satanist performing black mass ritual

A Satanic organization is planning a “black mass” at the Kansas State Capitol building later this month – and Catholics are not happy about it.

The Black Mass is being organized by The Satanic Grotto, a Kansas non-profit dedicated to “improving our community through fellowship, religious expression, shared education, artistic projects and social activism.”

But Catholics say that the planned Black Mass is anti-Christian blasphemy, and some even started a petition asking the Kansas governor to cancel the event entirely. Will it work?

What is a Black Mass?

A Black Mass is a Satanic ritual that inverts the Catholic Mass, often incorporating elements that critics might call "blasphemous," such as reciting prayers backward, desecrating a consecrated host, and using inverted crosses or black candles.

The origins of this ritual stem from medieval accusations against heretics and witches, the modern concept was shaped by 19th- and 20th-century literature, which sensationalized it as an occult spectacle. Some versions of Black Mass include nudity, mock blessings, or the use of a nude woman as an altar. Generally, the Black Mass serves as a statement of personal or religious freedom (rather than genuine devil worship).

It's unclear exactly what shape the planned Black Mass in Kansas will take, but the announcement has a few clues.  

“Join us at the Topeka Capitol building in Kansas as we dedicate the grounds and our legislature to the glory of Satan,” reads the Satanic Grotto’s official event invite on Facebook. “We will be performing rites to the Black Mass and indulging in sacrilegious blaspheme. God will fall and Kansas will be embraced by the black flame of Lucifer.”

The Black Mass is currently planned for March 28. But multiple Catholic groups are pushing back, not only by planning protests, but by petitioning the Kansas governor to cancel the event entirely. 

Catholic Anger Erupts

 “Sacrilege is simply NOT free speech,” reads the petition, started by a group of Catholic students, calling for Kansas Governor Laura Kelly to shut down the “attack against God, the Holy Mass, and Our Blessed Mother”. 

The petition has been signed by some 32,000 people and counting – but they aren’t the only ones taking action against what they view as an unholy attack.

“Heinous blasphemy” is how American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property Vice President John Horvat described the event. “This is not just an offense against God but an attack on the very moral fabric of our state and nation. I urge all God-fearing Americans to take a stand - join us in peaceful protest, sign the petition, and offer prayers of reparation," he said. “Now is the time to defend our faith and reject this public affront to God.”

And the Kansas Catholic Conference, the official voice of Catholicism in the state, posted that “legal responses are being explored” to stop “this explicit demonstration of anti-Catholic bigotry.”

Religious Freedom For Me, Not Thee?

The Constitution says that all religious beliefs must be treated equally. And in Kansas, any religious group (ostensibly) has the right to hold events at the state capitol. Should that right apply to Satanists?

Catholic groups say no, arguing that the upcoming Black Mass in Kansas is less “religious event” and more “anti-Catholic hate speech.” They insist religious freedom laws simply should not apply to a ceremony they view as mocking their own.

In the past, however, Satanists have generally been allowed to hold events at places like statehouses and in schools where other faith groups are welcome.

In 2022, for example, Satanists successfully established an “after-school Satan club” in Illinois elementary schools after the state opened the door to Christian clubs on school property. And during the 2023 holiday season, they erected a statue of Baphomet in the Iowa capitol building after the state house allowed other religious holiday decorations like a nativity scene and a Menorah.

It's not the first time a Black Mass has caused controversy, either. Back in 2010, a similar event in Oklahoma City sparked outrage and led Catholic protesters to rally outside:


In advance of a planned “Black Mass” event by a Satanist group in Kansas, we look back at a protest against a similar event in OKC a few years ago. #catholic #blackmass #satanism #satanic

♬ original sound - universallifechurch

Satanists argue that if Kansas is going to allow religious events and displays on state property, then the First Amendment requires they extend Satanists the same rights other faith groups are afforded.

But Catholic groups argue the upcoming Black Mass is not about free speech, it's about advancing anti-Catholic hate. 

What do you think? Should the Satanists be able to perform their Black Mass in the Kansas Capitol? Should there be a limit to expressions of religious freedom in the public square?


  1. Keith D's Avatar Keith D

    Life with humans is always shocking, rarely surprising.

    First, I wonder how many 'flavors' of Satanism exist. Look way back, and 'HaSaTaN,' was a servant of God--in the tale of Job, for instance. As Christianity came online and traditions changed, 'Satan' morphed, eventually into something more akin to the Egyptian Apep than any Judeo-Christian Biblical being.

    Talk about making things in the image of man!

    They have a point about the venue.

    And Catholic potentates, whereas the Vatican is covered in Apep-like imagery and its real rulers aligned with WEF, et al, should have a look in a mirror.

    I think the whole notion of Satanism is kinda chilling, and some flavors of it are extremely dangerous, deadly people--people: the only true devils--and actually will find themselves unhappy when visited over their... it's actually a blasphemy they commit as they impugn even 'the adversary' or 'the accuser' with ludicrous notes of his alleged ... villainy.

    Meantime, Apep, the fomenter of division, violence and mutual extermination until all creation is destroyed, looms... right over Topeka, Kansas.... and everywhere. ... all too often wearing robes of purported Christianity.

    I await the day of the lightning strike that once again brings Apep to heel.

  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    Legally the Satanic group has the right to hold their ritual on public property. The Catholics have no control over that. I feel the need to mention that to many Christians the Catholic Church is not true Christianity. They do not decide for the rest of us.

