mockup of upper valley cross sitting on hill
The 70-foot cross would sit on private land overlooking Leavenworth. The above is an artistic interpretation.

A planned 70-foot LED-lit Christian cross is igniting debate in a Christmas-themed tourist town nestled in the mountains of Washington state. The controversial cross is dividing the sleepy small town, with proponents arguing they have a right to express their faith, while those against the cross say erecting a massive, glowing cross is not only illegal, but could turn off tourists given its unsavory associations with the Ku Klux Klan. 

Are cross naysayers simply being scrooges, or do they have a point?

The Upper Valley Cross

Leavenworth, Washington is a popular tourist destination in Washington state’s Cascade Mountains. The small town, with a population of just over 2,000 people, is modeled after a German Bavarian village. Building codes are strictly regulated to fit the town’s theme, as much of the local economy is based on tourism from Seattle, Portland, and beyond, particularly during the autumn and winter months, where thousands pour in to celebrate Oktoberfest and the holiday season in this quaint, cozy village.

But many locals are concerned that the Upper Valley Cross, a 70-foot glowing cross being built just on the outskirts of town may negatively impact the city’s tourism industry - and others wonder if such a display - built on a private 20-acre land zoned for logging - is even legal.

A Town Divided

Though it’s only a partially built tower now, when lit at night, the finished cross will be visible from almost anywhere in town. For many cross opponents, their concerns are purely practical. The cross “is, like, directly above our backyard,” said one resident against the cross construction. Most locals, he argues, “would rather not have to look at it every day.” 

One resident pointed out the “unintended associations” of a massive, glowing cross overlooking the town, drawing comparisons to burning crosses used by the Ku Klux Klan to intimidate African-Americans. Even if that is not the intention, they say, it's an easy association to make - whether cross advocates like it or not.

Others wondered why the cross is needed at all. “We love Jesus, we love the cross,” stated Faith Lutheran Church Rev. Barbara Rossing, “we just don’t need it up on a mountain, illuminated.”

Putting God First?

Proponents of the cross say that it’s time for Christians to take back their town.

“Christians need to stand up and represent for their faith,” said Harry Hansen, who has become the cross’ unofficial “spokesman” in the town. “Instead of putting God first… we now are putting a lot of emphasis on DEI, to where right is wrong and wrong is right,” he explained. “So we thought it was time to stand up for what we believe in.”

Considering the divisive nature of the cross, local politicians are trying to ruffle as few feathers as possible and are taking a “by the books” approach of looking strictly at zoning laws when determining the cross’ legality. 

The city is considering a formal resolution against the cross, highlighting their opposition to “nonconforming or unpermitted lighted signs, towers, structures, and flagpoles…on and/or below the ridgelines and mountains visible from the City of Leavenworth.”

The cross, local politicians say, is a sign, and thus subject to a zoned building height of 35 feet - which also restricts illumination.

It’s currently unclear whether the cross will complete construction, but for many in Leavenworth, the fight is a homegrown version of conversations about Christian representation - and perceived repression - happening nationally. 

What do you think of this 70-foot cross potentially overlooking this small Washington town? Do property owners have a right to religious expression, no matter how impactful it may be on their community? And if so, where is the line?


  1. Robert Hauck, MD, FAAP's Avatar Robert Hauck, MD, FAAP

    Leavenworth is not "a Christian community" and the U.S. is not "a Christian nation." We welcome the practice of many religions in our country including --- but not favoring --- Christianity. The display of a blatantly religious symbol, the tall lighted cross, contradicts our nation's principles of inclusion and tolerance and should not be imposed upon the small city of Leavenworth.

    1. Paul Johnson's Avatar Paul Johnson

      If God hasn't had is hand in the founding fathers of America why was all documents bent around a Godly principle?

      1. Lori-Ann Neeb's Avatar Lori-Ann Neeb

        Because they were people of their time. That time was 200 plus years ago now. They didn't know any better the way that we should know to keep church and state separate.

        1. Todd Leslie Miller's Avatar Todd Leslie Miller

          “People of their time”. You make our Founding Fathers sound like a bunch of Mormons who change their theology every time it generates controversy. No, God’s truths are eternal and not subject to public opinion.

