Is ghost hunting a hobby, or a religious practice? What about tarot reading, energy work, and general witchcraft? And how did Stormy Daniels end up at the center of this debate?
Let's break this strange story down.
You might remember Stormy Daniels and her former lawyer Michael Avenatti, who came to prominence in 2018 following revelations about hush-money payments connected to an alleged affair between Daniels and Donald Trump in 2006.
A lot has happened to Daniels and Avenatti since those halcyon days, and not all of it good. In 2019, Avenatti was indicted in California and New York on a whole host of charges, including tax evasion, extortion, and embezzlement.
Spooky Babes
Meanwhile, Daniels has since taken part in a self-funded television series called ‘Spooky Babes’, a ghost hunting show in which a team of ghost hunters – the titular 'spooky babes' – travel the country and commune with the dead.
Somewhere along the line, Daniels’ and Avenatti’s professional and legal relationship fell apart. She sued him in 2020 for allegedly stealing some $300,000 from her book advance.
With lawsuits looming and Daniels called to testify in the cases, Avenatti is seeking to discredit her in the eyes of the court, using the ghost hunting hobby to call into question her competence and mental state. He argues that Daniels' interest in the occult prohibits her from accurately testifying against him.
She says it’s abject religious discrimination.
Stormy Weather
“Let me get this straight... They are going to use my religious [beliefs] and profession to discriminate against me,” Daniels said in an incendiary Facebook post. “It opens the door to attack and discrimination against every person that identifies as something other than Christian, reads tarot, is a medium and works in energy healing and paranormal in any capacity,” she continued.
“This is LITERALLY a modern day witch hunt.”
Daniels posted an excerpt from the court filing itself, which cites various media appearances and argues that she “has made any number of bizarre, fantastical claims that call into serious question her truthfulness, mental state, and ability to competently testify.”
The charges against Daniels include:
- “She ‘sees dead people’ and can communicate with them”
- “She recently helped someone locate a body through her psychic powers”
- “In early 2019, she became obsessed by spirits after moving into a ‘haunted house’ in New Orleans”
- “She can turn lights on and off through her thoughts alone”
- “She is a ‘witch’ who practices witchcraft and can rid people of spirits (a ‘service’ for which she charges)”
Delusion or Religion?
The legal argument appears to be that Stormy Daniels' belief in the occult is not a legitimate practice of faith, but a sign of potential mental illness.
However, critics say this is nonsense. For one, they ask, who is to say what is and is not a sincere religious belief? Performing spells for spirits, for example, is equally acceptable under the law as worshiping the Holy Spirit, they argue.
With the rise in witchcraft and the gradual destigmatization of Pagan beliefs, witches are more ‘out’ than ever. They even publicly took a victory lap in 2020 when then-President Donald Trump fell ill with COVID-19, arguing it was the result of years of anti-Trump hexes paying off.
Daniels is calling for all in the paranormal field and beyond to stand with her, fearing a precedent could be set barring those with a belief in the occult from defending themselves in court.
Should being a ‘Spooky Babe’ really disqualify Daniels as a credible witness? Does following occult practices make one inherently untrustworthy, or does this saga constitute yet another attack on a minority religion?
Whether or not she speaks to the dead has no relevance. If she can sell that service, she is a professional from which people may choose to buy or not. That makes he as legally sane as any other profession, like a politician that believes he has relevance to the economy. If he sells that fantasy, he is legally sane.
Madness can never be determined by "wrong beliefs". Somebody who took her money should pay back double, if he really believes she in incapacitated.
lol, he's just trying to get the case dismissed so he won't have to pay her back or go to jail. They will bring in a court shrink and deem she is compitent. Really, its not that big of a deal. She just needs to keep herself out of the limelight until the trial is over.
But being in the limelight is her only source of income. That's the problem with sleazeball Avenatti's legal strategy.
Her former lawyer stole money from her, what can he do now but try to discredit her before the trial regarding same. And also, Avenatti is a convicted criminal.
Is this the same woman who Trump paid for sex? If so, she obviously has a lot of dealings with ghouls and is able to raise the dead.
Well played, sir.
Histerical. Agree. Well placed, sir.
