Angry priest holding cross and shouting
Is hate the best way to make believers out of the younger generation?

A Texas pastor is refusing to apologize for saying that gays should receive the death penalty and that Pride is “an abomination” against God.

The incendiary comments are apparently par for the course for Pastor Jonathan Shelley of Stedfast Baptist Church. He’s previously come under fire for using homophobic slurs in sermons, and when the LGBTQ community asked him to tone down the language, he retorted that he doesn’t “negotiate with terrorists.” 

Now as Pride Month kicks off, he’s spreading his most hateful language yet – but he says the Bible backs him up.

Proudly Preaching Hate

Shelley landed back in the news over comments he made at a recent public meeting of the Arlington City Council regarding the city's upcoming Pride festivities.

Pastor Shelley took the microphone to let his community know exactly what he thinks.

“I am horrified and ashamed that this city has decided to promote and solicit Pride in this city,” his comments began. “Pride is nothing to be celebrated, in fact, it is an abomination.”

Citing an old state law that’s since been overruled, he continued: “I don’t understand why we celebrate what used to be a crime not long ago. God has already ruled that murder, adultery, witchcraft, rape, bestiality and homosexuality are crimes worthy of capital punishment.”

Citing statistics showing gay men die of HIV and AIDS at a higher rate than others, he also wondered “why we would promote disease and AIDS in our community." 

A Generational Shift?

The comments received a mixed reaction. While many at the city council meeting booed him, some cries of ‘Amen!’ could be heard as Pastor Shelley ranted about killing gays.

This hardline homophobic stance represents an opinion that was once widely-held, but now stands in stark contrast with more progressive wings of the faith. In fact, there's a younger generation of up-and-coming pastors who preach a more tolerant (and far less murder-happy) version of Christianity. 

Compare Pastor Shelley, for example, with Brandan Robertson, the so-called “TikTok Pastor” who became famous on that app for a decidedly more gay-friendly version of Christianity.

The Human Rights Campaign named Robertson one of the leading faith leaders fighting for LGBTQ justice and acceptance, calling him “an acclaimed evangelical leader working at the intersections of spirituality, sexuality, and social renewal.”

And with 4.5 million likes on TikTok and counting, it seems that his tolerant message is resonating.

Perhaps that's no surprise. Gen-Z consistently polls as the most tolerant and accepting generation towards the LGBTQ community, and Gen-Z are more likely to openly identify as LGBTQ than any other generation.

Everyone in America will be gay by 2047. At least, if current trends hold. A new Gallup poll released yesterday found...

Posted by Universal Life Church Ministries on Friday, February 18, 2022

What Next?

The comments – and the reaction to them – merit a number of questions. First, should Shelley's intolerant views be tolerated? 

Freedom of speech provides broad protections for hateful views to be shared in public, and Shelley appears to legitimately believe that God frowns upon gay people and gay relationships, frequently citing scripture from the Old Testament. 

However, critics argue Shelley crosses a line when he calls for violence against LGBTQ people. 

And second, is this a winning strategy? Some have pointed out that if you’re hoping to bring tolerant younger generations around to your faith, preaching capital punishment for the simple crime of being born gay might prove to be a losing battle. 

What are your thoughts?


  1. James Riggle-Johnson's Avatar James Riggle-Johnson

    Some Christians have been calling for our death for decades. In other news... there are not more of us, there are just more of us coming out in the past 10 years. There is far more support. These kids aren't turning gay, they ARE gay. They were born this way and more of them feel more comfortable with it. I am so tired of this discussion.

    You cannot make someone gay. To think the world will all be gay by 2047 is just insane.

    1. Martin Daniels's Avatar Martin Daniels

      You are quite right!

    2. David Cox's Avatar David Cox

      Everyone that believes in God and believe that Jesus died for our sins should be born again. After you are born again in the spirit we should walk in the spirit. If we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the last of the flesh. God will forgive those who come to him and surrender their lives to him to be used to win souls. Those who want to live in sin and not turn away will be Judged. God is a Holy God and he expects us to be holy. God made a woman for a man. No one is born Gay. Thats why there is male and female....thats going against the natural order...Roman Chapter 1.....turn from this wickedness and God will forgive you. Gods word says that I don't. Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy.....we should be strong and obey God if we don't know God confess your sins and he is faithful to forgive. Any man or woman be in Christ he or she is a new creature old things are passed away.

      1. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

        David Cox, your faith based bigotry is nothing but out dated gibberish of the old testament and shove it. Judge not lest ye be judged. Hell was invented by humans to manipulate other humans to do their bidding out of fear. I wouldn’t go around casting stones. Some people have bigger rocks than you and they know how to use them. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    3. Mathew James Olson's Avatar Mathew James Olson

      Very true all though I am not Cristian the fact of the matter is the LGBTQ community are still people. The biggest thing to teach is going to be acceptance of their sexuality. Regardless this is not going to just go away.

  1. Tom Thackrey's Avatar Tom Thackrey

    He deserves to be shunned by everyone. His beliefs are inconsistent with being a good human being let alone a "man of God."

    1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      He apologized. Where is forgiveness Ministers????

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Richard, why do you think ULC Ministers are supposed to forgive anyone? In all our years at the ULC Seminary they never taught us anything about that.

      2. Joe Stutler's Avatar Joe Stutler

        Nope. Apologies don't cut it. He needs to demonstrate penance, decry his own behaviors, and seek redemption not from imaginary mythical critters but the actual humans he's been harming. Until then, screw him, hope he gets head cancer.

        1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          Are you confusing him with Biden and all the humans that have died from his lousy decision making???

          1. Linda L Capps's Avatar Linda L Capps

            You mean like Trump & the 500K who died from Covid because he promoted that it was just like the flu, that you could stand out in the sunshine & be cured or maybe drink bleach, or use Ivermectin, or Hydroxchloroquine? People who support Trump seem to forget what an inept president he was, they also gloss over his f'ing around on his wives, his shady business dealings, his lack of true Christian values & morality.

            1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

              you mean the disease Fauci created at Wuhan?

              1. Dan Anderson's Avatar Dan Anderson

                How about we keep politics out of this discussion.

                If you DO bring up anything relevant, please ensure it is factual and not what someone on OANN said.

                (No, Fauci did not create nCOVID-19)

              2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                What evidence do you have to support your fake news?

        2. David Cox's Avatar David Cox

          Look at you are you any better by saying you belive in God? Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins?

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            How can anyone believe in any deity, including yours, where there is no demonstrable evidence that it exists?

            Just like you, I have no reason to believe in Thor, or Vishnu, or Dionysus, and that same logic for not believing in them also applies to your god as well.


            1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

              In the name of Bacchus, Lionheart, I'll drink to that! I bet Bacchus doesn't believe in Jesus other.

          2. Joe Stutler's Avatar Joe Stutler

            Yes, I am better having called out scum instead of defending it. I believe God and Santa are both real in the same sense, Virginia. Same with God's kid, who apparently is the result of a young girl getting least that's the story from the Abrahamic mythos. As for sins, I have none, so apparently he died needlessly, the poor thing. 😏

          3. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            I have stooped to their level and I ask for forgiveness.

    2. Douglas W Challenger's Avatar Douglas W Challenger

      According to Christianity's primary message, Jesus Christ's mission was to fulfill Jewish Prophecy and fulfill all of the Levitical law, making adherence to the old law unnecessary. Who did Jesus usually hang with? Generally it's with all those that the Old Testament said we should kill. He spoke of tolerance and acceptance of others regardless of their flaws, as none of us are flawless. The New Testament also says "All things are lawful, but not all things are expedient." (1st Cor 6:12a) Tolerance and acceptance doesn't mean ignoring possible consequences for choices made, nor does it mean that agreement with that choice is a foregone conclusion. Jesus encouraged all to repent and turn to a different path in life. Some did, some didn't, yet He still turned away no one. This Minister's choice of perspective is truly unfortunate.

