Holidays Archives - Page 2 of 4
September 20th, 2022
Humanity has constructed many monuments to observe the sun's annual transit through the sky. The Autumn Equinox is a time to observe this change, though different faiths and cultures celebrate in their own ways.
Exploring Harvest Festivals From Around the World
September 7th, 2022
When we think of a harvest festival in the United States, you most likely think of Thanksgiving. But there are many harvest festivals around the world, from the yam festival in Africa to the Chuseok festival in Korea.
Giving Thanks to the Yam: Facts About the Asogli Te Za
September 1st, 2022
The Festival of Yams, or the Asogli Te Za, is celebrated in Ghana. It's a time of revelry for a crop that's provided sustenance in times of hardship in this west African nation.
Understanding the Moon Festival
September 1st, 2022
The Moon Festival, which is celebrated in many Asian countries, is an iconic and incredibly popular autumn festival. Sweet or savory mooncakes are baked and gifted in celebration of family and friends.
The Real History of Easter: a Pagan Holiday
April 8th, 2022
How did colorful eggs and chocolate bunnies come to be associated with the Easter holiday? Many Easter traditions are actually borrowed from a pagan festival called Ostara, which celebrated the Goddess Eostre.
How Shakespeare and Chaucer Helped Create Valentine's Day
February 8th, 2022
How did Valentine's Day go from a violent pagan fertility festival involving whips and sacrifices to the lovey-dovey holiday we know today? We can thank William Shakespeare and Geoffrey Chaucer for that.
Six Traditional Chinese New Year Customs You Might Not Know About
January 28th, 2022
February 1st marks the beginning of the Year of the Tiger on the Chinese Zodiac. Celebrated as the Chinese New Year, this Spring Festival is one of the most celebrated and revered holidays around the world.
As Holidays Wind Down, Three Kings Day Approaches in Spain
December 31st, 2021
While the holiday season is winding down for those of us in the United States, it's still in full swing until early January in Spain and Latin America, as they'll celebrate Three Kings Day on January 5th.
The Secret History of May Day
April 30th, 2021
Most people think of May Day as a festival about welcoming spring where people gather flowers and children dance around a pole. But did you know that celebrations on May 1st have a much deeper history?
Secret History of the Easter Bunny: What They Don't Teach You in School
March 26th, 2021
On Easter Sunday, millions of children worldwide will hunt for eggs hidden by the Easter bunny. But why do we hunt for eggs on Easter? Why is a bunny associated with the resurrection of Jesus? There's a lot to uncover.
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