I "sense" the presence of a large and diverse number of promotional opportunities thematically centering on what a porn star does when she actually finds some ghosts.
Religious discrimination, at it's finest. Petrify the Patriarchy.
According to Brittanica Witchcraft is traditionally the exercise or invocation of alleged supernatural powers to control people or events and I ask you if this has not occurred and still happens today? Every religion, claiming to be the only authorized agency on this Earth to interpret and enforce God designs continuously compels its followers to do this or that under penalty of perpetual damnation; does this mean that priests, ministers, pastors, imams, etc are witches?
Of course they are not and the mere concept is ludicrous, as ludicrous as calling this good lady a witch. If she believes in the occult good for her and if it is only a TV show even better. Who honestly doesn’t believe in the supernatural? I used to joke that I don’t believe in ghost during daytime but coming the night I am not so sure so let her be and live her life as much as we want to live ours.
@Gerardo Salazar, there is a substantial difference between magic/occult and faith. Magic (aka occult) manipulates God. Faith trusts God.
Do you really believe anybody can manipulate God? Then that person would be become God.
@Gerardo Salazar, no matter what I believe... that is the definition of magic and occult:
magic [ˈmadʒɪk] NOUN the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces... https://www.bing.com/search?q=magic+def&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=magic+def&sc=6-9&sk=&cvid=BF6CFA8D90FE40599BAF39528B554726&ghsh=0&ghacc=0&ghpl=
Numerous people talk to (and claim to hear from) their gods and spirits. How is her claim any different? He's just trying to get out of the lawsuit.
There was a time, long ago I used to be into spirits. Usually over-proof, whatsoever came out of my Still. These spirits are as much a religion, by another name, than other great invention of man, faith, belief, religion. Across the whole world these blessings are consumed in the church called the Pub, Bar, hotel etc. The priest (bar person) listens to peoples issues and gives solstice and comfort where needed. There is no indoctrination nor Scripture/ Bible, but there are rules of behaviour and enforcement, sometimes dress standards. Ahhh but were I not an ordained teetotaller……………...
Oh, you mean the likes of ol' Falwell, and those other hucksters who want you to believe that Gawdda speaks to them, and tell folks to send them money.
Only in America. The rest of the world are a bit more mature.
And where in the world would these places be? Voodoo, animists, ancestor worship, totem worship, reincarnation, on and on, all over the world.
Yet by your statement John, you insinuate these other practices are questionable. I'm not judging you, I'm making an observation. What makes them less than your spirituality. Wouldn't it be awesome if we could all come to the conclusion that "EVERYTHING IS REAL AND TRUE" regardless of what that particular form may take.
She has the right to any religion she wants. The laws can't discriminate on that. So unless she's found absolutely crazy, then She should be allowed to testify.
What has happened to the separation from church and state ? Far too many things are made political that have no business being in politics. The self-righteous are pushing thier beliefs on others. They are spreading lies, violence, and hate. These are the ones that killed our Lord.
Which Lord would that be….Lord Krishna? Just asking for a Punjabi friend of mine. 🤗
He has no case. Spiritualism is a recognized religion which enjoys the state of "freedom of religion" in our USA. this is no longer the 15th Century.
The Holy Spirit is a wonderful gift from the Father and the Son, ever reminding me of their presence. This is an indwelling, so I don't need to have any external searches for this Spirit or any other. If someone says he/she has talked with spirits, who am I go judge or criticize? That's not on me. The Judgment will come and there won't be any more corrupt lawyers, activist judges, unjust legal actions or frivolous lawsuits.
Thank you for your very religiously indoctrinated comment, which of course is no different to all other religions, all claiming to have the truth.
I'm pleased you are getting some comfort in your belief structure, if that's what you need in your life. As for your comment "The Holy Spirit is a wonderful gift from the Father and the Son...", the "Holy Spirit" thing is a man made construct, unless you can prove otherwise, much the like blue skinned Lord Krishna along with many other religious epithets.
@Lionheart, for being a man-made unproved concept, you seem to spend much effort and energy, to a lengthy extent, I should say, to disprove it yourself. Never realized it took so much effort to discredit the non-existent!
Thank you, George. It actually doesn’t take much effort at all, and I quite enjoy it. Much of what I write comes from knowledge.
