Protest Archives - Page 3 of 4
January 16th, 2020
One Million Moms, a faith-based activist group, is targeting Burger King for an ad where a customer exclaims "damn, that's delicious!" The benign swear word was enough to enrage the group, who demand the ad be removed.
Kentucky School Gets Around 'In God We Trust' Requirement by Framing Dollar Bill
August 23rd, 2019
Kentucky requires schools to prominently display the national motto, "In God We Trust", somewhere in every public school in the state. One school district came up with a clever workaround to protest a law they view as unconstitutional.
Immigrant Avoids Deportation by Taking Shelter in D.C. Church
December 27th, 2018
A 40-year-old Virginia woman ignored her deportation order and instead took shelter in a local church. “I am going to fight,” she declared. “I feel powerless. But I trust in God for a solution."
Caught on Video: Activist Assaults Pro-Life Protestor
October 5th, 2018
A shocking incident at a religious group’s anti-abortion protest in Toronto has gone viral. Things got heated when a male activist confronted female protesters waving pro-life messages, and during the argument he suddenly delivered a forceful roundhouse kick.
Churches Urge Kaepernick Haters to Donate Nike Shoes Instead of Burning Them
September 11th, 2018
Just when it seemed like the nationwide debate over former NFL player Colin Kaepernick was dying down, Nike poured some high-intensity fuel on the fire by featuring the controversial figure in a new ad campaign.
Young Gun Owners Speak Out Against “March for Our Lives” Protest
March 26th, 2018
In response to nation wide gun control protests over the weekend, Second Amendment advocates organized a spirited counter-protest called the "March for Our Guns." Although a wave of youth activism has brought calls for stricter gun laws, not all young people are on board.
Heartbeats, Safe Zones, and Jane Does: Abortion Rights in 2017
October 30th, 2017
It’s been 44 years since the U.S. Supreme Court decided to extend a woman’s right to privacy to include the decision to have an abortion. However, the issue only seems to have become more divisive over time. Every year since the 1973 decision, opponents of
Meet the Women Who Hate Feminism
October 12th, 2017
“For years, the feminists lied to us,” exclaimed Christian author Lisa Bevere to a crowd of women gathered on the National Mall in Washington D.C. “They said for us to be powerful as women, we needed to act like men.” The crowd cheered in approval.
Christian University Forces Athletes to Stand for National Anthem
October 2nd, 2017
Last week, Colorado Christian University notified all student athletes that standing for the anthem will now be mandatory and will have "zero tolerance" policies toward kneeling or sitting on the sidelines.
One Thousand Ministers March on Washington
August 29th, 2017
Under the direction of Rev. Al Sharpton, more than 1,000 religious leaders rallied in Washington D.C. on Monday. Organizers called it the “One Thousand Ministers March for Justice”, and it was followed by a rally near the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. T
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