      1. David Cox's Avatar David Cox

        He won them over to the faith ...they changed

  1. Katelynne Shouse's Avatar Katelynne Shouse

    Tolerance Does Not Extend to Intolerance......and on that note I'm extending him an open invitation to personally come and try to execute me. He'd best have his affairs in order!

    1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      Please don't encourage hate with more hate! ALL lives matter!

      1. Darlene M Davies-Warner's Avatar Darlene M Davies-Warner


      2. Darlene M Davies-Warner's Avatar Darlene M Davies-Warner


  1. Chris's Avatar Chris

    Maybe he should try reading what Jesus had to say about gay people. Here's a clue: NOTHING. His messages of hate are completely inconsistent with the teachings of Jesus. He should know not to use the lord's name in vain. He should also know the bible says not to kill. But then I've found many who wave that book around haven't actually read it and don't know anything about it.

    1. flugo's Avatar flugo

      'crass': Jesus DID have something about gay people . . . . and other un-repentant sinners - REPENT! And, if they don' t repent, they'll suffer worse than execution . . . . eternal HELL!

      In the Old Testament 'poofters' - and others - were executed! ('the wages of sin is death') But, since Jesus took our place on the execution cross, God will forgive those who repent and claim this act of Jesus.

      By the way, your ignorance is so pronounced! Jesus DOES hate! In Romans 1:8 and John 3:36 are found the wrath of God hovers over the evil doers, the wicked. Jesus said that God, His Father, are as one in unity and righteousness. So, what God hates, Jesus hates.

      And, to further your incompetence . . . the Bible says not to kill, But in the Hebrew that means not to murder. So, do your homework before domonstrating your lack of scholarship.

      1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

        and that's why I call the biblical god evil, and reject him

        1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          so let's hear about your loving god and moral law?

          1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

            I have many Gods, and follow the laws of nature. Humans are a pack /social animal, it's against our natures to murder each other, so no murder. Gays/3rd gender and all forms of sexuality happen in nature, and there fore are natural. "Do not kill" - The Code of Hammurabi 1755–1750 BCE "I have not murdered" - Egyptian book of the dead - 1550 BCE to around 50 BCE "I have not stolen" -Egyptian book of the dead - 1550 BCE to around 50 BCE "I have not committed any crimes" - Egyptian book of the dead - 1550 BCE to around 50 BCE

            1. Chris's Avatar Chris


              You can't reason with these people. They believe in forcing their religion on everyone but can't even follow it themselves. Even the 10 commandments are broken by these people on a daily basis all while trying to make their religion into law. They're sad, pathetic people who are so insecure in their religion they can't even stand to be disagreed with and apparently call for the mass murder (a violation of one of the commandments) for anyone who does disagree.

            2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

              Richard, my God hates the god of the bible, and kicks his little, snively add every day!

              1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                the god of love is definitely losing here.

            3. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

              The 10 commandments are all that are needed. You are just paraphrasing the Bible,

              1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

                Richard, this isn't a christian blog. So why do you keep bringing up that goddam bible? Are you trying to wake up flugo?

              2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                no christians allowed at ulc? Sounds like hitler is alive and well!

              3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

                Richard, christians and all other religions and spiritual paths are definitely allowed here and even encouraged, but this blog is not about any one of them, and preaching the tenets of any one faith is definitely discouraged. We're all trying to come together here, and find solutions to the topics they give us, and do not seek to convert eachother to of our own religious or spiritual paths. Atleast that's how it seems to be among those of us who have lasted the longest on this blog.

              4. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                humans left to their own devices minus moral law always ends badly.

        2. David Cox's Avatar David Cox

          You will know what evil is if you don't accept what God did for you....Read the Bible and you will know what he saves you from

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            And your demonstrable evidence is where, David? Words written in a book don’t count as evidence, unless you like believing everything you read. Even contemporary historians that lived during the said Jesus’s time didn’t write about him. People who never met him wrote about him from from tales, and handed down stories.

            Likewise, there is still no demonstrable evidence for any god, even yours that you speak about. There is a Nobel prize waiting for the first person on earth to prove any god they believe in is real. In fact, so far, none of the supposed gods on earth have been able to prove they exist. Are you up for the challenge, David?

            Asking people to read the Bible, is like me asking you to read Harry Potter and you will know he is real. Can you see how silly your claim is…..without any evidence?

            Until you have any demonstrable evidence to support your claims they will remain as just statements based on myth.


          2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            We believe you Minister David!!!

      2. Chris's Avatar Chris

        Flugo, you are such a fine example of a loving Christian. And yes, I say that sarcastically.

        Romans 1:8 says nothing about God or Jesus hating. John 3:36 speaks of people being reborn into heaven, not being killed on earth by bigots. And since the OT is Jewish, not Christian....

        Speaking of the OT, your argument of semantics on "kill" compared to "murder" is just that: semantics. Killing someone for being gay is still murder.

        I realize it's hard for so many of you people to understand, but not everyone believes in your version of religion. You can't simply kill people who don't believe in your religion. THAT is murder. What you may call sin some of us simply call not following your beliefs. It's forbidden in the bible to get divorced, but it happens all the time. Nobody is calling for their murders. It's forbidden in the bible to work on the Sabbath, yet it happens all the time. No calls for murder. It's forbidden to take the lord's name in vain, like this person, yet no calls for his murder. So if you can't follow your own bible, you can't be trusted to make any claims about what is or is not a sin.

        Jesus didn't say anything about homosexuality. Please post where he did. What he DID say is this:

        hou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

        38 This is the first and great commandment.

        39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

        40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

        That's Matthew 22:37-40, by the way. Since you seem unable to follow these two simple commandments, I can't trust you to consider what is and what is not sin.

        Suffice it say, this man is condoning blatant mass murder. Violating much that is in the very book he waves around and claims to believe in. Much like you. So I would suggest you rid yourself of your ignorance and maybe actually read the whole thing, not just pick and choose what you'll read.

        1. Krystina S.'s Avatar Krystina S.

          I have neighbors who are LGBTQ. Jesus says to love them.

          1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            With Jesus, ALL lives matter!!!

            1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

              Richard, without Jesus all lives matter anyway, except for really bad ones.

            2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

              Which is more than can be said for Jesus’s dad. Lives obviously meant very little to him judging by his monstrous acts of genocide, and infanticide. Not much of a patriarchal figure for mankind that he was supposed to have created, was he?


      3. Charles Jude Platt's Avatar Charles Jude Platt

        This "book" of yours was not written by God himself. You can try to prove to me that it was.

        That "old" testament madness was written by very illiterate men who made (just like you my friend) God into themselves. Believe what you want, quote BS nonsense all you want, however, if there be a he'll as it written in your book, hope you enjoy the trip. Repentance must start with yourself, lots of luck there pal.

      4. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

        Good thing I’m not a Christian then. Jesus doesn’t hate. Never hated. People have done their homework, but it’s religion and all religion is open to interpretation. Some want to be zombies and go along with the old traditions that cherry picked the old stories, that hid many of the old stories, that hid what Jesus and Mary had to say on the topic. An others desperately are searching for what Jesus had taught, and seek his gnostic teachings. The gnostics had their ways crushed by the orthodox and proclaimed heretics. I see you’re one of the orthodox brainwashed. So, Not So Fuego, take your Catholic invention of hell and shove it. Christianity is just a perversion of Judaism, and Islam is a perversion of both. All in the name of political agendas that sought order and control.