          1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

            Todd, are you saying that the theology of today should be the exactly like it was in 428 when Constantine ordered the cannonization of the New Testament? The times have changed. Lori-Ann was a little off on her timeline, because it was Thomas Jefferson (one of the founding fathers) that insisted on the separation of church and state that led to the freedom of/from religion written into the Bill of Rights (specifically the first amendment).

            Society has grown and changed even since the 1700s, and much of what was written has no application because of how society and technology has grown and changed. What about the scriptures that describe how to treat slaves? The world (for the most part) has outlawed slavery, and the Geneva Convention considers it a crime against humanity.

          2. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

            Todd, the founding fathers were working off humanitarian type ideals found in many religions, not just Christianity. They were set on not having any one religion control or lead the country. It's in the documents and letters they all wrote about the constitution. It would be wise for anyone making such claims to spend real time reading the papers and letters rather than just assuming based on their own personal religious affiliations.

          3. Rev Ned's Avatar Rev Ned

            Which “God”???

      2. R. Don Elsey's Avatar R. Don Elsey

        There are many different gods for many different people - referring to god does not mean they were referring to Christianity. Also, if you need a 70 foot cross to show your devotion to your religion you are focused on the wrong thing - how about leading by example and showing your devotion through your actions?

      3. Angelyn Joy Krout's Avatar Angelyn Joy Krout

        Because the founding fathers were a group of old, white, rich guys that didn’t know any better.

        1. Alejandro Medina de Wit's Avatar Alejandro Medina de Wit

          Loved your post. You nailed it

        2. Kevin Joseph Kervick's Avatar Kevin Joseph Kervick

          Thankfully we have evolved to a majority, angry, white women that have special status and knowledge.

      4. Christine's Avatar Christine

        God had his hand IN the founding fathers??? Wow your god sounds like a pretty wild time

    2. Travis's Avatar Travis

      “The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

      “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.…”

      “…Nature’s God…”, “…endowed by their Creator…”

      Sure sounds like a nation founded on Christian principle, to me.

      “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness…” Seems to me as if the Founding Fathers intended that the government “ shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech…”

      If in the pursuit of Happiness, American citizens wanted the freedom to express their religion, then they should be allowed the Liberty to do so.

      Darwinists, gays, lesbians, Satanists, Marxists, transgendered people, environmentalists, and any number of other religious cultists abuse their freedoms to shove their ideologies down our throats, every day. It’s only right that Christian’s be afforded that Liberty, as well.

      1. Asa William Sprague, II's Avatar Asa William Sprague, II

        Please point me to the 70 foot tall LED tower erected by Darwinists, gays, lesbians, Satanists, Marxists, transgendered people, environmentalists, or any one of the religious cultists you're referring to. It’s only right that they should be afforded that Liberty, as well.

      2. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

        Nobody wants to get close enough to your bigoted self to shove anything down your throat. Christians have been pushing their vile vitriol down everyone’s throat for millennia. Chill, Travis… and stop shoving your beliefs down other people’s throats.

      3. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

        Environmentalists! Oh, no!

      4. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

        Those values you pointed out are values many religions share, not jus Christianity. You are projecting your own ideals onto what's written. Take time to read the actual papers and letters the founding fathers wrote. They didn't want to be ruled by any one religion. That is a fact based on those writings.

        And no Travis, nobody else is shoving anything down anyone's throat other than Christians. Many, not all, just many Christians seem to believe everyone needs to be Christian and do all they can to work towards that end often including not helping people if they are not Christian or if they do not swear to convert. They wish to put symbols and tenets up in every corner of the public world and make everyone else comply to the activities involved. That's what is referred to as shoving down people's throats. What you are talking about with non Christians, whether they be of other religions, non religious, or politics, is people just living their lives accepted for who and what they are. They are not trying to make anyone join them. They just want to exist free, just like anyone else. Those behaviours are two very different things.