Thank you though, for your concern.
There are spirits good and bad.because she speaks the truth we should back her with peticions to whoever is trying to put her down
It's the battle between dumb and dumber. How can people who en mass literally believe in a pseudohistorical fiction novel about a magical sky Jew that walks on water, raises the dead, and will subject people to eternal torture for not adhering to 2000 year old dogmas, be an accurate judge of other people's sanity? It's laughable! The whole debate is asinine.
While I understand the skepticism that can inhabit the mind of persons after years of teachings that those who speak to the dead are either "crazy" or in league with "Satan," I must stress the ability to acknowledge the legitimacy of all faith systems, this includes athiesm, which itself is a system of belief. While many self-proclaimed "Christians" will attempt to use the belief in spirits as a sign of mental illness, "I see dead people." I must point out that the Bible itself demonstrates that communing with the dead is not only legitimate but it can also serve a legitimate purpose. I speak of the case of King Saul, who went to a witch and had her call up the spirit of a prophet of God (El [The name of the Supreme God held by most world faiths]), so that he might know the Will of El. While the information provided was not positive, the prophet did share the Will of El with the king.
The very important issue that should be discussed is not whether someone can commune with the dead, rather whether it is wise to speak with the dead for mundane purposes like talking to a dead husband/wife, etc. When any Holy Book speaks of communing with the dead, including communing with Jesus, it is supposed to be done reverently and only for reasons of great importance. In both Mormonism and Islam, El speaks with prophets only to pass on some new Divine revelation.
As a true universalist, I believe that people are chosen by El to transmit a message to the masses. Almost every single faith holds such examples, Budha, the Dali Lhama, Mohammed, Jesus, etc. Unfortunately, I see too much of the responses becoming caustic biting rhetoric. We should be instead speaking of how we can help others see how beliefs are similar if not completely equal.
@Ray C Ronk, I totally agree with you on your last point. However, I have to point out two mistakes: 1) Most scholars would agree that the witch of Endor did not summon the 'real' Samuel (it wasn't El, by the way), but a demon or evil spirit - that is the case with mediums who do not submit to God's wisdom and authority. 2) Jesus isn't dead, and, yes, he does appear to non-Christians to lead them on their path. It has happened with Muslims on many occasions.
If this becomes a precedent, doesn't that mean believing in the supernatural can get you out of jury doody? If you're too mentally skewed to testify, surely you're incapable of effectively deciding in a trial.
Maybe someone should ask Mr. Avenatti if he knows any lawyers that have swung a chicken around their heads on the eve of Yom Kippur. Kapparot is a ritual intended to transfer the sins of the swinger into a live chicken (the swingee). Then it is killed in ritual fashion -- sacrificed. That's a darker form of witchcraft than anything Daniels is engaged in, in my opinion.
@Jeffrey Stoecker, this is a Jewish practice that has no support from Orthodox religious leaders. Its origin is not known, though it is assumed it comes from pagan practices.
Michael Avenati is s convicted felon, a known liar and a crook. So who is he calling out here? He stole a ton of this woman's money and tries to cover it by attacking her. Avenatti is a true POS.
I doutb that either of these individuals is a christian.
Neither of these individuals are christian. A porn star and her lawyer...think for a second.
I am surprised at the narrow-minded comments on a site dedicated to religious freedom. [We] Christians are still being attacked world-wide in HUGE proportion, so it's odd to me that we, Ministers of Light and Love on this site, would condemn one type of discrimination by employing another. This article is about standing against ideas that seek to rob people of their rights to personal beliefs or none; arguing for one religion by attacking or disrespecting another is nothing more than gross overgeneralization and ignorance blatantly embattled in yet another witch hunt. STOP THE DIVISION. THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS ARTICLE IS ABOUT. It is not what Religion or Christ or the Constitution stand for either. "Love your neighbor as yourself" does not come with the caveat: only if he shares your religious views. I hope we can continue to use this site as a place for provocative viewpoints, information, and discussion in a more enlightened manner. Speaking from a clear mind and a kind heart lends well to productivity that is highly superior to talking out of one's arse.
