Catholic Archives - Page 5 of 8
June 26th, 2019
A Catholic high school in Indianapolis let a gay teacher go after months of negotiation. The Catholic Archdiocese told them to fire the teacher or lose their Catholic affiliation. Now community members are outraged.
Vatican Rejects Transgender Identity in New Official Document
June 17th, 2019
Apparently feeling threatened by the growing popularity of progressive views on gender and sexual orientation, the Vatican is trying to promote a “positive and prudent sexual education” which stresses to students the “full original truth of masculinity and femininity.”
Should Catholics March in Pride Parades?
June 6th, 2019
While some Roman Catholic leaders do participate in Pride events, many more do not – often citing their belief that homosexuality should not be celebrated.
Unvaccinated Student Sues Over School Ban, Citing Religous Discrimination
March 28th, 2019
In the wake of a severe chickenpox outbreak in Kentucky, a Catholic high school student was barred from playing on the school basketball team when officials discovered he was not vaccinated against the disease.
Cuomo Faces Calls for Excommunication Over Abortion Bill
February 4th, 2019
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the controversial Reproductive Health Act into law on the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. It's the Holy Grail of women's rights for pro-choice groups. But according to the pro-life crowd, it's more accurately compared to the “Death Star.”
Catholic Church's Latest Solution to Sex Abuse Crisis: Prayer
January 2nd, 2019
Catholic bishops from across the U.S. are meeting in Chicago for a week-long retreat that will focus on the clergy sexual abuse scandal that continues to plague the Church. Sounds promising, right? Well, there’s a catch. The bishops have been forbidden to enact new policies, instead focusing on prayer as a solution.
Tip of the Iceberg? New Clergy Abuse Report Deepens Public Concern
December 20th, 2018
The Illinois state attorney general’s office reported this week that Catholic dioceses neglected to report at least 500 priests and clergy members accused of sexual misconduct. Many are now wondering: what more do they know?
Rise in Exorcisms a Product of the Occult, Catholic Church Says
November 30th, 2018
In a sign of the strange times we live in, exorcisms are enjoying increased popularity the in modern occult movement. A recent story in The Atlantic suggests priests from the Catholic Church are fielding more requests for exorcisms than anytime in recent history.
Catholic Priest Fired After Burning "Sacrilegious" Rainbow Flag
October 1st, 2018
A Catholic priest has been removed from his Chicago parish after performing an exorcism on a rainbow flag, cutting it into pieces, and burning it with the help of like-minded parishioners. Did the church have a choice?
Where Did All the Catholics Go? Sparse Crowds for Pope's Ireland Visit
August 28th, 2018
Disappointing turnouts across Ireland during Pope Francis' recent trip has the Catholic Church on its heels. Will the ongoing clergy abuse scandal spell the downfall of the Church, or will Pope Francis find a way to right the ship?
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