      5. Todd Leslie Miller's Avatar Todd Leslie Miller

        Ah, but Travis, Christianity is soooooooooooooo bigoted because it refers to certain appetites and natural impulses as being “sins” so we, the enlightened society, must work to get rid of such bigoted medieval nonsense! The above is the current progressive mindset.

        1. R. Don Elsey's Avatar R. Don Elsey

          You assume that Christianity, and its beliefs, or yours, are the single truth - maybe some self reflection is in order

      6. Meredith Jane Crowley's Avatar Meredith Jane Crowley

        Christians DO NOT OWN GOD!!! GOD, SOURCE, CREATOR, INNER BEING, SPIRIT, DIVINE GUIDANCE etc. whatever each individual wants to call the " LOVING, ALL KNOWING, INTELLIGENCE Created by and endowed within every human being is Universal. NO EXCEPTIONS! For any religion to claim that endowed intelligence as theirs alone is not only deceptive and as far from the truth as it can get, It is also anti-GOD!

    3. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      If the people voted for the cross on the hill, then that is their freedom to choose. We are not a nation against all religious symbols. Chill out.

      There are giant statues of Christ standing over Eureka Springs Arkansas and Rio de Janeiro Brazil. Let everyone practice their religion as they choose as long as they aren't harming anyone or stealing from everyone else.

  1. Daniel Todd Kamm's Avatar Daniel Todd Kamm

    A narcissistic and gaudy idol, and a very poor showing of "faith." They are simply pushing the envelope for reactions, more actions, and frivolous lawsuits down the line. These glam people need to "render unto Caesar...and g-d" and remember to keep personal faith and practices to themselves (private) and at home (as opposed to stadiums, churches, temples, political rallies and half-time shows. They would also be wise to remember what an idol is, and since they are so invested in the Ten Commandments being imposed on everyone else, the big # 1.

    The rest of it is snake-oil sales.

    Peace and

    1. John Alex Paxson's Avatar John Alex Paxson

      Not an idol, a symbol, the bible, as for all books of faith and beliefs, are guidelines on how to live, not to be taken literally, because there is evil between the lines of all man-made books of faith and belief.

    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Thomas Jefferson said, "The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."

      This statement emphasizes that individuals should be free to hold and express their beliefs as long as they don't steal their money or harm anyone.

      1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

        Comment removed by user.

      2. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

        'm sort of with you on this one, but who's to say whether it is harming anyone? Is public funding building this? For someone dead-set against stealing your tax dollars to use for things you don't believe in, what about the people in town who find this offensive because their beliefs are elsewhere (even Christians considering it an iconic idol)? My take: If the land is privately owned and the church (not public funds) is building it -and- if the structure passes muster of a structural engineer that it will not topple over in a rainstorm -and- if they ditch the lighting (because the artist's rendering is gaudy, and I can understand people not wanting that in their back yards when they are trying to sleep), then they can build it. My biggest fear is that structurally it would withstand the first wind/rain storm or a blizzard

  1. Wilberta M. Berry's Avatar Wilberta M. Berry

    The 98 feet (30) meter of Jesus in Rio de Janeiro hasn't stop the inhumane treatment of the poor, mixed race and children living there. Yet they do pretend to be a Christian conscience country. And it does serve as a tourist spot for people around the world so what difference does it make. The Bible specifically says not to erect or worship idols of any kind. That cross will just serve as another testimony to the absurdity of how deeply man's Anthropomorphism is. It's a fake jester of Christianity since God is supposed to live in the hearts of man. As Jesus said one's relationship to God is personal and private.

    1. John Alex Paxson's Avatar John Alex Paxson

      The cross is not an idol, it's a symbol, God lives in the hearts of some humans, the Devil lives in the hearts of some humans, some humans have no heart for anything to live in.

      1. Janet Marie Moland's Avatar Janet Marie Moland

        A cross is a symbol of Jesus. Christianity is Christ. Does not mean God. Jesus = Christ = exclusion of some other religions. How about a giant star of Davis next to it??

        1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

          A cross is the symbol for Tammuz the son of a pagan God. Christians used the symbol of a fish. That is why the Romans took so much delight in crucifying people on it.