      5. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Try doing your own homework flugo and demonstrate the truth of your claims that any god is real. Also, no one truly knows what Jesus ever said, assuming he was real, because those contemporary historians of when he was supposed to have lived never wrote about him. There are references by those who never met him, which is kinda weird….right?

        Perhaps you can attempt to explain “who it was” that wasn’t there, that recorded all the fine details of the said Jesus when he was in the Garden of Gethsemane “all on his own” talking to that imaginary man in the sky? If you can’t answer that, stop attempting to say what he was supposed to have said elsewhere in that crazy book of myth and tales.

        I’m sure you’ve done your homework and can explain it all to Chris.


        1. David Cox's Avatar David Cox

          All scripture is given by God......2 Tim 3:16. I can see you have no understanding of God's word....If you want to learn I am here. There is no way you can understand you don't have the Holy spirit in you

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Spoken like a deeply indoctrinated Christian. First off, you have no demonstrable evidence any god is real…..even yours.

            Second, perhaps you could try and explain what a “Holy spirit” is, and then, how it differs from all other religions holy spirits that told all other religions there version of Christianity, or their religion, is the true one.


        2. Rev Wayne Steven's Avatar Rev Wayne Steven

          Hey Lionheart how are you doing? Usually when I see that you're involved in things I don't get involved because I think you got things well in hand however I don't see any place in the Bible as it is probably written more or less by mankind about gays or anything else being killed off or anything else the only one place I do consider possibly rules or laws from God are the ten commandments and there's nothing about gayism or anything else in the ten commandments mostly just very logical down to earth common Sense statements like thou shalt not kill thou shalt not cover the neighbor's wife things like that you don't need that in the Bible or religion to make those common sense I hope you agree with that point other than that I'll leave you alone

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Wayne, how are you? Thank you for your comment.

            Yes, isn’t it interesting that the OT deity had the perfect opportunity to denounce homosexuality, and even slavery, but no, the said deity he/him/she/her 🤭 decided to home in on 10 rules, of which some are blatantly obvious, even though the said deity openly killed people Willy Nilly for almost no apparent reason. Yet people still worship it as though it was the best thing since sliced bread. Go figure!


          2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Comment removed by user.

        3. Rev Wayne Steven's Avatar Rev Wayne Steven

          Here's another one for lionheart's behalf let's go to that believe the first commandment supposedly thou shalt not kill okay humans aren't supposed to kill other ones but what gives God the right to kill humans or anybody else or anything or anybody else for that matter it's one thing I'm looking at or really thinking about I don't know if any of you see the shows on TV ancient alien that's really what I'm really thinking about is perhaps a possibility of God's being flesh and flesh and blood like us having their own itinerary all I got to say is no God of mine would kill his own creation would he or she I don't think so if you base it on at what the rest of the Bible is saying that God loves his people her creations not to say that you yourself would not destroy one of your own creations if I don't work right out of here frustration maybe that's the case but again with God do that see I told you Lionheart but I am Christian forever I'm still also agnostic or question things remember we're only human God gave us free will to do this I better keep still before they chase me off here

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            Say it as you see it Wayne. A loving God would take care of us all “lovingly”, and not kill us. It’s what we would want for our own children…right?

            I wonder how many would react after death if they found out that Ganesh was the real god? 🤭


      6. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

        Flugo, you have it backwards. The wages of death (which you seem to call for just like this other clown) is sin...yours! The wages of death is sin. To support such works as you do suggests you are not saved. St Timothy makes it clear that if you were saved you would not be spouting such foolishness... By your works shall you be known.

      7. Lady Celynia's Avatar Lady Celynia

        Wow! All I could think of is that your speech is no better than the Middle-Eastern religion of hate.

        1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          The hatred here is scary and this among "Ministers" no less...

      8. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Welcome back, flugo! I see you're trying to sober up again. You almost sound sober now.

      9. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        flugo, did you know that Jesus and Judas were gay lovers?

      10. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Flugo, what about Jesus and St. Judas? You know they were a hot number!

    2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      Let one who has not sinned cast the first stone!

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Richard, I've never sinned. Will you stand still while I throw some rocks at you?

        1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          I have been stoned by the atheists already, why not some more...

  1. Cindy L Edgar's Avatar Cindy L Edgar

    So I am a pagan ordained minister and I'm bisexual I don't see anything wrong with having your own choice in life to be who you want to be

  1. Kathleen Jacobs's Avatar Kathleen Jacobs

    Jesus said he came to 'Fulfill the law and bring a new law'.

    We command obedience in our very young children - without questioning us - 'don't touch the stove'. We relax our commands and expect our children to grow up and make more & more thoughtful decisions as they grow in understanding.

    The laws of the old testament were given to an immature people and society... the commands were black and white, racist and violent: * put your child to death if they dishonor you * execute your neighbor if you catch them working on the Sabbath * in war, kill every man, woman and child of your enemy and then destroy their livestock as well * enslave the Canaanites

    The laws of Jesus were kind, loving, tolerant and respectful life and the ability of humans to live in peace with one another.

    Clearly this minister is still 3 years old in his spiritual growth and has not read the New Testament, or even tried to understand its precepts. His church hierarchy needs to step in and educate this man or remove him from his position if they expect anyone to to believe that 'Baptists' are even Christians.

    1. CraigB's Avatar CraigB

      This was one of the best ways I have seen this described. Thank you.

      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        We agree!!!

    2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      Christian is a term that others bestow upon one that lives a Godly life. It is not a term one bestows upon one's self. How is your walk?

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Richard, christian is a term I bestow upon evil, ungodly people.

  1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

    Texas gays say Christian pastors should be executed. Appears we have a draw.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Douglas, did you know that some christian pastors are also gay, such as those who are members of the gay denomination MCCR? Many years ago I took part in a christian group for people who had concerns about people who had HIV/AIDS that was lead by a retired gay Methodist minister who prior to to being Methodist was a Baptist minister. He was also the founder of the local AIDS help center here on Galveston Island, where I did volunteer work for about a year.

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        There are many gay christians and gay ministers from Texas. And only a minority of straight christians are against them. From what I can tell most christians aren't even prejudiced. However, the ones who are prejudiced are the loudmouths who make the most noise.

        1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

          If There are many gay Christians and gay ministers from Texas why do the citizens of Texas pass such crazy homophobic/anti LGBT and misogynistic laws?

          1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

            It's our damn, worthless governor Abbott passing those laws Douglas. As soon as we get rid of him we'll be much better off. Go Beto!!!

            1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

              Best of luck getting rid of your governor. In California our dishonest governor won a recall election and just yesterday won the primary election. It appears Texas voters, just like California voters have been duped into voting governors who screw the voters.

  1. Herbert Moore's Avatar Herbert Moore

    Wonder if he is aware that about 8% of male sheep are gay in the sense that they prefer other male sheep to ewes. This is being enhanced because female siblings of gay male sheep produce more lambs on average. So, some natural selection of their gay genes. This is also allowing for the study of the genetic basis of sexual preference - as opposed to the ancient simplicity of penis = male / vigina = female. You know back when the earth was flat, hell was below that flatness, and the good guys ascended were supplied with white togas, a levitated halo, a harp and parked on a cloud to strum for the rest of eternity without getting bored. Sitting on a cloud strumming ...... clouds ......... that version of heaven places it somewhere between sea level, and about 30,000 feet.

