It’s official: July is a month of prayer and fasting in the state of Tennessee.
Earlier this year, Tennessee legislators introduced House Joint Resolution 803, declaring July 1st through 31st as a month of prayer and fasting, “a resolution to seek God's hand of mercy healing on Tennessee.”
With a laundry list of grievances impacting their state, they’re launching an official county-by-county prayer blitz to combat everything from fentanyl to school shootings to government corruption.
Proponents of the month of prayer say that God’s hand is needed to save their state, but critics wonder if the resolution violates separation of church and state, and argue they should consider passing legislation instead of trying to pray problems away.
Reclaim the Nation?
Citing the “National and State Founders” who “trusted in the omnipotent hand of Providence to guide and bless our land,” the resolution declares the month of July a month of prayer. And not just any prayer: Christian prayer.
“We call upon all those who are physically able and spiritually inclined to do so to join in a thirty-day season of prayer and intermittent fasting as we begin a new fiscal year as a means of seeking God's blessing and humbling ourselves to receive His Grace and Mercy, transforming ourselves, our communities, our State, and our Nation,” it reads.
The controversial resolution suggests that prayer is needed to fix the state’s problems, including violence, drug addiction, an overburdened foster care system, government corruption, and more.
“We can’t legislate ourselves out of the problems that we have," said one of the resolution’s authors, State Rep. Monty Fritts. “I think we need a miracle. I’m honestly and openly saying we need God to move in our state and in our country.”
Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed the legislation in April, which Rep. Fritts says was inspired by the Founders’ “complete and absolute belief in the divine creator.”
Response to Pride Month?
However, State Rep. Jason Zachary, cosponsor of the resolution, indicated there was another motivation at hand: LGBTQ+ Pride Month.
"We’re following Pride Month, and that was part of the conversation — how do we reclaim our nation? And the way we as believers approach that is through prayer,” he explained. “We know that we are facing an enemy who is looking to steal, kill, and destroy.”
With July now the official month of prayer in Tennessee, state politicians are engaging in a state-wide prayer extravaganza to solve the state’s most pressing issues.
A Month of Prayer
Politicians say that everyone is welcome at any of Tennessee’s many official prayer events, held at courthouse lawns and plazas across the state, though what they’ll find at these events is almost exclusively Christian services held by local Christian pastors.
Though Tennessee Christians seem to be enjoying the event, others were wondering if such an overtly Christian resolution was even legal.
“We’re slow crawling into an authoritarian theocracy,” said one commenter. “This is blatantly unconstitutional” said another.
Others had a cheekier response. “Like people in Tennessee are gonna fast for 30 days,” joked one Reddit user.
Because the resolution is just that – a resolution. It's not legally enforceable, meaning no one is going to get arrested for not praying.
All the same, critics see it as a sign of the growing popularity of state-sponsored religion in places like Tennessee. Earlier this year, for example, Tennessee made the Bible one of their official state books. Critics argue that the evidence points to Tennessee leaders trying to uplift Christianity above all other faiths.
What do you think? Is a month of prayer truly the answer to Tennessee’s problems? And is it even Constitutional?
My question stands. How do they intend to enforce this? Do they intend to do the "Afghanistan" thing and arrest, and brutally beat people who refuse to participate?
Muslim already do this, 5 times a day, every day, and they have a month of fasting
Muslim already do this, 5 times a day, every day, and they have a month of fasting
I have to wonder why these people were not praying before?
Tennessee Declares July Month of Prayer and Fisting Well okay then
If we are going to make America great again we need to put prayer back in the government and schools.
Fine, Tina Marie Glover. Then follow the words of Jesus, Matthew 6: 5-6: 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
The problem with all the Bible-thumpers is that they'd rather be seen praying than showing faith through love.
Prayer without faith is just words. Faith without works is dead. Show the love and you show your faith.
To all you atheist out there. Your mantra is this:...I'm told
Those who came from nothing, and believe in nothing, will die and return to nothing.
I suppose they are nothing along the way. How could they be anything more than where they started and where they finish. I'd rather believe in God and be on the right side when I die... that is much more than nothing. 1Corinthians 2: 14-15.
After a month of celebrating sin we probably should spend at least a month repenting. It was said in other comments how pride is one of the seven deadly sins. I personally never understood how you could be proud of your sexuality regardless of what that is, because who you choose to have sex with is not an accomplishment.
It is called Pride for gay people standing up against those who would shame them.
The few scattered Bible lines against gays are gathered and distorted by fire-stoking conservatives seeking dominion. What the Bible DOES have is very many verses about loving thy neighbor or not judging others.
