Religion in School Archives - Page 5 of 7
January 9th, 2023
An art history teacher was let go from Hamline University in Minnesota after showing a painting of the Prophet Muhammad. Now free speech advocates and Muslim activists are debating the merits of her firing.
Oklahoma Opens the Door to Taxpayer-Funded Religious Schools
December 16th, 2022
Does Jesus belong in public school classrooms? Thanks to a legal opinion from Oklahoma’s departing Attorney General, churches in the Sooner State might be operating public charter schools in the near future.
Jewish University Closes All Clubs Rather Than Allow Pride Group to Meet
September 21st, 2022
A private Jewish university in New York is opting to close every university club instead of recognizing a pro-LGBTQ pride group. Should religious schools have the freedom to discriminate against LGBTQ students?
Christian School Baptizes 100 Students Without Parental Permission
September 9th, 2022
A Christian school in North Carolina is under water after parents found out that they baptized some 100 middle and high school students without parental knowledge. Is it okay to baptize kids without parental consent?
Faith Leaders Protest Anti-LGBTQ Policies in Schools
August 31st, 2022
As restrictive policies on LGBTQ issues sweep the nation's schools, gay kids are finding unlikely allies in some faith leaders. Some clergy are fighting back against the policies, which they say are downright dangerous.
Child Kicked Out of Religious School Over Lesbian Adoptive Parents
August 18th, 2022
A 5-year-old was kicked out of a private Christian school because her newly adoptive parents are a married lesbian couple. The school says it is simply upholding its values, but the parents in question are livid.
Here We Go Again: Catholic School Fires Gay Teacher For... Being Gay
April 4th, 2022
A teacher at a private Catholic school says she was discriminated against when the school fired her for her same-sex marriage, arguing that the school ignores other sinning teachers and only focused on her.
Texas Student Who Refused to Stand for Pledge of Allegiance Wins Settlement
March 31st, 2022
A Texas student is vindicated after fighting her former school district in court for years. She says she was punished for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, arguing that America is not free and just for all.
"Don't Say Gay" Copycat Bills Spreading Across America
March 25th, 2022
Obviously inspired by Florida's wildly controversial 'Don't Say Gay' bill, numerous states are proposing their own versions of the bill, some even more draconian in their restrictions on what teachers can and cannot say.
Satanism 101? Elementary School 'Satan Club' Shocks Parents
February 22nd, 2022
If God can be in schools after hours, why not Satan? Parents in Illinois were shocked when their kids brought home flyers for an after-school 'Satan Club', but The Satanic Temple says their event is perfectly legal.
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