  1. Chris's Avatar Chris

    I know some of the people who participated, and they are not "evil" people. They're simply showing the fallacy of "religious freedom" which we supposedly had in this country. Other religious groups have held meetings, gatherings, rituals in the Capital building. This is no different. Funny thing is, Satanists often do more good charitable work than so-called Christians.

    Like it or not, they have just as much right to do this as any other religion. It's got to be all or nothing. That's the way "religious freedom" works.

  1. Adam Kahn's Avatar Adam Kahn

    I, as a Pagan Priest and Odinist, condemn this disgusting satanic black mass, and I wholeheartedly support the Christian Catholics!

    I am perfectly aware of the past and of some present crimes of Christianity, such as genocides of non-Christians, Malleus Maleficarum ("the Witch Hammer"), censorship of other religions, affairs with children, et cetera. We all know about that. But most of it was left behind in the past. Truly. That is very good.

    Today many Christians became much better people, less dogmatic and more openminded (obviously, I'm not talking about "support of lgbt pervertions" which is an abomination, instead I am saying that today Christians learned how to better coexist with other world religions). Today many Christians are really following the core principle of "Jesus=Love". That is my reason why I support them.

    Satanism was always about the Darkness. Christianity today became the Light. I stand with the Light.

  1. Eugene T Rice's Avatar Eugene T Rice

    I believe that the satanists are simply getting far more publicity than they deseve. If I was the local Bishop I would ignore what is a calculated effort to create controversy.

  1. Minister Tim's Avatar Minister Tim

    Imagine that, the folks who have killed millions over the past few centuries, in the name of their religion and god, are upset someone else is going to, in their eyes, mock their religion. As a pagan who is a practicing witch, not a satanist, I’m really tired of the Catholic Church and many Christian sects acting as they are the only true religion. As a ULC minister, I acknowledge all beliefs or non-beliefs, as true to their believers. The Catholic Church has done much harm to those who aren’t Christians (and in some cases, not catholic), including folks who practice witchcraft (they have tried to kill us off for crying out loud). I’m sorry but while I’m not a satanist, religious freedom means for everyone. I’m sure if I looked I could find examples of the Catholic Church doing similar things to other beliefs. If you don’t like it, don’t go.

  1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

    Christians take offense at anything which doesn’t fall within their stringent religious parameters…

  1. Wilberta M. Berry's Avatar Wilberta M. Berry

    If the God of creation made everything including Satan, what is there to fear? After all the Bible has already established that Satan is not more or as powerful as the creator God. So how can a Satanic ritual reciting a Catholic ritual backwards be anything except comical. Humans really think too much to f themselves. As I have said here on many occasions, Man has created God in his image, not the other way around. It's called Anthropomorphism.

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    No way should go ahead who wants mass Satanic lessons there is enough hatred in the world

  1. JT Sunrise's Avatar JT Sunrise

    Beloved in Christ, please hear this:

    In response to the article’s premise, let us lovingly rebuke false claims with the truth and grace found in the Word of God. Our Savior reminds us in John 13:34, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” In His infinite mercy, God forgives those who wander from the truth, and He calls us to extend that same grace—even when confronting ideas that pervert His holy Word.

    We must recognize that true evil exists in this world. It is not the misguided proclamations of those who, perhaps in error or confusion, lean toward satanic ideologies. As 2 Corinthians 11:14 teaches, “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” Those who proclaim faith in darkness may do so out of deception and error, and our response should be one of gentle correction, thoughtfulness and prayer, and a heartfelt desire for their transformation back to the light of God.

    We as humans are called to discern the fruit of each teaching. Jesus warned in Matthew 7:15, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” Those who claim to follow God but achieve outcomes that contradict His truth—those whose actions betray the love and righteousness of Christ—must be observed with vigilant discernment. Their “achievements” against the Word of God are a solemn warning to all believers: the works of darkness cannot hide from the light of Christ. We are exhorted to “test the spirits” (1 John 4:1) and to examine their fruit (Matthew 7:16) so that we remain firmly rooted in His truth.

    Remember that our call is not to cast the first stone, but to lovingly rebuke hatred with humility and compassion focused prayer. As Jesus said in Matthew 5:44, “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Let us pray that even those who have strayed be drawn back to the saving grace of our Lord, and let us also be unyielding in our commitment to uphold the purity of His gospel.

    May the peace of Christ, which surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7), fill our hearts as we walk in His light. Let us stand together, discerning truth from deception, and encourage one another to abide in the love of our Savior, who redeems and restores all who come unto Him. May these words bring you hope in God and Christ.

    Rev JTSunrise Celestial Nexus Church, Seattle WA

  1. Joe Stutler's Avatar Joe Stutler

    Why would Catholics be outraged? It's not like the group was trying to stop them from molesting children.......🤔

  1. Clay Serenbetz's Avatar Clay Serenbetz

    Until recently, the U.S. had freedom of religion enshrined in the First Amendment. The Donald is trying to overthrow the Constitution, so who really knows these days. Neverthless, the secular State House is an inappropriate location at any time for an event which supports any religion, however.

    1. Thomas P. Davis's Avatar Thomas P. Davis

      Clay Serenbetz,Yes biblically speaking it says the USA will do that.

  1. Parson Golden's Avatar Parson Golden

    Just another item in a long list of things that “outrage“ Catholics.

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