@Timbre Lynn Alisa Brainard Beck, this forum is called Monastery. It must be a place where we get together as church members. So, yes, I totally agree with you. And for those who want to dare, there is a meditation at the end of each discussion thread called Desiderata.
Now here is a classic example of fixation syndrome, tied in with a belief system that tells him he is right. The church of CNN/MSNBC told him so.
Stormy Daniels and all are fakes you can't see spirits or locate bodies tarot etc communicate with the dead.Come on get real.Its all rubbish.When you die the last sense that goes with You is your hearing.My aunt said to my dad I'm sorry I couldn't be here and he had a smile on his face.Uks Derek Anchora was proven by the press to be a fake.
I'm sorry to miss inform you but I'm a pagan witch I've been talking to spirits since I was a little girl and I still talk to spirits and they talk to me and I still see spirits all the time so it's a real thing but there are those people out there that are fake but not all of us are fake
Cindy, I'm glad to know that there are other Pagans, Wiccans, and Witches on this blog who we can relate to and converse with, but we can't convince outsiders and unbelievers of anything beyond their five physical senses. I futile, my sister, and will only make us frustrated. That's why I have nothing to say a big out this topic. I'll see you on the next. Blessed be!
Thank you and blessed be to you . I am just not going to hide anymore for who I am because I am proud that I am a pagan witch and I don't care who knows
Cindy, since my initiation in 1980 I've never been in the broom closet. Still, I won't waste my breath on non-believers, and nay sayers, or waste my time reading silly comments on a subject they know nothing about, nor seem intelligent enough to comprehend.
Cindy, don't be bothered by Nicholas. He told us a while back that he's mentally ill. He's undoubtedly scared to say anything unusual, for fear of them putting him back in the hospital, on a locked ward. Then comes the shock treatments, and possibly even another lobotomy.
I'm late to the party, but wanted to add my support.
Prove it, otherwise its just your word.
I don't have to prove myself to anyone for sure not too you. You believe no one can really talk to spirits or see them
Prove that Christianity is the truth, or Judaism, or Islam, etc. You can’t. No one needs to prove what they believe because it’s what is in their hearts that matter.
Dont have to, thats why its called FAITH, just like you have to have FAITH to prove that it does not exist. Your circular reasoning is not doing you any favors.
Neither is yours
Really?You can be whatever you want dear lady But as I have said Derek Anchors UK's top medium was exposed as a fake they prey on grieving people claiming to hear their beloved talk from the other side.All my family have been cremated and their souls have gone to heaven.I was always close to my parents my mother as men are closer.I know 100% she would have contacted me.
@Nicholas J Page, how is the relationship between eternity and our perception of time? Have you thought about it? Maybe she has contacted you in a moment that is far in the future for your experience of time.
So very happy for you, Sister. Blessed Be!
The fact that you and I cannot see spirits does not mean that no one can see spirits. That's your religious belief, not a legal fact. But you have not died, so you cannot have knowledge of death. None of us can have certain knowledge of death, but we speculate nevertheless. We try to make sense of it all by denial and scripture and explanations. Your father's experience does not necessarily apply to the entire human race. It may have been just a fluke of nature.
I'm not a spiritualist or Wiccan, but I do know for a certainty that spirits of dead humans do exist in this world. Many of them inhabit hospitals, indigenous boarding schools, and prisons. I prefer to avoid them, but to each his own. If you have never experienced the presence of spirits, it's because you have not quietened your mind enough to truly listen.
But finding that Stormy Daniels' beliefs and public performances make her insane and incompetent would be a major legal precedent to negatively affect every religious group. She is first and foremost an entertainer. She makes her living by doing outlandish things on video. And people pay lots of money to watch her do outlandish things. Thanks to the disgraced and twice-impeached Former Guy, she is the most famous porn star in the world. And that is her only source of income. So she's crazy like a fox, but that doesn't make her an unreliable witness. Fake or not fake is irrelevant. It's a business.
If she has psychic powers she knows how this is going to turn out.
Doesn't your crystal ball show you future events Douglas?
I always thank God that my life is so normal when I read about some people's lives. This qualifies.
I'm very happy for you Mr. Hannon. I've never met any supposedly normal people, but have heard that some of y'all do exist.
