Public Schools Archives - Page 3 of 9
May 17th, 2024
The fight between a generation of pro-LGBTQ+ students and teachers who hold traditional Christian values is heating up all across America. When it comes to the clash of LGBTQ+ kids and faith in the classroom, who wins?
Does Florida Decide What a Religion Is?
April 18th, 2024
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill that would allow religious chaplains to volunteer their counseling and support services to children in public schools. But which religions can participate? This could get messy.
Does the Bible OK Corporal Punishment for Disabled Children?
January 4th, 2024
Oklahoma lawmakers hoping to ban corporal punishment being administered against disabled children are running into a problem: Evangelical Christians, who say there's a biblical basis for smacking and spanking children.
Christmas Tree Display Lands Oregon School in Hot Water
December 15th, 2023
Christmas in the classroom? A school in Oregon is apologizing after parents complained about a Christmas tree in the entryway to the school cafeteria arguing that the tree promotes Christianity over other faiths.
Teacher Under Fire for Wearing Satan Costume to School
November 2nd, 2023
An Arizona teacher is on administrative leave after students complained about his Satan costume for Halloween spirit week. Now on administrative leave, students and parents are wondering what the hell he was thinking.
Muslim Parents Protest LGBTQ+ Books in K-5 Classrooms
October 23rd, 2023
Hundreds of Muslim parents are keeping their children home from school in protest of books depicting LGBTQ+ individuals as part of an anti-bias curriculum, hoping to force the school's hand by hurting public funding.
School Board Member Barred From Quoting Bible Files Lawsuit
October 9th, 2023
An Arizona school board member is suing her district after she was repeatedly told to stop reciting biblical scripture at public school board meetings. She says she wasn't proselytizing, but secular activists disagree.
Oklahoma School Removes Bible Quotes From Classrooms Following Complaints
September 25th, 2023
The school district of Skiatoon, Oklahoma was told by a prominent secular activist group to remove scripture posted prominently in public school classrooms. Does John 3:16 belong in the halls of high school?
Is There a War on Books in America?
September 25th, 2023
A national book banning crusade is no longer confined to schools – it's now expanding to public libraries. This means anyone who walks into a library could find the book they want to read "off limits."
Texas Chaplains Divided Over New Law Allowing Them to Be School Counselors
September 1st, 2023
Should chaplains replace licensed counselors in public schools? A new Texas law allows them to do just that, but the law has an unlikely foe who are requesting it be overturned: chaplains.
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