skull projected on robot head, depiction of AI as evil
How eagerly should we welcome our new AI overlords?

The Vatican just issued a dire new warning about artificial intelligence to Catholic faithful.

In a new paper written over the last six months the Vatican cautioned the public over embracing AI. They cited a number of moral and ethical concerns they have with artificial intelligence, which they say harbors the “shadow of evil” just underneath its surface.

Their fears encompass everything from the increased proliferation of AI-generated fake news and images, to furthering the loneliness epidemic amongst youth… and even the potential to cause widespread economic collapse. 

A Dangerous Tool

“A source of tremendous opportunities but also profound risks” is how the Vatican described AI in the paper, which advises a more cautious attitude towards AI than the ‘full steam ahead’ approach most governments and tech companies are embracing.

“In all areas where humans are called to make decisions, the shadow of evil also looms here,” reads one ominous line in the paper. “The moral evaluation of this technology will need to take into account how it is directed and used.”

The document highlights a number of concerns that the Vatican takes very seriously, including the possibility of full-blown societal breakdown.

“AI-generated fake media can gradually undermine the foundations of society,” reads the paper. “This issue requires careful regulation, as misinformation - especially through AI-controlled or -influenced media - can spread unintentionally, fueling political polarization and social unrest.”

“Such widespread deception is no trivial matter,” the Vatican says. AI-generated content is quicky becoming nearly indistinguishable from reality. Take, for example, these AI-generated images recently shared by Madonna of her sharing an embrace with – who else – Pope Francis:

Additionally, the Vatican cautioned that AI could cause a “harmful sense of isolation” in youth, cultivating antisocial behavior. There is already a loneliness epidemic amongst many young people, and the Vatican fears that as AI interaction becomes more realistic, many may develop the transactional relationships they have with chatbots with their fellow humans – or even replace their human connections with digital ones entirely. 

Will AI Replace Humanity?

It’s a classic sci-fi scenario, but Pope Francis seemingly fears it may come true. Could widespread, unregulated adoption of AI tools by unprincipled businesses lead to widespread unemployment and economic devastation for the working class? 

Could artificial intelligence supplant our weak, fleshy bodies and fallible human brains altogether?

The “dignity of laborers and the importance of employment for the economic well-being of individuals, families and societies, for job security and just wages, ought to be a high priority for the international community,” reads the document in what was perhaps its most alarming warning.

AI must complement humanity rather than “replace its richness,” the document says. And it must not be used to “reduce workers to mere ‘cogs in a machine.’”

This isn't the first time the Vatican's addressed the necessity of approaching AI ethically. Last year, Pope Francis addressed a group of scientists invited by the Vatican's Dicastery for Education and Culture, where he shared similar concerns:

How Does This End?

It seems we’re still in the ‘wild west’ phase of artificial intelligence, and analyst opinions vary wildly on just how much impact AI will have on our lives when the dust finally settles. But this document makes the Vatican’s opinion on AI clear, painting a bleak picture of one possible path AI might take us down… if we aren’t careful.

What do you think? Have Vatican officials been watching too many science fiction films, or is there something to their warnings?

Is it true that AI harbors the potential for evil?


  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Well Ehrman, I take too much Irish sea moss and l-arginine to ever get fatigued, but it's been a while since I was an active participant on this blog, so I guess I might have been getting a little lonely. I know I was sadly missed by all my fellow Ministers. However, it looks like I'm back, for no telling how long. So, cheer up!

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Well Travis, it sounds like you're writing comments only so you can see them published on this blog, for the satisfaction of your own egoccentricity. Hopefully someday you'll come down from your high horse and join the party.

  1. Travis A. Lee's Avatar Travis A. Lee

    When religion and personal emotions get in the way, there is no logic. People veering off into all different arguments does NOT address the article topic as with so many other blog posts. But whatever, no one really listens to anyone on here anyway. Not from what I read.