I can't control what happens in Tennessee, though I find it unconstitutional. I'll stick to gaying it up and feasting and universe still loves me just as much. Everyone's invited to come love instead of hate. You can pray to whatever you believe in, especially yourself.
They have my thoughts and prayers.
God answers my prayers.
examples, please.
Often times, those who request examples don't provide any themselves. It might be better to actually experiment and experience things for onesself.
Lame cop-out.
Afraid to try?.
Okay, Russ. I'm praying for world peace. Starting my stopwatch.
LOL. We now have at least two.
I didn't have house insurance and owned a large home for 15 years. I prayed every time there was a storm that my home would be safe. He answered my prayers. Thus saving me approximately $20-25,000 in that time. I pray for safety when driving, I can't count how many times prayer has helped me, or at least give me understanding.
There's no problem with prayer. The problem is when it's only one religion's way of prayer. Also, it's laughable that they think prayer alone can fix their issues. Even I, a recovering former Catholic, knows that "God helps those who help themselves." SMH
Wishing them all luck. Hope they fast the entire month to ensure maximum effect of their prayers! No, I do not believe this is legal but hey, I'm curious if prayer and fasting work. Especially the fasting.
It is legal because it’s not being forced on anyone.
But if they can have a month got everything else, then why not prayer that people are free to take part in or just ignore it if they wish.
We have a so called pride month that I think is wrong so do not take any part in it.
And that one is almost forced on people by many local governments. -
It is legal because it’s not being forced on anyone.
But if they can have a month got everything else, then why not prayer that people are free to take part in or just ignore it if they wish.
We have a so called pride month that I think is wrong so do not take any part in it.
And that one is almost forced on people by many local governments.
If there can be a month for everything else, then why not a month of prayer. Does not mean people must take part in it.
I don’t take part or honor in anyway the so called pride month.
Every day of every month should be.
Why are they so afraid of LGBTQ2S ppl? That they have to pray about it. But not all achristians feel this way about LGBTQ2S ppl, some of the best christians I know are LGBTQ2S!
Who said anything about being afraid of them? Some religious people disapprove of them and they quote the bible to show how they think God disapproves them, even though we are all children of God. People have used religion from the beginning of time to justify hatred towards people they don't like. Christians have killed Jews, Muslims, Witches, Mormons, and many other religious people all in the name of God since the beginning of organized religion. Hatred is not the same as fear ...
Don't forget to add Jesus to that list. It was the church that had Him put to death not the secular world.
Thomas, no, the church did not kill Jesus as the church is composed of Christians and Christ is its founder. According to the Bible, as I understand it, it was the Roman government that killed the Christ at the behedst of the Jewish Sanhedrin. So it was a pagan government (which you refer to as a secular world) that killed Jesus. Your idea is upside down.
Yes, it was the civil government that killed Jesus, although they tried not to but were pressured to by not the secular people but the people from the temple. That is why in Daniel when describing the horns "Dan 7:24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first. All the other kingdoms were civil powers, this new one was both civil and religious. It used the civil powers to kill off 50 to 100 million Christians that would not follow him. Until he received a deadly wound. At the end of time the bible says the wound will be healed and the massacre will start again. Once again, the church will use civil powers to do its dirty work. It has no army of its own.That is when the bible says the lamb like beast (USA) will speak as a dragon. That is why the words of Trump at the NRB were so interesting to hear, when he told the church, the first thing I will do when I get into office is to give all the power back to you. No more establishment clause.
There is nothing illegal about prayer month as long as it doesn't identify a specific religion. No one is forced to pray and no one is even forced to listen to someone else's prayer. What should be illegal is public display of sexuality where people are forced to endure lude and inappropriate behavior all so people can celebrate the fact that they are LGBTQ. I have nothing against the people in that community. You are who you are and I served my country to defend the people of this countries right to be who they want to be as long as it doesn't interfere with other peoples rights.
That being said, prayer alone is not the answer. Prayer must be followed by action. God helps those that help themselves. Sure fasting can help you focus on what is important and possibly lose some weight but it doesn't compare to getting off your ass and helping your fellow neighbor. Do some charity work. Be kind to the people around you.
People need to start taking responsibility for their own actions and lives, instead of falling back on God every time there's a fly in their soup. For those who believe: God granted us all free will. Well, freedom means taking responsibility for your actions. If we didn't have free will, then we should not be condemned to hellish punishment if we do something wrong, because we wouldn't have had a say in that wrong action. Therefore, God does not intervene, because to do so would be contrary to His own plan and creations. Bottom line: Pray if it makes you feel better, but don't expect God to fix your mistakes.
