster. And the underlying cause is always people not behaving according to “God’s will.”
In 2014, as religious leaders in Liberia claimed that “immoral acts” (such as being gay) were responsible for the deadly Ebola virus, then-radio host Wiles was warning that if Ebola went global, “you better make sure the blood of Jesus is upon you, you better make sure you have been marked by the angels so that you are protected by God.”
Sound at all familiar?
Ever since the religious right claimed AIDS was a judgment on gay people back in the 1980s, the whole “God-is-angry” bit has become the classic fundamentalist response to disaster of recent history. Hurricane Sandy, the 2004 tsunami, Hurricane Katrina -- all blamed on supposed trangressions ranging from abortion, to homosexuality, to Muslim antagonism.
When Katrina hit, the group Columbia Christians for Life explained the disaster in just those terms, writing: “Providence punishes national sins by national calamities.” The head of the evangelical group Repent America offered a more literal interpretation, arguing that “God is in control of the weather.”
If God Makes You Invincible
Sure, maybe it’s easy to dismiss Wiles and his ilk as radicals looking for attention. But these people have real followings – that fact cannot be ignored. A quick visit to the TruNews YouTube page uncovers a loyal group of followers who genuinely seem to believe that the coronavirus is God’s way of exacting revenge on nonbelievers.
Naturally, though, “true” followers of God will be immune from the danger.
Should the coronavirus outbreak continue to worsen, many worry this mentality could exacerbate the problem. For example, if people believe their faith alone offers a veil of protection from the deadly virus, they might choose to ignore basic precautions – which would easily quicken its spread.
What is your reaction? Why is it that people seem to crave “end times” predictions? In the event of a global pandemic, are you worried about faith getting in the way of science?
It strikes me in reading down the list of blog posts how all the fear and hate mongering can be practically without exception attributed to Abrahamic religion. This is not a new or recent phenomenon. When will people learn?
Its hard for them to learn when their faith systematically fills them with ignorance and teaches that blind ignorance is the corner stone of faith.
This is total insanity from a nut job, mentally ill supposed minister. He is the same one who proclaimed that there was a "Jew Coup" and that Jewish people were behind impeachment of POTUS 45. He is a racist, anti semitic rich old white fool who preys on people's fears of differences. Sure has a nasty mean god, not a loving one. He should be deported out of our country. Send him to Nigeria or Australia. Good riddance, charleton and hypocrite.
Australia? Whatever did they do you you?
You missed the point. Let the Aboriginal Australians teach him a thing or too. They will show him their creation stories, how to treat others with loving kindness. He is so ignorant.
Nonsense. Shame on him.
I thought the same thing actually if not this Virus was sent to stop the Evil apond us.
What evil are you referring to?
I bet she's mostly referring to those fun things we like to do that Christians believe in depriving themselves of. It's about time for another mug of coffee spiked with some Irish cream liqueur. I think I'll make it a double this time, which will make it truly evil. Cheers!
Carol, the virus was man MADE NOT God Made! Remember! God gave us ALL FREE WILL to do whatever we want! But, I'm no prophet but I do BELIEVE as GOD had SAID..WORSE things are to COME and WE will experience it rather soon. PEOPLE WILL wish they WHERE dead, rather than go through was has to come. Foretold through the ages, and today by THE MOTHER of GOD. Believe it or not, I'm not here to convince people to believe, but for your own souls sake REPENT!
God sure seems to be pissed off at non Christian sinners! Rainbows are wrong! Drone strikes are celebrated. Some kind of creepy interpretations of God Almighty’s big plan. Is it so hard to just not be a dick in this lifetime? What ever happened to JOY?
all humans are liable as well. Repent and turn away from sin everyone!
Doesn't this man realize flu is killing far more people and making many times as many people ill? Given the comparatively small number of Corona virus cases, why would people consider it an end-times plague when flu is not?
Humans are gonna human, and that is what lets the ignorant think some extremely modest outbreak of a virus is the end of days, the same kind who dont grasp that the flu is a short hand for influenza.
South park did a great job mocking the Sars fear years ago, and this is the same thing all over. in a nation of more then a billion like china, it would require tens of thousands of cases in a congested area to really warrant being called a major outbreak.
Because it’s now March 28th 2020 now! Is it still small breakout? Noooooo
I'd send him straight to China, to see if his god saves him.
Are you forgetting the lions den? Read your bible!
And yet again the ignorant and bigoted call upon their Hatefull Petty Vindictive "god" to sacrifice the little children to prove his Love for Them only... Buncha Jealous Vipers that Pronect their Own Sickness on to their mirror like construct of a "god"...
Where is his proof? is it only affecting non-Christians? Who made him the true voice of God?
Plagues are satanic not Godly.