    Religionists are crying wolf. AI is so much MORE than what they are seeing. AI has been helping out behind the scenes for YEARS and if you don't think so, go continue being an Ostrich. AI when the technology is perfected, will be an amazing benefit for humanity. AI is only still in the womb, it hasn't even been BORN yet. THAT is what is actually happening. YES, I DID state that AI has been behind the background for a long time, but in technological terms, it has not been that long and still being developed. WE ALL KNOW computers began long before WWII also, but it took over 50 years to develop a personal home computer. There are far more scarier things than AI, I see it in the comments and what the Administration who stole the election are doing right now. AND No, I will NOT Engage in any "arguments or debates". You have YOUR view and will not budge from it, no matter what, I SEE IT in every topic when I read comments. So you can attempt to engage, but I will not. You all have an Awesome Day, cause some of you need it. LOL!

  1. Brien's Avatar Brien

    AI, Artificial Intelligence. That label is misleading. There is nothing artificial about it. It starts off as a programmed set of algorithms that responds to simple requests. This is the "learning" phase of the algorithm. The difference here is that this algorithm can learn and adapt and correct it's errors. The more it learns, the greater it's capacity to respond. Now I believe that AI can be a useful tool, having said that, I also think it can be very dangerous. Producing false information disguised as truth can do alot of damage. I hope we don't bury ourselves with our own invention. ✌️

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      I hope it won't be long before they put AI in sex dolls. That would make them a lot more fun.

  1. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

    Give it 20 years or so and everyone will need a Tesla implant just to purchase food. Welcome to the Borg!

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      I bet if we were cyborgs we could live a lot longer, maybe even thousands of years, and also have super human powers! I'm game! Where can I sign up?

  1. JT Sunrise's Avatar JT Sunrise

    Rev. JTSunrise’s Response to the Vatican’s AI Warning:

    The Vatican’s recent warning about artificial intelligence is a deeply insightful one, pointing to the complex moral and ethical questions raised by this powerful technology. The concerns raised by the Vatican, particularly around AI’s potential to deceive, isolate, and destabilize society, should be taken seriously by all, not just as citizens but as stewards of our shared humanity.

    “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” – Exodus 20:16

    This commandment, central to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, directly addresses the concerns raised about AI-generated fake news and images. AI has the capacity to manipulate information, creating false narratives that undermine the truth. This goes beyond the technological; it strikes at the heart of spiritual integrity. To distort truth is a universal moral offense, and when AI is used to spread deception, it harms relationships, communities, and trust, core values in all faith traditions. In this context, AI has the potential to lead people away from the truth, which has consequences for both our social order and spiritual well-being.

    “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” – Galatians 6:7

    In Christian teachings, this verse speaks to the moral repercussions of our actions. When we manipulate truth, whether through AI or other means, the consequences are not only immediate but eternal. AI’s use for misinformation or political manipulation is a modern version of sowing seeds of division, distrust, and confusion. The Bible warns us that such deception will eventually lead to a harvest of bitterness, and we must not turn a blind eye to these dangers.

    Similarly, in Buddhism, the principle of “Right Speech” emphasizes the importance of using our words for good and avoiding falsehoods. Buddha’s teaching that speech should be truthful, kind, and beneficial for all is directly challenged by the spread of AI-manipulated media. When AI is used to deceive, it harms not just the individual but the collective well-being of society. However, when used ethically, it can help spread truth and foster understanding.

    “And speak to people good [words].” – Quran 2:83

    The Quran, too, calls for truthfulness in speech, as it is integral to maintaining harmony and trust within society. The use of AI to create false content is not just a technological problem; it is a moral failure. It is a violation of the sacred duty to speak the truth and to protect the dignity of others. Misleading information propagated by AI-driven platforms is a clear threat to the societal cohesion and the ethical fabric of communities. Islam emphasizes that the use of speech—whether through words or media—must serve to unite, not divide.

    As we stand at this intersection of technology and morality, we must recognize that AI, while presenting tremendous opportunities, also carries the risk of misuse. We must be cautious in how we incorporate it into our lives, ensuring it serves humanity, not destroys it.