I can sort of agree with that with some wording changes. Lol. I believe we are responsible for our sins also but gor differt type of reason. I believe we write life charts for ourselves before we reincanate again according to what we want to learn or experience yo perfect our souls for Him. We are sent to live out that charted life. We have a guide or guides that are with ys there in planning then can check on us as they see fit or are valled for help by us. I also believe that it never was Jesus mission to die on the cross. He never came to take anyone's sins away. He came to bring in the new word and ways of God being all loving and forgiving. It is also my belief that he did survive, he and his wife(Mary) did go to what is now France to live out their lives with their family. That was one of Pilot's condition if the plan worked after he accepted Joseph of Arimathea's bribe. His role was to time everything so that Jesus could survive. Everything was times so that he was taken down from the cross after a short time instead of hanging until he died like the normal custom was.But pilot wanted Jesus to leave if he did survive.
Look up the 7 deadly sins, pride is one.
Consider the type of person that lives in Tennessee. Are you surprised that these folks are up to craziness?
I wish they’d go full tilt and make it Snake Handling month…
Hillbilly Snake Handling Month! Show God You Trust Him! Go Catch A Wild Rattler Today! Extra Blessings If You Kiss It and Give It Some Tongue!
To each his own. God blesssed a child who’s got his own. So although I feel like Tennessee is forcing religion onto the people of this state. Many won’t follow this rule of July to pray and fast. That’s their right. Just like it’s my right to ignore ignorance! I’m a Tennessean with a spiritual point of view. Prayer can’t hurt the state . However, it won’t help either, Tennessee needs action and new policy makers with fresh ideas. This month of prayer in July is definitely the work of the traditional old man enforcing Bible Belt hypocrisy! No favorite of mine . With that being said, I’ll be one skipping out on the nonsense!!! The truth is “Group think” does more harm than good. Be independent and think for your self about what to do and say.
Show God your faith! Go catch a wild rattler and Praise Cheeses!
I like to have a Preaching Card I,D which have my phone number, I,d of my country and profile picture.
If Tennessee wants a month of prayers, let them. It’s their state and more power to them! The second that they try to force it on people it becomes unconstitutional.
How is this "Month of Prayer and Fasting" doing for people in Tennessee. While the good people in Tennessee are praying and fasting....
- 543,000 Tennessee Adults reported that they’ve used illicit drugs in the past month.
- Nearly 70% of drug overdose fatalities in Tennessee involved opioids.
- An estimated 375,000 Tennessee residents struggled with substance abuse disorder in the past year.
- 2,089 overdose fatalities in Tennessee in (2019)
- They stopped reporting on the statics so no one really knows how bad things are there.
Let's not talk about drug abuse/deaths, alcohol abuse, sexual abuse, homelessness, teachers raping boys at her home, preachers wives the kill their husband and only get a few months in jail.
And a University of Tennessee, finds a 1 out of 8 children child born in Tennessee will be a victim of abuse or neglect by the time they reach adulthood. This is our next generation of pastors, ministers, politicians, polices officers, judges, teachers, and criminals.
WORST IS Judge Donna Scott Davenport who oversees the juvenile justice system in Rutherford County, Tennessee has sentenced 8 year old girls to solitary confinement and has convicted and incarcerated thousands of children.
If you would like to see what Tennessee God loving Christian prayers have done to the kids in Tennessee take a look. These are the people in power doing God's work.
And let’s not forget that up until recently the state did not allow ULC ministers to perform weddings. They had to be forced by the courts to allow ULC ministers the same rights as those “Christian”, seminary ministers.
Prayer is all well and good, but the state should pass laws for: gun control, de-privatizing prisons, solving homelessness, and universal healthcare.
Those would require actual work and sacrifice, though. Let's be realistic.
There is nothing wrong with prayer, but I fear the Tennessee legislature is only passing the buck. They’re working on precept that evil is the cause of their problems and God is going to make it better. They should concentrate on what the cause of their problems are and solve them. I would assume they’ve already prayed for guidance and yet the problems in the state continue. God helps those who help themselves.
On a side note, one of the things listed in the article talks about all the children in need of adoption. Now that they’ve banned abortion there will only be more unwanted children. Maybe they should start there.
Yes. It is not cut and dry with easy fixes. It amazes me more that these people that banned abortion and fought so hard to claim the child's right to be bon in their eyes would be thr first to condemn that sam child to their "hell" if he or she turns out to be gay, lesbian or transgender.
Prayer never hurts. Prayer is a positive affirmation. Prayer gives hope, humbleness and strength; whichever diety you may pray to.