  1. Najah P Tamargo's Avatar Najah P Tamargo

    Najah Tamargo-USA

    I support people who want to loyal to their faith. But that is a bit much!!! Especially since these towns, like Solvang CA, where they DEPEND on tourism. But do it right....use the city codes to shut it down. If the owner wants to put up an illuminated cross, put it in his/her backyard!

  1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

    70 feet tall with LED lighting? So you can show your devotion to a dude you’d lock up in a heartbeat if he ever showed his face? Yeah, ok… not just a little garish, is it? 🙄

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      The cross was a torture device that caused extreme pain for at least 24 hours. It was never used by Peter or the 12 apostles as a Christian symbol simply because it caused torture and death.

      The Catholics put a naked Jesus on the cross and called it a crucifix, the same as when Moses put a brass snake on a pole and told the Jews to look at the snake and be healed. "So Moses made a bronze serpent and fastened it to a pole. If a person who had been bitten by a poisonous serpent looked to the serpent, he lived." Numbers 21.9

      "Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert on a pole, so must the Son of Man be lifted up on the cross." John 3.14 Has anyone today ever been healed by looking at a brass snake on a pole or by a brass figure of Jesus on a cross? Asking for a friend.

  1. Mark Hannon's Avatar Mark Hannon

    Is just one cross enough? Surely a dozen would send a larger message. Is it enough to display a dozen crosses? Are 100 crosses the magic number to relay the faith of this town?

    For me, it is the love that I share from my heart that is the best declaration I have of that which centers my life.

    I am far more apt to be impressed by the same from others.

  1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

    "Christians need to stand up and represent for their faith,” said Harry Hansen, who has become the cross’ unofficial 'spokesman' in the town". Why not represent the faith by living the Golden Rule rather than by erecting a golden cross? Crosses in and on churches, in homes and mountaintops have created no measurable increase in human decency.

  1. Paul Johnson's Avatar Paul Johnson

    Leave it to the devil he will guide you if you want confusion. Follow Jesus lead in the wilderness, not Eves lead in the garden. Not surprising to see somekind of Racist remark if given enough time it will be Trumps fault. Listen to God and not the devil. just take a peek at what is going on in Massachusetts no different than Sodom and Gomorrah once the devil has a foot hold be on guard he hates to loose.

    1. Elizabeth Jane Erbe Wilcox's Avatar Elizabeth Jane Erbe Wilcox

      You say we shouldn’t look to the devil yet it IS the orange clown’s fault and that of his sidekick MuskRat.

      1. Keith David Harry's Avatar Keith David Harry

        Was waiting for someone to crawl out from under a rock and blame it on the current administration. Hear that alarm in the background; it’s time to take your medication.

  1. James Mounts's Avatar James Mounts

    Zoning laws rule. There is a law that in Washington, D.C. no structure can be higher than the Washington Monument. One would be prohibited from building a church with a 600-foot steeple. This prohibition would have NOTHING to do with religion and everything to do with keeping the federal mall attractive for tourists. It may not seem fair, but it is law.

    1. Todd Leslie Miller's Avatar Todd Leslie Miller

      “Zoning laws rule”. So a group of Mormons found out in Texas when they tried to build a temple that exceeded a town’s building codes.

    2. Shane Michael Whitehead's Avatar Shane Michael Whitehead

      What does this have to do with the LED cross in Washington State?

      1. James Mounts's Avatar James Mounts

        Forgive me, please, for reading the article. Here is a quote. "The cross, local politicians say, is a sign, and thus subject to a zoned building height of 35 feet - which also restricts illumination."

      2. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

        Washington State also has zoning laws. All states do. It might have been more helpful to use an example from WA but the point still stands.

        1. Matthew W Meister's Avatar Matthew W Meister

          While many locations have zoning laws, states rarely do. Most of them aren for counties or municipalities. If municipalities begin ignoring their zoning laws, they will soon find out why they were necessary in the first place. Ignore them for one group, but not another, and you will quickly find yourself in a costly discrimination lawsuit, and you will lose.