    1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      I bet he also doesn't know that every human conceived is first a female and then when the proper hormones start flowing some of them then turn into males. So everyone starts out female, every male was first a woman.

      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        and vice versa, God created woman from man.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    I think the pastor should be removed from his church work immediately We as ministers do not spout hatered among our brothers and sisters no matter what Gays,Jews,Blacks or Whites etc.All lives matter No matter who or what your sexuallity

  1. Catherine Ann McDonald's Avatar Catherine Ann McDonald

    I believe we as people are to come together in PEACE, HARMONY, and HUMBLING. It is what the world needs to find in all people of all nations, of all walks of life and this be words of God of all people. Live and let live, why do so many absorb hatred? Bring comfort to your words in this time of war and so many suffering souls. Bring peace like our Lord.

    1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      Amen! You are a true Minster of God's Love!!!

  1. Gary D Hanson's Avatar Gary D Hanson

    When “preachers” like this vanish along with their vile message, pride month may no longer be necessary.

    An Old Straight Guy

  1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

    Absolutely not and this person should be removed for mental health evaluation. I dont care what problem you have with a person, wishing them dead is over stepping and should be swiftly shut down

    1. Beth's Avatar Beth

      I agree. Moreover, if someone else who may have mental issues or are otherwise hate-filled and wish to murder someone hears this, they might act on it. There have always been some limits on free speech, and this is akin to shouting FIRE in a crowded theater.

      Promoting murder of anyone perceived to be gay is not at all in the public interest. At the very least, they should have their tax-exempt status revoked.

      1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

        Mental illness does not lead one to hate. You're just finding another scapegoat or one doesn't exist, this recreating the same problem you complain of.

      2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        Promoting murder of ANYONE should be frowned upon.

        1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

          Yes richard, that's right, let's frown on it killers, consider yourself frowned upon. There, that ought to take care of it.

          1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

            Mark, it might not have occurred to you yet, but some of thm .might only do it for the negative attention they receive.

            1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

              Every mass shooting starts with watching/listening to/reading such Yahoos on social media or in these insane meetings. Maybe that hasn't occurred to you yet, but do a little homework and come back, but my guess is that upon reading this you will slap your forehead, there are plenty of consequences for sure.

              1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

                Mark, I'm nothing like a masochist or a self-defeatist, so I would never consider slapping myself. And I've never been on anything that resembles social media, other than this blog, but did attend A.A. and N.A. meetings on a daily basis for thirty two years, and am fairly well trained as a drug and alcohol treatment specialist, which is why I'm so good at counseling with my fellow ministers on this blog, which is also my primary ministry.

              2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                yes, it all starts with a deranged human.

              3. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

                Okay it all starts with a deranged human... But that still leaves you having to deal with it.

        2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Richard, that's only true when it's someone who doesn't deserve to be murdered.

          1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            Jesus didn't deserve murder for sure!

          2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            Comment removed by user.

      3. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

        Hardly! What foolishness you recommend.

        People who are already at this level do not respond to any but the most serious of consequences, if even then. The best way to grow superbugs is to only weakly deal with them when they break out. Inadequate response is extremely provocative.

        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Mark, if it's bugs you want I've got far more roaches than I know what to do with right here in my home, and would be glad to send them to you, free of charge. And you don't have to feed them anything at all for them to multiply. Just send me a self addressed stamped gallon jug, and I'll gladly fill it up for you.

          1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

            I was in Texas a few times...the last time was in Waco interviewing on a grad school application. At the overnight place I stepped out for a smoke, and this big roach walked up and asked me for a light. Haven't been back since.

            1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

              Mark, throughout the whole four years I lived in Lexington KY I only saw a roach one time. I think it came out of my suitcase.

            2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

              Mark, atleast you didn't see a six foot tall rabbit named Harvey. I've had atleast a few hallucinations in Texas too, but seriously doubt that they had anything to do with being in Texas. They were more likely caused by something I put on my tongue. I've heard they make some mean mushroom tea in Waco. Cheers!

        2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Mark, I didn't recommend anything. I didn't even say that anyone deserves to be murdered. You're taking things out of context.

          1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            A lot of Ministers are taking things out of context and trying to create their own'acceptable" religion here.

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Then again Danielle, don't you think they could atleast get away with making a voodoo doll in Shelley's image. I here tell there's a bunch of them that look look like Putin, and nobody has started complaining about that yet. All it takes is the push of a pin.

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        As usual, instead of debating the subject with any sense, all you do is attack and name call and just post here to see your name in print as even your local paper wont take your letters to the editor

        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Danielle, I hope you're enjoying it. It looks like you're stuck with me.

        2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Comment has been removed.

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            Yep I think I am going to contact the mods and see if they really allow racial insults like yours on the board anymore. You already had been placed on restrictions and had your posts removed for you doing this in the past. Maybe its time for them to do the same thing again and make it longer this time.

    3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Danielle, I hope that means you love me as much as I love you.

  1. Robert Hauck, MD, FAAP's Avatar Robert Hauck, MD, FAAP

    Would Jesus have said what so-called "Christian" pastor Shelley said?

    I'm not a Bible scholar but don't I remember a passage saying "Thou shalt not kill"?


  1. Kathleen Jacobs's Avatar Kathleen Jacobs

    Jesus said he came to 'Fulfill the law and bring a new law'.

    We command obedience in our very young children - without questioning us - 'don't touch the stove'. We relax our commands and expect our children to grow up and make more & more thoughtful decisions as they grow in understanding.

    The laws of the old testament were given to an immature people and society... the commands were black and white, racist and violent: * put your child to death if they dishonor you * execute your neighbor if you catch them working on the Sabbath * in war, kill every man, woman and child of your enemy and then destroy their livestock as well * enslave the Canaanites

    The laws of Jesus were kind, loving, tolerant and respectful life and the ability of humans to live in peace with one another.

    Clearly this minister is still 3 years old in his spiritual growth and has not read the New Testament, or even tried to understand its precepts. His church hierarchy needs to step in and educate this man or remove him from his position if they expect anyone to to believe that 'Baptists' are even Christians.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      How do you know what Jesus ever really said Kathleen? I wonder how much of it is really true?

  1. Pastor Richard Wagner's Avatar Pastor Richard Wagner

    remember Mathew 6:24 no man can serve two masters. then remember Jesus's perfect living example of righteous judgement in John 8:1-12. Then read Mathew 7 :1-5 . Pity this pastor don't judge him least you take your eyes off of Jesus as well. Jesus tells us looking at the speck in our Brothers eye does us more harm Than good if we can't see the plank in our own eyes. All Have sinned according to God our Father in heaven. It is only by the grace of God and the mercy of God that we have a way back unto the father. Works won't bring you to heaven, they never could for we all fall way to short. The way of man is different than God's way. Jesus became the perfect sacrifice for our sin's. For he alone had no sin yet he died that we may be forgiven. In Mathew 7:21-23 Jesus tells us point blank that on judgement day many will say didn't we serve you and he will tell them I knew you not. The New Testament is full of these examples and Jesus Christ's teachings not mans. Jesus said the world hates him because he alone showed the evil of the world because he accused the world. Jesus said also there is a way that seems right unto man but the ways of it are the ways of death. Pray for this pastor for in the measure he judges others Jesus clearly say's so shall he be judged [all men will be judged as they judge]. None of us is without sin, and no sin is greater than another sin either. That's a false hood taught by man . Sin is sin and all are sinful except Jesus Christ. Don't let Satan deceive you and lead you down the wrong path to the point your eternal soul is in danger. Don't look at the speck in your brothers eye and condemn him while Satan has a plank in your eye blinding you to your own sin in that moment. God calls his children and those who serve him as Pastor's not man. Jesus say's our righteousness has to be more than even the pharacies of old least we fall. Believe in that none of us is gfood enough and On our own we are nothing. Only with Christ Jesus are we anything. The world hates Jesus because Jesus Testifies of it that the ways of the world are evil John 7:7 Jesus tells us in John 8:12 to not walk in darkness but to walk in the light of life. Pity him brothers and sisters for his path is a perilis path indeed. We are to serve God not man

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      The Bible is full of unproven claims Richard. In reality, we don’t really know what Jesus every really said, assuming he was real, which giving you the benefit of the doubt, he might have been. I wonder how much was true, if anything? 🤷🏼


      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        you will find out at judgment day as we all will.