Considering the current climate of our nation, I totally agree that Prayer Never Hurts. It matters not which god or gods are prayed to. Pray for the USA. Last night at a PA rally, former President Trump was shot, an attendee killed, and others injured. It is a travesty to think that such a thing can happen, and has happened before, in our nation. Whether or not you agree is unimportant to me, but I will state, "God Bless America!"
Like any other attempt by conservatives and fundamentals, they only offend when their actions end up limiting the rights of others thinking or believing differently from them. Most of their acts imply their way or no way. The I am ok. but the rest of you go to hell" belief . their only real power comes if they can fool people into believing that. if they want a prayer month. then go for it as long as it includes people of all belief system saying their own prayers according to their beliefs also if they choose. That is the problem with prayer in school issues. they weren't supporting the concept of everyone saying prayers in their own way. They wanted the prayers of their belief system to be forced on all students. And the concept works fine if it is understood that one's prayers be their own. Anyone can pray for guidance and wisdom to do as God would wish for all his children
what is the point of fasting when we all know the body needs food and water
Another point to fasting is that God speaks to us through our frontal lobe. Our lifestyle sometimes messes with the health of that. Fasting helps to restore its functionality of our frontal lobe.
Interesting. I didn't know that.
To purge impurities from the body; even Jesus fasted it was a common practice even in mdern times before McDonalds was founded.
It is symbolic because Jesus fasted to be closer to God. Fasting does have some health benefits as well. In general though it is meant to help you focus.
wonder how many idiots are going to fast themselves into the hospital. Oh wait they don't have to go to the hospital they can just pray themselves better.. you know when the regain consciousness. smh
That’s a great idea. Why do you so called pastors think otherwise. There is only one GOD. If you serve another god, you are serving Satan himself. No such thing as separation of church and state. Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow.
Jimmy, have you seen the different types of ordinations the ULC offers? It is not only about the Christian religion. They celebrate many types of religion including Wicca. We are each here for our own reason and not one is better than the other.
i never said I was against the concept. just one man made religion thinking it has the right to force its prayers on all. all religions are man made but Christians are riding the Vatican expert manipulation to control the populations. i suppose one has to give them credit for still manipulating followers 2000 years later. they are the most successful cult going in many respects. they do at least allow people to leave I suppose. it is sad that you believe you version of God to be so weak and scared of other "gods,, there is only one God who holds together all his inhabited worlds. Do you think He is so petty that he loves some children more that others? or that ancient people who first created language. or so petty that he cares what name his children call him. He is the one God who created all his children. and answers to whatever name the person has for him depending on their time frame in history and culture. there is no hell. what we live here is as close as we get before we pass and go Home again. and no Satan. that was the church's allegory the created to control the people through fear. there are good Christians who have good heart and practice the only dogma that matters. love God do good deeds return home. bible thumpers who judge others are the ones who are confused. God never judges, man judges others for their own reasons. how many atrocities have been done in God's name that He had nothing to do with..
God gave men faith -men chose to create religion. Rome for example - (the old Rome) created the Roman Catholic Church (a continuance of Cesars rule hidden under a cloak and using Gods name to control men). Men built churches churches that gained the power to sway mens choices. Jesus preached in fields, on lakes and in the woods no churches necessary. Where did we get lost in the fact that faith does not require a building, and think of those that could have been and would have been spared if those churches actually practiced what they preached rather than becoming just buildings where faith was removed to one day a week and not the sabbath as GOD commanded? PRayer reguardless of faith is very powerful, and when all men remember this the world will change , not until.
That is why the bible says they have all drank the wine of Babylon and Rev 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. I left when I was 28 but my former leader said give us your children until the age of five and we will have them for life.
Secular “prayer”.
For the faithful, prayer changes things, so they will pray to their god, regardless of who or what that god is. It matters not what the name of their faith is. As a proud Tennessean, I love my state and want the quality of the lives of our citizens to excel. Tennesseans will come together, they will pray...get over it.
I have no problem with people praying singly or in groups, but I do see something very wrong with the state government supporting this with a resolution. Or has that "render to Caesar" business, which would be government, been conveniently forgotten?
It is the obligation of state officials to follow the demands of those they represent; not the other way around. Apparently Tennessee followed Louisiana in defining and defending their rights as christions (and folks of faith) and put it to paper to protect it for all faiths who believe this LGBTQ+=?//23451 is rubbish and should be removed from the planet. Rember Jesus Cursed a tree for a lot less.
Sgain it is proved that there os no hate like "christian" hate.
