A Virginia teacher is on paid leave after objecting to a new policy in his school district requiring teachers to use the correct pronouns for trans students.
Byron Tanner Cross, a gym teacher at Leesburg Elementary School, voiced his opposition to the gender-affirming language policy at a school board meeting:
"I love all of my students but I will never lie to them regardless of the consequences. I'm a teacher, but I serve God first, and I will not affirm that a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa, because it's against my religion."
Cross is now suing the school district, arguing that he’s being punished for voicing his sincerely held religious beliefs.
Common Courtesy or Child Abuse?
The particular proposal Cross opposes is draft policy 8040, which would allow transgender students to use their preferred pronouns and a name that better reflects their gender identity.
School staff would be required to use those pronouns when referring to a student, and staff (or students) who intentionally and repeatedly misgender students would face disciplinary measures.
The policy would also allow transgender athletes to participate in the athletics department that is consistent with their gender identity.
“It will damage children, it will defile the holy image of God,” Cross insisted. "It's lying to a child. It's abuse to a child. And it's sinning against our God."
Just a few short days after making those comments, Cross found himself called into the superintendent’s office, where he was suspended (with pay) for “disruptive conduct” following complaints from several parents who didn’t want him to have any contact with their children.
A Boy Named 'Sue'
The recently filed 45-page lawsuit against the Loudoun County School District alleges that school officials are retaliating against Cross because of his moral and religious views.
In the suit, attorneys claim the issue is not about pronouns in schools, but rather that Cross’s right to free speech and free exercise of his religion have been violated:
“[This] is about whether public schools can punish a teacher for objecting, as a private citizen, to a proposed policy, in a forum designed for the purpose of considering whether to implement such policies, where the policy would force him to express ideas about human nature, unrelated to the school’s curriculum, that he believes are false.”
The lawsuit includes several pages detailing Cross’ religious views, including that "God immutably creates each person as male or female; these two distinct, complementary sexes reflect the image of God; and rejection of one‘s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person.”
It also states that affirming a transgender child’s gender identity “would violate biblical commands against dishonesty and lying.” The suit demands Cross be reinstated and that he cannot be punished moving forward for “expressing his views on gender-identity education policy.”
Critics have a different view, however. They argue that not only is using a person’s preferred pronouns a basic sign of respect, but that a public school teacher should not be invoking God as an excuse for offensive behavior in the first place.
What is your reaction?
He should be fired immediately!
And you as well. It Doesn't matter to me because I'm already ordained by the Roman Catholic Church.
“It will damage children, it will defile the holy image of God,” Cross insisted. "It's lying to a child. It's abuse to a child. And it's sinning against our God."
This is a violation of the establishments clause of the 1st amendment to the US constitution. Which god are you referring to? Krishna? Jehovah? Odin? I assume the christian god since he professes christian "values". So he's pushing christianity on youth from a public school. That's a clear violation.
Not to mention being rude, being judgmental, being arrogant, and being wrong.
As James Pace quoted above,"Love your neighbor as yourself." In other words call people what they want to be called, just as you would like to be called I'm sure that Byron Cross demands that people call him Byron or Mr. Cross, rather than who he is emulating, Rahovart.
Amen brother Dave J. Which GOD indeed. Maybe pagan? Gotta love people that because of "beliefs" they will not support a child. Yes, I agree, biological boys should NOT participate in female sports. I say this based on science. As an example there is a biological male that is in tennis. He tends to overpower his female oppenents. Gee. Wonder why?
You do not understand biology enough to try and use it as a reason for your bigotry. Let me ask you a question to test your grasp on the subject. Is there such a thing as a boy calico cat? If you think yes, than you are so woefully ignorant on the subject of biology that you should never even dare to try and apply your opinion to any topic involving the subject and just listen to your betters.
According to a study done by the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Missouri, one out of every 3,000 calico cats is male. I don't know if the study showed that any of them felt like they were female, though.
Actually to be more accurate, that 1 in 3000 is still female in every way except one, it was born with useless male genitals that wont let it reproduce. At a genetic level it is actually still a female, as only a female's genetics can produce the calico markings.
Render unto Caesar (civil law and authorities) the things that are Caesar's, and unto God (faith and its expressions) the things that are God's
Regretfully, the bullies of this world who claim to worship the god whose son commanded that, refuse to obey it. Go figure.
And so the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of what "? Bullies.