  1. Brien's Avatar Brien

    Many here know my position on organized mythology, but just for the sake of argument.... When I was much younger I would go to "church" with my grandma. I remember the preacher standing before the congregation reading out of the great book of myths and he read... "let thine own heart and thine own home be my temple". Now I admit to being confused by this statement as it was being said in a gold encrusted, statue filled temple. Having faith was supposed to be a personal family and friends affair, not some flag waving political statement. I guess I'm still confused, but badly written mythology does that to me. Peace 🕊️

  1. Michael Howard Schrader's Avatar Michael Howard Schrader

    How about a 70' LED "For all your lumber needs, shop Cross Hardware!" on the adjoining property?

  1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

    So the KKK has gone green?

  1. Amelia Anne Edwards's Avatar Amelia Anne Edwards

    What purpose does such a thing serve? Does it feed the hungry, give shelter, or heal? All that effort could have gone to make a positive change in the world. This will just annoy the wildlife.

    1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

      Y'know that territorial thing gorillas do where they smack their chests? That's the purpose such a thing serves, same deal. At least it smells better than peeing everywhere, the way dogs do it.

  1. etAda's Avatar etAda

    I've been to Leavenworth quite a few times, and had considered moving near there, and personally I don't like the idea of a giant LED anything being lit 24 hours in a place where people go for nature and mountain views.

    Ultimately though, the locals who will be living with it year round should get the most say, especially anyone who will have to deal with the light pollution at night. If they comply with zoning laws and turn it off for part of the night so it doesn't cause issues keeping people awake, then I don't see any legal reason it can't be constructed.

    This is a small town that was made into a tourist destination by Ted Price and Bob Rodgers, who were a gay couple, and made it into the Bavarian village tourist destination it is now. I feel that may be part of why the idea of a giant 24 hour glowing cross looming over the town feels not great to me personally too, but a lot of people might take comfort in it as well, and I don't like being told what to do on private property if I don't violate any laws, so I guess next time I drive over we'll see if the skyline has anything glowing.

  1. Matthew L. Feinberg's Avatar Matthew L. Feinberg

    I have a similar cross near my home in Tomball Tx. I am not anti-Christian but it is an eyesore and I pray a tornado or some other act of god will knock it down

  1. Marc Wildman's Avatar Marc Wildman

    The money to construct and maintain could be used for so many other purposes. Feed and house people first.

  1. Patti Anne Lisenbee's Avatar Patti Anne Lisenbee

    What about the impact a glowing cross would have on wildlife at night? That needs to be studied long before the cross is erected. What will it do to people's sleep patterns? Be very disruptive on both counts, I bet. Let the people it will affect most vote on whether they want it or not. In the meantime, do the "christian" thing with the money - feed the poor, help the sick, house the homeless.

  1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

    “So we thought it was time to stand up for what we believe in.”

    What he meant to say was:

    "So we thought we would shove it in their faces and gloat because eff those guys."

    1. Paul Johnson's Avatar Paul Johnson

      Comment removed by user.

  1. JT Sunrise's Avatar JT Sunrise

    Rev. JTSunrise: The Cross Is Not a Billboard for Cultural Power

    “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.” — 1 Corinthians 13:1

    A towering, LED-lit cross—bright as a gas station sign along the interstate—rises in a Washington tourist town, casting not the light of Christ, but the artificial glow of nationalist vanity. Some call it a symbol of faith, but is it faith or a spectacle of dominance? Is it worship or self-importance?

    The cross of Christ shall not become a brand logo. It shall not be transformed into to a corporate sign flashing in the night to promote a politicized American brand of deception and righteousness. The cross is and shall remain an instrument of sacrifice, the weight of suffering carried by the Son of God. It is not a tool of dominance. It is not a banner to be raised over a warrior nation to claim it for a hollow, politicized, brand of American Christianity.

    “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.” — John 18:36

    This LED cross is not built to glorify Christ—it is built to glorify those who erect it. It is not an act of faith, but an assertion of cultural power, a demand that all who see it submit to a spectacle rather than the substance of the Gospel. Christ never told us to build monuments in His name—He told us to take up our own crosses and follow Him.