God created Satan and in doing so created evil . .God could have destroyed Satan however he gave him license to operate
so that was the devil that told Aaron and his family and others to put lambs blood across their door way so that the plague of the first born won't affect their household, that plague was to kill the first born not just the Egyptians. you people are so in denial, everybody want to go to heaven but nobody wants to transition(DIE)
Wiles' comments have validity! Biblical history is replete with God using natural disasters to discipline sinners. Why not? He is the antithesis of sin. His Son Jesus died for our sins. Wrongdoers usually suffer for their misbehavior. He allows catastrophes in order to focus our attention to align ourselves with this holy, loving God through His son Jesus..
Once again you talk old testament and seem to ignore that which is christian and that which is hebrew. Last I checked a fundamental aspect of being a christian is accepting that Jesus was the messiah, and that in his crucafixtion, death, and restoration humanity was cleaned of original sin.
If the old judaic idea of god did start smiting again, it would basically be confirming jesus was not the christ.
Oh fun fact Jesus can not be both the son of god and the messiah of the ancient judaic prophecy his followers claim he fulfilled. as part of that prophecy requires the messiah to be a direct male offspring of the line of King David, on his FATHERS side. Seeing as by all accounts Jesus was not the son of Joeseph who funny enough was indeed of the direct line of king david in some accounts, had all the silly nonsense about him being the son of god come about, he would of had a pretty good case to be said figure.
Minister Clarice Moore-Grantt
I am a strong believer that God send plagues when the world get to far out of kelter running on its own beliefs and ignoring God's precepts. The Biblical principles and commandments are still as relevant today as in the days of past.
The only difference is there's now medicine and psychotherapy to cure those biblical "truths".
That is an interesting belief system you have got going there Lady Marlene. Isn’t it interesting how beliefs are just based on thoughts, which of course is also a precept off religions? I’m wondering if your belief structure is also applicable to animals that die of diseases, but then again they have no concept of right and wrong, or even a deity. Neither if course do little children, who also suffer from diseases and infirmities.
Funny how Americans label every 'outbreak' as having origins in another country?? The George Bush diarrhoea never made news after he was placed in office for a second term. The entire nation was affected by it. Second thought; it's odd how a person can be jailed (in the US) for having a couple of joints in their pocket/purse because it is soooo harmful, yet people like Rick Wiles aren't considered a threat to national security, based on the context of his delusions and his capacity to influence thousands of people. Let's hope he doesn't want to be President, things are 'fundamentalistly' bad enough.
Go to the local library and get a book by David L. Heymann or buy it from Amazon. HIV/AIDS was a curse upon gay men funny how everyone so exposed to it die off and still do. Rev. Jerry Falwell had a problem with doing research on the AIDS virus. Something he personally had a problem with since it did contubate to his death. For that Pastor who thinks this is a curse from God maybe a few people with TB should breath openly in his church when it full of non-sinners. Let me bring a common form of flu into his church and see who becomes sick from that. By the way there are 3 types of hospitals in China. The finest best equiped is for non-Chinese. The second best is for Party members. The third type is for the masses that practice still herbal medicine. In any given year the common flu will kill just under 100,000 in China.
That just ain't true.
In total, the CDC estimates that up to 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season, 647,000 people were hospitalized and 61,200 died. That's worldwide, not just China or any other country.
There is no AIDS virus. AIDS is a medical condition caused by a virus (HIV). There is no evidence Jerry Falwell had AIDS or even HIV, so there is no way either of them could have "contubated" to his death.
There is no supportable evidence to support three types of hospitals in China as you have described.
When you lie about one thing anything else you say is always suspect.
I stand on my reports. If I go to China I'm given the best medical care with cash. Party members get the next. For the masses well like in America money buys.
No, that was manufactured by the government as well .
My God does not punish. Satan punishes.
Every time God sent a plague He also sent a prophet to tell His people how to avoid it.
It’s your mythical biblical god that’s supposed to have created Satan. Fortunately, there’s no logical rational reason to believe your claim of a god, or a Satan. Many plagues, or diseases, are caused through mans unsanitary ways of living. These conditions are equally applicable to all animal kingdoms, not just our human populations. As an example, Avian flue decimated our avian cultured not too long ago. I doubt any mythical god sent that plague to those poor birds as punishment for their evil ways. We don’t need any self proclaimed false prophets to tell us today how we need to look after ourselves hygienically.
Let's be nice to each other, ok?
Thank you Lady Vern. Please don’t read my comment as being critical in any way. It’s just that I read your statement saying that a god sends plagues and something called Satan punishes, but realistically, we don’t know that your statement is in fact a true one. I think it’s mainly because of a belief system that has been generated by reading an old book, or it could just be indoctrination, unless you can prove otherwise of course.
Very respectfully 🦁❤️
Vern - Your God? That would not be the God of Abraham, then. The God of Abraham does a LOT of punishing. A few examples according to the Bible include:
Yes, God often punishes innocent people for the actions of others. God punishes children for things that their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and great-great grandfathers did. He is so proud of this that he repeated it four times in the Bible.