Tennessee is a beautiful state Theresa. I go often. The people have always been friendly and welcoming. I don’t think this action is necessarily a bad thing. I think as a whole, people are looking for guidance. Whatever legislation they pass, I’m still going to Dollywood, Pigeon Forge, and Gatlinburg. 😎⛰️
Good for you! When you vacation in beautiful Tennessee I sincerely hope you have a wonderful time!
faith without works does not help.
Nothing more wrong with a PRAYER month than there is with PRIDE month. No one is forcing anything on anybody. Celebrate as you wish.
Pride month is not about a religious belief, whereas prayer definitely is.
It kinda sounds like to me… that Tennessee is trying to get people to condemn Pride Month. By creating prayer month. As if Pride Month is nothing more than a sin. Prayer month should be for the Lord and for the right reasons. Not because it’s to beg for forgiveness because of taking some part or being involved or supporting pride month. And if that’s gonna be the basis of prayer month… to beg for forgiveness because of Pride Month… there shouldn’t be a prayer month. It’d be a spiritual crime before god himself.
THat may be accurate for you, but I'm not sure I 100% agree. Inclusivity is a key part of my faith, as is a beliefs that all forms of love are equally beautiful. I'm also not theistic—no belief in a deity—but still pray to add my positive energy the universe.
What is religious can't be narrowly defined except from within a specific religion. There are religions that use sex rituals and smear excrement on their bodies to show that everything god makes is holy. Still religions even if we find it weird.
The bible is very clear on this subject and inclusivity as it is is defined today is not written anywhere. Yes Jesus dined and met with all who would come to him; his message however was alot different than many claim- he said to love the sinner but condem the sin. We are all imperfect but it does not condone the continuation of a thing that is an abomination to GOD and still be granted forgivness when you die. A Murderer can be forgiven, a thousand times; but will be Judged on his or her final acts. Comming to God like an innocent when you knowingly are commiting sin is a lie and unforgiveable so your inclusivitivity belief just got flushed.
" I'm also not theistic—no belief in a deity—but still pray to add my positive energy the universe.
What is religious can't be narrowly defined except from within a specific religion. There are religions that use sex rituals and smear excrement on their bodies to show that everything god makes is holy. Still religions even if we find it weird."
If you have no belief in a diety; then you also have no grounds to claim your belief as a "Faith" instead of just what it is; Your opinion. Men created "Religion:and built Churches" GOD nor Jesus demanded none of this. Walk with faith or remain blind.
" I'm also not theistic—no belief in a deity—but still pray to add my positive energy the universe.
What is religious can't be narrowly defined except from within a specific religion. There are religions that use sex rituals and smear excrement on their bodies to show that everything god makes is holy. Still religions even if we find it weird."
If you have no belief in a diety; then you also have no grounds to claim your belief as a "Faith" instead of just what it is; Your opinion. Men created "Religion:and built Churches" GOD nor Jesus demanded none of this. Walk with faith or remain blind.
I see no problem with declaring a month of prayer. All religions need to join it and hold prayer meetings. Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu - all of them.
For what reason does mankind need to bow their heads and speak to no one? If you genuinely believe there is someone there listening, and watching every move, you genuinely have my sympathy.
Prayer, meditation, chanting, law of attraction…it’s all the same. Intentions are energy.
With an understanding on the laws of dynamics, perhaps you can explain to me what that energy is, and how that energy is measured?
Intentions can direct focus and energy towards achieving specific goals, shaping behavior and outcomes through motivation and determination. It’s a psychological process on a quantum level. 🧿
You are obviously stuck in logical fallacies that you know nothing about. I know a lot about quantum physics, so perhaps you can explain what aspect of quantum science you are referencing? What you mentioned above is pure new age woo-woo with no supporting evidence whatsoever and just comprises of typical new age word salad with no meaning.
One thing is obvious… certain aspects of knowledge are only for a select few. Must be born this way.
Very well stated, just because christians legislated it does not mean other faiths are included. The leggislation was only to protect the right to keep prayer on everyones heart for the entire month.
As part of my official duties, as a ULC Bishop, I’m proud to inform my fellow clergy persons, that I initiated the sculpturing of statue of Clarance Darrow, which was placed adjacent to the statue of William Jennings Bryant, in front of the Dayton Tennessee Courthouse, where the Scopes trial took place, in July 1925. So, if you get the opportunity to visit this courthouse/museum, be sure to tell your co-visitors, that one of your fellow ULC ministers (and bishop) made the Darrow statue possible. And, FFRF (in which I’m a celebrant) raised the money to pay for it.
