portrait of thomas jefferson
Should we turn away from turkey day?

Is it time to cancel Thanksgiving?

From politics to inflation to in-laws, there are plenty of reasons why families across America might be thinking twice about turkey day this time of year. In fact, a recent survey shows that only 38% of Americans plan to host guests for the holidays this year - down from 57% of Americans last year. And the precipitous drop is probably not just because of Great Aunt Martha’s mysterious shredded carrot Jell-O mold.

But for all the reasons millions of Americans might say no to Thanksgiving with the family this time of year, there’s one few have considered, but which one founding father believed wholeheartedly - that celebrating Thanksgiving actually constitutes a grievous violation of separation of church and state.

Jefferson and Thanksgiving

Though Thanksgiving was not formally established as a national holiday until 1863 by Abraham Lincoln, it had been widely (if informally) observed by Americans since 1777, following the Continental Army’s victory over the British at the Battle of Saratoga. 

That December, the Continental Congress declared "national days of prayer, humiliation, and thanksgiving," a practice which continued through the presidencies of George Washington and John Adams. At the time, these informal days of thanksgiving - with a lowercase t - were not affixed to a particular date on the calendar; Rather, it was declared when it was determined necessary to uplift American morale, typically in November or December. 

Revolutionary War thanksgivings were often held in cold and brutal conditions, but also served as major morale-lifters.

Presidents Washington and Adams both declared numerous thanksgivings, but our nation’s third president, Thomas Jefferson, was famously not a fan, and stopped the thanksgiving declarations entirely.

But why? Jefferson, a deist who believed strongly in separation of church and state, found the idea of ‘giving thanks’ a little too close to religious prayer for his tastes. 

When Reverend Samuel Miller wrote to Jefferson in 1808 recommending he endorse a national thanksgiving day of prayer and fasting, Jefferson responded that he had “no power to prescribe any religious exercise, or to assume authority in religious discipline, has been delegated to the general government.”

And though it did not make the final draft of his famous letter to the Danbury Baptists, Jefferson initially wrote about his hesitance to endorse anything which might have even the faintest appearance of piety.

“I have refrained from prescribing even occasional performances of devotion prescribed indeed legally where an Executive is the legal head of a national church,” he wrote, though this language was removed in the final draft. It was replaced with his famous declaration that the First Amendment was designed to build “a wall of separation between Church & State.”

The First Amendment

portrait of thomas jefferson
Thomas Jefferson: Thanksgiving Hater

Jefferson paid a political price for his thanksgiving-free presidency, as well as his silence on why he stopped the practice. Just like today, back then days of thanksgiving were incredibly popular, and Jefferson was constantly targeted by political opponents as “a howling atheist” and “enemy of religion.”

Jefferson never publicly revealed his reasoning - that he viewed a formal thanksgiving declaration by a president to be a violation of the First Amendment - and he lamented to Attorney General Levi Lincoln that he had “long wished to find, of saying why I do not proclaim fastings & thanksgivings, as my predecessors did.”

“I know it will give great offence to the New England clergy,” he wrote, “But the advocate for religious freedom is to expect neither peace nor forgiveness from them.”

Jefferson stuck to his principles, and did not declare a single thanksgiving during his presidency, leaving Americans with eight long, thanksgiving-free years. The practice of informal yearly thanksgivings was quickly revived by his successor, James Madison, and the first official Thanksgiving as a national holiday was on August 6th, 1863, declared by President Abraham Lincoln following Union victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg. Later in the year, Lincoln proclaimed another Thanksgiving - this time, for the last Thursday in November.


Thanksgiving was celebrated on the final Thursday in November until 1939, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt, hoping to stimulate the economy with an extra week of holiday shopping, pushed Thanksgiving one week earlier, to the second-to-last Thursday of November. This was derisively referred to as "Franksgiving" by Roosevelt's critics, and nearly two dozen state governors declined to celebrate the earlier 'Franksgiving' (though three states celebrated both!).