    The Bhagavad Gita, another revered text, teaches the importance of discernment when faced with distractions or false appearances. It calls us to seek truth and act with integrity. In the face of AI, we are called to discern the truth, understand the power of this technology, and guide its application with wisdom, ethical principles, and compassion. The Vatican’s warning, when viewed through this lens, is a timely reminder to use AI responsibly, ensuring that it serves the collective good and aligns with our highest moral values.

    The Vatican is correct in warning against the unchecked expansion of AI. But it is not enough to merely issue warnings. We must take action to ensure that AI is used for good, for the benefit of all, and in ways that uphold the dignity of every person. We must ensure that we use these technologies to heal, not harm; to connect, not divide; to build trust, not destroy it.

    “The truth will set you free.” – John 8:32

    In a world increasingly shaped by AI, we must hold fast to the principles of truth and justice. AI cannot replace our shared human responsibility to uphold these values. The warning from the Vatican, along with similar teachings across faith traditions, is a call to reflect on how we can guide these technologies with care and wisdom.

    We must consider how AI will affect not only our lives today but the future of humanity. Let us not lose sight of our moral duty as we navigate this technological landscape. The future of AI—and the future of humanity—depends on how we choose to integrate it into society. Let us choose wisely, with truth, compassion, and integrity as our guiding principles.

    May we not forget the moral implications of AI, and may we, as a global community, use it as a tool for truth, justice, and peace.

    — Rev. JTSunrise, Celestial Nexus Church

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      I hope they can make robots with AI that are a pretty and young as those androids on the original Star Trek. We could have a lot of fun with them.

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      It's best to not project into the future, but stay focused on the present moment, for that's all there ever was, is, and will ever be. That is why I cross my bridges when I come to them, and never before then.

  1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

    "The raw material fueling modern algorithms is data. Massive, unfathomable amounts of information about our behaviors, preferences, relationships, and countless other aspects of life are being constantly collected and analyzed. Those who control this data – corporations, governments, and those they partner with – hold an unprecedented ability to shape the world a machine learning system inhabits. A dataset skewed towards certain perspectives ensures the AI will reflect those biases, potentially amplifying them on a vast scale." Igor Pishko (Linkedin)

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      True. A.I. consists of computer programs installed by experts for the benefit of corporations and oligarchs to maintain control. Not much different from the lying media we've all seen on TV, radio, newspapers and the internet for years.

      "Garbage in, garbage out" is just as true for A.I. as it is for our media outlets, government and school systems. We have all been programmed and we are still being programmed by "the experts" and "the authorities" in charge of the information, disinformation and outright lies to our faces.

  1. Rev. Carol M Anaski-Figurski's Avatar Rev. Carol M Anaski-Figurski

    Interesting article, It is really a new awareness vs a bigger presence of evil Tis the ? Where ever you tell a lie, Satan will rise the lie quotation has gone up in America. Cultivate kindness & turn away wickedness & AI does has a mind of its own.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      A.I. is a program inserted into robots and systems. It doesn't have a mind of its own. It simply plays back the programs that were placed into its memory chips.

      Garbage in, garbage out, just like all robots and humans that are programmed by "experts."

  1. Rev. Klaire ThD, MA's Avatar Rev. Klaire ThD, MA

    What does it really mean when an organization steeped in controversy makes a "dire" warning relative to a fictional subject (religion)? There are so many reasons to tread with caution regarding artificial intelligence but I'm also certain that there are no 'evil' components or connections other than the ill-will associated with some bad actors.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    Ai no thanks and to be honest I don't know anything about it.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      IF you've ordered anything at the drive thru restaurant, then you've probably spoken with an A.I. robot that is programmed to ask questions and record your order.

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      It seems like it would be hard not to live a sheltered life in the dungeon of Windsor Castle, Nicholas.