I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation. Exodus 20:5 , Deuteronomy 5:9
Visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children unto the third and to the fourth generation. Exodus 34:7
Visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation. Numbers 14:18
"Bastards" don't choose to be bastards. And yet God punishes them by excluding them from his congregation. And not just them, but all of their descendants for ten generations. A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD. Deuteronomy 23:2
If you fail to follow all of God's commandments, God will curse your children. If thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day ... Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body. Deuteronomy 28:15-18
I could continue ad infinitum with many more passages.
As of 02/05/2020 there are only 12 cases of this virus in the US. This is not a Biblical plague.
A few weeks ago no one heard of Wunan. Today 1000 have died. Next week.... Why is a plague unlike Trickle-Down economics. (Plague spreads through exponential growth. TD spreads through exponential decay.)
"Those who is without sin cast the first stone"
Years ago, it was the AIDS virus that was "sent by God" to punish mankind for its sins. Then it was the floods, famine in the Middle East and war, now it's this? Come on folks get a gripe on it! God doesn't send the plagues to cleanse us of our sins. If that were the case, there wouldn't be any crooked political persons in charge anywhere. No, He gives us free choice, and free will. He allows us to make our own decisions and depending on what your beliefs are, He will take care of all of us in the end. So get off the stick Pastor Rick, stop preaching hatred and loathing and start preaching the love of God. It is my experience that evangelicals preach fire and brimstone to up the ratings on their television and radio shows. Shame on you.
I think most people realize that this is not God's handiwork, when God decides to exact punishment on the people that he loves we will KNOW that it is the hand of God!!!! People like Rick fancy themselves as having an inside track to God himself, but let us remember that when the end comes God has said that not even Jesus know's the time. Love God and believe, we are powerless with God, and in the end his punishment to mankind will not be for you!!!
That’s if there really is a god of course.
"End of the world" contextual reading of ancient scriptures is a relatively new Protestant phenomenon. Even the Catholic Church teaches the events of the Revelations are cryptic and need a key to understanding them - the key is, the events have already taken place ... in the first century. Which is why it was so controversial to include the Revelations in the Canon.
Rick Wiles, and those like him, capitalize on the fear of those who will listen to them.
Hell is filled to the brim with Fallse Pastors, Lawyer, Politicians and now Republicans.
Don’t forget to include Democrats, Sir Paul. From what I’ve seen of them there are some very seedy and weird characters running that group.
But as an aside, what exactly is Hell? Isn’t that something drummed up by Judeo Christians?
It is obvious to the most casual observer that the saddest thing about such videos isn't the message, but the people who believer it. 😕
Hallelujah Pastor Wiles!!! Finally someone with reason and faith to tell the truth. Keep spreading the gospel and let the sinners and heathens know their time is short. But as a true disciple of the Lord, then you should be out preaching the gospel and saving those sinners. You should go now directly to Wunan and save those wicked souls. Show them you are a pious child of God and you can walk amongst the faithless and condemned without fear of this plague upon mankind. Go now and show them, no the WORLD, all that you stand for in the name of the Almighty!! Only righteousness will protect them from this horrific and deadly disease sent directly from God. Go now and save the hordes of sinners in Wunan. And as further proof of God's love for you and all that believe in your words, take your whole congregation and SHOW ALL THE SINNERS what faith in God can do.
Please Pastor. Go save them. Please go now.
Thank you. God truly loves you and God will guide you there and back again.
Yes, I'm sure.
Yes, and when they have all been cleansed by the hand of some deity and his followers, perhaps they can return home and cleanse the little children dying of cancer in our hospitals. Just saying!
The government created it, God had nothing to do with it!!
Amen!! “Someone school that fool”
I suggest each of you who are belittling Pastor Rick Wiles read a bible. Perhaps then you may know what you are talking about.
Debra - I HAVE read and studied the Bible, including its historicity and culture. Because of these intense studies, I have found Mr. Wiles as lacking in the understanding of what the Bible actually says and the meaning behind it.
It is much like the people who claim that the Bible is anti-homosexual. If you look at the KJV1611, it mentions NOTHING about it. It is misunderstood because people are attaching modern definitions and assumptions to older writings. The same applies to Mr. Wiles. He is doing what is commonly called "shoe-horning" - making something appear to be what he is claiming, but not what it is really saying.
And yet, in other context, he'll celebrate China as the cradle for the biggest explosion of new Christians at the moment.
Could it be that God is bringing judgement to those in the world who are worthy of it and urging those complacent Christians to get off their buttocks and take the gospel to the ends of the earth? Don't think that He wouldn't do it. Read Rev. 6:2-8, Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21. I believe that God might sacrifice some to save many.
Could it be that the world is experiencing a virus that is proving to be a very nasty strain, proving itself to be very difficult to stop?
Could it be Voldemort wreaking havoc on the earth because of his issues with Harry Potter?
Could it be the god Vishnu sending mankind a test?
I’ll go with the first one.......it’s a virus.