'Franksgiving' controversially continued through 1941, but after the Commerce Department noticed no noticable increase in holiday spending, Roosevelt permanently proclaimed Thanksgiving as the fourth Thursday in November. And with that, the final piece of the Thanksgiving pie as we know it today was completed.

Very few out there hold Jefferson’s views on Thanksgiving now, but it’s something to think about this turkey day. And who knows? Maybe bringing up this fascinating bit of American history might even distract from some of the political conversations likely to spring up ‘round the Thanksgiving table.


  1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

    Personally, I don’t consider Thanksgiving to be a religious holiday, therefore I don't see it as a violation of church and state. Those that do can do it for their own families, but they won’t do it to mine!

    1. Ealdormon Piparskeggr Robinson's Avatar Ealdormon Piparskeggr Robinson

      It has been, as I remember, a day to gather family and be grateful for the good things in life.

      Religion was kept to Church on Sunday.

    2. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

      From reading the article, what Jefferson was objecting to was declaring a day of prayer and fasting, as it would be compelling a religious holiday from the executive branch. Before it was an official holdiay settled on the fourth Thursday in November, the President would declare a day of prayer, and thanksgiving (small t). To him that would be a violation of the First Amendment as compelling prayer is a violation for those who do not subscribe to a religion that includes prayer, and the initial concept was Christian-centric.

    3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      Fine Paula, then you had better have shown up for work today, same way with Christmas Day and Easter.

      1. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


        David's got a great point, huh? Bet you didn't see that coming!

    4. David Arthur Lewis's Avatar David Arthur Lewis

      So, just curious... Who or what are you giving thanks to?

      1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

        So…just curious as well, who cares what I give thanks to? However, I’m grateful for all I have and all the blessings to come. Hopefully, this answers your question.

      2. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

        Does one have to give thanks to anything? Can one just be thankful FOR the good things in their life without being thankful TO anything?

        1. Robin Anne DePietro-Jurand's Avatar Robin Anne DePietro-Jurand

          I love that Amber! That's what my family does; It's also important to us to help those who might need a hand - on T'day as well as throughout the year.

    5. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day

      Reverend Paula Copp,

      You are incorrect. Thanksgiving is an adaptation of Sukkot.

  1. Joe Stutler's Avatar Joe Stutler

    I'm fine with a holiday that's a celebration of food. Prayer and fasting are just silly. Mangia!

    1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

      Understandable. Nothing wrong with spending time with family or friends or both and enjoying good food in good company.

    2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      You mean like your replies Joe?

  1. Daniel Todd Kamm's Avatar Daniel Todd Kamm

    On that note... Jefferson was correct. Peace, Out, tk

    1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      Yes he was but your false belief of him was not. and here is your proof https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/religion/rel06-2.html

  1. Johnny Mac 's Avatar Johnny Mac

    I am 71 years old. I have celebrated with family over the years and traditionally have always put up my Christmas tree as my parents did that Thanksgiving night. Now that I am alone it gives me time to consider the loss of my family and friends in this old world and being Thankful for the time I had with each of them on this day. Peace and Love and Thanksgiving to all.

    1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

      My immediate family has all passed so this will be my first holiday that I spend alone. I was invited to join friends but decided to spend the day watching the parade, eating a nice dinner, and thanking the Creator for the great life I have had so far. And no long drive to do it. Thanksgiving was never a religious holiday and my non-Christian friends celebrate it as well. I no longer care about the origins of the day. What matters is that we spend a day being grateful instead of being cynical and ill-tempered. I am going to enjoy the day and hope that all of you do too.

  1. Brien's Avatar Brien

    Happy thanksgiving to all! Take that however you like. If everyone would just take a small moment and find peace within themselves the world would be much better for it.

    1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      I second that!