Richard, if you take a moment to actually read the story, you'd already know the answer to your question, which has nothing to do with the issue of this thread nor with my comment.
Post your address so we can come visit you.
Come to the Archdiocese.of Detroit or Sacred heart Major Seminary college and ask for me and then will see.
Sorry Charlie but you get paid by taxpayer money who are not only in charge of the children you babysit everyday but also your paycheck. Believe as you wish, but also expect to be treated like any other employee, you don't follow the rulesand policies of your job, you get fired. You canbelieve as you wish and they can terminate you for violating their new policies.
Both my wife and I are retired from life-long careers as educators. We were active participants and leaders in developing the minds and hearts of youth.
We were not babysitters. We were professionals who constantly upgrade our own education to keep pace with changes and shifts in classroom requirements and needs. Anyone who thinks that the profession of teaching is easy is invited to sign up for a month of the experience. I wish you well as parents scream at you that, "That other boy threw his face into my son's fist!" or other equally entertaining scenarios.
Oh, and before anyone responds with that favourite of insults to teachers, we have a ready made answer for you...
"Those who can, teach. Those who can't, spout endlessly about how teaching SHOULD be done!"
As for Mr. Cross, he does not represent the profession, and he should get over himself.
Love, respect, acceptance.
As a matter of employment, which is not a matter of religion, a teacher is quite free to refuse to conform to his employers operating policies. In turn, his employer is free to regard that decision as voluntary election by the teacher to terminate his employment. If he wants to behave in a certain way and a particular employer does not allow it as a matter of policy, he is free to seek employment with an employer who does. Certainly he has a right to ask Court to adjudicate the matter.
However, it turns out that Education Law is quite a bit more complicated than that.
Regardless of the "Law", all people have a right to their beliefs. If a person believes in something as strongly as the gentleman in question appears to, perhaps they need to modify their employment in such a way as they can be comfortable with both what is required of them in performance of their job, and also to accommodate their personal beliefs. There are other schools, and other jobs. The gentleman prefers not to have the views of others forced upon him, yet is clearly trying to force his views onto others. I believe that this is called "arrogance", and "hypocrisy".
I think what "Defiles" God most of all is his so called "Christians" who seem to believe that all these things "Defile " him and put words in his mouth. They seem to be too quick to forget about Jesus
Being as Christians have a thought that Jesus was also God, would that be Jesus He/Him, or Jesus They? 🤷🏼
The Word.
In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the.word was God 🙏
"God immutably creates each person as male or female; these two distinct, complementary sexes reflect the image of God; and rejection of one‘s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person.”
Oh I wish it was that easy. What of the children who are born with XY chromosome but the genes they trigger are either mutated or absent. Is the person a male developing as a female, or the opposite, or something in between. It never ceases to amaze me how intelligent people who have great responsibility, have such a myopic view of the world. This person may indeed be a good teacher; but he'll never be a great teacher and role model so long as he allows religion to be an ideology that leaves him ignorant and blind.
One God. Three devine beings. Ok
I will say this: God is so far above this petty piss ant argument that He must think it's a joke. Arguing about preferred pronouns...REALLY!!!!!!!! As a kid, I changed my mind about how I wanted to be addressed as often as I changed my socks: One day I wanted to be called MR. Mager, another day by my first name only, yet another, by my middle name and yet another by my nickname "Hawkeye" ( and NO, it's not after the MASH character, It was because as a Youngster I could see things my Dad couldn't, hence the Nickname). My point is this: God is so far above us and our petty arguments that God couldn't care less and that kids change their minds about all sorts of thing on a regular basis and God knows this. That's why God gave us Free will. I would tell the teacher to "take a Chill pill". as my kids and grandkids say.
Perhaps you should work at a Private Christian school...problem solved....
Go back to the defining belief as to why we are here, in this forum; “ we are all children of the same universe”. God doesn’t judge us by our bodies, he sees our souls. Our thoughts and actions can poison or darken our souls. You lighten your soul through such actions as understanding, acceptance, empathy or sympathy; and ultimately accept (or love) the other for “who” they are on the Inside, not “what” they are on the Outside. So, how important is that pronoun now?
Teachers like all public servants should leave their personal beliefs at the door.
As Above So Below As Within So Without Earth is a reflection of Heaven As God created it in his and her image. Gender imbalance is a psychological issue. Not a Social one. 🙏🏻
Gender imbalance isn't even a thing. Muscle imbalance, hormone imbalance, electrolyte imbalance, sure; but not gender imbalance. Gender dysphoria is basically a physical deformity. The 'spirit', if you choose to believe in that, is what determines gender, not body parts.
