With Hurricane Beryl as their cover, a vandal snuck onto the University of Houston campus in the dead of night and beheaded a controversial sculpture. Entitled “Witness,” the sculpture has been called everything from “Satanic” to “pro-abortion” by evangelical critics since it was installed earlier this year.
Witness is the work of Pakistani-American artist Shahzia Sikander, and was installed in a plaza at the University of Houston after months of display at Madison Square Garden to critical acclaim. The 18-foot-tall bronze statue depicts a woman with braids formed into the curled horns of a ram on either side of her head. She wears a Ruth Bader Ginsburg-style lace collar around her neck – or now… what’s left of it.
A Satanic Statue?
The troubles started long before the vandal took action. Soon after it was installed on campus, evangelical groups in Texas voiced their displeasure and critics organized a protest of the controversial statue.
One of the main champions of the piece’s cancellation was Texas Right to Life, a pro-life group. They claimed the statue is an “idol” that uses “satanic imagery to honor abortion and memorialize the late Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.”
“Disobedience to God certainly should not be esteemed by society, much less lauded with a statue,” the group said in a statement. “On the contrary, art should reflect truth, goodness, and beauty: three timeless values that reveal the nature of God. Art cannot have beauty without truth. Art cannot have truth without goodness. A statue honoring child sacrifice has no place in Texas.”
Statue Beheaded
That was the backdrop against which a vandal arrived under the cover of storm and darkness to behead the statue.
The university released security footage that shows an unidentified person climbing atop the statue, and the head falling to the ground moments later:
“We were disappointed to learn the statue was damaged early Monday morning as Hurricane Beryl was hitting Houston,” explained University of Houston director of media relations Kevin Quinn. “The damage is believed to be intentional. The University of Houston Police Department is currently investigating the matter.”
A Tribute to Women
The artist, Sikander, says the statue is indeed a tribute to the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg and “the indefatigable spirit of women who have been collectively fighting for their right to their own bodies over generations,” but argues that the statue has nothing to do with anything demonic. The rams’ horns are universal symbols of strength and wisdom,” she explains. “There is nothing Satanic about them.”
Sikander argues that the beheading was “a very violent act of hate, and it should be investigated as a crime,” though at this point she doesn’t want the piece to be repaired. Instead, she says, it should remain, for now, headless – a monument to free speech, and the struggles of being a woman.
“I don’t want to ‘repair’ or ‘conceal,’” she says. “I want to ‘expose,’ leave it damaged. Make a new piece, and many more.”
What do you make of the statue and its surrounding controversy? Should art be protected, even if it offends religious sensibilities?
Why are we worshipping idols?
There's no hate quite like monotheist "love" is there?
It is interesting... in studying The Nag Hammadi Library scriptures and the Gnostic Christians to find similarities between Paganism and Christianity (which stole many Pagan traditions and wrapped them slightly differently)Oden and his siblings using Yamir the Giant to create the Earth, the sky, and oceans etc. and the Gnostic Christians creation of Adam (the Perfect man). I find paganism and Gnostic Christianity far more fair in power structure toward the female and the male.... than the European interpretations and translations of language by tweaking the narrative and leaving out testaments to create the Bible used today... that occurred to grab control over the Kings, and Rulers and the citizenry through out history.
I am not an art critic by any stretch of the imagination, but I think these people just beheaded a self-portrait sculpture of a Pakistani woman who identifies as both Arabic and as an Aries.
What the heck is going on in this world? This is ridiculous and those who damaged the statue should be prosecuted under the full extent of the law.
Some people go to far when protesting. Yes they have a right to be heard but to destroy a art work no.
First of all, what we need to do is stop calling everything that is Arabic Satanic. The word that was on the hoop skirt literally has two meanings; one is Eve and the other is life. To blame Eve for the reversal of Roe vs Wade is preposterous as it is clear that she carried both of her children to term. But that is the problem with Christianity; everybody wants a scapegoat. Everybody wants a Jesus they can blame that will accept the punishment for their sins because they do not want to take accountability for their actions. According to the Bible, Eve was the world's first scapegoat. For whatever reason, she chose to eat that apple. However, I do not recall her shoving it down Adam's throat. He made that decision on his own yet blames her for the consequences of his actions.
