Controversy Archives - Page 3 of 5
December 28th, 2021
A Virginia library is in hot water after putting the Bible in a display on frequently banned books. Some found putting it on display next to "pornographic" books offensive, but some are wondering what the big deal is.
'Bags of Cash' Found in Walls of Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church
December 10th, 2021
A plumber found thousands of dollars in cash in the walls at Lakewood Church, a megachurch in the Houson area headed by televangelist Joel Osteen. As the money came tumbling out of the walls, so did the questions.
This is Unorthodox: 'Fake' Rabbis Outed as Undercover Evangelicals
November 4th, 2021
A pair of Orthodox rabbis have been outed as evangelicals, allegedly working undercover for over a decade as spies, hoping to convert Jews to Christianity. Now many in the Jewish community feel conned. James Conned.
New Zealand's "Official Wizard" Fired After 23 Years on the Job
October 21st, 2021
New Zealand's letting the world's only taxpayer-funded wizard go after two decades of service. The city of Christchurch's 'Official Wizard' won't have his contract renewed in December, ending his lengthy, magical tenure.
Top 5 Wild Wedding Controversies You Have to Read to Believe
August 18th, 2021
A Reddit post about a bride-to-be banning her fiance's elderly grandmother from the wedding reception went viral, and it prompted us to look into other wedding-day drama. Here are some of the wildest posts we found!
Converse Releases "Satanic" Shoe With Pentagram Logo
August 3rd, 2021
Converse is releasing a new shoe with a pentagram on the tongue in place of the classic Chuck Taylor star. Shockingly, many weren't exactly thrilled with the new 'Satanism' themed addition to the iconic shoe line.
Lil Nas X Releases "Satan Shoes," Sets the Internet on Fire
March 30th, 2021
Rapper Lil Nas X just released 'Satan shoes', which sold out in minutes. The limited edition sneakers (only 666 made!) are black and red and feature an upside-down pentagram. Naturally, not everyone's thrilled.
Is Creationism is a Conspiracy Theory? One Professor Thinks So
February 12th, 2021
A prominent professor recently said that the modern creationist movement, particularly the belief in a young Earth, is indistinguishable from believing in a conspiracy theory. Christians didn't take kindly to that.
Church Ad Featuring Genderqueer Jesus Sparks Outrage
September 23rd, 2020
The Church of Iceland, in an effort to show the church as a place of welcoming diversity, put out an advertisement depicting Jesus with breasts. Many Christians had a bone to pick with that ad, and demanded it come down.
Adios, 'Trader Jose' – Brands Are Ditching Problematic Labels
July 23rd, 2020
Trader Joe's is the latest company to announce that they're changing branding many find offensive. "Trader Jose" now joins the ranks of Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben's Rice, and Mrs. Butterworth, all of whom are being retired.
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