Everyone has a right to express their opinion, you may agree or disagree that is your right. I know many will disagree with me - Their are only 2 genders, Male & Female. People want to be called according to their identity? You are born Male or Female. My opinion you cannot put a cat suit on a dog and call it a cat. Born a dog no matter how you dress them. If we had less fighting and more reading and following of the Bible it would be a less scary world. This is my opinion agree or disagree.
The bible was never meant to be taken seriously, Mc Pherson! It's best used for rolling papers, and ass wipes! I would never take the word of unmedicated, schizophrenic prophets. And it's too nasty and wicked to be funny. It's best to not read that trash at all! But, please go right ahead and roll some joints, then toke it up, until you get all that nonsense out of your head.
If you truly sought less conflict you wouldnt say ignorant things that make those who stand as your better look at you as a bane upon society and civilization. Your woeful ignorant attitude strips you of the right to expect to be treated as anything other than an enemy of humanity and servant of the ancient enemy.
Since you brought up animals, nice by the way to try to denigrate people and make them Other while comparing them to animals, I shall use animals to try and help you understand your ignorance and why you are not just wrong but bring shame to the God you claim to serve by failing to show greater wisdom of this world.
Are you perhaps familiar with the Calico Cat? Do you understand why they are always female? Do you understand why even if one is born with male genitals, it is still genetically female? That we are layer upon layer of complex systems to form the ultimate creation that is a living ogranism, and if you think sexxing a person the way we might a litter of puppies is other than archaic and primitive with no relation to the advanced civilization we live in today, than you are less than nothing and have no value to humanity or civilization.
Comment removed by user.
so why do you keep posting same turkey?
There is no way any person can know how any other person self-identifies. What you think is totally irrelevant to anyone else's life. You are free to believe what you want, but your freedom ends where everyone else's begins.
And, by the way, the bible is a heap of immoral trash. The god thereof, an insecure, genocidal, misogynistic, racist jerk. If more people followed the bible, the world would be even worse than it is now.
I'm going back to the rainbow...... look.... they use a rainbow.... know who else used a rainbow? God.... could have kept Ham off the Ark..... Ham wouldn't have said something to Noah [his dad] while Noah was naked.... and Ham wouldn't have been cursed. God knew what was going to happen. God knows everything... past, present, and future. So.... we have a covenant.... God wants us to be kind..... trust Him. If God is ok with Ham and his jovial friends..... who am I to worry about what to call a child.
Why not just call him "child"?
Genesis 9: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind.
Some people are just too busy keeping God in their little box.
Y'all would never believe all the pronouns I've been called. And I've answered to most of them. And I've slung a lot of snot back their way too. I'll sling a lot more before it's over, and defense of myself, and others; those who aren't able to sling it themselves.
Y'all? Is that a word?
LOLOL, they fired the teacher for doing this and the teacher sued and not only got the job back but got a nice settlement from the school as well as forcing the school to change their policy.
Seems not everyone is ready to change the whole english language and medical science just to make some kid feel better.
You sure do love to lie a lot dontcha DG. No he has not won any money, nor any lawsuit. Not only that but while he has some support online, locally he has found himself so lacking in support he is now going to therapy and citing deep mental and emotional duress in his BS lawsuit he is trying to use to take money from tax payers like a typical skeevy theiving christian.
A true follower of the Christ would never sue anyone. Basically the man has destroyed his life, he is finding his students constantly and openly talking in a verbally abusive manner and outright not listening to him, making him unable to do his job. Granted as a gym teacher his job is basically to molest children.
really Turkey? Then explain this
"A court in Virginia has ordered a school to reinstate a teacher who refused to address a trans student with their chosen pronouns, claiming the issue relates to his religious liberty."
So I guess turkey that makes YOU the liar and has been proved as much.Especially since NOTHING in the court papers nor the claims state what you are claiming. So not only have you lied about this teacher, you are making up bulldroppings to try and enhance your lies.
Give it up Turkey, you just destroyed your own reputation as now no matter what you post people are going to wonder if you are just lying again.
Daniel thinks she knows how other people feel. She thinks that it's fine to cause harm to some children by repeatedly referring to them in a way that causes them stress and anxiety. Well, little lady, you need to learn your place like a good girl. Now go to the kitchen and make some sandwiches. The decent people are hungry.