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Do you have any evidence to support your claim, other than fictional stories, tales, and folklore, written in a book. Is that really the best you have?

          Please don’t read the Harry Potter series of books, because you might also not realize that they too are fictional stories. They are better though for children, with no claims and threats of impending doom for children if they don’t believe in Harry Potter. Just sayin’ Richard.


          1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            nobody knows until they get their and then it is too late to change your life and decisions.

            1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

              Right, so nobody knows if it’s true or not, other than what you’ve read. Do you have a habit of believing everything you read without any demonstrable evidence?

              Please don’t read the stories in the Quran, the stories of what’s going to happen to unbelievers is even worse than those who don’t believe in the biblical stories of hell and damnation. Let’s hope they’re wrong as well or we are all going to suffer 🤭


              1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

                Richard, if you had ever read Milton you would know that it's better to rule in Hell than serve in heaven!

              2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                books about things we supposedly don't know about? I guess we do indeed choose what to believe.

              3. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Yes, you can choose by using logic and reason, or myth and folklore.


              4. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                We use logic and reason and myth and folklore.

              5. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                If you truly use logic and reason, please explain your logic and reasoning behind believing in something where there is no evidence. Is that logic and reason to you?

                If so, I hope you never get called up for jury duty where they will require a verdict using logic, reason, and evidence, not warm fuzzy feelings in your heart.


              6. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                I was called to jury duty already,ughhh.... Can you imagine how God will feel come judgment day!

              7. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Congratulations Richard. Don’t forget that you will need to to use logic and reason, plus all available facts. They will not require you to use “feelings” like you do in religion. They will want you to look at, and use, hard evidence. This will be a good exercise for you Richard, to try and apply those same principles to determine if region, with its very little evidence of its claims, are real or not.


              8. JaZe's Avatar JaZe

                hmm Milton was an englishman ... 🥴

              9. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                Yes just another lost human trying to find his way.

  1. Pastor Richard Wagner's Avatar Pastor Richard Wagner

    remember Mathew 6:24 no man can serve two masters. then remember Jesus's perfect living example of righteous judgement in John 8:1-12. Then read Mathew 7 :1-5 . Pity this pastor don't judge him least you take your eyes off of Jesus as well. Jesus tells us looking at the speck in our Brothers eye does us more harm Than good if we can't see the plank in our own eyes. All Have sinned according to God our Father in heaven. It is only by the grace of God and the mercy of God that we have a way back unto the father. Works won't bring you to heaven, they never could for we all fall way to short. The way of man is different than God's way. Jesus became the perfect sacrifice for our sin's. For he alone had no sin yet he died that we may be forgiven. In Mathew 7:21-23 Jesus tells us point blank that on judgement day many will say didn't we serve you and he will tell them I knew you not. The New Testament is full of these examples and Jesus Christ's teachings not mans. Jesus said the world hates him because he alone showed the evil of the world because he accused the world. Jesus said also there is a way that seems right unto man but the ways of it are the ways of death. Pray for this pastor for in the measure he judges others Jesus clearly say's so shall he be judged [all men will be judged as they judge]. None of us is without sin, and no sin is greater than another sin either. That's a false hood taught by man . Sin is sin and all are sinful except Jesus Christ. Don't let Satan deceive you and lead you down the wrong path to the point your eternal soul is in danger. Don't look at the speck in your brothers eye and condemn him while Satan has a plank in your eye blinding you to your own sin in that moment. God calls his children and those who serve him as Pastor's not man. Jesus say's our righteousness has to be more than even the pharacies of old least we fall. Believe in that none of us is gfood enough and On our own we are nothing. Only with Christ Jesus are we anything. The world hates Jesus because Jesus Testifies of it that the ways of the world are evil John 7:7 Jesus tells us in John 8:12 to not walk in darkness but to walk in the light of life. Pity him brothers and sisters for his path is a perilis path indeed. We are to serve God not man

    1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      "Pity this pastor don't judge him least you take your eyes off of Jesus as well."

      No, if you take your eyes off of this "pastor" you could wind up dead.

  1. Cindy L Edgar's Avatar Cindy L Edgar

    I am a pagan ordained minister an I am bi- sexual he need not to judge he should judge himself first

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Cindy, that evil preacher didn't say a word about good bi-sexuals.

    2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      That sounds Christian!!!!!

  1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

    Who is this guy? He doesn't speak for anybody does he? Not really, that would be insane.

  1. Patrick Alois deHertogh's Avatar Patrick Alois deHertogh

    This is old subject were still bickering about. Who cares! People hate people. And more than likely he will have some backlash from it. And at 60 I grew up in a less tolerate background. I care less what you think you are and what you wish to get intimate with and I believe the majority if not all the people who I associate with and work with including my 84yo mother. Who care less of your preferences may be. Now lets get back to screaming about abortion or guns for a change.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Shout, shout, let it all out! These are the things I'm talking about. Come on, I'm talking to you. Come on!

    2. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      Gee, Patrick, that's that they said in Berlin at the SS and also in Warsaw when setting up the biggest of the death camps of the Reich to be in Poland.

      Of course something tells me you'd have a different view of it if there had been talking about you and not the Jews. So maybe this guy isn't so bad, really he's just your kind of people.

  1. Rudolph Guerrero's Avatar Rudolph Guerrero

    A person that supposely stands by the word of God then does and says this. Is nothing but Satan's servant using religion for his perverted agenda. Extremely Dangerous he truly believes in what he says..

    1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      Sadly so does Biden...

      1. Chris's Avatar Chris

        Sadly so did Trump. What's your point?

        1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          That humans are inherently evil.

          1. Chris's Avatar Chris

            Fair enough. I disagree with that but this isn't the place for that discussion.

            1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

              Yes this is! How else do we learn and question? Too many zealot atheist bullies on this loving site...

          2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

            Richard, haven't you realized yet that a little evil is a lot of fun! It's all about balance.

      2. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

        "Sadly so does Biden..."

        What exactly do you mean, Richard?

        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Mark, I think it means that Richard is one of those fools who voted for Trump.

        2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          Biden actually believes what he says which is very scary to humanity!

          1. Robert A Stiff's Avatar Robert A Stiff

            Give it up, can't argue with a Trumpster. They are blind and deaf to everything but the garbage that spills from his mouth.

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              You mean like you seem to be?

            2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

              Trump blinded you it sounds as though!

      3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        I would have preferred to have voted for Pete Buttigieg, and someday probably will.

        1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

          he can't be any worse than Biden hopefully...

  1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

    Here's an idea: why don't we execute God instead? Since we basically already done that. And no harm done in the process, for a change.

    1. SueW's Avatar SueW

      Since Jesus wasn’t “dead” for even a whole weekend, his commitment to the cause seems questionable.

