Humpback whale with halo above its head
The Church of the Sacred Whale is developing a following on social media.

Is a whale sculpture in Salt Lake City to credit with Utah’s recent favorable weather forecast? True believers say yes.

About a year ago, a sculpture of a rainbow whale was erected at the intersection of 9th and 9th in Salt Lake City. Seven months later, a new church was devoted to worshiping the colorful sculpture.

Followers credit the whale with Utah’s recent snow flurries, which helped end a recent drought – and brought great ski conditions, too. 

Now, the Church of the Sacred Whale is developing a following on social media, with believers saying it’s no coincidence that the weather started improving right after the whale went up in the 9th and 9th neighborhood.

New Church Just Dropped

Have the weather gods come in the form of a whale? Followers say yes. 

“If you don't believe in the Sacred Whale yet, with all this snow, you've got to believe in it," explained Riley Adamson, founder of the Church of the Sacred Whale of 9th and 9th.

"Everything good that happens in the weather is because of the Sacred Whale, and everything bad is that we just haven't had enough faith.”

“The Sacred Whale is a powerful and benevolent being, and has been guiding and protecting us for countless generations. It is a source of wisdom, love, and strength, and can provide us with the guidance and support that we need to navigate the challenges of life,” reads a section on the church’s website.

“When we seek guidance from the Sacred Whale, we open ourselves up to its powerful energy and allow it to guide us on our path. We can connect with the Sacred Whale through prayer, meditation, and other spiritual practices, and allow its wisdom and love to flow through us.”

The church points to recent weather data to back up their divine claims.

And they're not the only ones.

Where Did the Whale Come From?

The Sacred Whale of Utah has made quite a splash in the landlocked state. Utah Gov. Spencer Cox even mentioned the whale in a recent State of Utah address.

As for the design itself, it was chosen from a group of proposals as the best figure to represent what locals call a "quirky neighborhood."

“It's a place where a lot of people from different backgrounds, different beliefs come together, and a whale being ‘out of the blue’ was sort of a way that the artist wanted to talk about the neighborhood," says Renato Olmedo-González, the public art program manager for the Salt Lake City Arts Council.

Responding to skeptics who question what a wale has to do with Utah, Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall notes that: "there’s also folklore about whales living in the Great Salt Lake, and I think in a way it’s a gentle reminder that we are living in what was once a bottom, or at least the shoreline, of a giant inland sea." 

However, not everyone in the neighborhood has been pleased with the whale installation. Opponents made a habit of placing gnomes on the sculpture site in protest (why gnomes? It's not entirely clear).

Back in July of 2021, a large gnome sporting cheetah-print boots showed up at the site. It reportedly held a sign reading, “Whales belong in the ocean.”

Despite the protests, though, it seems the whale is here to stay. 

Whale of a Tale

So, is the Church of the Sacred Whale for real?

Some have pointed out that the church may be intended as a joke, a ribbing of Utah’s massive religious institution, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The Mormon Church is at the center of much of Utah’s politics and culture, and Mormon politicians were long appealing to prayer to help end a drought that many argue is in part actively being caused by political inaction on climate change.

However, it wouldn't be the first new religion to spring up in recent years. Not long ago, the International Church of Cannabis opened its doors. As an institution dedicated to worship of a higher power through the use of marijuana, it endured similar scrutiny over its sincerity. 

As for the whale in Utah? Well, it showed up, the rain started falling, and people started believing.

Satire or sincerity? You be the judge.


  1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

    Addendum II


    re: tax status of The Satanic Temple/IRS using the TST employee number - 82-3404757 - found on the TST website and using the IRS website - under the tax exempt organizations search, choose EIN and then input TST's EIN (see above) this will show you the determination by the IRS for the 501(c)(3) exemption, this is what every 'Church' receives in order to have tax exempt status. in the search section, click on 'determination letters' to see the approval. this has nothing to do with SCOTUS or anyone else as the government DOES NOT RECOGNIZE RELIGIONS, they only determine if an organization meets the requirements of a CHURCH in order to be recognized as a tax exempt organization there is NO governmental recognition of a religion, only tax exempt status

    1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      Nope I am stating fact, and I can see it took you close to 10 paragraphs to just simply say "I dont believe you" No wonder people laugh at you and your over inflated ego

  1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ


  1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ


    It seems that you are making a semantic argument. The IRS recognizes Churches and Religious Organizations but not specifically, Religions. I haven't found anything that states a religion has to be recognized, however, religious organizations do need to be recognized as they are NOT considered to be CHURCHES by the IRS. It appears the only thing the IRS recognizes is whether or not an organization meets the requirements (not all, but a mix as determined by the IRS) of a church and if it does, allows it the 501(c)(3) exempt status. And the IRS defines a church as a place of worship and religion without any mention of 'religion', only whether an organization is a religious one or not.