  1. Rudolph M Garza's Avatar Rudolph M Garza

    My wife and I don’t bother with defining Thanksgiving let alone review its history. And even if a far fetched fantasy of “canceling Thanksgiving” were to occur Thanksgiving would still be marked on our calendar. After all a great idea cannot be destroyed, especially if it is observed in the privacy of our home. So, for my family and in laws this most auspicious holiday will always live on in accordance with our tradition. Meanwhile….

    To all my brothers and sisters of ULC, wish you health and happiness! I will be including ULC (that means all of you!) on the first Thanksgiving I am a minister! My thanks to ULC for making it possible and giving me this opportunity to share my thoughts!

    1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

      Rudolph, I wish you, your wife, and family a Happy Thanksgiving. Be especially grateful that you have each other, as the years often rob us of that. Congratulations to you on this first Thanksgiving as a ULC Minister!

      1. Rudolph M Garza's Avatar Rudolph M Garza


        You are very kind. I wish you and those you care about health and happiness! Have a great Thanksgiving!

  1. Alexander Arends's Avatar Alexander Arends

    To me Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year. There is so much to be thankful for. You don't even have to thank God, there are so many blessings in our lives that you can reflect on as a family or by yourself. Thanksgiving Day ought to make us grateful, grateful enough that we become motivated to give back on Christmas, or in today's era, on Giving Tuesday. Enjoy the family gathering if you can.

  1. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

    A great reason for a family to gather and gorge themselves together. The story we got in school it was to celebrate the Native Americans showing the pilgrims how to plant corn. After watching a documentary on corn, turns out it's a lot more complicated than planting kernels. It's like an agronomy lesson. Celebrating one very nice day in history shouldn't bother anyone except the Native Americans since it did not turn out well for them. If we can spend a month on pride, we can spend a day for a historical event.

  1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

    Here we go again! I see Thanksgiving as a secular holiday. It is a day to be grateful or thankful for the bounty that is on our tables, the hands that prepared it, the earnings that provided the money to purchase it, the good things in life that we have, friends, family, and sharing what we do have with others who are in need. Let's not screw that up with people who will infuse the holiday with all of the garbage that comes down the pike. I for one, will celebrate a good year with my family. A year where medical tests have come back okay or better for family members and friends. I will also be celebrating the lives of family members who we loved, appreciated, and lost. I will be thankful for you, who are able to read this post and who may decide to write a comment to it. I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. Cameron Lewis's Avatar Cameron Lewis

    I honestly never have considered Thanksgiving a religious holiday. It has and will always be a celebration of family and friends coming together to share the bounty of life and thankfulness that we are all together.

  1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

    Good for Jefferson, that's one of the more ethical things he did with his life. But what a weird thing for the government to declare in the first place.

    I would think that as a nation of religious freedom, we would all be having our respective religious holidays whenever they pop up, whether they are recognized by the government or not. And if we want to have a secular seasonal celebration, or any other kind, we don't have to ask anyone for permission about that either, we just do it. Why does the government have to declare a holiday?

    Well, to make employers cooperate, that's why. I feel like this would have been better addressed by making it law that employers have to allow for an employee's requested holidays up to a certain limit per year, rather than having to make it a day that everyone is off work. And now that we have such a mindboggling population we are pretty much doing that anyway but with the White House still playing along with the Christian holidays...which shows favoritism to a specific religion. But that's because whoever lives in the house gets to choose the decorations and thus far we have not had a President of another religion. Maybe someday we'll have a Hindu or Muslim or Wiccan President and get to see something new and different as far as holiday celebrations in the nation's capital.

    1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      you mean good for your opinion of Jefferson, and its a wrong one to boot.


  1. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher


  1. Rev. Carol M Anaski-Figurski's Avatar Rev. Carol M Anaski-Figurski

    Interesting article Celebrate it. Gather with friends & family. Dear Lord, Thank you for this gift of food placed upon out table~ help us all to do Your work in any way we are able. Acts 27:35 He took some bread & gave thanks to God in front of them all. The he broke it & began to eat ~ Grace & Gratitude psalms 118.24 & 136.1 remind us to add This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. THanksgiving is as holy as Christmas. Blessed be! Amen Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.

