Church Archives - Page 3 of 7
August 16th, 2021
Rev. Junia Joplin came out as transgender during a sermon broadcast last year. While she received accolades from many, she was let go from her job. Now she's suing her old church, citing gender identity discrimination.
Church Snuck Bibles Into Donated School Backpacks, Sparking Outcry
May 18th, 2021
A Georgia church is in hot water after donating backpacks stuffed with Bibles to local schools. Parents were outraged at the blatant attempt to proselytize to children, but the church says they were doing a good deed.
Going Maskless for Jesus: Christian Singer Takes Tour of U.S.
August 13th, 2020
Christian singer and worship leader Sean Feucht is probably the only touring musician in America right now, holding a series of concerts in defiance of stay-at-home orders. Naturally, masks are a rare sight at the shows.
Coronavirus Forces Reopened Churches to Shut Doors Again
May 22nd, 2020
A Georgia church is closing its doors after a brief re-open, as several congregants tested positive for coronavirus. The event has reignited the debate on whether churches should be open at all during this pandemic.
Church Files Lawsuit After Being “Zoombombed” With Pornography
May 14th, 2020
A California church is suing Zoom after its online bible study class was rudely infiltrated by an internet troll who took over the video call and shared pornographic images on everyone’s screen.
As Global Death Toll Mounts, Churches Choose God Over Science
March 25th, 2020
As we try to stop the spread of coronavirus, some church leaders are defying the mandatory quarantine laws and gathering their congregation on Sunday as usual, suggesting that they have a God-given exception to the rule.
Church's Pseudoscience Coronavirus 'Cure' Infects Dozens
March 19th, 2020
A South Korean church tried to safeguard its congregants from coronavirus by spraying saltwater into each of their mouths. Now dozens have contracted the virus, after church leaders failed to disinfect the shared nozzle.
Defying Public Health Experts, Some Churches Refuse to Close
March 18th, 2020
During the current pandemic, the CDC recommends that we avoid gatherings of 10 or more people to help curb the spread of the deadly coronavirus. Some church leaders are pushing back, insisting God's door never closes.
Can Prayer Cure Coronavirus? Some Governments Think So
February 25th, 2020
As the coronavirus continues to fan fears of an impending pandemic, some government officials are turning to a familiar ally for combating dangerous threats: prayer. But is that really the best way to stop the spread?
OK Boomer, Get Out: Church Asks Congregants Over Age 60 to Leave
January 23rd, 2020
One of the biggest struggles facing churches today is attracting Millennials. One church in Minnesota is taking a rather unique approach to convincing young people to visit: asking all the elderly congregants to leave.
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