    So the government, via the IRS or otherwise, does NOT recognize religion, only whether an organization is a church and if so does it warrant a 501(c)(3), that's it. - from here, this: "For federal tax purposes, a church is any recognized place of worship—including synagogues, mosques, and temples—regardless of its adherents’ faith or religious belief. The IRS automatically recognizes churches as 501(c) (3) charitable organizations if they meet the IRS requirements. There is no need for churches to seek formal recognition from the IRS or submit annual information returns (though they have the option to do so)."

    from here: - the following quote: "The United States has no state church and no religious bureaucracy. That means it’s really up to the IRS to decide if a new entity claiming to be religious deserves tax-exempt status and the official recognition that comes with it. "

  1. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

    @Gray 98% That’s a questionably precise answer. But that’s totally in line with the opinions you express that also lack the backup of any testable evidence.

  1. Doctor Loyal's Avatar Doctor Loyal

    Hmmm, I would think that it's all "water under the bridge".

  1. Barry Coffey's Avatar Barry Coffey

    I do believe in spirit guides I believe the wolf is a real spiritual teacher and that in the bear the wolf the Raven I don't worship them but I used him as my teachers They guide me They were given to me the day I was born

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Barry, it sounds like you must have been born in a forest.

  1. Barry Coffey's Avatar Barry Coffey

    Well I think if that works for them by all means go for it but I prefer to stick with my spiritual beliefs buddha Christian a wicked and taoism Native American you know these new religions I don't know Everybody wants something different because they say the old way is not working But my opinion I do thin I do believe k the old way does work I do believe in spirit guides are here to teach me I believe the wolf is the spirit wolf but I don't worship the wolf I listen for its teaching does work

  1. Barry Coffey's Avatar Barry Coffey

    Well I think if that works for them by all means go for it but I prefer to stick with my spiritual beliefs buddha Christian a wicked and taoism Native American you know these new religions I don't know Everybody wants something different because they say the old way is not working But my opinion I do thin I do believe k the old way does work I do believe in spirit guides are here to teach me I believe the wolf is the spirit wolf but I don't worship the wolf I listen for its teaching does work

  1. Barry Coffey's Avatar Barry Coffey

    Well I think if that works for them by all means go for it but I prefer to stick with my spiritual beliefs buddha Christian a wicked and taoism Native American you know these new religions I don't know Everybody wants something different because they say the old way is not working But my opinion I do thin I do believe k the old way does work I do believe in spirit guides are here to teach me I believe the wolf is the spirit wolf but I don't worship the wolf I listen for its teaching does work

  1. John P Maher's Avatar John P Maher


  1. Patti Anne Lisenbee's Avatar Patti Anne Lisenbee

    I wrote a novel and published it on Amazon, wherein one character the protagonist meets is starting a new religion of the 10-Foot Bunny God, and when you die you go be with him in his Nest. This makes as much sense as worshipping a whale or an invisible, bigoted, murdering something in the sky. People wanna believe in something greater than themselves because they're scared of dying. That's sad... and so is this whale worship becoming a "real" religion.

  1. Michael Patrick Ferrell's Avatar Michael Patrick Ferrell

    😂😂😂perfect for Mormon land. Hail to the locust!

  1. Carl A. Hankins's Avatar Carl A. Hankins

    Your indignation to God by saying weather gods is where the problem is. Now it's escalated to paegan worship and the weather a wrath from heaven not a giving. You as writers and you as follows need to get back on track to giving substanance not worthless gossips and creating a backbiting. He'll was said to be increased by women do you really need worse ? Heaven is not a joke or toy. This earth might be your only heaven why mess it up with nonsense.?

