Islamophobia Archives - Page 2 of 3
January 14th, 2019
Are Islam and conservatism inherently at odds? That the question a group of Republicans officials in one Texas county were forced to tackle last week.
Trump Tweets Linked to Rise in Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes
July 23rd, 2018
Researchers have discovered a link between President Trump's tweets criticizing Islam and a corresponding rise in anti-Muslim hate crimes. Trump’s message has struck a chord with many Americans who believe that Islam poses a grave threat to the Western world.
Muslim Kids Kicked Out of City Pool, Mayor Forced to Apologize
July 18th, 2018
Female students from an Islamic summer camp in Delaware were kicked out of a public pool due to their conservative dress. After the incident made headlines, the city's mayor was forced to apologize, admitting officials "used poor judgment" in pressuring them to leave.
Video: Coffee Shop Refuses to Serve Man After He Berates Muslim Woman Wearing Niqab
May 21st, 2018
A viral video shows a man insulting a Muslim woman wearing a niqab in a California coffee shop. The incident sparked an intense debate over the merits of Islamic face coverings. Some argue they are oppressive and should be outlawed in public, but others insist this would be a mistake.
‘Punish a Muslim Day’ Letters Send Panic Through U.K.
March 15th, 2018
Copies of an anonymous letter declaring April 3 “Punish a Muslim Day” have generated waves of anxiety in Muslim communities throughout the United Kingdom. The letters even include a table awarding point values for specific acts of violence against Muslims: 25 points for pulling off a woman’s head scarf, 500 for killing a Muslim person, and 1,000 for bombing a mosque.
#MosqueMeToo: Sexual Assault Rampant in Muslim World
March 5th, 2018
An offshoot of the original #MeToo movement, thousands of Muslim women have been using the hashtag #MosqueMeToo to come forward and tell their own stories of sexual assault and survival in the Muslim world.
Why Did This White Woman Darken Her Skin and Put On a Burkha?
October 29th, 2017
A white nurse from the UK, Katie Freeman, has admitted that she has held stereotypical opinions on Muslims. Hoping to challenge Ms. Freeman and expose her to the harsh reality of Islamaphobia, Channel 4 darkened her skin, gave her a fake nose, and put her in a Burkha.
Muslim Scare: When Allah Moves in Next Door
October 28th, 2017
Researchers polled more than 10,000 people from European countries and shockingly found that nearly 20 percent – or 1 in 5 – did not like the idea of living next door to a Muslim neighbor.
Anti-Muhammad Billboard Angers Muslims
June 13th, 2017
A controversial billboard overlooking a busy highway in Indianapolis has drawn mounting criticism from the area’s Muslim community. The message makes a sarcastic (and not so subtle) reference to the Prophet Muhammad.
“Kill Them All”: Politician Calls for Holy War Against Islam
June 9th, 2017
In an impassioned Facebook post following the latest terror attack in London, a Louisiana congressman called for a Christian holy war against “Islamic horror.” Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA.) sees violence as the only viable solution for combating terrorism. Re
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