Only the sadistic will be offended with the actions of another who honestly believes themselves standing up to what offends God, instead of blindly tolerating the offense like Satanic sheep.
I thought lambs grew up into rams. Or do they not like sheep anymore?
Have someone forgot to tell the same christians their religion is based upon paganism also ?!?
That is a beautiful explanation describing that sculpture. Thank you so very much. Peace be with you.
Vandalism is vandalism. Tipping over tombstones, throwing trash out of car windows, smashing windows, setting fires, graffiti -- just takes a jerk.
What gives the followers of any one religion the right to decide what is true, good, and beautiful? This statue wasn't dedicated to a religion at all. It was dedicated to WOMEN. What could be more true, good, or beautiful than that? You don't have to agree with everyone's choices but you have to respect their right to make those choices. You don't have to like every piece of art. But you have to respect the right of others to create and enjoy that art. What's next, going through art museums to deface every piece they don't like?
Sir. SIR. Have y'all figured out yet that you are outnumbered??? Like VASTLY outnumbered. No one cares about your hell and I will tell you why… because if people like you go to heaven, the rest of us will gladly take hell. Then y'all wonder why and whine about no one going to church.
No matter what or whom the statue is supposed to represent, it is PRIVATE PROPERTY and needs to be left alone! Leave it to the Evangelicals to put their spin on something that doesn’t mean what they say it does. I guess the adage is true that every religion has its lunatic fringe.
I am a Houstonian and lifelong Texan, bred and born. This act of violence and destruction should surprise me, but it is another act of evangelical, authoritarian right that seems to control Texas and many other states as well. Destruction, chaos, accusatory behavior is now the norm for people that follow this culture. WWJD stays with me, and I find myself asking this when I see news reports or both sides in opposition. WWJD? Would he look at a work or art and say, this doesn't belong here, let me destroy it, or would he say, Wow! What a work of art! It is clearly not an idol, because if it is, then we could say every statue erected in this country is just that, which it is clearly not. The Statue of Liberty being the largest gifted idol this country has seen. Murals painted in cities and towns are again a work of art and not intended to incite violence but to create and make people think. When is this country going to wake up and start showing respect instead of trying to prove their need to be right? When are we going to look at a statue or fountain for its beauty and not its political representation? When are we going to bring kindness back to this country and rid it of separateness' and hate? WWJD? The real Jesus. The one that taught love and acceptances, kindness and extending grace. Where did that Jesus go?
While I do not agree with any sort of vandalism. I would have to agree that it did bear a striking resemblance to that awful women whom I am certain is burning in the fires of eternal damnation for helping to facilitate the murder of the innocent unborn amongst many other things.
You, sir, do a wonderful job of personifying the phrase: "There's nothing as hateful as Christian love."
As we watch the forces of evil co-opt faith movements to support their hateful ideologies, we will continue to see crimes and atrocities done in the name of defending the faith.
“Those who start by burning books will in the end burn people.”
It is past time that those of us who haven’t surrendered to hate push back on those who use faith to shield their bigotry.
Words of wisdom.
Gotta watch out for those Christofascists. They’re pretty intolerant. Kinda like the Taliban.
If Christofascists did it that is.
Maybe someone just felt it was a truly awful excuse for art.
Even so, that doesn't justify vandalism.
If the words and the symbolism of our past is erased... then we have lost respect for those who traveled their road to bring us to our present... If words and symbolism is erased form our present... then we lose faith in the continuity of the road into our future... we lose ourselves. Be as careful with the eraser and even more careful of what one writes with the tip of the pencil... or the stokes and deletions from a keyboard.
I believe that the work of an artist should be respected by all that view it. A piece of artwork is a reflection of an artist's feeling, interpretations, hopes, dreams and ideals. Whether or not the viewer agrees or disagrees with the significance (meanings) of the a piece of art, whether it be their personal interpretation or that of the artist, does not give them the right to alter it. What we have now in this United States of America, is a lack of RESPECT by individuals, whereabout they believe that they can do as they please. Children in all schools, whether public or private, need to be taught some general manners which are severely lacking. One of those 'manners' is respect for other individuals rights, freedoms, and personal opinions, and the ability to act rationally and sane in the presence of others. Shahzia's piece is a beautiful work of art that shows passion, creativity, freedom and the choice for personal interpretation.