  1. Carl A. Hankins's Avatar Carl A. Hankins

    Your indignation to God by saying weather gods is where the problem is. Now it's escalated to paegan worship and the weather a wrath from heaven not a giving. You as writers and you as follows need to get back on track to giving substanance not worthless gossips and creating a backbiting. He'll was said to be increased by women do you really need worse ? Heaven is not a joke or toy. This earth might be your only heaven why mess it up with nonsense.?

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      We still have no demonstrable evidence, Carl, that any of the worlds gods are real. Thank you for your comment though. 🤗


  1. Rev Ned's Avatar Rev Ned

    In Florida they have a branch of the whale worshippers. They’re whale is orange.

  1. James Lynn Jones's Avatar James Lynn Jones

    That's exactly why I believe in the Church of the Laughing Hyena. Tis a miracle

  1. Ahmed Abduljabar Al-Hujazi's Avatar Ahmed Abduljabar Al-Hujazi

    I think this whole article is just a means of making puns.

  1. Joy's Avatar Joy

    This is awesome. I signed up!

  1. Nicholas J Page's Avatar Nicholas J Page

    Whatever next the holy church of the sacred cat all seems daft to me As for the Church of the flying spaghetti monster that's taking the Micky out of religion Nuff said.

    1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

      The Egyptians already had the church of the sacred cat, Nicholas. How is worshipping a cat, or a whale, or a sea slug, any sillier than any of the things currently being worshipped by mainstream religions.

    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Oh no, so the Flying Spaghetti Monster isn’t real? Do you have any evidence if that?


    3. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Oh no, so the Flying Spaghetti Monster isn’t real? Do you have any evidence if that?


  1. Bishop William Dusenberry, DD's Avatar Bishop William Dusenberry, DD

    As Napoleon once famously advised: "If one needs to worship something -- worship the Sun -- because the Sun is the source of all life."

    1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

      ...and actually exists!

  1. Robert Gagnon's Avatar Robert Gagnon

    Makes sense, Utah is so far from the ocean, that any kind of whale becomes mythical.

  1. Rev. Kev's Avatar Rev. Kev

    I'd like to think this started as a joke. But, knowing people, I'm pretty sure others are taking this seriously. A lot of people have become unhappy with the major, mainline religions but still want the sense of connection to a higher power and a spiritual community. So why not a whale?

    The standard line of thinking mentioned in the article is something I have heard from other faiths. "Everything good that happens in the weather is because of the Sacred Whale, and everything bad is that we just haven't had enough faith.”

    Good things = god at work. Bad things = it's our fault (or the Devil, Shaitan, maybe the Evil Squid....who know?)

  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    This is a pile of whale poop. But let's be real stranger things have happened. How about a religion based on little space creatures seeded in a volcano that evolved into us. And we need to hook up to 2 tin cans tied together by a string that can clear us of evil thoughts? Scientology anyone?

    Or speaking of Utah, how about some magical creature (Salamander) shows a man where to find some sacred writings?

    Some people will worship anything.

    1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

      Colleen, you fully believe a 2K year old fable of some hippy trans dude who's crew spreads story about "miracles", is supposedly nailed to a tree and dies only to come alive three days later and yet you think a Rainbow Whale, Space Creatures in a Volcano or buried gold tablets and a taking hat are all a step to far?

      creatures from space that possess people on earth is unbelievable but some invisible, bi-polar, sociopathic, boogie man who randomly kills his creations for fun, torments people and threatens them with eternal damnation burning in Hell and which sends out demons to possess and tempt people to do bad thinks you're on board with.

      so then only your religion is acceptable and all others, you...according to you. isn't that like a 'god decision' and not a 'you' decision

    2. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

      If you are trying to make the point that all religions can be ridiculed, I'm right with you, Colleen!

    3. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      I thought worship was only a bedroom game.

  1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

    They can call themselves anything they want, but until its recognized as a religion there is nothing they can claim to get the same benefits as a religion does. I can make up a new religion called the softness of the sacred marshmellow, but that does not make it a real religion nor does it do anything other then make the person who started this look as silly as they sound. But if thats what they want, then so be it.

