Mormon Archives - Page 2 of 4
March 27th, 2020
A group of Christian missionaries are still planning a trip to the Amazon to minister to remote indigenous tribes - despite the threat of spreading coronavirus. Health officials are pleading with them to reconsider.
Brigham Young University Approves - Then Disapproves - LGBT Students
March 12th, 2020
Brigham Young University showed signs of LGBT acceptance - Briefly. The school updated their handbook to allow behavior showing same-sex affection (like handholding), then a month later, suddenly reversed that directive.
Mormon Church Sued for Reporting Confessed Child Molester to Police
January 10th, 2020
An Oregon woman is suing the Mormon Church for $10 million in damages, arguing the church shouldn't have reported her husband's confession of child sexual abuse to the police, and instead kept things within the church.
Mormons Officially Pull 400,000 Children From Boy Scouts
January 3rd, 2020
The Mormon Church officially pulled 400,000 youth from the Boy Scouts, citing that group's acceptance of LGBT members and leaders. The LDS Church will create its own organization, with greater emphasis on religion.
Clouds of Change: Mormon Church Officially Prohibits Vapes
August 16th, 2019
Adding to the growing list of banned substances, the Mormon church has ruled that vaping is prohibited in the Words of Wisdom. The move comes as many Mormons believe they can 'get around' the Words of Wisdom by vaping.
BYU Students Claim Punishment for Reporting Sexual Assault
April 19th, 2019
As higher education institutions face a reckoning over sexual violence on campus, some Brigham Young University students say they are actually being punished by the school for reporting their own sexual assaults.
Should Clergy Be Exempt from Reporting Sexual Abuse?
November 13th, 2018
Dozens of states exempt members of the clergy from having to report sexual abuse crimes disclosed to them during confession. In light of recent bombshell reports, is it time for that to change?
Inside the Mormon Church's Stunning About-Face on Marijuana
October 15th, 2018
Breaking with its own longstanding prohibition on many substances like alcohol and caffeine, LDS leadership has reluctantly sided with pot activists to back legislation allowing medical marijuana to be sold in Utah.
Barzee Walks Free: Elizabeth Smart’s Captor Out of Prison
September 20th, 2018
After 15 years behind bars, Wanda Barzee is a free woman. One of the notorious Elizabeth Smart kidnappers, Barzee walked out of prison yesterday and spent her first evening of freedom in a Salt Lake City hotel room rantings about religious scriptures, according to reports.
Mormon Church Accused of Covering Up Abuse
February 13th, 2018
Two female members of the Mormon Church claim LDS officials tried to cover up abuse at the hands of a high-ranking Mormon public figure, despite their alleged "zero tolerance" stance on domestic abuse.
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