Well written. I agree. I find it funny, odd, strange that in Italy, statues, actual works of art displaying another day and time, reflecting the human body in its beauty is viewed by uppity pious Americans as pornography. If you don't like what it represents, look the other way; turn the cheek. If you don't like the channel, turn it. If it not your type of music, turn to what you like. People in this country have lost their way. The thinking that there is one way, and one way only is ruining this country. I didn't mean to ramble on, but I agree with you.
Ancient art was defaced by Vandals and Bigots. Modern art is defaced by vandals and bigots. Hate is hate. Stupidity is the only problem we face. Stupid people. Stupid ideas. Stupid social systems. And mental health problems. We have all the knowledge already. It's just locked up in private places. Let the sun shine in!
This is wrong. Just as wrong as the cancel culture destroying statutes or people defacing religious themed statutes. As long as the person placing the statute in its position then leave it alone. You have the same right to put up a religious statute next to it but you have NO right to damage it.
I believe art should be protected, even when it offends. We all see art from our own perspective. Some see a multitude of things (such as Philenda L. Daniel) while others of us see a simple statement. I see a statue that celebrates women. Others apparently see evil. It all depends on what thoughts are in your mind as you view it.
I am humbled. I hope for you good and great blessings.
Dearest Christian sister. You reliably support the removal of Godly things from public places and praise the installation of satanic things in public places.
Please allow me to adjust your vision a bit. Women are not golden statues with snake tentacles for arms, hands and feet. Demons are though.
You are praising and promoting the enemy of our Lord.
This is only my opinion, and with the reasoning of... you have chosen to judge me first... It is sad to think that the only good you can harvest is through your religion and culture. Judgement is for yourself and not others. Judgement as I was taught... is for The Word when it comes to others... not for you to judge me. I accept my accountability and consequence to my beliefs as I believe them. Through my eyes... you as a Christian have over stepped your authority. From the Aramaic Bible (the language Jesus/ Yeshua spoke): Luke chapter 6 verse 37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven.” Jesus commanded us to Love One Another not Judge One Another. John chapter 13 verse 34 “I give a new commandment to you: 'Love one another; just as I have loved you, you should also love one another.' “ God's Greatness is far Greater than yours, and The Light's Divine Wisdom is far greater than mine. I will continue to study other cultures and religions to afford myself a greater wisdom and a more open heart in order to understand the works of the The Word for all people. It is a Gnostic Christian belief that evil is a tool for the Divine that God wheels for only the purposes God knows. With that said, I will bid you great good blessings and I will hope that your heart opens to the goodness of others as God works though their culture and beliefs so that they too may know The Light and the Love of God in their own fashion. Be well.
There are those that see women as....evil. Period. Basic sexism.
I guess I'm missing something. What makes people think that this statue is satanic and has a pro-abortion message? I don't see it. Beheading a statue of a woman IS symbolic of the anger the legislature in Texas is exhibiting to demonize and marginalize women. Like Florida, in Texas women are second class except for the female family members of politicians, evangelical preachers, and billionaires. This is why I no longer identify as a "Christian." It's come to represent violence and hate and that was never my understanding of what it means to be Christian.
The Inquisition was not the finest hour of Christianity. Is that where we want to be?
"The Inquisition, a series of Catholic Church bodies that sought to suppress heresy, began in the 12th century, long after Christ. The word "inquisition" comes from the Latin verb inquirere, which means "investigation". In 1184, Pope Lucius III commissioned bishops to search for heresies in their jurisdictions, particularly among the Cathars and Waldensians in southern France. These efforts continued into the 14th century and are known as the Medieval Inquisition."
I agree with all of this. The witch hunts anywhere in the world were not our finest either. We might end up back there again too with all this talk of statues or items being satanic.
Art is very subjective and is the artist’s interpretation of whatever they are trying to convey. In this case it was NOT satan, or evil, or pro-abortion. Those are the words of evangelicals criticizing something they know nothing about. If you don’t like a piece of art then don’t look at it. Even with as big as it is you can still walk by and not look up at the thing.
Why is it evangelicals claim they want freedom but then want to prevent others from having that same right. They scream cancel culture and then cancel others. They scream religious persecution and then persecute others. Whoever is responsible had no right to damage the statue, but I think the artists decision to not fix it is a wonderful idea. Let everyone see how hypocritical they are when it comes to freedom and cancel culture.