    3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Nicholas, you might first try watching The Adventures Of Merlin t

  1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

    As if "faked photos" never existed before 2025? I found photoshopped photos of Hillary and female celebrities placed on top of porn stars bodies back in the 1990s, long before "ai" was a thing.

    Madonna has extremely bad taste by placing herself alongside a photo of the pope. She should photoshop herself by an endangered species like a polar bear with her head inside its mouth. LOL

  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    Evil? No. Can it be used for evil purposes? Certainly. Should there be restraints put on the use of AI? Definitely.

  1. Brien's Avatar Brien

    So, I am wondering where the dire warning is for the Vatican. They seem to have a very long history of evil. I mean fair is fair right?

    1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

      Absolutely fair.

    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      The Inquisition was probably far worse than anything A.I. has done so far.

      There are many other examples of crimes and murder committed with the Vatican's approval over the years. One of the worst was when the Pope's army surrounded a town where "heretics" were hiding. When someone asked how they could tell the loyal Catholics from the heretics, he was told to "kill them all and let God sort them out." Despicable criminals.

    3. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      They did launder gold the Nazi collected from the Jews during the Holocaust and other stuff like that. Kinda evil.

      1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

        They were pro Nazi… very evil

        1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          The Pope is also pro communist. Pope Francis is a communist and the Vatican endorsed Castro's takeover of Cuba... why? He promised to make the Catholic church the ONLY church allowed on the island. Monopolies are great when you can get them and the Vatican loves to be the only church in any nation.

  1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

    Pope Frankie is a hypocritical clown. There is no "ai" machine that will physically molest kids like the pope's priests have been doing for centuries. He lectures US about building a wall for protection on our southern border, but his Vatican is surrounded by an even higher wall for protection!

    The "ai" machines are programmed and manipulated as a tool for information and misinformation, just like we have seen our corporate owned news media outlets do to us for more than one hundred years.

    Examples of media misinformation before the civil war of 1861: "If we southern democrats attack the north now, the war will be over within a few months and we'll keep our slaves." (Lie) Before Vietnam, "Our military was attacked by the forces of the Viet Cong in the Gulf of Tonkin." (Lie) "We must attack Iraq because Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction." (Lie) In every case, the lies told us by the news media led to the deaths of thousands of Americans.

    If you want to see "ai" in action, watch "The Wizard of Oz" when "the great and powerful Oz" is telling Dorothy and her posse to bring it the broom of the wicked witch. It was nothing but the projected image of one person who manipulated smoke and sounds to intimidate her. Her little dog Toto pulled back the curtain to expose the "ai machine" and the imposter who was operating it. There is the "ai machine" that the popoe claims is so scary. It's a machine run by corporate insiders for the benefit of corporate insiders!

  1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

    This is interesting. This morning I was listening to Corinthians where Paul says the idols to Satan are speechless and useless. I thought, no so with AI. That idol, if it becomes one will be quite lively and effective. Satan's masterpiece if you will

    Who's the Pope to talk anyway, google his satanic throne room. It's satanism in plain sight.

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    It’s interesting that the Vatican are concerned about moral and ethical values. Are they changing their ethics? 🤭

    I’m sure the Vatican is very concerned about their f(AI)thful followers. 🤗


    1. Brien's Avatar Brien

      Thank you my friend, I really do enjoy clearing out my nose with coffee 😜😜😜

      1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        Extra points for the phrase, "I enjoy clearing out my nose with coffee." LOL

  1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

    The truly unfortunate aspect is that this bell cannot be unrung… there’s no going back to the time before AI. There’s no meaningful way to avoid an interaction with AI, and thinking that it won’t evolve is naive. The ability to discern what is acceptable interaction, and that which has become too involved, is necessary to keep a healthy balance. I understand where the pope is coming from, but I don’t think he’s in touch with the actual situation.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      It may be possible to escape or avoid the "ai machine" by living off grid with nature just like our ancestors did for thousands of years. IMO, the "ai machine" is about the same as the machine manipulated by the Wizard of Oz in the movie of the same name. It's programmed to relay both information and misinformation.

