Christian Archives - Page 14 of 23
February 5th, 2018
Choosing between your heart and your faith can't be easy. But as one couple has discovered the hard way, faith doesn't always hold all the answers. Josh and Lolly Weed seemed to have it all figured out.
Texas Judge Insists "God Told Him" Defendant Was Innocent
January 22nd, 2018
A Texas judge is facing calls for resignation over his questionable conduct in the courtroom. Judge Jack Robison reportedly interrupted jury deliberations during a recent child sex trafficking case to insist that “God told him” the defendant was innocent.
Popular Megachurch Pastor Admits to Sexual Assault of Teen Girl
January 11th, 2018
The well-known megachurch pastor Andy Savage stood before his congregation last week and admitted to a “sexual incident” between himself and a 17-year-old girl back when Savage was a youth pastor.
ULC Minister in the White House? Reports Indicate Jared Kushner is Ordained
January 4th, 2018
In an explosive new book titled “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” author Michael Wolff reports that Jared Kushner, one of the president’s senior advisors and husband of Ivanka Trump, is a ULC minister. Anyone who feels so-called can become a
A Look Back: The Top 10 Stories of 2017
December 28th, 2017
Another great year in the books! As we inch closer to January 1st, we’d like to take a moment and reflect on everthing that happened in the year 2017.
Taking Christ Out of Christmas
December 15th, 2017
Christmas is a religious holiday, right? I mean, it has to be… it’s quite literally a celebration of the literal birth of Jesus Christ. Well, not so fast.
10 Weird Christmas Traditions From The Past
December 14th, 2017
These days we celebrate Christmas with festive holiday decorations, visits from a jolly elderly gentleman named Santa, and robust trees placed by the window. But it wasn't always that way. In fact, Christmases past were quite different from our celebrations today. Here are 10 things you might not have known about the history of the Christmas holiday.
Trump Says Jerusalem Is the Capital of Israel. Now What?
December 12th, 2017
When it comes to city politics, it doesn’t get much more complicated than Jerusalem. Now, a U.S. decision to officially recognize it as the capital of Israel puts an already-hostile situation at even higher risk of boiling over.
Should “So Help Me God” Be Removed From U.S. Citizenship Oath?
November 13th, 2017
Olga Paule Perrier-Bilbo is a French green-card holder on the verge of becoming a full-fledged U.S. citizen. All the paperwork is in order, and there’s just one thing left to do: take the oath of citizenship. But therein lies the problem. As an atheist,
Corporate Creed: The Companies You Never Knew Were Deeply Religious
October 27th, 2017
We’re all familiar with certain high-profile companies that espouse religious beliefs. Chick-fil-A famously expressed opposition to gay marriage on religious grounds, creating a storm of controversy.
The Universal Life Church Ministries proudly welcomes all who feel called to get ordained, regardless of creed. We enable all faiths; Christian, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Pagan, Wiccan, Atheist – and more – to join our growing non-denominational congregation. Underlying everything we do is a simple core belief: that we are all children of the same universe.
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