As has been said many times before, "there is no hate like Christian love."
Nor is there any darkness like sunlight.
You praise and promote the destruction of human life. No measure of hate surpasses the destruction of a human baby. No form of hate is greater than the obliteration of innocence.
The abortion of a human baby violates 6 of your 7 rules. Probably all 7 if I were to contemplate your 5th one for an hour or so.
"Servant of Justice" whatever or whoever that is.....you don't know anything about it. You cannot get pregnant. Listen to women. By the way...what are your plans to teach men to withhold ejaculation? THAT will prevent all need to ever need an abortion. Hate abortion? Start an anti-ejaculation school that is mandatory for all males beginning in childhood. End of abortion. The Servant of Judgment School for male anti-ejaculation. If men could get pregnant: abortion would be a sacrament. Period.
Servant of Judgement ... I urge you to stop... not only are you risking judgement... you are risking condemnation... I can only hope you are forgiven for your impudence. Judgement is for yourself and not others. Is for The Word... when it comes to others. Yet, it seems you are consistent with your self appointment ... I urge you to refrain from that which should be left to God alone... it is appearing... based on your tag/handle that you... as a Christian have over stepped your authority. From the Aramaic Bible (the language Jesus/ Yeshua spoke): Luke chapter 6 verse 37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven.” Jesus commanded us to Love One Another not Judge One Another. John chapter 13 verse 34 “I give a new commandment to you: 'Love one another; just as I have loved you, you should also love one another.' “ Based on the Luke 6:37 alone... You do not have the authority... for your sake stop judging.
From an artistic standpoint, I find the statue offensive.
You may find it offensive, but do you believe that gives you the right to destroy it?
No one has the right to destroy any statue anywhere. What kind of person do you think that I am? What kind of person are you to think that of me when I simply made the statement that I found the statue offensive? I have the right to my opinion just as you have the right to yours. I also found it offensive when statues were being defaced or destroyed all over our country. Statues may have been destroyed, but history cannot be erased.
My apologies. I didn't mean to imply you do support vandalism. I was merely asking for your position. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
What part is offensive?
I was going to ask the same thing because the only visible symbols she could even possibly take offense to is the Arabic lettering.
I think what you meant to say was; 'From a personal standpoint, you find the statue offensive.'
ps MODS why don't I ever receive notifications when someone adds feedback? what's the point of clicking the blue rectangle is if does nothing but 'throb'?
your attention to this matter will be appreciated
You would do better to contact support about it. They usually get back within 24 hours.
It looks like a flower, Iris. Hmmm? Offended by that. Wow 😲. You need to take a walk in the woods. Human society has hurt your brain. Natural healing women will help you, maybe, if you can just think differently. No. Too much. Nevermind. Nirvana awards nothing. Okay.
I found the statue to be beautiful and pro-woman. In the tradition of Judy Chicago's "The Dinner Party". Thank you to the artists. Inspiring! Gives me the idea to create a statue about women. I should do that soon. Happy New Year.
The statue is owned by the public and on public property. Accordingly, damaging the statue is a crime. In my opinion, viewing the statue as Satanic is misguided. Satan is a Christian myth invented to control the masses.
This is all I am going to say: Such ignorant violence cause by those who are pro-Christ only confirms they are not if Christ.
If christ were of something other than the imagination of an extinct desert nomad who cut off the tip of his manhood to prove he made the best barbecue for the space invaders who favored his goat teriyaki sauce. 🍄👌
It's Texas. They HATE women there, they HATE anyone who's not a die-hard religious theist there. They HATE anyone who isn't White, Male, and MAGA there.
And they HATE anyone who argues that children should be allowed to be safe in their schools without fearing being gunned down.
So this is par for the course for Texas.
Yet in Texas they had the Art piece displayed publicly ia a park. If ALL of Texas hates in the manner your perspective states then... Why did the city of Houston open its arms to the Artist and her art? Generalizations are generally not true. I hope for peace for your heart... your anger only hurts you... I learning this from experince.