  1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

    Proceed with caution...

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      "Don't believe everything you see, read or hear in the media or on the internet. The "ai machine" can be programmed to lie and deceive us just like corporate owned media has been doing for years!

      1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

        Lawrence! How nice to hear from you. You can't possibly believe that I would take verbatim what is said online, in the media or at the local Perkins breakfast table...and the Perkins breakfast table is the least likely to lie. Ahem, I'm giving them credit for their honest opinions of world affairs. I read, I sift through the droppings, and I make my own decisions! I hope you do as well. It's what makes each one of us unique! Have a blessed day!

        1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          My comment wasn't directed personally at you. It's just good advice I received from Abraham Lincoln on his website... haha.

          1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

            Good advice should be treated as the rare gem that it is. I had no idea that Abe had his own website. Did he design it or did he have someone instrumental in helping him do so by way of his writings? I hope they didn't use AI. I still haven't passed judgement on whether I would approve of the use of AI in my own life or in what I write. What say you, Lawrence?

            1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

              Glad you asked. Since A.I. can use things you post online to deceive people, you should never post a current photo of your face, your voice recording or where you live and work online. The hackers behind A.I. have duplicated those to steal money from millions of people.

              Example.. A.I. copied the voice of a woman's grandson and then called her on the phone and begged her to send money to him through bitcoin because he was being held in a mexican jail. She was ready to send the money until she thought to call her grandson directly on his phone. He answered and said he was safe and never in mexico... it was all a scam used by hackers who used A.I. to fool the lady. Criminals have used AI and bitcoin to scam people.

              1. Theresa C. Marquess's Avatar Theresa C. Marquess

                Lawrence, thank you for your post. That will enable anyone who is unaware of the real dangers of AI to learn just what it is capable of doing. Our local Sheriff's office informed the public of scams such as the one that you described. I hope many will read what you wrote and benefit by the knowledge that you imparted. Have a lovely day!

        2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          I hope you wear rubber gloves when you sift through those bird droppings. Otherwise, you stand an excellent chance of contracting bird flu.

  1. Najah P Tamargo's Avatar Najah P Tamargo

    Najah Tamargo-USA

    I have to agree, which is rare, withe that. AI has it's pluses.....but there are a lot drawbacks as well.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      A.I. really has almost no benefits for mankind because it is designed to replace humans, from driving tractors to plant and harvest our fields to driving taxis, buses and big rigs across cities. A.I. cannot be trusted 100 percent and it has already caused accidents and killed people who were walking across the street.

      Sam Altman's "Open A.I." has stolen copyrighted and patented property for itself to make millions of dollars Lawsuits have been filed against Altman for his unlawful use of copyrighted materials. He even illegally used the voice of a famous female celebrity without paying her so he could enrich himself to become a billionaire. He deserves prison time and a lifetime ban on the use of A.I.

  1. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher


    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Just a heads-up in case you missed it, this article is about Artificial Intelligence, Sir John.


      1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        Seems to be a bit jealous of those who built and flew the first jet planes, built the first model of our interstate highway system, designed and built the first jet powered planes we see at airports, designed and flew the first stealth bomber, invented the term "blitz" to describe a powerful football play, designed and built the first V2 rockets that launched our satellites and men into orbit, invented the first night vision technology, designed and built the first aerodynamic car known as the VW Beetle, launched the popular "Fanta" soft drinks, invented the first electron microscope, the first development of nuclear energy and the first development of radar.

        Other than those inventions we still enjoy today, "What have the Germans ever done for us?" - Monty Python's Life of Brian reference

        1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

          Are you praising Germans or Nazis?

          1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

            After WW2, General George Patton realized the German people were more intelligent, civilized and industrious than he had been told by the FDR media.

            When he finally arrived in Berlin, he was told that the Soviet army had shot women who ran away and they r*ped the girls who didn't run. This made him angry because he had been commanded to let the Soviets take Berlin while he was forced to watch. This is when he is alleged to have told a military aide, "We've defeated the wrong enemy!"