  1. Cynthia Mandello's Avatar Cynthia Mandello

    "We gather to give Thanks" collectively, as a Nation on a specified day.

    We give individual "thanks" continually and constantly through every day for each act of Grace accorded to us, almost rote without deep thought or meaning.

    "Thank you God" as I pick up eggs; "Thank God" as I finish the dishes (or any task); "Thank you God" that I had enough nails, or that my children arrive safely, or the tornado passed, or that I found my spare roll of toilet paper.

    I don't need a "special day" to give Thanks, but it's a grand excuse for a gathering of people that I love, traveling great distances to be together. Better than a funeral gathering...

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    We brits dont understand thanks giving but why interfere with American history?

    1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

      That’s okay… my dad was a Brit. Mom and I didn’t get Boxing Day.

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        How funny Paula, you DO know that Jefferson held religious meetings in the White House as well as Bible Readings, sort of puts a completely different spin on the story above and your view on the case now dont it?

        "Yes, Thomas Jefferson held religious services in the White House and other executive branch buildings during his presidency:

        New Year's Day 1802: Jefferson hosted an open house where he received a half-ton block of cheese from Baptist farmers in Massachusetts. That same day, he responded to a letter from the Danbury Baptist Association, a group of Connecticut dissenters. In his response, known as the Danbury letter, Jefferson famously described the separation of church and state in the First Amendment as a "wall of separation" and freely admitted that this was his own opinion as he could not change anything nor add anything to the Constitution without approval of Congress. Now please show us where this was sent to Congress for their decision on the matter, or better yet WHEN it was passed by Congress and sent to the states for their approval and then returned to Congress for their final vote? Bet you cant.

        House of Representatives: Jefferson regularly attended Sunday church services in the House of Representatives building, which was open to different denominations when Congress wasn't in session. Supreme Court: Jefferson permitted religious services in the Supreme Court chambers.

        Jefferson's actions seem to contradict the false belief that he believed in a separation of church and state, but some say that he was offering symbolic support to religion as a part of republican government. Jefferson's views were based on the First Amendment's establishment clause, which states that there should be no law that establishes a national religion or prohibits its free exercise

        Worship services in the House--a practice that continued until after the Civil War--were acceptable to Jefferson because they were nondiscriminatory and voluntary. Preachers of every Protestant denomination appeared.


        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          Thanks for your totally unrelated comment, Daniel.

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            Thanks for your ignorant reply, Paula was trying to imply Jefferson wasnt religious, I just showed he was and that you you in an uproar yet again.

  1. Angelic Realms's Avatar Angelic Realms

    Thanksgiving is a wonderful paid holiday so don't mess with my money. What an absurd thought. Is this more insanity from the meltdown blue haired set?

  1. James Hage's Avatar James Hage

    I find it sad that people rely on a national holiday to show gratitude for for all they have. Everyday is a day of thanksgiving, Thanksgiving day is when we share our bounty with friends, family and those in need. Where is your heart during thanksgiving? Where is your mind? If your focus is on all that you lack, that is not in the spirit of being thankful, and will only serve to ruin Thanksgiving for yourself and others. I pray everyone here finds gratitude for all your blessings and help to bring joy to family, friends, and strangers. Peace and Love to you all.

  1. Daniel Todd Kamm's Avatar Daniel Todd Kamm

    Popularity in no particular order I would say: food to one's taste; maybe ETOH of one's choice or not; a parade with big cartoon and advert balloons and a few lucky high school bands; and football. Because we all know that nothing is better before food than a parade, and after food than a bunch of men running around with a ball, tackling each other down, and then laughingly patting one another's bottoms.... something for everyone here! Maybe not so much the solemn, prayerful, Pennsylvania, Amy's parents of "Everybody Loves Raymond," fame, but ... why introduce solemnity into it when your just going to eat, drink and watch bad TV after playing multiple rounds of "Uno?"

