Bible Archives - Page 7 of 10
July 14th, 2017
The Church of England has voted to welcome transgender individuals into the church with open arms. By an overwhelming margin, the church’s governing body chose to support transgender inclusion.
“Kill Them All”: Politician Calls for Holy War Against Islam
June 9th, 2017
In an impassioned Facebook post following the latest terror attack in London, a Louisiana congressman called for a Christian holy war against “Islamic horror.” Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA.) sees violence as the only viable solution for combating terrorism. Re
Kentucky Putting the Bible Back in Schools
April 25th, 2017
Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin has signed a bill that will allow public schools in the state to teach Bible study classes. While these classes would not be mandatory, they are nonetheless proving controversial.
Christian Nurse Fired for "Aggressively" Pushing Religion on Patients
April 12th, 2017
The recent firing of a Christian nurse in England has made headlines and ignited debate surrounding the role of faith in healthcare. After 15 years on the job, Sarah Kuteh was dismissed from her position for aggressively pushing her Christian faith on patients while prepping them for surgery.
Playing the Blame Game
November 16th, 2016
If you’ve ever had kids, you know the oldest argument in the book. “He started it.” “No, she started it.” Or maybe you left the stove on and burned dinner. You might try to find someone else to blame it on - this is called the blame game. The Cambr
Westboro Baptist Church vs. Kim Davis
October 27th, 2016
Westboro Baptist Church is picketing the workplace of Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis. The virtually universally loathed group is known for protesting the funerals of American soldiers.
Alien Predicts Destruction of Human Race
September 1st, 2016
Are we alone? There’s a video that has been circulating recently online that purports to show an interview with an alien in a dark room of Roswell’s Area 51 in the year 1964, and the alien makes some grim predictions.
Smart Tattoos: Mark of the Beast?
August 18th, 2016
Researchers at MIT have created temporary smart tattoos. This breakthrough has the potential to better our lives. However, some have been off-put by its striking similarity to the Biblical mark of the beast.
Searching for the Garden of Eden
August 12th, 2016
Due to its notoriety, the Garden of Eden has immense significance to many. The exact location of the ancient garden has long been sought after by humans, but is yet to be found.
One Nation, Under God? - When Faith and Politics Collide
August 1st, 2016
When voters go to the polls, they tend to look for a politician who “shares their values”. In America, these values are often centered around religious beliefs.
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