"....China was specifically targeted because it’s a “godless communist government that persecutes Christians......"
I'm not a historian, but from past history learning, Christianity had already been to ancient China over 1300 years ago during the Tang dynasty (people there were not called CHINese then, it was around 18th century CHIN dynasty that the Brits or Europeans added a derogatory meaning 'ese' and call the ill-behaved Canton men Chinese...).
Christianity in ancient China was regarded by their Emperors as a form of story-telling and interesting entertainment for its bible content. The Emperors then already knew the European priests were there for the purpose of silver & gold (money !) besides preaching, and did not really think Christianity as a threat.
CHIN dynasty (around 1650 AD), a foreign minority ethnic group that took over Ming dynasty, began to allow French priests to work in their courts because of their astrology and mapping knowledge. The ability to create accurate China map was crucial to CHIN dynasty as this made the logistics in military planning more efficient, vital for border security.
The first Christian in China was believed to be a CHIN dynasty Canton army warlord, who became a Christian NOT because of his faith in God, but to ally with emerging European forces to topple the CHIN dynasty besides making money through selling opium with the jews and asian indians. This alliance with Europeans and wars against CHIN dynasty resulted with over 100 million civilian deaths. I think it's called the Tai Ping war or something, anyone interested can google it. Perhaps Christians were persecuted in some countries for a reason, then and now.
There was someone who once said: Religion is regarded as true by the ordinary people, false by the intellects, and useful by the rulers.
Most of the Chinese Christians today are mainly cantonese, scatter around hong kong, Malaysia and Singapore, and they are NOT true Christians who go by the bible teaching. Most of them join Christianity just to upgrade their so-called social status so that to be in line with the Europeans, or because there are the supposed 'nice people' there in the churches, for businesses or for young adults' courtship, or maybe the churches look better than most Chinese temples, free food etc, or just a fashion to join as Christians. Just ask anyone of them who was the first Christian in China, most of these Chinese Christians won't know the answer.
Small percentage of Chinese people living in WUHAN started the fashion of joining as Christians about 10 years ago, influenced mostly from hong kong, Malaysia and Singapore where they have business links. It's all about money and network besides political motives. Cantonese Christians have been cleverly used by the Europeans, especially the Brits, for the past 200 years making money in China market, selling opiums, outdated equipment or technology, decadent jewish cultures such as pushing the irrational feminism, multiculturalism, LBGT etc.
It will not be a surprise that the Wuhan COVID-19 was manufactured by some indian scientists working in some Malaysian, Singapore or hong kong labs where the less intelligent cantonese Christians embrace multiculturalism without stringent checks on their foreigners, where these countries have ample Chinese descendants DNA for such work to be possible.
India has at least 3 biochemical labs doing very dangerous stuff right NOW, knowledge attained from their western educations in UK, US and the jews. Countries that import medicines from india, such as the use-to-be peaceful Canada that took in lots of asian indians in the past 2 decades, really need to examine the security within your communities, ensuring those drugs don't do damage to the white folks, or your kids go insane and get 'treated' by some indian doctors.
As such, indians should be kept away from key government facilities such s blood banks, data centers, power grids, water treatment centers etc regardless whether they are doctors, I.T (aka I.ndian T.hieves, steal, alter data or frame others), politicians, judges, construction workers (may plant a bomb in building foundations).....make sure the innocent minds of your kids don't get tainted or molested by the 'friendly' indian teachers, male or female. Take note most indian men are bisexual, and thus very violent, regardless they are wearing tie and suits, speaking eloquent English.....many examples how they slaughter their wives, daughters, girlfriends and even their own mothers, then run away with another indian man and insurance money from the dead.
The word 'Thug' originated from india 'Thuggee', that says alot about indian men and their mentality of many thousand years, don't expect them to change just because they receive some good western educations in the past 40 years or so.
In the West, look out for the jews, in the East, watch out for the asian indians, when these 2 cooperate, the world will be in chaos.
All these stupid people comments on Rick Wiles saying he's talking crazy well they sound like Satan's children. At least Rick knows the truth about the Israelites and he is getting straight with God and the real Israelites.
Majied - What truth is it that Rick Wiles supposedly knows? If you have any actual facts to back up your claim, either about his "truth" or "Satan", please offer it with citations for each claim.
Do you think calling people "stupid" as being spiritual?
Christian fundamentalists feed on and require certainty above all things. This is why the Bible (for them) is inspired, infallible, inerrant only word of God. This belief eliminates uncertainty that would otherwise be obvious in scriptural accuracy. Another way to eliminate uncertainty is to coop love as only that which come from (their) Jesus, and no other (false) religions. The thinking goes that real love is only the love of Christ, not Allah, Buddha (though this is more philosophy than a religion) Hinduism etc etc. Thus, by ascribing the CV19 virus as a judgement of God, as opposed to Karma (what I think it is) they sequester for themselves, in the service of certainty, this pandemic and use it to judge the world.