    A Cross That Blinds, Not Illuminates

    There is a reason recoil at this structure. It is not because they hate Christ, but because they have seen His image twisted into a tool of intimidation. The Ku Klux Klan did not burn crosses to honor Christ—they burned them to strike fear into the hearts of the innocent. That was not the light of God. That was the flame of hatred, consuming the message of Christ and leaving only its ashes.

    “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.” — Matthew 23:27

    Those who truly follow Christ do not need imposing LED monstrosities to declare their faith. They do not need their faith reduced to the idolatry of a monument glowing like a fast-food advertisement. The light of Christ shines in acts of mercy, in the humility of service, in the quiet work of love—not in steel beams and electric circuits made to shout, “Look at me!”

    The Gospel Is Not for Sale

    America is full of glowing signs. Gas stations. Casinos. Mega-churches that sell salvation like a product, promising subscriptions to prosperity but never preaching repentance. And now, a cross wired to the same artificial light, flickering in the American marketplace. Is this the faith Christ died for?

    “You cannot serve both God and money.” — Matthew 6:24

    If the people of this town wish to shine Christ’s light, let them do so in action, not in spectacle. Let them ask: Who is this cross truly for? If it is for Christ, then let them live as He commanded. If it is for themselves, then it is no better than the golden calf.

    A flashing sign will not bring salvation. An LED cross will not redeem this nation. Only repentance will. Only love will. Only the hard road of discipleship, not the easy glow of spectacle. The cross is not a product to be marketed. It is a burden to be carried.

    “Whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.” — Luke 14:27

    Rev. JTSunrise Celestial Nexus Church, Seattle, WA

  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    It’s only a cross. If he’d been executed by stoning it would more than likely have been a large stone, or a huge noose if he’d been hanged. Such is the way of religious mankind. 🤷

    Thank goodness the Electric Chair, or Lethal injection hasn’t been invented. A huge syringe, or large chair on a hill top just wouldn’t look right.


  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    I spent my teenage and young adult years in Ventura California where a large illuminated cross topped the hill overlooking the downtown area. It caused little trouble. It was part of the city's history and was treated as such. People are too sensitive these days. Let the cross be built as long as it is done with private money.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    Yes no one has complained about Christ the redeemer in Brazil which is huge so what's the difference if a worshiper puts a cross on his own land.Sounds like sour grapes to me.Tourism won't be affected

  1. John Alex Paxson's Avatar John Alex Paxson

    In God We Trust ... if you cannot understand that, then too bad.

    1. Amber Fry's Avatar Amber Fry

      You do understand that was added much later in a time of fear, and not in the beginnings of the country by our founding fathers, right? You can google it.

    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Yes, it’s really weird, isn’t it, how people like to say that without having any demonstrable knowledge of its reality. And then, to top it all off, they say they place their trust in it. Weird…..right? 🤷


      1. John Alex Paxson's Avatar John Alex Paxson

        I guess it all depends on your prospective of reality.

        1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

          Yes, or even my perspective. 🤭


  1. Rev Ned's Avatar Rev Ned

    If it’s completely funded privately, it’s OK.

    1. Asa William Sprague, II's Avatar Asa William Sprague, II

      Even privately funded it would only be OK if it complies with zoning laws.

  1. JaZe's Avatar JaZe

    God is not a strictly christian word or meaning, it exists in every religion. Same with Creator.

    1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

      God was originally a term created and used by Anglo-Saxon and other Germanic/Scandinavian Pagans.

  1. Rev Samantha Counihan's Avatar Rev Samantha Counihan

    its more than showing "faith" its forcing their faith on everyone in that town, not everyone believes in christ nor the christian god, put a cross there might as well put a point up pentagram next to it, im never going to that town, i dont want to see a giant cross

  1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

    My opinion, is to compromise. If the size of the cross is within zoning laws and on privately owned property, let them build it. If it is too tall, shorten it. A cross that is 6-7 stories high should be constructed in such a way that it is anchored such that there is confidence by a structural engineer that it won't topple over in a wind or rainstorm. Either way, the gaudy lighting has to go.