    1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

      eeeeshh...ease up there danny boy, next think you know you're gonna be spouting about how stupid it would be if it were a religion. the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is STILL trying to get recognize as a religion, eventually it will be but in the mean time, of course the rainbow whale church is real, it had its FIRST miracle!!

      and danny...please sit down for this next bit...The Satanic Temple...RECOGNIZED IN THE U.S. AS A RELIGION!!! Yuppers, TST is a recognized church and religion and do you know what they do? the fight every day to keep cris chin beliefs out of schools, politics and government. TST's mission is to remove religion from ALL aspects of public life. google it, I dare ya to, danny. The Satanic Temple, read for yourself what it's about but in the meantime here is their Mission Statement:

      "The mission of The Satanic Temple, a religious organization, is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice, and undertake noble pursuits."

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        ease up yourself there guy. You can call anything you want a religion, but unless its a RECOGNIZED religion then there isnt a thing you can do. Dont like it, deal with it.

        1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

          Danny, Danny, Danny! Several of us have provided documentation ot the Satanic Temple's status as a tax exempt organization.

          Don't like it? Deal with it!

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            sorry you did no such thing and who are we to believe? You and your myths or the IRS themselves and I have provided you links to the IRS to show how wrong you are now and how wrong you continue to be on this issue

    2. Dr. Zerpersande, NSC's Avatar Dr. Zerpersande, NSC

      @DGray It’s not a religion until Gray says so?

      Says the man who follows the teachings of ignorant Bronze Age nomadic desert goat herders that felt that with the snap of Jehovah’s fingers they solved the problem of cosmic origins, stellar/galactic evolution and biogenesis. YET they still couldn’t explain where the freakin’ sun went at night.

      And you think the people that started the whale cult are silly?

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        This reply to Saint Daniel Gray is freakin’ hilarious. I hope John Partin reads it. Thanks for making my day. 🙌🏼


        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          Its only funny to you Lion, since you spend 98% of your time here disrespecting religions.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            You mean they need to be respected? Nah, I don’t think so.


            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              And yet Lion you swear up one side and down the other that you are not disrespecting a religion, or religions. I guess the truth has finally come out in your own words

              1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Well, Daniel, if you are the example of your religion I certainly wouldn’t respect yours. 😜


              2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Why Lion? Because I prove you wrong with facts when you start in on your spiel?

              3. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                You have facts? I thought you relied only on faith, Daniel. There’s hope for you yet if you are finally starting to apply logic and reason.🤭


              4. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                there you go again Lion, trying hard to protect yourself and failing. I said I have FAITH that there is a deity, nothing more. As for anything other, I give fact and links for my claims, unlike you. Nice try Lion but major fail

              5. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                You’re the same as John Partin, you both hate to admit you’re wrong. I’ve seen it on your other posts to people. Hang onto your faith Dan, you obviously need it.


              6. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Nice attempt at comeback because you cant refute anything I said Lion.

              7. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Thank you. I’ll take any of your complements.


              8. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                and as I said, proof that you cant refute me and yet you still try and fail.

              9. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Are you and John Partin related? You both hate others to have the last word, right? 🤪


              10. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                whats wrong Lion, Upset that I have said that you repeatedly have tried to claim there is no deity, or that christian religions are fake? I mean all one has to do is look at your posts above this one and anyone with two eyes can see I have said nothing but the truth. So why are you seemingly so upset with the truth being shown?

              11. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                You clearly don't understand , Daniel, even though you will claim you do. I have never tried to claim there is no deity. Just like no one can claim there are no fairies, elves, or gnomes. How hard is that for you to understand?

                When someone proves to me they exist, which no one has so far, even you, I will "assume" they don't. It would be nice if they did don't you think? Apart from the brutal maniacal god you believe in.


              12. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                I have no need to listen to someone who constantly derides religion and then when someone comes up with a new one, like worshiping a whale statue, then goes all out to try and defend that.

                Its abundantly clear here who does not understand and say hello next time you pass a mirror.

              13. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Thank you for deciding not to listen to me. What a relief!

                So I can presume you won’t be reading any more comments from me, and your uneducated replies back to me will cease.



              14. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                You need to work on your sarcasm as you are not very good at it. You call christian religion fake and then try and backtrack it when you clearly cant., but it seems that is the only way for you to get your jollies.

              15. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Oh! You're still reading my posts then, Daniel? So, you're still listening to me then, even though you said you have decided not to. Mmmm🤔

                You have no idea how much that fills my heart. I'm obviously making headway with you then 🤗


              16. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Sure I do. Your posts are more comedic then a three stooges marathon and more pathetic when you attack a religion and then try and deny what you just posted.