            If we take away all of the inventions and technologies given us by the Germans, what would we have? Narrow and winding two lane "death trap" highways (Route 66 and the Lincoln Highways), no passenger jets, no rockets or satellites in space, no NASA astronauts. Werner von Braun and his team of German rocket scientists were placed in charge of NASA and they designed and launched our first American rockets and satellites into space. Look up "Operation Paperclip" for more info.

            1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

              I believe there was also an episode of The X-Files called Operation Paper Clip, Lawrence.

          2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

            Timothy, did you know that Germans can also be Nazis. Putin even seems to think that Ukrainians are Nazis. Those Nazis could be from any country, but they get started in Germany.

      2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        I thought Elon Musk was a cyborg, created by artificial intelligence.

    2. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      I didn't see him in the article. While it is true the Nazi were democratic socialists I don't think Elon Musk is a democratic socialist. He behaves like a capitalist and the Nazi weren't capitalists.

      Bernie Sanders, Chick Schumer, Cortez, Warren, Mitch McConnell, Obama, Biden, Harris, George Bush 2, George Bush 1 and so on are democratic socialists. Look there for your Nazi.

      1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

        Time to reup your history. Socialism and fascism are on opposite ends of the political scale. The Nazi regime was hard right, not left.

        1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

          Thanks for the advice Amber, here's what I found.

          "The Nazis were members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), led by Adolf Hitler, which ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945."

          Thanks again.

          1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

            Just because a country claims to be something, like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea claiming to be democratic, doesn't mean that they actually are. Any cursory look at the history of the Nazi party would show you that they were not actually a socialist country. They just used that title and socialist rhetoric to appeal to the middle class but once they were in power, socialists were purged from the German civil service.

            1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

              I know that's true Michael. Take the USA democratic party and this last election cycle for example. They appointed Harris as the primary runner. That's not democratic. You can tap dance till you make it democratic but it's not. I received the exact same number of votes she did to become the primary candidate for president. Not very democratic at all is it?

              1. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

                Harris received 99% of the delegate votes...

              2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

                Kamala received less than 2 percent of the total democrat votes when she was running in the Iowa primary. She was never popular except among the billionaire democrat elites who knew they could manipulate her to do as she was told to do, like some sock puppet.

                The evidence shows the elite democrats did all they could to ban the Jill Stein, the Green Party and RFK jr from as many state ballots as they could, which proves they were NOT interested in democracy. They wanted a dictatorship with demented Joe and sock puppet Kamala as the faces for their dictatorship behind the scenes.

              3. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

                Lol Timothy!!!!! Who was her opponent? Hahahaha!

              4. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                And what does the Democratic party's process of nominating Harris have to do with the topic at hand? You're accusing democratic socialists of being Nazis and we are showing that the Nazis were not democratic socialists, which you admit to knowing is true. If you know that, why are you lying to try and smear liberals as Nazis? You're not participating in good faith if you are going to lie to prove your point.

              5. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

                Oh dearest Michael. I'm suggesting that the democratic socialists of Germany evolved and not a dictatorship. That is in fact what happened. It matters not how they ended but how they began.

              6. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

                Similarities between Nazis and Democrats: 1. Blocked rival parties from the ballot boxes. (Jill Stein, Green Party, RJK jr).

                1. Demanded obedience under threat of losing jobs. (Biden told us to either take the Covid jabs or lose our jobs, so Pfizer and drug corporations could rake in billions of dollars.)

                2. Pretended to be for the people, while secretly being financed by big corporations for control.

                3. Attacked and slurred everyone outside of their party. (Those "deplorables" and "garbage" patriotic people who rejected the elite cult of democrats.)

                4. Approved of cheap slave labor. (Imported millions of foreigners who would work for less than minimum wage, while throwing Americans out of their jobs.)

                There are probably more similarities but those are five obvious ones.

              7. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

                Something is giving me the impression that Trump might also be a ULC Minister.