As part of my official duties, as a ULC Bishop, I’m proud to inform my fellow clergy persons, that I initiated the sculpturing of statue of Clarance Darrow, which was placed adjacent to the statue of William Jennings Bryant, in front of the Dayton Tennessee Courthouse, where the Scopes trial took place, in July 1925. So, if you get the opportunity to visit this courthouse/museum, be sure to tell your co-visitors, that one of your fellow ULC ministers (and bishop) made the Darrow statue possible. And, FFRF (in which I’m a celebrant) raised the money to pay for it.
You are not a bishop and never have been, why do you still insist on puffing yourself up or is it that you do this to sooth your ego?
Lose weight now - ask me how!!!
Fasting is good for you! (Oops, missed the first 11 days...)
In this heat and weather? Good gods that’s a recipe for disaster.
Pray and fast will only achieve whatever goals are sought purely by coincidence. Perhaps those fasting will suffer from bad nutrition and become physically and mentally impaired.
Or maybe loose a few pounds.
And the logic is…..let’s talk to the wall, floor, or ceiling, and stop eating for a bit, to see if that will help resolve issues.
Do human beings with a brain really, really, believe this? I guess those believe in a talking ass, or a talking snake, and a 13-year-old virgin girl getting pregnant by a deity will be okay with it. 🤷🏼
And when you can prove none of this happened Lion, then you might be taken seriously
You are the epitome of someone that will obviously believe pretty much anything that fits your religious agenda. Please go ahead, believing in a talking ass, and talking snake, and a virgin girl getting pregnant from a deity. I bet you also believe in a man walking on water, and turning water into a fruity Merlot. 🤭
You might want to try turning to your God to see if he can add any credibility to his existence. Why am I thinking that’s not going to happen? 😝
Have you considered believing in fairies lately? That’s something else that you might want to seriously consider that no one else can prove doesn’t exist. It’s what very gullible people do.
Please get well, Daniel. We are all praying for you, not that talking to a wall, floor, or ceiling is going to help you, but we can try it anyway. 🧎➡️🙏🏻 😂
One question Lionheart...who are you praying to for someone else? Sounds contradictory to me!!!
If I really do it, Lady Christine, I'll be talking to a wall, much like millions of others do.🤭
No need to pray for Daniel or me. I too believe as you say" in a talking ass, and talking snake, and a virgin girl getting pregnant from a deity. I bet you also believe in a man walking on water and turning water into a fruity Merlot. Although it was nonalcoholic. Rom 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
That's totally okay, Sir Thomas. You are free to believe anything you wish to. Some people still believe the earth is flat, and some still believe in Fairies, and other elementals. Others believe in Vishnu, and Thor. They all have faith in their belief. It's what makes us a very diverse world. Thank you for your comment. 🤗
and while you are able to state your beliefs, the problem with your claims is that you have no proof that others beliefs are not real which is why you constantly try and attack someone who does not follow your beliefs.
It is nothing to do with following my beliefs, all I ask is for people to follow facts and demonstrable evidence, for the reality of any of the worlds man-made gods, and that includes finding demonstrable evidence for fairies and anything else people like to insist are real. You can include Santa Claus in that if you want to, Sir Daniel.
And when you can prove any of this happened Danial, then you might be taken seriously.
Reminds me of the story of the little boy to his teacher, when his teacher chastised him for his inability to have evidence for his beliefs. The boy told his teacher that using the same criteria that since he could not see the teacher's brain, he must not have one.
And when you can prove it didnt happen, then maybe we will consider giving you the same.
And how are they going to enforce it? There's going to be a few who'll follow them, but a lot of people are going to say FU to them and live their lives however they like. What, are they going to put people in prison for refusing to follow their religious zealotry? Just like they force hospitals to let women bleed to death if they miscarry?
Here's a tip... try reading the story before making angry comments.
I actually did read the story. And everything it entailed. And I also have read the other articles about their "month of fasting and prayer". And the push to try to enforce it even upon those who don't worship the same religion these political jackanapes follow.
The Tennessee State Legislature just decided that they don't need to do their jobs and legislate to make their state better, they just need everyone to pray about it. No wonder Tennessee is regularly voted as one of the worst US states to live in!
The "Federal Government " "JUST DESCIDED" that they would pass laws to force legislation down Christians throats forcing them to "ACCEPT" imoral and GOD Condemed behaviors. So my question is whats your point? This Country was founded on Christian beliefs; not acceptance. we rewrote laws that are by definition Unconstitutional - Forcing Christians and exposing their children to unGodly behaviors. No parent; will accept this. Louisiana "grew a pair" demanded that hte 10 Commandments be returned to every public school in the State. It's about time we retake our country and live by the law that this country was founded on - Biblical LAW! The Constitution was filed with it. Though not a perfect document; the LEft has perverted everything our country was founded on and the reason it was written. Sillence is acceptance - It's time to end the silence...
