Abortion Archives - Page 3 of 6
April 17th, 2020
Despite stay-at-home orders preventing most of us from leaving our homes, anti-abortion protesters have been out in full-force. Does the right to protest supersede emergency orders to not leave one's home?
Alabama Rep. Proposes Mandatory Vasectomies for All Men On 50th Birthday
February 20th, 2020
An Alabama lawmaker is proposing a bill that would require all men to get a vasectomy upon turning age 50. The bill was submitted as a "let's see how you like it" protest against Alabama's restrictive abortion laws.
Joe Biden Denied Communion Over His Pro-Abortion Stance
November 1st, 2019
Former Vice President and current Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden attended Catholic Mass last weekend. When he went to receive communion, he instead was denied the holy sacrament over his pro-abortion stance.
San Francisco Blacklists 22 States Over Strict Abortion Laws
October 30th, 2019
The city of San Francisco will refuse to do business with 22 states that have restrictive abortion laws. Faith leaders are upset that progressive politics might impact their state's bottom line.
Tennessee Republicans Split on 'Near-Total' Abortion Ban
August 29th, 2019
A proposed 'near-total' abortion ban in Tennessee has some surprising opponents- Republicans. Seeing similar bills fail to hold up in court in other states, some Republican lawmakers worry the bill would be overturned.
The Surprise Opponent of Alabama’s Sweeping Abortion Ban
May 16th, 2019
Alabama has passed the nation's most restrictive abortion law, igniting heated debate on the subject. In an odd twist of fate, the pro-choice side appears to have acquired an unlikely ally: televangelist Pat Robertson.
Lawmaker Proposes Ban on Vasectomies in Response to Anti-Abortion Bill
March 18th, 2019
A Georgia lawmaker brought male members to attention this week after proposing a law that would ban vasectomies, make sex without a condom akin to "aggravated assault" and require all men to seek their partner's permission before using Viagra and other E.D. drugs.
Cuomo Faces Calls for Excommunication Over Abortion Bill
February 4th, 2019
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the controversial Reproductive Health Act into law on the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. It's the Holy Grail of women's rights for pro-choice groups. But according to the pro-life crowd, it's more accurately compared to the “Death Star.”
Caught on Video: Activist Assaults Pro-Life Protestor
October 5th, 2018
A shocking incident at a religious group’s anti-abortion protest in Toronto has gone viral. Things got heated when a male activist confronted female protesters waving pro-life messages, and during the argument he suddenly delivered a forceful roundhouse kick.
Kavanaugh Says Christian Groups Shouldn't Be Forced to Pay for "Abortion Drugs"
September 7th, 2018
During his testimony before Congress, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh faced criticism for referring to birth control as "an abortion-inducing drug" that religious groups shouldn't be forced to provide to employees.
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