Religious Freedom Archives - Page 17 of 20
June 29th, 2017
In a surprise announcement, the Supreme Court declared that it will rule on the case of a Christian baker who refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding.
Anti-Muhammad Billboard Angers Muslims
June 13th, 2017
A controversial billboard overlooking a busy highway in Indianapolis has drawn mounting criticism from the area’s Muslim community. The message makes a sarcastic (and not so subtle) reference to the Prophet Muhammad.
Citing "Religious Tradition", New Jersey Won't Ban Child Marriage
May 23rd, 2017
Earlier this month, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie vetoed a law that sought to ban child marriage across the state. If enacted, it would have made New Jersey the first state in the country to outlaw marriage for children under the age of 18. As of now, chi
New Alabama Law Prevents Adoptions by Gay Couples
May 15th, 2017
Alabama has recently passed legislation that would allow for private adoption agencies to refuse to house orphaned children in the homes of gay couples.
Trump Signs Executive Order on Religious Freedom
May 4th, 2017
President Trump marked the National Day of Prayer by signing an executive order making it easier for churches to take an active role in politics. The order gives churches much wider leeway to engage in political speech and endorse specific candidates.
Kentucky Putting the Bible Back in Schools
April 25th, 2017
Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin has signed a bill that will allow public schools in the state to teach Bible study classes. While these classes would not be mandatory, they are nonetheless proving controversial.
Russia Bans Jehovah’s Witnesses Nationwide
April 24th, 2017
The Russian Supreme Court has just upheld a law that effectively bans Jehovah's Witnesses nationwide. The ruling classifies Jehovah’s Witnesses as an “extremist group” that is a “threat" to public security.
The International Church of Cannabis Opens Its Doors
April 20th, 2017
The International Church of Cannabis preaches the benefits of cannabis use, but some critics aren't buying it. They refuse to recognize cannabis worship as a real religion, and insist the church is no more than a scheme to justify getting high all the time. What do you think?
Should Churches Endorse Politicians?
February 2nd, 2017
President Trump told a gathering of religious leaders that his administration will “totally destroy” the Johnson Amendment – an IRS rule which prevents churches from endorsing specific candidates running for office. Some people think the rule change will have unintended consequences. Should churches be allowed to get involved with politics?
The Modesty War: Bikinis vs. Burkinis
August 19th, 2016
The French are well known for their nude beaches, and their society has a very different attitude toward exposed skin than we do in the U.S. Recently, a specific item of beachwear has come under fire: the burkini.
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