I belive this is so... But more of a warning than judgement. This is the end times and tribualtion that is going on now and anyone who thinks otherwise are fools and will die the soul death more than likely... Not going to say definatly for god will Judge not me but by Truth I'd say so but... God said their is a resurection either to everlasting life not a whisp or Ghost like existance but bodies just like we have now just immortal... You should beleive that and stop using mans works to control people. Science is another spirt of antichrist as what the definiton says But antichrsit is also a replacement for god as in mans Govt etc... False prophets have tught wrongfully that Romans 13 taught us to follow mans secular Govt which it did not... Power which is the word used in Romans 13 alos had liberty as what should of been used not power... So Govt is bascially Idolatry which is why there is a statue in Daniels Dream. Hed of Godl Govt.. arms of silver Govt... Thighs of brass bronze... Govt and iron of legs and feet and Govt. which is why it says in Danile 2 vs 44 that he will break to pieces these kings Govts and build his kingdom and not let man rule no more or not leave to other men or not leave to men... Point is mans tyranny will come to an end and never again show it's ugly head...
What in the world? Ramblings which make no sense whatsoever. Are you drunk or stoned out of your min? It is ridiculous to spin this pandemic into "end times" and label science as an antichrist. If you believe that your God made us in their image, than we were also given intelligence to conduct research. What is antichrist are Christian hypocrites who use their so called holy book to discriminate against anyone who isn't brainwashed like them or believe in their deity or live they way they believe others should live. Sober up then come back please. You must have something to share with us..
For a plague it does not kill everyone. A plague like the one in 1918 kill everyone from birth until old age. Then it burn itself out. Remember the SARS virus also started in Asia did not go very far. It spread arounnd the world, got 8,000 sick and killed off less than 800. As a killer itfail. This one was helped. The first person went shopping in the meat market where many people were infected. They were the ones who went to the hospital. Before they went to the hospital they also infected other, who infected others who did like wise. From hundreds to thousands. If this was Small Pox that so infected people it would have been seen with a few days and it would have been stopped.
This virusCOVID-19 infects the person and only becomes dangerous to other on day 4-5 lethal to the person (50 and above) 14 days later..
Wuhan is a central hub for the railroad where around 400,000 people pass on any given day. That COVID-19 move to the rest of China also by plane and those who came from cruise ships. Kind of hard to stop what you can not see.
Richard - This is why China's major closing of their country was so effective. People complied with the rules put in place by the government. Sadly, in the US people are not so understanding of the importance of following the rules to help save suffering and saving lives.
You mentioned how nCOVID-19 is lethal only to people after contracting it 14 days later. This is not true. While the majority of patients may have been over 50 years old at the onset of this pandemic, there are many people, from infants through senior citizens, who have contracted it and have died. For those who have not died, they have taken a very long time to recover completely.
This is why most Christians have little faith in Televangelists and evangelicals. This is the kind of statement that drives intelligent people away.
This is why most Christians have little faith in Televangelists and evangelicals. This is the kind of statement that drives intelligent people away.
I am at awe to see spiritual leaders reincarnated as God. How to make assumptions about what God and only God knows.
What we can certainly say and see is that the World, earth and the people on it is dying for what humans did and still do.
Wiles is NOT a prophet. He's a TV wag who excites some people. That dog don't hunt here.
Amen Pastor Rick.
Given there are hundreds of billions of stars with millions of planets found just in the Milky Way galaxy, and another hundreds of millions of galaxies known to humanity at this time, why on EARTH would the God of Abraham care about this little blue marble we call Earth and more importantly, why care about only the humans? The same applies to man-made borders between countries. Why would, for example, "God bless America" and not the entire Earth? It appears to be human egos getting in the way of life in general, causing more division and strife among the world's population. How can that be what ANY deity would want?
It makes no sense to me. Personally, I can see how Animism answers these far better than the twisting of Abrahamic faiths can.
Reading all of these comments tells me we all have our view. The worlds beliefs have changed and man has changed how our society is now. Some of us are followers, believers or fact seekers. Needless to say these times and recent times have been labeled as harder times. I read through history we have had similar periods. Our differences now are we have grown to achieve more. Man produced a virus and another the vaccine. What would be wonderful to see is the world getting along and understanding that we are all related to each other through Adam and Eve or through Moses and his wife. Everything about religion is about how you understand and apply those principles. No one can read the Bible and get the same meaning. Because it is more of a guide than a set of rules. Its not a car that we can follow a manual to repair it. The Bible gives history on how we got here. Less than 50 years ago we had no means to express our thoughts like this. Minister Wiles has beliefs that this is a punishment. However he can not show proof other than his understanding of what his beliefs tell him. Just because it is in the Bible does not make these times definable. We are all given direction to live today likes it our last and as we get older that gets closer to home. Today is a new day, you can continue to believe what you believe or you can take a totally new direction. My belief tells me we came from each other and that we all need to focus on remembering we are all a large family all related. The focus is more on history, I personally don't judge people that will happen later. We are being guided by leaders of the land and those leaders and ministers should understand we can not change history. The future could be so much better if everyone understand we are related. Because we all are. We have one father and one mother where we were conceived. That one fact would change the world.
