Public Schools Archives - Page 6 of 9
March 31st, 2022
A Texas student is vindicated after fighting her former school district in court for years. She says she was punished for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, arguing that America is not free and just for all.
"Don't Say Gay" Copycat Bills Spreading Across America
March 25th, 2022
Obviously inspired by Florida's wildly controversial 'Don't Say Gay' bill, numerous states are proposing their own versions of the bill, some even more draconian in their restrictions on what teachers can and cannot say.
Do Christian Teachers Have to Use Transgender Students' Preferred Pronouns?
March 21st, 2022
A Kansas teacher is suing her school district, arguing that they violated her religious freedom when suspending her over her refusal to use gender-affirming pronouns when referring to a transgender student.
Florida Passes Controversial "Don't Say Gay" Bill
March 14th, 2022
Florida's highly controversial 'Don't Say Gay' bill just passed a Senate vote, and is heading to Gov. Ron DeSantis' desk for his signature. Now students across the state are protesting by walking out of their classrooms.
Satanism 101? Elementary School 'Satan Club' Shocks Parents
February 22nd, 2022
If God can be in schools after hours, why not Satan? Parents in Illinois were shocked when their kids brought home flyers for an after-school 'Satan Club', but The Satanic Temple says their event is perfectly legal.
Public School Students Forced to Attend Christian Assembly Stage Walkout
February 21st, 2022
Separation of church and state, are you there? Dozens of high school students were forced to attend a school assembly featuring evangelical proselytizing against their will. Now they're staging a walkout in protest.
Outrage Grows After TN School Bans Holocaust Comic 'Maus'
February 3rd, 2022
One Tennessee school board voted to ban Holocaust comic 'Maus' for that book's depiction of cartoon mouse nudity and naughty words. Should schools ban books that depict unsavory things, regardless of context?
Parents Outraged After Bible Displayed Next to LGBTQ Titles at Virginia Library
December 28th, 2021
A Virginia library is in hot water after putting the Bible in a display on frequently banned books. Some found putting it on display next to "pornographic" books offensive, but some are wondering what the big deal is.
Fahrenheit 2021? Virginia School Board Wants to Burn "Sexually Explicit" Books
November 12th, 2021
A Virgina school board recently voted to remove "sexually explicit" books from school libraries following complaints from parents. But two board members said they'd actually like to see the books burned.
School Field Trip to Gay Bar Sparks Outrage in Florida
November 5th, 2021
A Florida elementary school is receiving major backlash after their field trip to a local gay bar made national news. They say it was to teach kids about community and the workforce, but some parents are outraged.
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