Death Archives - Page 6 of 6
August 27th, 2016
Should we allow terminally ill patients to end their own lives? Ever since Oregon passed the Death With Dignity Act in 1998, the debate over physician-assisted suicide and how we look at death hasn't let up.
Should We Allow the Death Penalty?
March 30th, 2016
Is the death penalty a just consequence for attempted murder? What if the victim herself denounces its usage? Should the judge side with the victim's wishes, or with the traditional application of the law?
Cherishing Every Moment: Joey Feek Says Goodbye
March 11th, 2016
Cancer is one of the worst things in this world. It can hit anyone of any age, and almost everyone knows at least one person affected by it, and it takes far too many lives each year.
Assisted Suicide Now Legal In California
October 5th, 2015
Assisted suicide, or dying with dignity, is one of the most hotly debated issues in global politics. Should it be legal? And under what conditions? How would you feel if a loved one chose this path?
Death in the Sky, the Pilot Suicide Crisis
March 31st, 2015
Our staff here at the Universal Life Church was profoundly saddened by the revelation that the crash of Germanwings 9525 appears to have been deliberate.
Quantum Physics and the Immortality of the Soul
January 9th, 2014
Will science ever prove the existence of life after death? Yes, and it can be done using the principles of quantum physics, says research scientist and medical doctor Robert Lanza.
Computer-Brains and Life after Death
October 7th, 2013
What would it be like to live as a computer? Can computers preserve the consciousness of the human mind after death? Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking recently suggested it will someday be possible.
Could Lab Rats Help Explain Near-Death Experiences in Humans?
August 21st, 2013
Do rodents hold the key to answering questions about what happens when we die? Researchers have concluded that increased activity in the brains of dying laboratory rats may explain the cause of near-death experiences.
The Mystery of Empathic and Shared Death Experiences
January 5th, 2012
Have you ever had the feeling that a loved one was in need, only to receive a telephone call revealing that they had just died? Or perhaps you've had the urge to call yourself to find out how they were doing.
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