Catholic Archives - Page 7 of 8
May 5th, 2017
The Archdiocese of Kansas City has announced it is cutting ties with Girl Scouts because of its stance on abortion and connection to Planned Parenthood. Not everyone is on board with that, though.
Filipino Atheists Pulling from the Christian Missionary Playbook
March 27th, 2017
Atheist groups in the Philippines are stealing tactics used by Christian missionaries in the hopes of boosting an atheist movement that has struggled to gain a foothold in the majority-Catholic country. Will it work to fight fire with fire?
Priest’s Final Wish: Don’t Give My Killer the Death Penalty
March 23rd, 2017
Reverend Rene Robert didn't believe in capital punishment. Then the unthinkable happened: he was kidnapped and brutally murdered. By the letter of the law, his killer should face the death penalty. But will Rev. Robert's final wishes be respected?
Pope Francis Makes It Clear: Gay Marriage "Not in God's Plan"
April 13th, 2016
Pope Francis recently published a highly-anticipated paper about Catholic values, and while many expected a more progressive stance on same-sex marriage, he came down firmly opposed.
Are People Declared "Brain Dead" Truly Deceased?
February 29th, 2016
What does 'pro-life' mean? What happens when a person is declared brain dead, but the family refuses to take him or her off of life support? When we all have a right to life, how far does that extend?
Life, Choice, and Planned Parenthood
August 13th, 2015
There are a lot of religious and moral views on abortion. Pope Francis characterized a strong pro-life stance when he said, “It is necessary to reaffirm our solid opposition to any direct offense against life, especially when innocent and defenseless, and th
Pope Says Climate Change is Real, and it's Our Fault
June 29th, 2015
Pope Francis Said What? Pope Francis recently released his encyclical, the open letter titled “Laudato Si” and subtitled “On Care For Our Common Home.”
Marrying, Burying, and…Exorcising?
February 3rd, 2015
We know Universal Life Church ministers can do pretty much anything a traditionally-ordained minister can do—perform wedding ceremonies, funerals, baptisms—but what about exorcisms? Can they perform those?
Donning the Mantle of “Priestly Activism”
January 29th, 2015
Father Richard Estrada is a fierce immigrant rights and homeless advocate, his life has been marked by loss and tragedy. His story shows us that priests do not need to be boring, stodgy, unyielding traditionalists.
Women’s Roles and the Gospel of Jesus’s Wife
April 21st, 2014
If it was ever discovered that Jesus had a wife, what would it mean for the future of the church? A couple of years ago, an ancient papyrus fragment was discovered with references to such a figure.
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