Bible Archives - Page 4 of 10
June 16th, 2021
A New England man's lucky to be alive after being swallowed by a whale. Many Christians were quick to point out the parallels to the story of Jonah, whom scripture says spent three days in the belly of a whale as well.
New Christian Dating Website Claims to Ban 'Feminists' and 'Soyboys'
May 9th, 2021
A new online dating service hopes to match Christian singles together. Not just any Christian singles, though - only those who believe a woman's role is at home, tending the home, ideally while pregnant. Will it work?
TX Mayor During Historic Snowstorm: "Only the Strong Survive"
February 22nd, 2021
As millions of Texans are without power and struggling to survive during an unprecedented snowstorm, one local mayor took the opportunity to say that those without power are weak, lazy, and "looking for a damn handout!"
Amen... and A-Woman? Congressional Prayer Causes a Stir
January 8th, 2021
The 117th Congress opened their first session with a prayer that ended with the phrase “Amen… and a-woman.” Many Christians were outraged by the modification. But what is the history behind the word "amen," exactly?
The Great Christmas Standoff: Jesus vs. Santa
December 14th, 2020
Christmas used to be a holiday solely focused on the celebration of the birth of Christ. But Jesus has been supplanted by a new figure: Santa Claus. Many religious parents struggle with how to handle this reality.
On Eagle's Wings: Catholics Thrilled as Biden Quotes Famous Hymn in Victory Speech
November 9th, 2020
During his victory speech on Saturday, President-elect Joe Biden quoted from the famous hymn “On Eagle’s Wings,” drawing excited reactions from many Catholics (and those of other denominations, too) who know the words.
Christians Outraged Over Female Rapper's Explicit New Music Video
August 12th, 2020
Female rappers Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion made a raunchy music video that fans say is all about empowerment and sexual expression. However, faith leaders and conservatives say it's immoral – and even sacrilegious.
Ohio Lawmaker Defies Mask Policy, Claiming 'Faces are the Likeness of God'
May 12th, 2020
Representative Nino Vitale is defying recommendations to wear masks while in public to limit the spread of COVID-19 by claiming a religious exemption. He says faces are the "likeness of God" and should not be covered.
Coronavirus, Murder Hornets Spark Concern of Biblical Punishment
May 8th, 2020
Deadly 'murder hornets' just hit the west coast of the United States. those deadly pests along with the coronavirus pandemic have some religious leaders thinking that we may be experiencing God's wrath.
Mark of the Beast? Amazon Unveils Hand-Scanning Tech for Purchases
January 30th, 2020
Amazon's pursuing new tech that is raising some serious eyebrows: fingerprint scanning as a means to make purchases. Could this be the Mark of the Beast from the Book of Revelation, signaling we are in the End Times?
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