Thank you Mark, however, I should point out that believing in a deity with no demonstrable evidence of its existence is actually not a real trait one would call normal. On the plus side, your reference to a mythical god is held by a huge portion of the earth’s population, so perhaps that in itself could be classed as being “normal”. That in itself is a troubling phenomena. 🤷🏼
Health and happiness to you my friend. 🤗
@Lionheart, it's a singular grammar form... it's said phenomenon!
Thank you so much, George, for the correction, and for reading my posts. 🤗
Um sorry but she is going to lose this case as ghost hunting is NOT a recognized religion and has never claimed to be so. So Sorry Stormy, this is yet another case that you are going to lose, just like the one you lost against Trump and your "career" as nobody would pay to see you pole dance....get over yourself and go away and please forget your way back
She isn't claiming that her religion is "Ghost Hunting". She is being accused of being mentally unfit to testify because she believes herself to be a witch who practices witchcraft...
re read the story. She is claiming this is her religion, its the creep who used to be her attorney who is making the claim you posted.
Not a tolerance person are you?
@Thomas Michael Costello Jr, it's a descriptive word, aka adjective: tolerant!
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I appeal to you, brothers in freedom of spirit. Let's not confine ourselves to opinions and a declaration and - together with you, let's help her and ourselves by blocking the possibility of a judicial precedent. This is how we help ourselves. I am one of you, and I happen to be as much a scientist as I am a priest. I can explain all manifestations of spirituality from the point of view of science - perhaps this is my strength, love and vocation. My ministry. Help me bring my voice of support and my knowledge to her and in this way we will do the right thing together! Let's try to be not only a word about ourselves and the world, but become it through action!
How many times must I tell you Ehrman that despite the fact that many people strive for high ideals, a lot of them fall flat on their faces, making fools of themselves, and many of them are too stupid to ever realize it. However, I won't stop ministering to them regardless, when I'm not busy laughing at their idiocy.
Sometimes I think our good brothers and sisters of the ULC draw straws to pick out which line by Max Ehrman they're going to respond to our comments with, since the Desiderata definitely does not contain answers to everything.
"...and with all the unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason, God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 2 Thessalonians 2: 10-12
Well, I guess Big G had to weed out the number of souls ascending somehow. There's only so much grass in heaven that needs mowing, after all.
I know a guy who knows a guy and he told me that -- though you might have to stand in front of Home Depot in limbo for a while -- there's this carpenter that comes by in a truck daily. He can get you in through the service entrance.
Quoting ridiculous nonsensical passages from a two thousand year old book of myths is totally pointless in the 21st century!
I heard Bill Maher say the same thing about the Bible, and this is why I don't watch "Real Time" anymore.
Being a spiritual believer, communicator and conduit have always been made questionable, especially by those that believe in Christ. Yet, He, Himself stated that if they were to only have a mustard seed of belief then they too would be able to create miracles, cast unclean spirits and more. When I was a young child, one of my Persian aunt's introduced me to the world of spirituality, which I am still very well aware of today. When I was studying for my Doctorate in Spirituality, here through the ULC, it was a great refresher of things I had forgotten about over the years, that I use quite often now. People have always been amazed when I describe to them my visions, when I tell them their past, when I deliver the messages from those who have passed. I haven't watched Stormy Daniels nor her show nor do I pay much attention to any of those shows because I've seen where they are exaggerating, yet I also see when they are being truthful. Using the ability for good is why I believe I've been able to maintain such a strong connection. Can Stormy have the ability? According to the Holy Bible and many other resources, the answer is yes.
While I understand the skepticism that can inhabit the mind of persons after years of teachings that those who speak to the dead are either "crazy" or in league with "Satan," I must stress the ability to acknowledge the legitimacy of all faith systems, this includes athiesm, which itself is a system of belief. While many self-proclaimed "Christians" will attempt to use the belief in spirits as a sign of mental illness, "I see dead people." I must point out that the Bible itself demonstrates that communing with the dead is not only legitimate but it can also serve a legitimate purpose. I speak of the case of King Saul, who went to a witch and had her call up the spirit of a prophet of God (El [The name of the Supreme God held by most world faiths]), so that he might know the Will of El. While the information provided was not positive, the prophet did share the Will of El with the king.