  1. He Who Breathes's Avatar He Who Breathes

    Sure, If God wants them dead, then let God do it...

    What would Jesus say? - Would he want them killed as well? - If yes, then I say make it official church canon and custom.

    Who talks in Jesus's name? - Some dude? - Then I question everything!

    What about my new religion? - "Gunism" - We believe that guns are our savior. Oh, holy guns, bring peace to the world, and let us say, Bang. We also believe that all people are good in the eyes of the Gun, unless they are not good to their fellow human.

    Our doctrine is if there is a disagreement between countries/states, then the elected representatives of said territories shall enter an MMA Octagon, and fight it out to the death, the winner determines who wins the dispute.

    1. Religion as a Weapon is Wrong's Avatar Religion as a Weapon is Wrong

      I think it was the second Planet of the apes movie where the people thought "the bomb" was God.

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Rory, did the bomb make a big bang, and create another universe?

      2. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

        Yes Rory, and of course worshipping the bomb as God was exactly the literary allegory intended, as was also the fact that the only difference between all the races in that movie was literally only skin deep, which was removable. Underneath the skin everybody was the same... Definitely making a less than subtle point. Plus the high priest was the guy who did the "wide track" Pontiac commercials.

    2. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      If only those kids in Uvalde had had guns, they'd be alive now. And let us say, Bang.

    3. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      All those school mass shootings, God was just punishing the gay kids.

  1. Rev_Shaun's Avatar Rev_Shaun

    pack his church out with protesters who remain silent until he starts his sermon - and then just burst out laughing and keep laughing at everything he says.

  1. David F Gallagher Jr's Avatar David F Gallagher Jr

    I don't understand how a "minister" can be so hateful! While it's true that there are verses in the Bible about the wrongness of some things, there are also verses in the same Bible that teach forgiveness and acceptance.
    This so called "minister" needs to take a good, hard look at himself and his shortcomings before condemning anybody!! Most hate stems from something that the haters don't like about themselves. He needs to take a look at himself in a mirror and really focus on his inner hatred. Maybe he'll see what he is actually so hateful about.

  1. Minister Paul's Avatar Minister Paul

    Why is there a contradiction with Christians nowadays for the simple fact that God created man and woman equally. I think everyone should go back and start reading their Bible about Adam and Eve why did Eve eat the apple from the Tree of Life? She is the one that made that choice so God gave us the freedom of choice to make our own decisions whether they be right or wrong. Now Christians are saying that being gay bisexual or homosexual is an abomination of God. To me that is a contradiction and I think they need to re-read their Bible and find out if they are actually Christians or who they really are.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Do you believe everything you read in books Paul without any evidence to support the claims?


  1. Robert Steven Scott's Avatar Robert Steven Scott

    Just because he calls himself a preacher doesn't mean he knows the Bible. What ever happened to WWJD. Funny, Jesus was often condemned by the "Religious Leaders" because he ate and associated with people they would not. He often did condemn the "Religious Leaders"; however, because of their lack of concern and love.

  1. Ellie_Loves's Avatar Ellie_Loves

    I have been saying this for years but the mechanism of religion and its disgusting leaders are the root of all evil. Using an outdated text and altering its message is the agenda of vile human beings like this so called pastor, who if you ask me, should be put on the FBI watch list. Free speech is a fine line that gives all of us an outlet to speak our mind but when is enough enough. I find it interesting that the LGBTQIA Community is more open and welcoming than most churches. But then again, these so called houses of god are represented by despicable, ugly, hateful, vulgar and violent 'men of god' that should not be allow to be a spiritual leader for any community. We, as a society, need to move away from the darkness, learn to agree to disagree, and act live civilized human beings. Yet, considering what we have for leaders, be it spiritual or political, we are beyond screwed. We are a third world nation and the world is laughing at us.

  1. Rev Ned's Avatar Rev Ned

    He needs to go back into the darkness from whence he came.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Ned, I've tried repeatedly countless times to get back in those dark holes from whence we came, but swear that a head larger than an infant's just won't fit.

  1. David Cox's Avatar David Cox

    All scripture is given by God......2 Tim 3:16. I can see you have no understanding of God's word....If you want to learn I am here. There is no way you can understand you don't have the Holy spirit in you

    1. Joe Stutler's Avatar Joe Stutler

      Pretty lame "spirit" if it can't manage a puny's almost as if the whole Abrahamic mythos is naught but entertaining claptrap.....

    2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards


  1. Bryan Bauman's Avatar Bryan Bauman

    What would Jesus do?

    1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards


  1. John Peter Dugan's Avatar John Peter Dugan

    Thou shall not Murder is one of the ten commandments. Being gay is not.

    1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

      Gee you think from all of gay behavior down thru the ages maybe God just forgot to include it. It was a first draft after all.

  1. brian ham's Avatar brian ham

    As we say in Europe , "What a wanker!"

  1. Clay Serenbetz's Avatar Clay Serenbetz

    What does Pastor Shelley think about the recent sex scandal in Southern Baptist Churches? Should they murder their clergy and lay leaders for abusing children and women. I see that Pastor Shelley engages in other activities proscribed by Leviticus. For example, he occasionally shaves...does he eat shellfish? Do his wife, girlfriend or female congregants withdraw from society every month for a week during their menstrual cycle? Should we burn Pastor Shelley for not loving his neighbor? How about pork processors? Does he eat rabbit... should we burn Elmer Fudd? There are many laws in the Bible that we ignore in contemporary society. We have our own laws today, which are based on modern medicine and contemporary knowledge. These laws work for us today. Antiquated laws make no sense in modern society, as they arise from a lack of knowledge. Does Pastor Kelley still believe that Earth is the center of the universe? Furthermore, the Bible was translated by flawed humans. Some of whom may have been homophobes. The word, abomination is translated from ancient texts to the Bible from the ancient word: "tovah" (sic?). Tovah is used elsewhere in the ancient texts and the translators used it with different meanings.
    In my opinion, Pastor Shelley's homophobia needs a psychiatrist to examine. Perhaps, his homophobia arises from abuse he experienced as a child by his pastor in the Southern Baptist Convention.

  1. Reverend Kurt's Avatar Reverend Kurt

    Lock this insane psychopath up in a padded cell. He is inciting gay murder NOW .What is next on his list? Jews? Muslims? Hindus? Hispanics? African Americans? Do not give him access to the media where he can spread his hate. Without the publicity he is receiving, which increases his reach, he is just another nut job seeking fame and fortune. Religion is his vehicle . If Christianity were a religion of love , morals , decency and humanity, then this nut job would be excommunicated and stopped from practicing in the name of Christianity. We all know, and has been proved constantly, that Christianity is a religion of hate, murder , child abuse etc. so this nutjob will most likely be elevated to saint . Prophet possibly??

  1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

    Thou shalt not kill!