The founding fathers were not christians in the way you describe. The constitution is not a religious or biblically inspored document. Please post some historical proof before leveraging false history to promote your personal faith. i thing the founders would be disgusted by the slide into christofascist rhetoric. At least try to be consistent with the faith you claim to repsresent!
I did not join ULC to promote the same tired false-faith of american christianity. THere are plenty of churches you can join that offer that. Did they not accept you so you needed to bring the worst parts of their dogma here? You are free to believe as you wish, but if you follow that rhetoric, why did you feel the need to come here?
Silence IS acceptance, so I must speak against right-wing hate wherever it appears. You god told you to love and you simply don't. It's that simple.
Despite your beliefe they were christians, they had a belief in one GOD, and the laws written in the bible. Biblical Law was in fact the "foundation" of the Declaration of Independance and the Constitution, I have studied and researched History for over 45 years. My statements are all based in fact. The Liberal left lost the American Revoloution, they were shipped back to Britian un armed and defeated. We became a nation free to worship GOD in our own homes untaxed, unvaxxed, and free. Until it became fasionable to have some mental disorder that went against Biblical Law and the Government was called on to make these disorders protected. It doesn't matter why you joined ULC, your opinions are your own and you are entitled to them; but it doesn't and never will change historical facts.
Gerard, I for one am glad you're here!
This country may have started out "founded on Christian beliefs", but only certain flavors of "Christians" were accepted, and there was a lot of discrimination among denominations, not only against other religions. And guess what? Some very influential founding fathers saw this and aimed to correct it because the same discrimination they fled was entering their new country. Please take a moment to educate yourself, Gerard. Church and state needs to be separate. I think most people here are more upset at that line being crossed than anything else.
Krissy, I agree with the first part of your comment, but not the last. I don't agree that it was the founders intention to separate church and state rather it was their intention that no religion (Christian church in early America) be placed above any other and therefore they did not establish a national church (which some states already had). While a minority of the founders like Jefferson may have had other wishes, as he really had a beef with faith based in revelation or miracles, most probably thought as I described above.
A month of prayer in the state is a wonderful idea. Good for the legislature. The resolution shows actual leadership. Prayer is a better solution than laws for many of our nation's problems. I hope this idea is adopted by every state in the union and every church in the nation.
understanding of course that prayer does absolutely nothing. other than, I suppose, assuage the prayer's egotistical concerns. I think that many of our nation's problems have nothing to do with religion (well, other than religion itself) but with rampant ignorance.
31 in education
Scopes Monkey Trial (pretty sure outside of a few enlightened cities most down there don't believe in evolution
42 Healthcare - I suppose, based on the subject of this blog that people in TN are expected to just pray their cancer away
as for you comment that the resolution "...shows actual leadership..." it does, but only if tennessee is shooting to become a sharia-type theocratic state and I am pretty sure there are laws (or the constitution) against that.
but let me ask you, clearly this 'resolution' is an entirely kkkris chin one, what about the jews, hindus, muslims. et al? you can't honestly tell me they are welcome in TN and that July cloud clown thing is intended to include them, right?
JJ, I don't know why think Hindus, Jews, or Muslims are excluded by the resolution. By all means they should pray to God for the healing of their state. The legislature patterned the resolution after President John Adam's resolution of July 15, 1799. You might remember him as one of the founding fathers that so many here say didn't believe in our being a Christian nation. And yet he called for a day of national prayer. How funny is that. I would think that even people of no faith are welcome to use this time to reflect on the conditions and causes leading to the destruction of Tennesseans' quality of life. This is a good thing, it's voluntary.
because that is exactly what it is/does. the people that create these issues and 'resolutions' are not hindu, or jew, or anything other than a subset of kkkris chins who insist that everyone must believe as they do.
these are the people that take their 'grievances' to court, specifically the supreme court.
as to the destruction of "...tennessean's quality of life..." they have no one to blame but themselves. odd how their problems are things only their goD can solve instead of themselves. maybe instead of appealing to a higher authority they should out down their GHGTTG and instead ensure their residents get a quality education and health care.
What proof do you have to support your contention that Tenessee has a deteriorating quality of life? If it is following the rest of the country, it's quality of life is improving. If it's declining, perhaps the bizarre laws passed by the legislature are at fault. For example, banning abortion sure deteriorates the quality of life of women with pregnancy complications.
