Church Archives - Page 2 of 7
October 2nd, 2023
A new poll reveals a major disparity between pastors and their congregants when it comes to views toward the LGBTQ+ community. What does this growing divide mean for the future of faith communities?
Missionaries in the Metaverse? Christianity Steps Into Digital Age to Recruit
April 21st, 2023
Christian churches are stepping out into the digital world of virtual reality and video games to recruit new converts. Is going online to preach an ingenious strategy, or a sign of pure desperation?
Church Claims Prayer Regrew Woman's Amputated Toes
March 29th, 2023
A Missouri woman claims that three of her severed toes grew back thanks to the power of prayer, but she's refusing to provide evidence of the apparent medical miracle. Now, there's a website demanding she show proof.
Rainbow Church Steps Spark Heated Controversy in Viral Video
March 15th, 2023
In a viral video, a man confronts an elderly woman painting a rainbow on the steps outside of a Sydney church - which was later vandalized. He says that what she's doing is an "abomination," and asks her to repent.
The Sermonator: With AI-Generated Sermons, Pastors Ponder Robot Takeover
February 17th, 2023
There's been a lot of talk of AI and chatbots lately, and pastors are not immune to the general job security unease. With advancements made every day, will pastors eventually be replaced by artificial intelligence?
Drag Queens at the Pulpit? Controversial Guest Preacher Prompts Debate
October 18th, 2022
Are drag queens the future of worship? A United Methodist Church in Florida made headlines when they invited a drag queen to give a guest sermon on inclusivity, but not everyone was happy with the message.
Portland Church Debuts Gender Neutral Bathrooms, Nametags With Pronouns
October 6th, 2022
How far should churches go to signal to the LGBTQ community that they're welcome in the pews? One Portland, Oregon church is making changes big and small to let the queer community know their church is open to all.
Shinzo Abe's Assassination Shines Light On Controversial "Cult" Church
September 1st, 2022
The alleged killer of former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe says he did so because of Abe's political relationship with the Unification Church, a controversial church known for mass weddings and large donation requests.
Your Pastor Has Had Enough: Clergy Members Join the Great Resignation
May 17th, 2022
Citing stress, politics, and declining church attendance, some 40% of church pastors recently reported wanting to leave the church. Is the Great Resignation going to sweep straight through church pulpits?
Should Churches Pay Royalties for Slave Spirituals? One Congregation Says Yes
January 6th, 2022
Following the police murder of George Floyd in 2020, one Boston church came up with a way to uplift their community by paying 'royalties' every time their church choir or congregation sing a slave spiritual.
The Universal Life Church Ministries proudly welcomes all who feel called to get ordained, regardless of creed. We enable all faiths; Christian, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Pagan, Wiccan, Atheist – and more – to join our growing non-denominational congregation. Underlying everything we do is a simple core belief: that we are all children of the same universe.
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