              17. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                I’m so glad I’m brightening your life and you smile at my posts. It means the world to me. That’s how posts should be here at the Monastery 🤗


              18. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                never said I enjoyed them, I am just wondering how you can post such nonsense and expect to be taken seriously

              19. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Considering I seem to get more thumbs up than yourself on my writings, I can only suggest that it might be best for you to not read them. You said on April 29th that you have no need to listen, so why do you? How difficult is that for you?


              20. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Considering that the truth is not a popularity contest Lion, seems nobody cares.

              21. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                Of course truth is not a popularity contest, Dan.

                Truth, is the property of being in accord with fact or reality. Neither of which you have for your God, that's why all you have is faith. You obviously wouldn't know truth if it hit you between your eyes.

                If, of course, there was real "fact", proving the "reality" of your god, we all would have to conclude that your god is real. Until then, it's all smoke and mirrors. Just like those that believe in fairies. I bet you believe in those as well.....right, Dan? All you seem able to say in rebuttal is, prove he isn't real. Why would anyone try to prove something isn't real that clearly is only real in someone else's head. The sanatorium is full of those people.

                Please feel free to continue talking to your imaginary friend. By the way, when you do that, do you look at the floor, wall, or ceiling? Or do you close your eyes and try to imagine him in your head? Please get well!


              22. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                So why are you then constantly trying to claim that there isnt a deity. For the majority of the members here there is a deity, maybe not the same one that the others believe in, but far more then the nothingness you espouse.

              23. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

                I’m just as concerned for people that think the earth is flat, and for those that believe in fairies. I’m concerned for my fellow Americans, and their lack of education. If I can help just one person sort fact from fantasy, using logic and reason, coupled with critical thought I consider I’ve done my job as a fellow human being. Thank you for your question. 🤗


    3. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

      Actually, Dan, it's not all that difficult to get a church recognized by the IRS. For federal tax purposes, a church is any recognized place of worship—including synagogues, mosques, and temples—regardless of its adherents’ faith or religious belief. The IRS AUTOMATICALLY recognizes churches as 501(c) (3) charitable organizations if they meet the IRS requirements. There is no need for churches to seek formal recognition from the IRS or submit annual information returns (though they have the option to do so).

      Instead of providing a single definition that applies to all cases, the IRS uses a combination of characteristics to identify churches—including having distinct forms of worship (whale worship is certainly uniqu!), creeds, literature, religious history, and ecclesiastical government.

      So the whale church would have to do a few things, most of which could probably be accomplished in a single meeting.

      If the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't have recognition, I have to assume that's because they don't want it.

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        Actually no, it has to be an established religion. They have churches that are full of people who grab deadly snakes and dance around with them and tick them off. And sometimes they get bit. The point is they call themselves churches but no other official government agency does.

        Actually these are the steps you must go through to get a religion recognized by the US Government according to the IRS

        Distinct legal existence. (meaning you have to have been acting as a church for more then 20 years)

        Recognized creed and form of worship. (means you have to have teachings and an established form of worship)

        Definite and distinct ecclesiastical government. Meaning you must have a form of governing agency like the LDS in Utah or the Vatican in Rome)

        Formal code of doctrine and discipline.(you must have a set of tenants and teachings and a way to discipline the ones who violate same)

        Distinct religious history. (Again you must be an established worship for more then 20 years)

        Membership not associated with any other church or denomination. (meaning you cant claim you are a different part of a religion, like methodists claiming they are part of the Catholic religion or a break away from same)

        Organization of ordained ministers. Meaning you must have a group of "superiors" like the Cardinals and Bishops of the Vatican)

        Ordained ministers selected after completing prescribed courses of study (meaning you have to go to a school to be a recognized minister, and that also means that the monestary's just giving out their version or ministerial license does not qualify you to be a minister)

        Literature of its own (must have their own books of worship)

        Established places of worship (must have their own regular places of worship, meaning regular buildings)

        Regular congregations (must hold regular worship meetings)

        Regular religious services (see above)

        Sunday schools for the religious instruction of the young (or other schools that take place in your building for teaching the members children the teachings of the religion)

        Schools for the preparation of its members (schools for you to go to to become a pastor or leader of the religion)

        Just saying you have a religion and then wanting the IRS or the US Government to recognize it does not mean its going to happen

        1. Rev. Dr. Father JJ's Avatar Rev. Dr. Father JJ

          Just as an FYI, The Satanic Temple IS a recognized religion, recognized by the IRS as of 2019. Ave Satana

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            Just an FYI, after checking with the IRS, the Satanic temple is NOT listed as a recognized religion. Though the SCOTUS did rule that atheism/Satan Worship/Humanism are a form of a religion but not a recognized one.