Ms. Daniel (and all others): Anger is connected to justice and is a righteous and healthy thing. Nature put this in us to propel us forward to correct injustices. Anger gave us the American Women's Liberation Movement. Anger gave us the American Black power movement. Anger gave us the American Civil Rights Movement. Anger gave us the anti-psychiatry Movement. Anger gave us the anti-Vietnam War Movement. Anger gave us The American Indian Civil Rights Movement. Anger gave us the Gay Civil Rights Movement. Anger gave us the Children's Rights Movement. Anger gave us the Animal rights Movement. Anger gave us the Earth's Rights Movement. Anger gave us the anti-nuclear war movement. Anger gave us Pro-Peace Movement. Anger gave us Unions. Anger gave us the Freedom from England movement and the Constitution. Anger gave women (and some men) the Pro-choice movement. Anger enabled any country that has liberated itself from oppressive oligarchies. Anger is the crystal clear emotion that propels all oppressed peoples forward. For Christians: Even Jesus got angry when he saw the corruption in the money temple and went about smashing all the money tables (check your bible). Anger is the diamond of emotions. Up anger! Power to the people! Rev. Bond Wright
Yes, displayed publicly in a park where it was beheaded. Generalizations are actually generally true with an understanding there would be exceptions. That's the point of something being general. I can't say I'm angry, just sad and sorely disappointed in what seems to be a serious outbreak of ignorance and violence that reasonable people shouldn't be displaying regardless of party or state.
Comment removed by user.
There are eight billion plus exceptions living on this planet all with a slightly different point of view to everything. I seek the exceptions not the generalizations. I feel seeking the exceptional brings one further away from being generally angry, sad, and sorely disappointed, yet I could be wrong eight billion times over. Be well.
I said Texas - as in the State. Not Texans as in the people.
Texans the people make up Texas the state... "They" refers to people and not they Texas the state as well as theist... because of separation of church and state to be clear.
Then I'll be even MORE specific. The Far-Right, Religious Zealots within Texas. Not all of the people. Does that clear it up?
You've never been to Austin? They're about as removed from conservative as you can get. Not everyone in Texas is as you describe, so your blanket statement seems a little over the top.
Was the statue right outside the vandals dorm window. Was it so intruding on his daily trip across campus that he just couldn't leave it alone? Or was this an outsider that went through quite a bit of effort to damage art some stranger told him about.
Would that matter? They could have requested a room/dorm transfer or gotten housing off campus. If it isn't yours, don't touch it no matter what you think of it. It isn't such a hard thing to understand.
Amber, you wrote, "If it isn't yours, don't touch it no matter what you think of it. It isn't such a hard thing to understand." But I don't recall you saying this when statues of Christopher Columbus and some Confederate statues being pulled down by protesters. What happened to change your mind?
This sculpture ‘Witness’ by Artist Creator Shahzia Sikander … is not a Satanic piece… Not by a long shot… Bigotry defines the viewpoint of the viewer… Which is sad really because it limits the beauty and fullness of God. Bigotry makes God less than… not Greater than…. If… this were… a mathematical equation… bigotry would be the equivalent expression of… 1 is less than 10. However, it is expressed… the fullness of God is diminished through the use of bigotry. The Hair: The braids are designed in the form of Rams horns and for centuries has been interpreted Spiritually as a noble and commanding force. The Ram is a representation of strength, courage, and power. The Ram is further associated with abundance, fertility, growth, and agriculture. The Ram from a Spiritual perspective symbolizes drive, courage, willpower, and the resolve to overcome obstacles, and the persistence to attain goals. The Face: The face of the sculpture is at Peace… with her eyes set firmly on the horizon with determination. It is collared by the lace of justice seeking to find levelness on the playing field… a gentle fairness in the world. The arms: The arms are a representation of being rooted to herself in the deep and abiding knowledge of what she wants and what she can give to the world, with an understanding that there is a balanced cycle of give and take. The Body: The body is obviously female which is a likely representation of the artist’s point of view. It is also stating a fact… a female brings Life, Breath into this World. She is the bearer of our past, present and our future. The Feet: The feet are roots that are Rooted in herself and Life which is also rooted in the Divine… for Life itself is a miracle and a divine reckoning… a manifestation of the Creator’s great passion and need to create.
