Evangelical Archives - Page 2 of 4
December 9th, 2021
Former reality television star Josh Duggar has been found guilty on charges of child pornography. Duggar, who gained national fame for his role on the show 19 Kids and Counting, is facing up to 20 years in prison.
This is Unorthodox: 'Fake' Rabbis Outed as Undercover Evangelicals
November 4th, 2021
A pair of Orthodox rabbis have been outed as evangelicals, allegedly working undercover for over a decade as spies, hoping to convert Jews to Christianity. Now many in the Jewish community feel conned. James Conned.
After 50 Years, Pat Robertson Steps Down From 'The 700 Club'
October 8th, 2021
Pat Robertson recently signed off of 'The 700 Club' for the last time. And throughout his 50 years as the host of the Christian daytime show, the popular televangelist has made some very controversial statements.
Does God Hate Porn? Evangelicals Take on OnlyFans
September 3rd, 2021
The online subscription service OnlyFans declared they would ban all sexually explicit material from their website. The story behind that decision highlights an ongoing "war on porn" being led by faith groups.
Will God Protect the Earth? Evangelicals Spar on Climate Change
April 22nd, 2021
Is manmade climate change a hoax, or science fact? Evangelicals largely don't believe that global warming is real, but some evangelical environmentalists are on a mission to get skeptics to see the light.
Does Size Matter? Evangelical Men Think So, Study Says
March 23rd, 2021
A new study says that evangelical men are searching for male enhancement drugs at rates much higher than others. And the study's authors believe they know the culprit for their phallic insecurity: toxic masculinity.
What's Next for 2020? A Holy War Against Marxism, Some Faith Leaders Claim
September 16th, 2020
Evangelical leader Rick Joyner said Christians should prepare for a civil war against liberals. It's part of an overall rising trend of Christian nationalism, which invokes violent language to defend conservative causes.
God Hates Dinosaurs? Christian Group Wants Dinosaur Statue Removed
September 8th, 2020
Did scientists make up dinosaurs to make Christians look bad? That's what the group Christians Against Dinosaurs believes, and they're targeting a T-Rex statue outside a Tucson McDonald's, demanding it be torn down.
A Sinner in the Ranks? Falwell Family Behavior Casts Pall over Faith Message
August 31st, 2020
Evangelical leader Jerry Falwell Jr. is out at his job at Liberty University following a sex scandal. It's an interesting turn for a family you could call the architects of the culture war and the Religious Right.
Evangelical Group: Christians, Please Don't Ignore COVID Science
August 28th, 2020
In the wake of report after report of Christian churches opening their pews during COVID-19, a prominent group of pro-science Evangelicals is pleading with their fellow Christians to mask-up and stay home.
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