Children Archives - Page 4 of 10
March 21st, 2022
A Kansas teacher is suing her school district, arguing that they violated her religious freedom when suspending her over her refusal to use gender-affirming pronouns when referring to a transgender student.
Public School Students Forced to Attend Christian Assembly Stage Walkout
February 21st, 2022
Separation of church and state, are you there? Dozens of high school students were forced to attend a school assembly featuring evangelical proselytizing against their will. Now they're staging a walkout in protest.
Florida Advances Controversial 'Don't Say Gay' Bill
January 28th, 2022
Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill is advancing through the legislature at lightning speed, and could soon make it illegal to for educators to acknowledge the existence of gay people to their young students.
Right to Discriminate? Jewish Couple Turned Away By Christian Adoption Agency Files Suit
January 24th, 2022
A Jewish couple is suing Tennessee after a state-sponsored Christian adoption agency refused to assist them. Should religious adoption agencies be able to turn down potential parents because they're a different faith?
Pope Francis Scolds 'Selfish' Couples That Adopt Pets Instead of Children
January 11th, 2022
Is pet adoption a selifsh act? Pope Francis seems to think so, at least for couples who have no children. He stated that couples are "selfishly" filling the parenting need in their hearts not with kids, but with pets.
Fahrenheit 2021? Virginia School Board Wants to Burn "Sexually Explicit" Books
November 12th, 2021
A Virgina school board recently voted to remove "sexually explicit" books from school libraries following complaints from parents. But two board members said they'd actually like to see the books burned.
School Field Trip to Gay Bar Sparks Outrage in Florida
November 5th, 2021
A Florida elementary school is receiving major backlash after their field trip to a local gay bar made national news. They say it was to teach kids about community and the workforce, but some parents are outraged.
Critics Furious About Cross-Dressing Muppet on Children's Show
August 12th, 2021
Did Gonzo go gay? Some parents are asking that after a recent episode of Muppet Babies showed him in a dress. While some are calling for a boycott, others are praising the message of inclusion and acceptance.
Youth Pastor Apologizes for Controversial 'One Piece Swimsuit' Rule
July 22nd, 2021
Is purity patriarchy? A Christian youth pastor is apologizing for instituting a 'one piece swimsuits only' rule at his youth camps, saying sorry for telling girls to cover up instead of telling boys to be respectful.
Please Stop Church Arsons, Say Canadian Indigenous Leaders
July 15th, 2021
Canada's reckoning with the discovery of 1,000+ unmarked graves at former Catholic residential schools. Now, Christian churches are being lit ablaze across the country, and many think it's retalatiion.
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