The very important issue that should be discussed is not whether someone can commune with the dead, rather whether it is wise to speak with the dead for mundane purposes like talking to a dead husband/wife, etc. When any Holy Book speaks of communing with the dead, including communing with Jesus, it is supposed to be done reverently and only for reasons of great importance. In both Mormonism and Islam, El speaks with prophets only to pass on some new Divine revelation.
As a true universalist, I believe that people are chosen by El to transmit a message to the masses. Almost every single faith holds such examples, Budha, the Dali Lhama, Mohammed, Jesus, etc. Unfortunately, I see too much of the responses becoming caustic biting rhetoric. We should be instead speaking of how we can help others see how beliefs are similar if not completely equal.
Religion is an organized set of tenents ruled by a hierarchy. Beliefs, on the other hand, are personally held convictions not subject to proof or hierarchical constraint. If Daniels holds the conviction that she can speak to the dead etc., those are her beliefs and in this country, holding beleifs is not a crime nor a reason to restrain a person from testimony.
Frankly, I'm disappointed in the entire article, as being more of an opinion than a news story; is not well based in fact, but relies on Stormy Daniels posting of her intreptation of what the legal action says: "Daniels posted an excerpt from the court filing itself, which cites various media appearances and argues that she “has made any number of bizarre, fantastical claims that call into serious question her truthfulness, mental state, and ability to competently testify.” and goes on to list what those are. I suggest that readers follow this storm (pun intended) of mud and muck on any reliable news source, try this one: https://www.yahoo.com/news/avenatti-trial-live-stormy-daniels-123844741.html?fr=yhssrp_catchall
Why would an interest in "communicating with the spirits of the dead" be proof of mental inadequacy ? The scientific evidence supporting it is pretty solid: https://www.bigelowinstitute.org/Winning_Essays/Julie_Beischel.pdf
It doesn't matter whether you are mentally deficient, a witch, or anybody believing in any religion or faith (belief without evidence!) and any other weird stuff, if a crime has been committed then it doesn't matter what a defendant accuses the plaintiff of believing. Breaking the law or not is the only role the legal system and juries need to decide. Even the irrational have rights!
"...Even the irrational have rights!"
Actually they don't, the only have rights to the point that intervening authorities, including juries, can be convinced so in individual cases...governed by those authorities' mental states, perception, distortions and especially prejudices. It's justice by locust swarm.
That is what religion is all about. Talking to dead ones. I have the After Life, you have Heaven, the other guy has Allah and 72 sheep. They ran out of human females.
@Richard Lee Cornell, where's any sense in your comment?
Wait, what?? I suppose because I don't believe in an almighty being, I'm libel for jail? Hmm, this sounds familiar. "Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it," I believe the saying goes. What if I believe in little green men from Mars? What if I believe I can turn water into wine, what if I believe I can heal the sick, what if................ I believe someone needs to get their heads out of their butts and pay attention to HISTORY! Or doesn't the U.S. Constitution hold water here, I believe that it does. Does that belief make me a sick individual? Think about it........
In reply to comment that Jebus is alive!🤪
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So how does this differ from Christianity that believes in an imaginary being that is made up of three entities, one of which is the Holy Ghost?
So how does this equate with your religion?
I do not understand your question as you are assuming I have a religion. I just pointed out that Stormy Daniels belief in ghosts and talking to the dead is no different from the Christian belief in the Holy Ghost and praying/talking to a dead Jesus and an imaginary sky daddy!
I am not assuming anything, I am going by what you posted so if there is any confusion that comes directly from you
No actually you made the error Daniel
@Geoffrey C. Olive, you made a factual error: Jesus is alive, not dead!
Oh, George, is that a fact? Hmmm. Because how?
Christianity and the worship of a Zombie overlord and the singular but tripartite holy ghost is not only the predominate religion of the USA, but also the religion of presidents, people who are actually vetted and found to be of 'sound mind.' So while the OP has a point, you in fact are invoking a STRAWMAN and simply prove that you have in fact no clue what you are saying. Step aside and let adults speak young one.
@Marathuzula, is the one you call Zombie the risen one? So, in some way, you claim to share in this belief!