IMHO, just another "Jiminy Cricket" - his classic ruse: "If you wish hard enough, your dreams will come true" but, if your dreams don't come true, it's YOUR fault for not wishing hard enough! Consider that in the pandemic case: "If your faith h is true enough, you won't get the virus", but if you DO get the virus, it's YOUR fault because your faith isn't true enough". Rubbish!
Shalom, I do not believe myself that corona virus is the work of Yahwey, I believe it is man made from a laborotry. I do however think it is wrong to blame it on Yahwey. Even as a so called pastor of the ministry of the word of yahwey, you still point the finger at other, be it LGBT, transgender, unbelievers and abortionists. My good man, consent rate more on the words of yahwey and noy criticise others. We will all face yahwey on judgement day for how we have lived, consent rate on getting your own house in order, because when you are busy pointing the finger at others, you become blind to the faults of yourself. Blessings and love to you all. Shalom.
why not Rabbi, Yahweh told some of the Israelites to put lambs blood across their doors( THE PASS OVER!) because he was going to kill innocent men, women and children who was the first born, and blamed it on the Pharaoh because the Pharaoh said it, how convenient, that was a plague(VIRUS) that was sent down on the people. So don't act like it can"t happen again, if he does what pleases them( the Eloheem (those beings)
Shalom my friend, you are clearly addressing the story of the times during the tenth and final plague, God passes through the land of Egypt and strikes down the firstborn of every household. But the Jews have been told to mark their doors with the blood of a lamb they’ve sacrificed — the Passover offering — and so God “passes over” their homes. Ok well your answer is in the part you declined to print, the origination of the story.
The story of the Passover begins when the Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, starts worrying that the Jews living in Egypt will become more than his own people. His response: was to force all Jews into slavery, and decreeing that every son born to the Hebrews should be drowned in the Nile. It’s a part of the story that, for Jews, has come to symbolize anti-Semitic persecution more broadly and the historical struggle to endure it. One baby, named Moses, is, saved, and adopted by Pharaoh’s own daughter. When you hear the term an eye for an eye, this is not for you and I, this is how yahwey will respond. Yahwey is talking about the release of the isralites to moses, not wiping out humanity my friend. Covid 19 is different to covid 2 (stars) covid 19 is surrounded by fat, it's how it clings to its hosts, us. What breaks up fat, hot soapy water, it's that simple, wash your hands and face, cover your mouth and keep a distance from others. If it was yahwey plague, don't you think we would be mutating by now, also yahwey does not have strife with all of mankind, just a few my friend. Thank you friend for your reply, it is always good to question another's opinion, you were right to question me, but my opinion and that's all it is, my opinion. I would expect it to be un avoidable, without a remody and vastly more infectious, if it had come from yahwey. Shalom my friend.
Shalom, I do not believe myself that corona virus is the work of Yahwey, I believe it is man made from a laborotry. I do however think it is wrong to blame it on Yahwey. Even as a so called pastor of the ministry of the word of yahwey, you still point the finger at other, be it LGBT, transgender, unbelievers and abortionists. My good man, consent rate more on the words of yahwey and noy criticise others. We will all face yahwey on judgement day for how we have lived, consent rate on getting your own house in order, because when you are busy pointing the finger at others, you become blind to the faults of yourself. Blessings and love to you all. Shalom.
Reading all of these comments tells me we all have our view. The worlds beliefs have changed and man has changed how our society is now. Some of us are followers, believers or fact seekers. Needless to say these times and recent times have been labeled as harder times. I read through history we have had similar periods. Our differences now are we have grown to achieve more. Man produced a virus and another the vaccine. What would be wonderful to see is the world getting along and understanding that we are all related to each other through Adam and Eve or through Moses and his wife. Everything about religion is about how you understand and apply those principles. No one can read the Bible and get the same meaning. Because it is more of a guide than a set of rules. Its not a car that we can follow a manual to repair it. The Bible gives history on how we got here. Less than 50 years ago we had no means to express our thoughts like this. Minister Wiles has beliefs that this is a punishment. However he can not show proof other than his understanding of what his beliefs tell him. Just because it is in the Bible does not make these times definable. We are all given direction to live today likes it our last and as we get older that gets closer to home. Today is a new day, you can continue to believe what you believe or you can take a totally new direction. My belief tells me we came from each other and that we all need to focus on remembering we are all a large family all related. The focus is more on history, I personally don't judge people that will happen later. We are being guided by leaders of the land and those leaders and ministers should understand we can not change history. The future could be so much better if everyone understand we are related. Because we all are. We have one father and one mother where we were conceived. That one fact would change the world.