‘Witness’ sees herself in the world and knows her power. She is fertile, she is full of Life , and has the ability to grow, to give birth, to replenish the world with Divine Spirit… tempered with her Humanity. Only a bigoted point of view and a spiritually uneducated arrogance would see this as “Evil.” Those who are so eager to judge and less eager to grow are doomed to live in a perpetual spiritual ignorance… which is really a shame. I am guilty of seeing the ugliness of the world. Yet, I too am an artist, a painter, a creator of manifested thought. I see this art and understand GOD is Great and a female is a powerful force. I further realize that GOD is Great through diverse-ness of culture and thought... greater than one denomination… one point of view. Look around you… the art of GOD… surrounds you daily in the faces you see… Why is it so many believe that God which is Life… The Light… is less than and only belonging to them? Why is it that so many believe that GOD who is in All, through All… AS … All… can only speak their language. Can only look one certain way. Can only be their denomination instead of ALL denominations? Why is… Wisdom… only afforded one point of perspective. Why are so many people willing to make GOD small? It is shameful. The only reasons are for the narratives of Power, Control, and Pridefulness. It seems to me in order to present God’s Greatness to ourselves, we must seek to find a deeper meaning, seek to find the good, seek to find wisdom in the differences in order to gain Grace and Glory that is The Word, The Light and the Power of The Truth within… as Yeshua taught us to seek… Aramaic Bible: John Chapter 14 verse 17 “He is The Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it has neither seen him nor known him; but you know him, for he dwells with you and he is in you.” John Chapter 14 verse 17 modernized: “The Spirit of Truth... the world cannot receive… because the world has neither seen it nor known it. Yet, you know the Spirit of Truth… It dwells within you.
Truly beautiful words that have given me the hope that one day, as a collective, we will know GOD. I don’t know you but I wish you’d apply for the job as world leader 😊🤩
I am humbled by your words. Thank you, for reading mine. I hope for you many good and great blessings.
Those needing a pregnancy-termination, because, for a plethora of reasons they don’t want to give birth, at this point in their lives, are not “Pro-abortion; they’re pro-choice. If one is raised, with the understanding that if a nine-year-old, is raped, then subsequently finds out she’s pregnant, then her pedestrian informs her that she might die during the birthing process — any father, or grandfather who would rather his nine year old daughter or grand daughter die, rather than terminate a possible birth, defies whatever there are of basic human rights involving self determination.
The right are "My body, my choice" when it comes to masks and their agenda. But when it comes to women, it's reversed.
Your body, my choice? Or "God" owns you and you only rent the vehicle. Hmmm..... I'll take public transportation.
Pedestrians walk to the Pediatrician to arrange for gender affirming assistance. Pedophiles attach petting to pubescent pedantry, sometimes. Best to pedal persistently away from pesky people who practice peculiar passions around the public performance places. Perfect! 👍👌🫣
Turn about is fair play, the lefties attacked and tore down statues on university campuses of our country's past leaders like Washington so no crying when their statues to persons like Ginsberg are torn down.
No one tore down statues of Washington. Statues of traitors to the nation (Confederate leaders) were taken down. Oh and statues of Columbus too.
"On the night of June 18, 2020, protesters set the statue aflame before toppling and defacing it with "Genocidal Colonist," "You're on native lands," "BLM," "Big Floyd," and "1619."
" A statue of George Washington was pulled down from the lawn outside the German American Society in Northeast Portland on the eve of Juneteenth, a holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States." https://www.opb.org/news/article/george-washington-statue-toppled-portland/
It might be 'fair,' but if one has a lofty message, one should not be frightened by what's different.
I think "RBG" (Ginsberg) was a wiser, more skillful Constitution defacer than most of even the liberal wing of the Supreme Court, but still a 'wrong-way' jurist.
Beheading the statue is far more a statement of the cowardice of xenophobes than any useful commentary on 'wrong message.'
Some Christians understand what christ means, beyond being a name. These hoodlums did not and they serve Apep by their actions.
Sir, with all due disrespect, read a book.
It's almost like if they can't find something to be offended about it's because they're not looking hard enough. Yet another instance of the "Don't Tread On Me" crowd treading all over other people.
Texas - what do you expect? A female - what do you expect?
"A female--what do you expect?" What are you doing on this site? You are a flat out sexist. Get off. Come back when you have cleaned up your psyche.
Creepy cultists once again showing they're incapable of playing well with others.
thats not free speech, thats hate speech, even if its religious or even not its still vandalism, anyone against abortion are pro rape, and its obvious a hateful guy beheaded the statue