Religion in School Archives - Page 6 of 7
December 28th, 2021
A Virginia library is in hot water after putting the Bible in a display on frequently banned books. Some found putting it on display next to "pornographic" books offensive, but some are wondering what the big deal is.
Gay Volleyball Coach Fired By Christian High School, Sparking Anger
August 27th, 2021
A gay volleyball coach at a private Christian school in Colorado says he was forced out after administrators discovered pro-LGBTQ posts on his social media. He says he was told to denounce homosexuality, or lose his job.
Church Snuck Bibles Into Donated School Backpacks, Sparking Outcry
May 18th, 2021
A Georgia church is in hot water after donating backpacks stuffed with Bibles to local schools. Parents were outraged at the blatant attempt to proselytize to children, but the church says they were doing a good deed.
California Considers Adding Chants to Aztec God to School Curriculum
March 19th, 2021
California's proposed ethnic studies curriculum includes a lesson on Aztec religions, including chants to a god that was honored by sacrifice. Some Christians are furious over the chants, saying it's a double standard.
Here We Go Again: NC School District to Display Ten Commandments
January 26th, 2021
Stop us if you've heard this one before: A public school district wants to put up the Ten Commandments, only to be threatened with a costly legal challenge. Only this time, there's a legal loophole that might allow it.
Christian Student Sues School Over Anti-Gay Shirt
November 3rd, 2020
In September, a public high school student in Tennessee was sent home for wearing a shirt that says 'Homosexuality is a Sin'. Now her family's suing the school district, saying that the students rights were violated.
Skeptics Warn Homeschooling Will Brainwash Kids Into Religion
April 30th, 2020
As most parents are homeschooling the rest of the year due to the quarantine, old questions about homeschooling are being asked again. Primarily, who's more responsible for a child's education, the parents or the state?
Ohio Bill Would Let Students Give Wrong Answers If They Are Religious
November 20th, 2019
What happens when a student’s religious beliefs conflict with the curriculum? A new bill would prohibit teachers from docking points for wrong answers – so long as the answers are rooted in a student’s religious beliefs.
High School Football Team's On-Field Baptisms Draw Criticism
September 17th, 2019
The 'character coach' for a high school football team in Tennessee is in hot water after he baptized two players on the football field. The school district says no laws were violated, but the Freedom From Religion Foundation says it's a blatant violation of the separation of church and state.
Reading the Bible as Punishment: Disturbing Pattern of Anti-Gay Harassment at Oregon High School
May 23rd, 2018
An Oregon high school has come under intense scrutiny amid reports of ongoing harassment and intimidation of LGBT students. After years of enduring abuse from classmates, teachers, and administrators, two brave students recently went public with their stories. Among the punishments prescribed to LGBT kids was mandatory Bible reading.
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