Only to weak people who follow nut case evangelical "leaders" Sad that there are so many stupid people out there.
A good plague wipes out everyone of all ages. That has happen in the past and why not now. Instead of a couple million dead, 350 million (US) dead would be in order. There is a movie called Parts Per Billion that wipes out most of the planet life.
This plague in the US seems to be taking out those who think the plague is a joke. Guess if it was not for science and a vaccine the plague of old would see millions more die in the US.
How horrible this man is. And how unfortunate for the people who listen to his hateful garbage.
Denying the power of the crucifixion of Christ because of an obsession with sin
The Bible god as perceived by the Hebrews is tyrannical and vengeful . I suppose if we custom design a more loving god we could deny any divine profiling that offends our sense .
Wiles is using the Bible . According to the Bible God does have a preference for plaques as punishment . We would have to invent our own god to undo this .
Wow, there sure are a lot of haters out there! I'm tired (and old), let them believe what they want to believe! They (stupid people) wear me out!! Apologies in advance for the "name" calling!!
He is another jerk who is out of touch with reality.
I thought AIDS was the 11th plague? What an idiot.
Sometimes I wonder if there is any intelligent life within the evangelical community of zealots. People such as this Rick Wiles and his followers are just fools who ignore science for political reasons and pay the very stiff price. No God did not send a plague upon us. Such people use religion as their weapon.
Why would he create it? Man did it. Greedy people make money off it Stupid people run around like Chicken Little Smart people Live clean Smart people Eat clean. Diseases solved.
Ok, once again I will try to maintain my composure in the face of the absurd. There is more wrong with this, on so many levels, that I will force myself to focus on what should be the most obvious.
First, this all starts with the assumption that everyone actually believes in some mythical all powerful being that smites the bad and rewards those who obey. Allow me to clear that up. We ALL certainly do not believe in a fictional character that holds supreme power over the whole universe.....(sounds like a Marvel movie). I am aware that many of you seem to think that this nutj.....er misguided individual is way off base here, but you are defending a mythical being asking why would the all mighty being create a virus. Well, as I see it, part of the belief of the supreme being club is that all life was created by this being, soooo, a virus is life....look it up. Moving on, I have noticed that some still quote from the original book of one liners and catchy phrases. Well, since the Marvel movie is playing out here, I suggest that the quotes are just as mythical as the book they come from. I have NO idea, nor does anyone else, what went on 2000+ years ago. I have no idea who the authors of the book that is quoted way too much are, (could be drunken scribes for all you know), nor do I care. I have gone out as far as I can for this book by calling it a sketchy history book at best. You can quote more facts from a comic book. Now for the reality. Read this carefully. Take it to heart...this IS truth..... I am a front line worker. I see sick people EVERY day. And for EVERY week now since last April, I can personally confirm that one person has lost life due to this virus. Please, do not listem to mythical beings, do not listen to snake oil salesman, do not listen to politicians. Listen to the people that have spent lifetimes HEALING sick and broken people....and they say to stay SAFE untill they can figure this out....wear a mask, social distance. I know that you are all covid tired. I get it, but covid is NOT tired yet...it is still causing death. Argue about mythical position all you wish about ANYTHING else, but not this. This is real, not a myth. Chose Life. Peace
COVID-19 was not something that we can call “hindsight.” It was/is the lack of foresight. It should have been expected. And appropriately addressed from the onset. It wasn’t. I am a man of faith. But not tied to a specific religion. And sorry to the racist, sexist, xenophobic people who believe that god is punishing the “wicked.” That’s so not productive. We should be together as humans. Not minorities or categories. You are entitled to your opinions. But hate is not productive. I had COVID. I am an average white male, straight and nothing special. I doubt god gave a damn about that. My bf is gay. She didn’t get sick. So basically I am saying your logic and hate don’t mean anything to me.
The problem with asinine hate-based opinions like this charlatan's is very obvious: If he truly believes the Bible that he wields as a weapon, then he knows that God said he would not destroy Sodom if there was even one righteous person in the city. From a purely Scriptural point of view, God would not send a plague that indiscriminately kill both good people and evil people because he clearly said he would not do that.
People like this jerk are using God as an excuse for their own evil, hateful and arrogant sociopathic prejudices.-
So I assume the avian flu only killed evil birds then for being very naughty? Is that how I am to read your comment?
I think this kind of thinking is a travesty and stone age. Making God into some kind of bully and killer, disgusting. It is more like Satan, I think they are confused and worshipping the wrong God. Remember Science people? It's more like the White Taliban lately. Shame on them for defaming God.
I believe this virus could be a sigh from God for people to rethink their way of life. The book of revelations is about looking back at what mankind has proven about their beliefs. It is a passed book and also a future book. It shows the greatest problems and somewhat how they afflict mankind. It's knowledge is asking for a change toward God. Even the spirit there directed itself to only 7 churches but what it said there should include by now all churches; meaning.. peoples, nations, kindreds, and tongues. Yes it holds punishments but if you believe then they are chastisements. He said the world couldn't be saved. That's why John was called "Least in the kingdom". Rev. Carl H.