Individual churches, temples, congregations, etc. in TN should be the ones to promote prayer and intermittent fasting or whatever they believe is required to save TN from its problems, NOT the government. The TN government should be legislating actual practical solutions involving giving basics like food, clothing, shelter and medical assistance to those in need.
Of course we are all aware (or are we??) of John Adams' quite monarchical notions (glaring examples: his travel style and his attempted decimations of those who would criticize his actions). And of course his lifelong disagreements with Thomas Jefferson, who does not appear to have had grandiose notions about presidential perks/status. I do not consider Adams an all-around paragon of morality; he appears rather more a snob with inflated notions of his importance and righteousness. Hmmm. Sounds like the sin of pride to me.
Amazing that you brought up John Adams who had stated “The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion “.
Adams, one of the most theologically astute laypeople of his generation, Adams sought to steer a middle course between Deism and skepticism, on one side, and Calvinism, on the other, that led him to lean toward Arminianism and ultimately embrace Unitarianism.
Nothing wrong with prayer no matter who or what you worship. I would think meditation would bring larger rewards when trying to cope with serous social and economic issues. To just give up and look to the sky for a miracle because they cannot legislate their way to any constructive end is basically giving up. maybe it's time for some new legislators. Always heard that God helps them that helps themselves, so get to work and fix something.
So don't take direct action to fix the state's problems, just pray to fake sky daddy and he'll fix all the problems for us! Brilliant idea!
You still have yet to prove he is a fake. And if you disbelieve in a religion then what the heck are you doing in a religion blog in the first place?
You have yet to even offer any real, verifiabee, evidence that your sky daddy exists, never mind actual proof. There's more evidence of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.
just like you have no evidence or proof that he does not. And the sad thing for you is the Constitution sides with me, not you
Mike, I recently watched a program about the idea of proving things and while I don't remember everything exactly, what I do remember is that proofs about God's existence are not like proofs in mathematics or logic. It's more like the way one would prove that a man loves his wife or a mother her children. It is more based on experience as its evidence.
Is god fake? Pray to him to stop war, famine, disease, gun violence, hatred, etc. No response. Never was. Can't even save poor grandma from a slow agonizing death.
BH, wars, gun violence, and hatred are the activities of humans not God. Famines and many diseases are preventable with our current level of technology so it's a question of human will. A mortal death is our inevitable end and suffering may well serve a purpose we do not understand from our current human perspectives. None of these things prove that God does not exist.
All right then, It proves he doesn't love us or care about such sufferings. What is it that he does? Looks down upon us beatifically going "tsk tsk"?
I have proof God is real!, Once I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior the Grace of God and and blessings came so fast and furious and still continue to happen for over 15 years. The amount of inner peace and calm is priceless. The overwhelming feeling of peace and love makes me want to become a better person, Now you can all say what you want about this post and when you keyboard warrior me for my beliefs just know that I love my fellow man and will always be in service to humanity
If you truly love your fellow man, drop the derogatory "keyboard warrior" phrase.
Not necessarily. Parents love their children but still let them ride bicycles knowing they're likely to skin their knees. What does mom do? She kisses our boo-boo, puts a bandaid on it, and tells us that she loves us. Now get back out there and show that bike who's boss! Yes, God is here with us as we have our various life experiences. And that's the thing. We have these life experiences for reasons that are currently beyond our human understanding. And we don't all have exactly the same ones either. So some are especially given to us. It's how we react and what we learn that determines if they prove to be beneficial life lesson or not.
There's an old addage about prayer and faith, better to pray and be thought a fool than not and find out it was true all along and suffer the Law of GOD for it. I'd rather believe in a Creator that may not exist and live by GOD's LAW than be made a fool in death finding out he or it did exist.
You should probably assume the same about Cthulhu, then. Just as likely to exist and no one wants to look like a fool in front of the interdimensional cosmic horror about to nosh them.
Fear of imaginary creatures is nothing to base a fulfilling life on. A god that places a higher priority on worship than kindness to others is not a god worth following.
I would rather die believing is something than live for nothing; If I am wrong what has anyone lost; but if i am right; look at what I have gained.
How performative of them. They are doing this for money. It's Tennessee, so I don't even judge them by the same standards that I hold normal sane American states to, they're too far gone for that. Eventually their citizens will get sick of them and vote them out, and if they ever get some rational legislators in there, they'll quietly get rid of the blatant government promotion of a specific religion and things will go on until the next attempt at a theocratic coup to pander to people who enjoy cosplaying as Christians.