Science Archives - Page 2 of 5
December 30th, 2021
NASA's apparently recruited 24 of the world's leading theologians to predict how the world's major faiths would react to the confirmation of extraterrestrial life. Um, something you need to tell us, NASA?
What Did Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Actually Look Like?
December 14th, 2021
What did Jesus Christ look like? That depends on who you ask. While Western depictions of Christ have often shown him as fair haired and white skinned, historians and theologians say he likely looked very different.
What Happened to the City of Sodom? Scientists May Have Finally Solved the Mystery
September 27th, 2021
Scientists believe they've discovered the origins of the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah, arguing that it likely originated from a real life event - the destruction of a Middle Eastern city some 3,600 years ago.
Are UFOs Demonic? Evangelicals, Pentagon Officials Say Yes
September 2nd, 2021
Who or what, is to blame for the increased UFO sightings in recent years? While some say they're aliens and others say they're military craft, some evangelicals and military officials are saying that they're demons.
UFOs are Real? Yes, Say Pentagon Officials and Navy Pilots
May 20th, 2021
Do UFOs exist? Many former Pentagon officials say so, many believing them to be extraterrestrial in origin. And what's more, they say some of the military's top brass believe UFOs are potentially demonic.
Real Life Planet of the Apes? Human-Monkey Chimeras Cause Alarm
May 5th, 2021
Has science gone too far? Scientists have finally created a human-monkey embryo hybrid that lived for nearly three weeks. They say it will have all sorts of medical benefits, but others say we really shouldn't play God.
Will God Protect the Earth? Evangelicals Spar on Climate Change
April 22nd, 2021
Is manmade climate change a hoax, or science fact? Evangelicals largely don't believe that global warming is real, but some evangelical environmentalists are on a mission to get skeptics to see the light.
Does Size Matter? Evangelical Men Think So, Study Says
March 23rd, 2021
A new study says that evangelical men are searching for male enhancement drugs at rates much higher than others. And the study's authors believe they know the culprit for their phallic insecurity: toxic masculinity.
Are There Other Life Forms in the Universe? Discovery May Be Imminent
February 24th, 2021
The Perseverance Rover touched down on Mars, and has officially begun its search for signs of life on the red planet. What happens if that actually happens? How will society and the world's faiths react?
Israeli Space Chief: Aliens Exist, and We Are Not Ready
December 10th, 2020
In a fitting conclusion to 2020, the former head of the Israeli Space Defense program turned some heads when he recently said that there is a secret underground base on Mars with both human and alien representatives.
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