God has sent plagued in the Old Testament, and things that are to COME are going to be a lot MORE worse than then! The virus was not sent by God, but of man's own doing. Jesus has sent HIS Mother throughout the ages WARNING each of us to repent and turn away from sin. Take Fatima, over 50,000 people watched the Miricle of the sun, She also warned the world of WW2! She did not just appear in Fatima, but to others, worldwide and co tinned to do so! THERE is a warning coming to each of us, this generation will see it and feel it. If that doesn't work, well then God "TRULY" help us as things WILL get much worse! But, the sad thing is PEOPLE are going to recognize it is from God, and so so, so many will perish and THEIR destination ..HELL! Now, if you DON'T believe, that's up to you! After the WARNING there WILL be a permanent sign I. Sky of the Cross (THOSE fortunate to see it, people WILL DIE of shock.during the warning) The WARNING consists of each and every person seeing THEIR sins, as if they WHERE before God. Saints,Men and Women and children have been visited by the MOTHER of GOD thought the ages and world telling of the same prophecy. ALWAYS REMEMBER THE PRICE FOR SIN IS DEATH u less WE COME BACK TO GOD there will be NO Peace n our lives and in the WORLD!! God loves EVERY SINGLE PERSON in this WORLD! But! HE WILL NOT ABIDE BY SIN! We WERE GIVEN THE TEN Commandments for a reason ! To obey, and live by them! If PEOPLE think that ABORTION is not a sin..5th Commandment! They SHALT NOT KILL! The 6th Commandment covers ALL sexual sins including sodomy,REMEMBER God did destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for that EXACT sin. GOD TRULY loves ALL of us, SINFUL as we are. He died for US SO THAT we could ALL be with HIM eternally! HE'LL is a PLACE of ETERNAL SUFFERING FOR EVER! For EVERY mili-second Those who go to hell SUFFER endlessly, NEVER to STOP SUFFERING! While you have the chance come back. We CANNOT BLAME God for OUR Actions and doings,God Gave US ALL FREE WILL to do whatever we want, but warned US of the consequences.None of US can blame GOD for ANYTHING, ONLY for LOVING US ALL. The GREATEST misfortune is that satan does not want YOU and I know he exists, HE IS the father of ALL LIES who leads souls/people to final damination...HELL. God BLESS YOU ALL.
Wow, this is totally nonsensical and fear based blathering. Go ahead and live in fear, believe in your nasty, evil, hateful, genocidal and vengeful "god" of the Old Testament which is not the Christian but the Jewish Bible. We are all going to die eventually because that is how we are made. How in the world did this crazy delusional ideology ever become a part of religion? "he died for us"? That is totally out to lunch. If god or Jesus really "died for our sins" what a waste because nothing has changed in human behavior in over 2,000 years. Best you begin to read, "The God Delusion" book and get right with yourself.
Rick Wiles is another false prophet teaching Christians who to hate.
What Rick says is totally nonsense
That damn fool sounds as goofy as those goddam schizophrenic prophets in that worthless, Christian Bible!
Boy your full of hatred....Its not worthless, the bible is only understandable to those who are born again. All I can say to you is read Romans 10:9
Your statement shows extreme ignorance. "Righteous people have just as much to fear from the virus and those not so righteous. Your god will not protect the "good" christians. And if you think you need to be born again to understand the bible you are delusional.
I thought he believed that Jesus died on the cross and took care of all the sins of humanity. I guess there are some that God has to take care of later. also if he was a follower fo Jesus as he claims to be, why is he condemning the world? Jesus said that he did not come to condemn the world but to save it. The only condemnation given in the New Testament is that anyone who refuses to accept and believe on the name of Jesus remains condemned (John 3:16-18). This means that the sin question is no longer a problem, except to people like this "minister". Such are ones who condemn the guiltless.
Jesus did sacrifice his flesh for sin. Read your bible, sin is not ok! It was Exalted provided that you recognize sin and turn from It after you repent. Ask him to forgive you (repent) and then turn back not to that of what you know is now sin. That my friend is how it works! Your thinking carnal and like a catholic, they think they can sin and ask for forgiveness before going to sleep and repeat yesterday’s actions tomorrow. That’s sick thinking! Satan targets your mind, be careful your not running around with out your helmet of salvation. You might bump your head and things may never be the same.
Jesus or Yeshua didn't die from a cross.
Not hateing but he really needs to read the Bible. 2 Timothy 3:7 Tell us how the Lord is going to purge the sinners from this world and this is what it says; " But by His word the present heavens and the earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgement and destruction of ungodly men. 🤔
Well said...That time is a ways away but its coming.
What about those that don't believe in your God, but another God? Yours is not the only God no matter what you believe. Leave me out of your argument, I'm not a member of your cult.