That's a good girl.
why are you talking about yourself in a third term? Nobody cares. The Courts ORDERED the school district to rehire him and make him whole, so if they do ANYTHING to him in this direction, he can sue yet again and win because they are violating the court order.
They cant win no matter what you think. So I say to you "Thou must enjoy tough beans."
That's right, Daniel. So, down with the kids. We'll show them who's boss. We really don't need them now anyway. Just make sure we're nice to them, and address them as they want, before we get old, and need them to take care of us. Hopefully then, they'll be nicer to us than we were to them. But we'll have no one but ourselves to blame if they remove our dentures, and make us suck really hard, while we're strapped to our wheelchairs in the home, in the name of any god we choose. What goes around, comes around, and sooner or later they'll pay off their karmic debt, in no uncertain terms. Ofcourse, before Viagra, that was the date of old men anyway. So, if you won't address them as they prefer to be now, develop you're oral skills, and hope your payback comes in your preferred gender ( or atleast to the most part).
One out of every 200 people are trans.
Skip pronouns, last name only, just like business & military. Flesh Rots, Souls are Eternal. Teach children how to protect their Souls.
Cross claims this is an "offense against God". Since God has failed to have the matter prosecuted, a court would have to assume that God isn't interested, and that Cross does not have standing. Dismiss with prejudice.
There is no doubt that that the teacher has the right to believe and practice his/her faith or belief system based on the US Constitution’s First Amendment protection to all US Citizens.
Therefore, Mr. Cross has a legal right to defend himself and the principles he believes in and his lawyers as they present:
“[This] is about whether public schools can punish a teacher for objecting, as a private citizen, to a proposed policy, in a forum designed for the purpose of considering whether to implement such policies, where the policy would force him to express ideas about human nature, unrelated to the school’s curriculum, that he believes are false.”
The lawsuit includes several pages detailing Cross’ religious views, including that "God immutably creates each person as male or female; these two distinct, complementary sexes reflect the image of God; and rejection of one‘s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person.”
With this in mind, how can a School Board or any individual demand a person who is a teacher of children should be required to comply or represent a unscientific and unproven principle of human genetics to the tender minds he/she teaches.
I stand for the Mr. Cross’s right to object and defend his principles in a country that still upholds family values and individual rights.
God Bless America and strengthen the character of all moms, dads and teachers.
Because belief is not fact, and a persons beliefs do not matter. Civility however does in a civilization. And in a civilized society, you either address me as I require, or you give me the legal right to take your life, as I can interperate your calling me by anything else as a dire insult and inciteful statement that made me think you meant to do me violent harm.
For example if I was getting into my car and heard someone yell something at me I deemed in any way a threat, such as a derogatory word, I can simply turn around, draw my fire arm, adn shoot them dead. Then explain calmly to the responding officer that the individual had yelled at me in a violent and threatening manner that forced me into needing to defend my life with lethal force.
Arent stand your ground laws, and peoples right to be treated at all times in a civil manner fun to learn about!
Also i recall some of your previous posts on this forum. Arent you the one who said that Thomas Jefferson impregnating his slave was not rape? And that the confederacy was also a part of this country? Two things that make you out to be a follower of the Ancient Enemy.
Hey Ilmenheru I'm not a lawyer. But I advise that you refrain from shooting people who don't call you what you want to be called. Poor form! There is no way that is justifiable cause for shooting anyone.
Is there still room in American public voice for conscience or is this article political correctness amuck?
It is no different to call a person by their name which is individual to each person than to call them by who they identify with. The Higher Being whoever that is, created every thing and every person that has existed or living now. The individualism of everyone is a given of life. If everyone was the same as the next person this would be a very boring and socialistic world. Everybody has the same thing Adam and Eve was given...choice. But we have the advantage and the problems not given to Adam and Eve... We have yesterday.. They didn't. Think about that. Everything that happened to them was brand new and they hadn't experienced it before. Who are we to judge a person by just a name.
It is no different to call a person by their name which is individual to each person than to call them by who they identify with. The Higher Being whoever that is, created every thing and every person that has existed or living now. The individualism of everyone is a given of life. If everyone was the same as the next person this would be a very boring and socialistic world. Everybody has the same thing Adam and Eve was given...choice. But we have the advantage and the problems not given to Adam and Eve... We have yesterday.. They didn't. Think about that. Everything that happened to them was brand new and they hadn't experienced it before. Who are we to judge a person by just a name.