            1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

              Daniel - Do you never tire of being called out on your blatant lies?

              The Satanic Temple was granted tax exempt status on Feb. 6, 2019, as indicated in the Internal Revenue Service's "Exempt Organizations (Pub. 78 database)." You know. The database you claimed to have checked.

              I guess lying is OK if you do it for Jesus. Right?


              Here's the actual letter:


              1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                Nice try but your IRS in Cincy does not have any aythority to recognize any church. All they do is do tax returns and Audits, nothing more. How do I know? My great niece Angel Martin has been an auditor for them for the last 20 years. In short SHE WORKS THERE And she should know what their rules are and what goes on in her workplace. Far more then you ever will or would.

        2. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

          Wrong, Daniel.

          "Distinct legal existence. (meaning you have to have been acting as a church for more then 20 years)" The Satanic Temple has been around for only a few years, and is recognized by the IRS as a religion. John Oliver started his own church, known as "Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption"

          "Ordained ministers selected after completing prescribed courses of study (meaning you have to go to a school to be a recognized minister, and that also means that the monestary's (sic) just giving out their version or ministerial license does not qualify you to be a minister)" Wrong again, Daniel. Many of the ministers posting here are ordained through the Monastery and have been recognized as such in their states. Personally, I have officiated at numerous weddings in several states.

          Most of the rest of the criteria you listed can literally be accomplished in a weekend.

          Finally, the IRS does not apply the above criteria like a checklist. They say that an organization must meet the preponderance of these criteria to qualify.

          Do you never tire of being wrong?

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            Correct John and I even gave the link to the IRS page to show you that you are wrong. I have to ask, do you ever get tired of being shown that you open your mouth and post your OPINIONS before getting smacked with the facts of the case?

            Here it is DIRECTLY from the IRS. "Not only must an organization seeking church status have religious purposes, but the Tax Court has held that the principal means of accomplishing its religious purposes must be to assemble regularly a group of individuals related by common worship and faith."

            Or you can read the whole thing here

            And it does not say anything close to what you are claiming. So my question again is do you really like being proved wrong time and time again or are you going to start checking instead of posting your OPINIONS?

            1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

              Daniel - as I have indicated elsewhere, the actual IRS database lists the Satanic Temple as a "Tax Exempt Organization." Contrary to your claims, the IRS does not maintain a separate list of churches (probably because of that pesky 1st amendment thingy).

              You really are quite tiresome.

              1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                No you have done no such thing, I on the other hand have shown exactly where I received the information I posted here from. So since you continue to try and refute it even though you cant, we both know who the "tiresome" person is. Say hello next time you pass a mirror

    4. Rev. Kev's Avatar Rev. Kev

      I'm trying to understand your point. I'm pretty sure at least some of the followers recognize it as a religion.

      To what "benefit of a religion" are you referring? If it's stuff like tax benefits, religions existed a long time before those.

      How are you defining a "real religion"?

      Generally, a religion is simply the belief in, and worship of, some supernatural power(s), or a god/gods. Also a particular system of faith and worship. I didn't realize it needed anything special to be that. It seems a religion can be any number of people who gather in whatever way they decided to honor their beliefs.

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        yes tax breaks and days off to practice your religion and so forth. So again they can claim what they want but until its a recognized religion then it amounts to nothing

    5. Joe Stutler's Avatar Joe Stutler

      You're not the judge of which religions are worthy of recognition. Take your meds and chillax.

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        I am not Stutler, but the IRS IS the judge just like I showed to another person in this thread. So how about you take your own advice

        1. John Condron's Avatar John Condron

          You have "shown" no such thing, Daniel. Stubornly repeating your claim, in the absence of evidence, "shows' nothing, except you willingness to lie to support your "argument."

          Of course, churches have been doing that for thousands of years, so I guess there is no suprise there.

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