    1. Nathaniel Robert Hunt's Avatar Nathaniel Robert Hunt

      The biblical god orders murder Deuteronomy 13 6 Suppose your very own brother or sister secretly tempts you to do something wrong. Or your child or the wife you love tempts you. Or your closest friend does it. Suppose one of them says, “Let’s go and worship other gods.” But you and your people of long ago hadn’t known anything about those gods before. 7 They are the gods of the nations around you. Those nations might be near or far away. In fact, they might reach from one end of the land to the other. 8 Don’t give in to those who are tempting you. Don’t listen to them. Don’t feel sorry for them. Don’t spare them or save them. 9 You must certainly put them to death. You must be the first to throw stones at them. Then all the people must do the same thing. 10 Put them to death by throwing stones at them. They tried to turn you away from the Lord your God. He brought you out of Egypt. That’s the land where you were slaves. 11 After you kill those who tempted you, all the Israelites will hear about it. And they will be too scared to do an evil thing like that again

      Kill everyone in the town if they worship other gods

      Deuteronomy 13:12-19 – If you hear it said about one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you to live in that wicked men have arisen among you and have led the people of their town astray, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods you have not known), then you must inquire, probe and investigate it thoroughly. And if it is true and it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done among you, you must certainly put to the sword all who live in that town. Destroy it completely, both its people and its livestock. Gather all the plunder of the town into the middle of the public square and completely burn the town and all its plunder as a whole burnt offering to the LORD your God. It is to remain a ruin forever, never to be rebuilt. None of those condemned things shall be found in your hands, so that the LORD will turn from his fierce anger; he will show you mercy, have compassion on you, and increase your numbers, as he promised on oath to your forefathers, because you obey the LORD your God, keeping all his commands that I am giving you today and doing what is right in his eyes.

      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        Thou shalt not kill, the Holy Bible

        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          I wish we could go back in time, and kill whoever wrote that goddam, evil bible!

          1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            you have already killed precious Jesus

            1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

              Clearly, you’ll believe anything Richard.

              The Bhagavad Gita is also a book full of mythology, unless you want to believe that book as well.


              1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

                Richard, haven't you heard that this is the age of Satan? It seems like that would mean you should now switch to reading the Satanic Bible. A lot of people believe in it, so you will too.

              2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                God rules overall, no matter how many gods there might be!

              3. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Do you have and demonstrable evidence Richard to support your claim?

                I thought not!


              4. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                You need to take your beef with God directly to God. I am just a mere human.

              5. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                How can I take up my beef with something where there is no evidence it exists?

                I can of course take up my beef with those who insist on believing it, to the point that the religion has caused great suffering to those who didn’t believe.


              6. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                man is evil!

              7. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Some human beings can be, but not all.

                My mother was a very humble loving human being. How was your mother?


              8. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

                a very devout Christian

          2. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            You said in a previous thread that you would never encourage murder. What happened to that peace loving human???

        2. Joe Stutler's Avatar Joe Stutler

          Yep, it's the volume of contradictory nonsense like that which shows the Bible to be naught but entertaining claptrap.

        3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Richard, there's nothing holy about that ancient comic book which was written by schizophrenics.

        4. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Richard, what do you mean by we should not kill the holy bible? We've been working at it for many years. And trust me, it won't be long now.

          1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            You have already killed it and Jesus.

            1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

              Richard, I may have used some bible pages for rolling papers, but most of it is still intact, atleast enough for a good, hearty chuckle after a smoke.

      2. shiningwolf9's Avatar shiningwolf9

        Comment removed by user.

        1. shiningwolf9's Avatar shiningwolf9

          Israel's, christianism, and islam's god, (supposedly the same), is fickle as hell, saying one thing then turning around and saying something different, (some pagan gods as well). But my take on religion is, no one heard most of what a god spoke to certain men, it is only a man/men telling people what a god spoke to them; control freaks. Spirituality is different, one can believe in a god, or not. It is seeing Spirit, Creator, the One Force, etc., in All Life, All Beings, and trying to connect, or to realize our connection with the same. And, people know, instinctively, what right and wrong/good and bad is. There are no right teachings, or philosophy on the Spiritual Path; there are books that tell others how someone practices, but no one set of rules for all to follow. We each come to find what works for each person, that hopefully ends at the same destination. There is a knowing, an acceptance that each person has to follow their own Path/Journey.

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Richard, thou shalt kill, and then barbeque the meat on a grill, at a backyard party!

      1. Rodney Knight's Avatar Rodney Knight

        Lol its all about the Sauce Lol

    3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Richard, you sound like a vegetarian.

  1. Shango MasterExorcist, D.D.'s Avatar Shango MasterExorcist, D.D.

    This Pastor is a Saint! His pronouncements are promoting Atheism.

  1. Rodney Knight's Avatar Rodney Knight

    And this is their christian values kill anyone they disagree with its thinking like that that lead to the witch trials Inquisition the religious wars and intolerance I thought the man on the cross taught love they neighbor do good to those that despise you Joy hope and love and the greatest of these is love not to mention Judge not least you be judged Remove the beam from your own eye before you remove the speck for your neighbors I guess its easier to hate then to live by the word of god

    1. Randy C Hamilton's Avatar Randy C Hamilton

      love? I find no love in the OPT or NT. What about J C wanting to kill all non believers: John 15:6 Mark 9:42 Luke 19:27

  1. Cindy L Edgar's Avatar Cindy L Edgar

    Everyone has the choice to be who they want to be not a Christian churches choice or any churches choice you have the right to follow your own path there is nothing wrong with being gay

  1. Stephen G. Lester's Avatar Stephen G. Lester

    While I don’t agree with the harsh approach to this issue, I forgive gays but they do not belong in a Christian Church!

    1. Clay Serenbetz's Avatar Clay Serenbetz

      Why not? Please expound on your opinion.

  1. Douglas R. Reynolds's Avatar Douglas R. Reynolds

    Christ said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." John 8; 7 If you are a true Christian that speaks volumes.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      How does anyone know what Jesus truly said, assuming that is, he was real?


  1. Michael Barton's Avatar Michael Barton

    This is a dishonest article. He didn't say they should go out and kill all gays. He used the scripture as a reference. And others agreed.

    Less gay in the public space. Stop promoting it. That doesn't mean kill all gays. Just means to stop promoting a culture that harms children and hates religion.

    1. CraigB's Avatar CraigB

      How does 'gay culture' harm children? So is it "gay culture' that teaches hate of religion or do gay people start hating religion when they become gay? When they join the gay community do they take a pledge to destroy religion? How does this work?

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Some things don't have to be said directly to be implied, Michael Barton. All Trump had to say was "Fight like hell"!, for example.

      1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

        Are you now acknowledging that there indeed is a Hell and Heaven???

        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          Wiccans like me believe in the Summerland, and various lower levels of the ethereal plane, depending on how much karmic debt you have left to repay, for those who go through the light beyond the astral plane, or you could stay there and , and quite possibly be a ghost throughout eternity.

          1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

            that would be God!

  1. Stephen Gerald Mangrum's Avatar Stephen Gerald Mangrum

    Thou shalt not kill supersedes. Judge not..., it is God's place to judge. Preaching hate is about as evil as it gets.

  1. Stephen Gerald Mangrum's Avatar Stephen Gerald Mangrum

    Thou shalt not kill supersedes. Judge not..., it is God's place to judge. Preaching hate is about as evil as it gets.

  1. Rev. Miche'al Yosef Dixon's Avatar Rev. Miche'al Yosef Dixon

    I believe if he truely is a "Christian" and suppose to be a Preacher of God's Word, then he needs to go back not just read but study the Holy Scriptures. Yes, YHWH gave specific laws to "The Hebrews" YHWH chosen people. YHWH only had 3 penalties for breaking HIS Laws (Texas {human} laws don't concern HIM). 1) Death 2) Exile 3) Fine (repay 7 times worth). I fully support YHWH's Law. However, YHWH's Son Yo'shuah Micha'el Ben'el stated "LET HIM WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE". he also stated, " Break the least of these (YHWH's) LAWS and you break them all." So, if you thell a little white lie, you are no better than a mass murderer or homosexual in YHWH's eyes. As to the death penalty, that's what the "Great White Throne Judgment" will be for not our place to judge others. The same YHWH also said "Thou shall not Kill" if you murder a LGBT+ person while they are living in sin then you condamn them to 2nd Death without trying to save them. Jesus told the Priests that did that then they are as guilty as the one they murder. As to support of "pride month" have you not read, "Pride comes before the fall."