It is no different to call a person by their name which is individual to each person than to call them by who they identify with. The Higher Being whoever that is, created every thing and every person that has existed or living now. The individualism of everyone is a given of life. If everyone was the same as the next person this would be a very boring and socialistic world. Everybody has the same thing Adam and Eve was given...choice. But we have the advantage and the problems not given to Adam and Eve... We have yesterday.. They didn't. Think about that. Everything that happened to them was brand new and they hadn't experienced it before. Who are we to judge a person by just a name. We only know what is expressed as right and wrong by what we are shown and taught by mostly other people.
Do you not grasp that creationism is a myth that never happened? That Adam and Eve never happened? Not to mention you forgot about little old Lilith in your mad rant.
If you think the world or universe is only a few thousand years old, you are too delusional to have a seat at the table, and belong in an asylum.
Love how you think i belong in an asylum. You know that everyone has a right to their viewpoint of things and that's why we are individuals instead of a mass produced being. You are open to your opinion as well as I am entitled to mine. I'm sitting here thinking that if my viewpoint got to you that bad, that i was the center of your universe if even for a moment and that i was able to rent space inside your brain. Mitakuye Oyasin..we are all related. Hope you have a blessed day.
Pro creation not professional. WOW!!
Adam and Eve NOT ADAM AND STEVE!!!! Why can't people understand that. So simple.
If we are to respect anyone and his, her, etc., beliefs, we must respect all beliefs. Some people believe in transgenderism. Some believe that it cannot exist, that it is blasphemous. Respect each.
That's All fine. But what about pro creation?
So Jack Frost is real? Oh my God 🙏 Santa and the Tooth Fairy as well. WOW That's awesome 👍
What happened to pro creation? What that means nothing now?
Since Elohim means "all the gods and goddesses", using "they/them is not a stretch. More power to honoring those who want to live their Truth and to those who respect them.
More power to those who live their Truth and to those who honor those who live their Truth.
PRO CREATION!!!!!! How can two guy's or two Ladies pro creat. "NEVER"!!!!!!!!
Richard, what is professional creation? What does a professional usher to a riding master have to do with any of this?
Pro creation not professional. WOW!!
well --- 1. adoption. There are thousands of kids looking for loving parents. 2. IVF 3. donor banks 4. surrogate
PLUS - 1. not everyone wants kids 2. no one is required to have kids
All of these options work great depending on the couple.
oh-- it turns out that gay parents are also very good parents. There are studies.
that should cover your " "NEVER"!!!!!!!! "
Walk in Peace my Brother.
Why are you so adamant about procreation? Is that all there is to being human?
Many childless people make great contributions to society. Also: Pregnancy is not a whole lot of fun for some (many) women. Like result of rape ( which is about power not procreation), lack of access to medical care (outrageously expensive health insurance and deductibles, or too far away from med services, or mistreatment by the healthcare system), all sorts of medical complications not the least of which is miscarriage, then maybe having to raise children in poverty and/or with a father who walked out or is abusive. I could go on and on but I am off topic here. And so are you. Nothing wrong with being LGBTQ. Everyone is a child of God and deserves to be loved and cared for.
It's know wonder San Francisco was just about destroyed. .
I take it that you never served or gave your money and time up to take and serve children at an orphanage somewhere in one of the poor countries like Peru in South America or maybe India or Africa or possibly the U. S. ?
What I have trouble getting past, how can any human action "defile" a Numinous Being?
I've been sitting on this for a while. It's amazing how little 'Christians' know of their own religion.
Jesus fulfilled levitical law. He literally said as much. In it's place he left us with one commandment. One. And most don't even know what it is, and I don't know any that actually follow it.
Can you gues? Did you have to look it up?
It's simple. Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
If you follow levitical law, you are not Christian. You are Jewish. If you are Christian, you follow Christ's commandment. Wrap your brain around that.
It's Judeo-Christian. That's why bible's have the old testament in them. The new fulfills the old!!!!!!
I'm sorry, what?
WOW !!!!
Did you pay $1200.00 a class at a seminary college and have a Master's Degree in Theology!!!!!!!!!! THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE "NO" And yes I teach 8th grade as well. No gay's in my class!!!!! And yes I definitely and I mean most DEFINITELY have compassion for those strange people. And I only bought this phony baloney paperwork to officiate a wedding at the beach. Sincerely Pro creation.