        2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          Socialism is the first step to communism and communism is when the government confiscates all homes, cities, farmlands and businesses.

          Then they install bureaucrats to tell everyone else how to live their lives as poor starving people, while they wine and dine on the finest foods and live in luxury. That's how Stalin and Mao were able to starve and kill 100 million people in Russia and China.

      2. Timothy C Stone's Avatar Timothy C Stone

        WOW! That was quite a twist, hope you didn't hurt your back. Really? you are saying Bernie is a nazi? Elon is actually taking control of vital government depts. A first step of a Fascist takeover.

        1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          Elon's team is AUDITING the financial books of nearly all US government agencies, which should be done annually like every other business.

          When an company AUDITS the financials of a company, that doesn't mean they took over the company, so you just created a straw man argument and I just torched your straw man argument.

          1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

            Go, Elon! Keep up the good work!

        2. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

          Nope Timothy. I'm saying Bernie Sanders is exactly what the Nazi began as. Democratic Socialists.

          You're right to be observing this much needed and appreciated government spending reduction. Thank God for that, literally. His fingerprints are all over Trump's presidential journey.

          Hopefully they stop chopping at the right level of income vs spending.

        3. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          Bernie is right about taxing the rich but he fails on several other counts..

          1. Bernie still tries to claim that "climate change" is the worst threat to mankind. Yet he owns a house next to the ocean in Maine and he has no problem with rich democrats who have purchased mansions along the seashore. You'd think he'd tell them to live in the mountains where the rising oceans won't get them. But neither he nor the rich dems really believe a word about the threat of climate change or they wouldn't be buying mansions near the ocean.

          2. Bernie won the Iowa caucus when he ran against Hillary, but after she and the dnc did some back room deals, they changed the voting results and paid Bernie to be silent. He got at least one really nice mansion plus cars and cash out of the deal. So he lost his principles and his credibility to the witch from Arkansas.

          3. Bernie backs the worst grifters in the dem party, like AOC who posed for a photo at a NYC parking lot chain fence and then tried to claim that picture was taken at the Mexican border. She has become a millionaire with her fake photo scams. Bernie endorsed the "fire alarm" liar Jamaal Bowman who violated the law when he pulled the red fire alarm while Congress was in session. Bernie also endorsed the corrupt grifter Brandon Johnson of Chicago who has been protecting criminals from innocent Americans and paying bribes from his personal "gift stash"...

          BREAKING: Chicago’s Inspector General just dropped a report exposing Mayor Brandon Johnson’s secret gift stash. Jewelry, whiskey, handbags, and shoes—all stored in a “Gift Room” hidden from investigators as well as Johnson’s personal office. Just as scandalous: The report reveals…

          — Austin Berg (@Austin__Berg) January 29, 2025

    3. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Where do you see Elon, Nazis or South Africa in this story? Have you been programmed to hate a "Tesla level genius" who designed and built the first practical electric cars? Who has built and sent thousands of communication satellites into orbit? Who has designed and installed a neurochip that allows paralyzed people to communicate with their thoughts to the outside world? Hitler never did any of those things and this story is about ai, so stay on topic.

      You know what they say, "What you focus on (nazis) is what you'll become (nazis)!"

      1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

        So true Lawrence. All the hippies from the 60s are now the oppressive "Man" they hated.

        All these lefties are screaming about dictatorships while they defend their party for bypassing the democratic process for their presidential candidate. Literally everything they're dooming and glooming about they're transforming into and it's right before our very eyes. It's amazing, I wish they could see it and feel the amazement like I do.

        If they could push a button to make Harris the a dictator vs trump the president, they'd smash that button quick and now.

        1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          You're right on. The hippie dippies have become THE MAN who uses pepper spray, night sticks and tazers on everyone who disagrees with their totalitarian mindset.

          The dems lost the plot and became greedy, cold psychopaths who have done all they could to destroy democracy.

    4. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      I wonder if Mr. Maher drinks at the same bar as flugo?

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