  1. Donald K Mulcahy's Avatar Donald K Mulcahy

    Waterbury Conn has had one about 100 years. The city still stands with all ethnic groups coexisting very well.

    1. Asa William Sprague, II's Avatar Asa William Sprague, II

      The Waterbury Connecticut cross is part of an 18 acre Catholic theme park that opened in 1955. The park closed in 1984 and reopened in 2014. The original cross (which has been replaced more than once) was 56 feet tall and made of steel. The current cross is 65 feet tall, made of steel and is illuminated with LED lights that change color based on the Roman Catholic Liturgical colors.

      1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

        Psychedelic, man.

  1. Glenn A Svendberg's Avatar Glenn A Svendberg

    Ask the folks of Waterbury CT and those traveling on I84. they have a 65 foot LED lit cross on the hill above what used to be Holy Land USA Park. for me and others that cross gives me a feeling a peace and a feeling of calmness, and that things will get better. It looks wonderful and they change the color of it, pink, yellow, blue, green.

  1. J Nicholas Prestera's Avatar J Nicholas Prestera

    The cross should not be errected. It isn't necessary to broadcast your religeous ferver. It is necessary to live your religion and light the world though your behavior. Religious freedom should include respect for others and our environment. Erecting the cross is an act of declaring superiority that you don't have.

  1. Malerie Bleich's Avatar Malerie Bleich

    Why not reduce the size of the cross that lighted symbols of all faiths can occupy the same space ie( Star of David, Om, Crescent moon and star, etc). A true representation of some of humanity's belief groups . Many of us do not walk conventional religious paths, and, hopefully, walk paths of kindness and unconditional compassion...mixed with wisdom. Divine human qualities within all of us...not always easy to access, however...available = Profound peace of heart and mind experienced when accessed and practiced.

  1. David G. Teeter's Avatar David G. Teeter

    I would like to point out that all of the opponent's of the cross are bring up points that have nothing to do with the cross. Christ told us to let our light shine. The constitution gives us "freedom of religion". No where does it say freedom from religion. Even atheist have the freedom of not believing in anything. I have been to Leavenworth many times. It is a beautiful village (town). If it is on private land, and outside of the village, then the town has nothing to say about it. There was the same discussion about a man who erected a 30 foot Cross, Menorah, and a star on his private land by I-5 In Washington State. Last I knew, it is still there. By the Way, it was lite up at night for all to see.

    1. Amy Varela's Avatar Amy Varela

      The cross was used as a torture/execution device, and it's the symbol of Christ's death. Why not put a star up there as the symbol of the star that led the Wise Men to Christ. I mean, isn't Christmas supposed to celebrate the birth of Jesus? It's apparently a Christmas-themed tourist town. A cross isn't a symbol of Christmas. It's a symbol of death.

  1. Travis A. Lee's Avatar Travis A. Lee

    Get rid of it. Not because of Anti Religion, but because of COSTS. I grew up with a "Cross" on a hill that was lit all night. Finally the costs of maintaining the Cross cost too much and it was removed. IT was somewhat of a "comfort" to see the Cross and for a long while it felt "wrong'. BUT the City must have felt the same, so they put up a flag that could be seen. That would be the only reason. Do not pass onto the next generations something that become more of a "Chore" like what past generations have done to us.

  1. Paul Johnson's Avatar Paul Johnson

    No different than Sodom and Gomorrah they didn't care what reflections of God they just didn't want anything to do with God . How did that workout?

  1. Richard Mutch's Avatar Richard Mutch

    Good reasoning.

  1. Richard Mutch's Avatar Richard Mutch

    Good reasoning.

  1. Martin L Stigleman's Avatar Martin L Stigleman

    I look forward to tis ridiculous BS going te way of "Big Butter Jesus" in Cincinnati...a 62 foot tall statue of Jesus, used to aggrandize a church...that was struck by lightning and burnt to the ground!!

    All the "Christians" should maybe take a look at their own Commandments about "Graven Images". They seem to be worshipping images instead of following beliefs lately.

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