Religious Freedom Archives - Page 3 of 20
July 13th, 2023
A Christian social worker in the UK says he is facing religious discrimination after a job offer was rescinded when his would-be employer learned about his biblical views on same-sex marriage.
Is This the Future? More Businesses Refusing to Serve LGBTQ Customers
July 13th, 2023
Following a recent Supreme Court ruling which granted an evangelical wedding vendor the legal right to turn down same-sex couples, some businesses have been emboldened to deny service to LGBTQ customers.
Michigan Prisons Must Recognize White Supremacist Religion, Court Rules
July 6th, 2023
A Michigan appeals court just ruled the the state's Corrections Department must recognize Christian Identity, a white supremacist faith that is Christian in name only. Do hateful faiths fall under freedom of religion?
Southern Baptists Finalize Vote to Keep Women Out of Ministry
June 15th, 2023
Should women be able to hold pastoral positions? Despite pressure from Saddleback leader Rick Warren, the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation's largest Protestant denomination, just voted no.
Native American Student Forced to Remove Tribal Feather at Graduation, Lawsuit Alleges
June 1st, 2023
A Native American student in Oklahoma alleges that she was denied the right to wear a sacred eagle plume on her graduation cap. Now she's suing her former school, alleging her religious freedom was violated.
Muslim Wrestlers Allege Discrimination Over Modesty Rules
May 4th, 2023
In the world of athletics - and particularly wrestling - Muslim athletes are often forced to choose between honoring their Islamic faith and even being allowed to compete.
Should Christian Postal Workers Be Required to Deliver on Sundays?
April 24th, 2023
A Christian U.S. Postal Service worker filed a lawsuit after he was forced to deliver packages on Sundays. The case now heads to the Supreme Court, whose decision could massive implications for religious freedom.
School District Bans Bible Verse From Teacher's Email Signature
April 7th, 2023
A public school teacher in Virginia's Loudoun County was told by administration to remove a Bible quote from her email signature. Now she's fighting back, arguing that her religious freedom was violated by the request.
Pledge of Allegiance May Soon Be Mandatory in AZ Schools
March 9th, 2023
Should the Pledge of Allegiance be required in schools? The Arizona House just passed a bill forcing children to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, unless they have parental permission to opt out.
What the Hell Is Happening in Tennessee?
March 9th, 2023
Tennessee legislators have passed HB 878, a controversial new bill that would allow ministers and government officials to decline to perform any weddings they deem “objectionable” based on their religious beliefs.
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