Religious Freedom Archives - Page 14 of 20
August 17th, 2018
The Satanic Temple protested a statue of the Ten Commandments outside the Arkansas State Capitol by unveiling their own monument to a popular Satanic figure. The incident unsurprisingly infuriated Christian lawmakers.
Colorado Baker Back in Court After Refusing to Make Cake for Transgender Woman
August 17th, 2018
While the Supreme Court ruled in his favor back in June, Jack Phillips has now landed back in court – this time in a case involving transgender rights.
Jeff Sessions Announces Religious Liberty Task Force
July 30th, 2018
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has announced the creation of the “Religious Liberty Task Force,” a new body under the Department of Justice intended to guard against violations of religious freedom. The task force will focus primarily on promoting religious liberty, but critics warn that it crosses the line between separation of church and state.
Christian Pharmacist Denies Woman Medicine to Induce Miscarriage
June 26th, 2018
As if receiving the news of a miscarriage wasn’t heartbreaking enough, an Arizona school teacher left a local Walgreens "in tears and ashamed" thanks to a righteous pharmacist acting on his religious convictions.
Not Fit For Christ: CrossFit Employee Fired Over Anti-Gay Tweets
June 14th, 2018
After an Indianapolis CrossFit gym decided to cancel a workout session planned during an LGBT Pride event, a top CrossFit employee voiced his support for the cancellation on Twitter, thanking the company for "refusing to celebrate sin." He's since been let go.
Indiana Teacher Forced to Resign After Refusing to Use Transgender Pronouns
June 13th, 2018
An Indiana high school teacher was forced to resign amid growing pressure from school officials after he refused to address transgender students by their preferred names and pronouns. He insisted it violated his religious beliefs, but school officials saw it differently.
Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Christian Baker Who Refused to Serve Gay Couple
June 4th, 2018
This morning, the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in favor of Jack Phillips, a Colorado baker who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex couple’s wedding because of his Christian beliefs.
Alaska Prison Forces Muslim Inmates to Eat Pork During Ramadan
June 4th, 2018
A prison in Alaska stands accused of knowingly serving pork to its Muslim inmates during Ramadan. Since the Koran explicitly declares pork forbidden for all Muslims, the prisoners, already fasting for the Islamic holy month, were essentially reduced to a starvation diet.
Video: Coffee Shop Refuses to Serve Man After He Berates Muslim Woman Wearing Niqab
May 21st, 2018
A viral video shows a man insulting a Muslim woman wearing a niqab in a California coffee shop. The incident sparked an intense debate over the merits of Islamic face coverings. Some argue they are oppressive and should be outlawed in public, but others insist this would be a mistake.
"If You Were To Die Tonight": Preacher Terrorizes Moviegoers In Dark Theater
May 11th, 2018
A preacher was thrust into the center of controversy after his surprise sermon in a California movie theater sparked mass panic. Moviegoers, convinced that a gunman had entered the theater, began to run for their lives.
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