  1. Marina Leigh Catalano's Avatar Marina Leigh Catalano

    There are dysmorphic crossdressing psychiatrists "coming out" against the genderbending of teens which they themselves [by being psychiatrist to these children] are a party to, stating (a truth) that many kids are only doing this because they're being pressured to be "one of" and fear cancelation if not. GROOMING! PRESSURE! SOCIAL MEDIA! THATS exactly why homosexual "numbers" have doubled! These kids ARE being turned homosexual! People are NOT BORN HOMOSEXUAL! which is what we've known all along and this circumstance is FINALY PROOF of it! And the human rights campaign is THE BIGGEST most corrupt homosexual PAC there has EVER BEEN! THEY are the homosexual mafia that BRIBES POLITICOS, strong arms corporate leaders and blackmails to assure that homosexuals get what they want and what they want is for the world to pander and cater to their SICK whims!! Well NO! WE WILL NOT BE SUBJECTED TO YOUR FILTH! You people stepped in it with this one and now EVERYTHING is going to go sideways for your community because of it. GOD WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO CONTINUE BLATANTLY HARMING CHILDREN by turning them into abominations! God has given homosexuals all THE ROPE YOU NEED AND MORE to hang yourselves! There are hundreds of kids DETRANSITIONING whose stories are heartbreaking! Stories that organizations like *the human rights campaign PAY TO HAVE SUPRESED! BURIED! HIDDEN! LIED ABOUT! yes! Finally there's a "paper trail" to prove how devious the homosexual community is. *side note: the fact that a mentally unbalanced individual can become a licensed mental health provider to children is also proof that the medical community is compromised and in collusion with the homosexual dark money PAC'S.

    1. Richard Darwin Richards's Avatar Richard Darwin Richards

      Rachel Levine is in charge of the US's health. God help us...

    2. Ilmenheru Terikson's Avatar Ilmenheru Terikson

      Your post suggest you to be mentally ill. If you believe in delusions and conspiracies you need to be kept contained and removed from society.

    3. Robert James Ruhnke's Avatar Robert James Ruhnke

      Can it marina. This is one of the most openly accepting times for the LGBTQ+ community to exist. That’s why the numbers are going up. Not because we were groomed that way. Your ranting and raving suggests your brain fell down a q-hole and you never got it back. Go get some help before you do something utterly stupid that you regret it. Your forgetting that the IBLP has been funneling more money infinite hate fueled legislation since the 70’s. Billions of dollars wasted by religious lunatics like yourself to deny my community the right to live freely. I’m not a Christian, an you fools have no right to dictate how I or others live. Take you hatred and shove it.

  1. Robert A Stiff's Avatar Robert A Stiff

    Ah, the always reliable christians....they love to hate. but hate to love. It's been this way since the mythological sect was created.

  1. Randy C Hamilton's Avatar Randy C Hamilton

    Too bad xtian preachers are so retarded. They hate and deny science like it was a plague (but love Covid? those antivaxers!) . Many scientific studies have shown that homosexuality is congenital and is a variation in one's brain (caused by mineral deficiencies during mom's pregnancy). Several studies of the brain of homosexuals are listeded in the book "Rare Earths, Forbidden Cures". A great read!!! Randy, Atheist Wedding Performer.

  1. David Scott Harris's Avatar David Scott Harris

    Adolf Hitler executed gay men and women. And that was wrong then and it's wrong now. And for a paster to speak otherwise is against jesus teachings. To ban the rights and a marching to celebrate or a March to protest is illegal. And it's also against the constitution Freedom of speech, and right to assemble. Jesus teaches love, and forgiveness,

  1. Richard A Ward's Avatar Richard A Ward

    Wow. We can’t even agree that calling for the deaths of folks just because they are different from what an individual or group or book prefers is wrong. And then create straw arguments and endless segues from the base story to pick and choose defenses of what is from the core, defenseless. Logic is pointless, structured points have no value, since imbedded biases overcome any desire to communicate and understand. Depressing. Best wishes, be whatever you are proudly as long as you aren’t trying to hurt others or impede their being themselves.

  1. Rev Wayne Steven's Avatar Rev Wayne Steven

    First of all understand this, I'm heterosexual all the way I believe in the institution of man and woman but that is not to say that I go against any other wishes or other people that is not the Christian way I'm just wondering why you are so against anything that's different that is a problem these days if you are a little off if you're a little different everybody hates you I need to be stopped ended because of this effect if you believe in God if you can wear a cross and where any kind of things that represent God you must love all human beings no matter what for everybody and everything has things to offer remember the founding statement of universal Life Church we are all children of the same universe tell me what does that statement mean to you

  1. Emmanuel Sanvito's Avatar Emmanuel Sanvito

    Hatred is an abomination upon the Goddess. Shall we kill every hateful bigot then ?

  1. Mary Margaret Bordelon's Avatar Mary Margaret Bordelon

    I dont think anyone should be executed for what THEY do behind closed doors. I just want to say that as a Christian, i am taught to love everyone, as WE ARE ALL CHILDREN OF GOD! Do we condemn those who worship Budda? Do we condemn those who worship Allah? No we give them a free pass because when it comes down too it, they worship something. We have sins in our lives that would make a lot of us gasp,BUT I challenge each of you to view you heart and see what is in there. Many blessings.

  1. Rev Mark D's Avatar Rev Mark D

    You know the solution is right there if you think about it. This is Texas. Very big on concealed carry and open carry. Very very big on self-defense and stand your ground. Especially if you can get them to come on your property. Guys would be a huge market for your ever friendly local gun dealers and gun show folks, they love to help you out there. Capitalism at work, everything is just a problem looking to be solved.

  1. David Bartlett's Avatar David Bartlett

    The bible also says you can't wear leather, wool and cotton at the same time. And there is an argument to be made that one or more of the disciples may have been gay.

  1. Shango MasterExorcist, D.D.'s Avatar Shango MasterExorcist, D.D.

    Hope there is a good photographer time that pastor goes into a gay bar to perform executions. Just imagine him running out carrying his electric chair escaping a crowd trying to kiss him!

  1. Scott Singley's Avatar Scott Singley

    To be fair over 95% of religious people are married to their second, third wife. Adultery is also a violation of God's law BY DEATH. So if your wife is not a virgin or a widow bound to you after her original husband or thereafter you are in adultery. If we are going by God's law. ;)

  1. Christopher Johnson's Avatar Christopher Johnson

    I have never understood why, if God actually did care so much about what ANYONE did enough to "condemn them to old H E double hockey sticks, would he need a human to execute His Will? Is that not the very height of hubris to suppose that an all knowing, all powerful God would require punishment to be done on Earth by us fallible mortals? And for what? God is timeless, so I can imagine he'd feel the need to speed up someone's appointment with damnation....but if He did, He could just make that happen.

    To me, this shows that we are trying to put human emotions to God, like an ant trying to attach ant thought processes to the human about to step on it, only worse because God exceeds us so much more infinitely. We are trying to lift ourselves to the same level by saying God somehow NEEDS us to do anything. God, who by the way, created all life including homosexuals.

    This Texas pastor is full of hatred, and he is trying to use the words of a book written thousands of years ago to justify it. Because remember, Jesus may have been "perfect" but everyone after - including the apostles and those who authored the Bible - were very much fallible imperfect humans.

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