LGBT Archives - Page 10 of 13
November 3rd, 2020
In September, a public high school student in Tennessee was sent home for wearing a shirt that says 'Homosexuality is a Sin'. Now her family's suing the school district, saying that the students rights were violated.
Is Marriage Equality at Risk? Supreme Court Questions Gay Marriage Ruling
October 10th, 2020
In a statement, Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas indicated their disapproval of the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling, which legalized gay marriage nationwide, prompting fears it could be overturned.
How Much Should Kids Learn About Sex? The Debate is Raging in Washington State
October 1st, 2020
Religious conservatives in Washington State are taking aim at a comprehensive sex ed bill that hasn't even gone into effect yet, hoping to overturn the bill this November. Their complaints? Well... everything.
Pastor-Turned-Stripper: "My Sexuality is Sacred"
September 30th, 2020
Nikole Mitchell's career turn from pastor to stripper might seem a surprising career turn. But there are millions of Millennials who likely relate to her story of sexual repression and shame under 'purity culture'.
Church Ad Featuring Genderqueer Jesus Sparks Outrage
September 23rd, 2020
The Church of Iceland, in an effort to show the church as a place of welcoming diversity, put out an advertisement depicting Jesus with breasts. Many Christians had a bone to pick with that ad, and demanded it come down.
"Dark Cloud" Over Christian Music Industry as LGBT Artists Call Foul
August 10th, 2020
Christian musician Trey Pearson said recently that there's a "dark cloud" over the entire Christian music industry with regards to LGBT performers. He faced personal and career repurcussions after his own coming out.
Minnesota Reps Propose Bill to Defund Libraries That Host Drag Queen Story Hour
March 13th, 2020
Republican Representatives in Minnesota aren't taking too kindly to Drag Queen Story Hour coming to their home state. A group of legislators are hoping to defund all public libraries that host the controversial events.
Church of England: Sex is for Straight, Married Couples Only
January 29th, 2020
A recent pastoral guidance from the Church of England reaffirms their belief that sex is only for straight, married couples. Many are calling that view out-of-date, and are asking the church to change with the times.
Drag Queen Story Hour Draws Delighted Kids and Angry Protesters
June 27th, 2019
The Drag Queen Story Hour event in Spokane, Washington drew hundreds of protesters and counter-protesters to the South Hill Library. Across the country, people are up in arms about drag queens reading books to children.
Vatican Rejects Transgender Identity in New Official Document
June 17th, 2019
Apparently feeling threatened by the growing popularity of progressive views on gender and sexual orientation, the Vatican is trying to promote a “positive and prudent sexual education” which stresses to students the “full original truth of masculinity and femininity.”
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