Public Schools Archives - Page 4 of 9
August 31st, 2023
A Sacramento-area school board president is in trouble with local parents after specifically asking Christians to join school advisory boards. As many accuse her of religious bias, she's refusing to apologize.
Parents Outraged After Students Forced to Make Religious Native American Dolls in Class
June 19th, 2023
Parents in Ohio say a social studies lesson on the Hopi Native American tribe violated their child's freedom of religion. Students were tasked with creating kachina dolls, which are of spiritual significance to the Hopi.
Bible, Book of Mormon Removed From Utah Schools for "Offensive" Content
June 8th, 2023
Is the Bible too NSFW for schools? A parent used a new Utah law which allows parents to challenge any books at their child's school to get the Bible removed, alleging it is too violent and pornographic for kids.
Native American Student Forced to Remove Tribal Feather at Graduation, Lawsuit Alleges
June 1st, 2023
A Native American student in Oklahoma alleges that she was denied the right to wear a sacred eagle plume on her graduation cap. Now she's suing her former school, alleging her religious freedom was violated.
Florida to Allow Loudspeaker Prayers at High School Sporting Events
May 25th, 2023
A new Florida law allows public schools to choose to pray over the loudspeaker ahead of athletic playoff games. Critics say it's a thinly veiled attempt to insert Christianity into public schools yet again.
Texas Law Would Allow Chaplains to Replace School Counselors
May 19th, 2023
A new Texas bill will allow chaplains to replace school counselors all across the Lone Star State. Critics say it's injecting Christian nationalism in schools, but proponents say it will address the mental health crisis.
Bestiality, Incest, Murder? Why the Bible Could Get Banned in Utah Schools
March 31st, 2023
Is the Bible pornographic? As parents and school districts across the country remove books with LGBTQ content from school library shelves, one parent in Utah would like the Bible to meet a similar fate.
Pledge of Allegiance May Soon Be Mandatory in AZ Schools
March 9th, 2023
Should the Pledge of Allegiance be required in schools? The Arizona House just passed a bill forcing children to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, unless they have parental permission to opt out.
Are Boys Wearing Dresses an "Abomination to the Lord?" One Ohio School District Thinks So
February 20th, 2023
One Ohio boy's choice to wear a dress to school was called an "abomination" and "demonic" in a school board meeting, prompting outrage from the boy's parents who say their son just wants to be left alone.
West Virginia Passes Bill Mandating "In God We Trust" in Schools
February 2nd, 2023
West Virginia will likely soon require every school in the state to display "In God We Trust," the national motto. Secular activists are balking, arguing it is a violation of separation of church and state.
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