    I wish everyone peace , prosperity, and survival... holidays can be rough, eh?

  1. Keith David Harry's Avatar Keith David Harry

    Thank you to my friends; who put up with my crazy arse. Thank you to my kids for growing up into great adults. Thank you to my 4 grandkids for ( at 70 years old ) allowing me to be 2, 9, 10 and 13 again when I’m with you. And I’m thankful to my wife of 50 years who didn’t 49 years ago boot me to the curb. And Thanks to all of you who post here. You make me think, you make me shake my head and most of the time, you make me laugh out loud. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  1. Keith David Harry's Avatar Keith David Harry

    Thank you to my friends; who put up with my crazy behind . Thank you to my kids for growing up into great adults. Thank you to my 4 grandkids for ( at 70 years old ) allowing me to be 2, 9, 10 and 13 again when I’m with you. And I’m thankful to my wife of 50 years who didn’t 49 years ago boot me to the curb. And Thanks to all of you who post here. You make me think, you make me shake my head and most of the time, you make me laugh out loud. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  1. James Bullard's Avatar James Bullard

    What is most curious to me is why they chose Thursday. Why not Friday to make it a long weekend? I think it is good to periodically reflect on our good fortune and having one day per year to remind us to do that is a good thing with or without any religious association. All the workers who get Thanksgiving off but not the Friday after would likely be more thankful for a long weekend than a dyay off then have to go back to work for a day before the weekend. That, after all, is why we have so many "Monday Holidays" for things that are not tied ot a spcific date like the 4th of July is.

  1. John Casillo's Avatar John Casillo


    1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      seemingly you as after a Lexus Nexus search, at no time could I find anything dealing with Jefferson and his supposed claim that Thanksgiving violated the 1st Amendment. In fact he served from 1801-1809. And it makes no difference if he liked the holiday or not, under Article 1 and 2 he had absolutely no constitutional authority to make a statement as such without it being passed by congress (Article 1 Section 1 :The Congress holds all powers in making laws"

      So gobble gobble to you

      1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

        John's comment had nothing to do with Jefferson so why are you jumping down their throat with an unrelated comment?

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          And why do you seemingly get all bent out of shape when people who make false claims get called out on it?

    2. Pastor George Day's Avatar Pastor George Day


      Your behavior is inappropriate. Please familiarize yourself with proper internet etiquette.

  1. Clay Purcell's Avatar Clay Purcell

    Thankfulness can be a religious experience not necessarily recognized by your Gawd. Enjoy the tradition no matter what your beliefs.

  1. Rev. Rory's Avatar Rev. Rory

    Since, as a couple, we spend every holiday alone, there are no holidays for us. It's just another day. To those that gather and enjoy holidays, I am glad for you and hope that you have a wonderful gathering. It's not that we have not tried but after years of being excluded, we have just come to accept it and hope that January comes as quickly as possible. Anyone that reads this will assume that we are terrible people that deserve to be excluded. We are not and we don't have any ill will toward anyone. Enjoy your day.

  1. Robert J. Hill's Avatar Robert J. Hill

    I don’t believe we have to define the holiday . I also believe we need to be giving thanks every day for what the Lord has blessed us with . Thanksgiving might just be the day to give a vivid reminder to all that the Lord is great with his giving .

  1. Kenneth Kling's Avatar Kenneth Kling

    The first Amendment protects one’s freedom to speak out loud whatever clap-trap that swirls around inside one’s thought box. It doesn’t have to be anything rational or even remotely based in reasonableness. If you want to gather family and friends together and express your thankfulness for whatever you chose, and should you elect to do this over a special meal on a special day, then please do so. Believe or not believe in a Higher Power, and follow or not follow a belief practice, do so in peace. May you all be spared from the ignorant blowhard who appears to get endless joy out of silly prattle.

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