It’s Pride Month, and you know what that means: parades, fairs, parties, and of course, rainbow corporate logos.
More and more companies are taking a public stance in favor of LGBTQ rights by publishing messages of support during Pride and adopting rainbow versions of their logo to mark the occasion.
But what happens when the employees of these companies disagree with that stance?
No Rainbow For Me, Thanks
The Tampa Bay Rays, a professional baseball team, announced they would be adopting a rainbow version of its logo for the team’s annual Pride night.
Before the game, however, a group of players said they wouldn’t be donning the rainbow uniforms, citing their religious beliefs.
"When we put it on our bodies, I think a lot of guys decided that it’s just a lifestyle that maybe — not that they look down on anybody or think differently — it’s just that maybe we don’t want to encourage it if we believe in Jesus, who’s encouraged us to live a lifestyle that would abstain from that behavior," said pitcher Jason Adam.
“It’s not judgmental. It’s not looking down. It’s just what we believe the lifestyle he’s encouraged us to live, for our good, not to withhold," Adam continued.
“I cast no judgment. I cast no condemnation. I only feel called to share my faith, which is the most important thing in my life," another player added.
Can We FaZe Out Homophobia?
FaZe Clan, one of the biggest names in online gaming, was another company to adopt a rainbow logo and announce its support for Pride month. However, its fans were… less than enthusiastic.
And one of the members of the group, a gamer who goes by “FaZe VIRUS”, publicly denounced the message, citing his faith.
“Just to clarify that I don’t support any kind of LGBTQ or anything similar even if ‘FaZe’ does,” he wrote in a since-deleted tweet. “I’m a Muslim.”
Although the message was removed, critics say the incident is indicative of underlying bigotry that persists in the gaming community.
Some appeared to support the member taking a stand for his beliefs, however. “I don’t agree with how he went about it, but it’s his religion and we have to respect it just like people apart of the lgbtq community should be respected,” one commenter replied.
In both of these incidents, no employees were disciplined for their anti-Pride stances. But that hasn’t been the case elsewhere.
Canned for Complaining
Last year, an employee at manufacturing company Arconic was allegedly fired for criticizing the company’s support of Pride month. Daniel Snyder reportedly called the rainbow flag “an abomination to God” and after a fellow employee complained, Snyder was terminated from his position.
Now he’s suing the company, claiming religious discrimination. Snyder insists that he was punished for expressing his sincere religious beliefs. That lawsuit is ongoing.
Back in 2020, a Starbucks barista sued the company after she was allegedly let go for refusing to wear a rainbow Pride shirt while at work.
Marking a similar pattern, barista Betsy Fresse cited her religious beliefs as the reason behind her opposition to the outfit. Her lawsuit insisted that making the Pride shirt a condition of employment “would be tantamount to forced speech and inaccurately show her advocacy of a lifestyle in direct contradiction to her religious beliefs.”
But Starbucks maintained that Fresse went even further, telling her fellow employees that they “need Jesus,” when turning down the shirt.
That suit was eventually dismissed.
What is your reaction? Can an employee’s religious beliefs be used to justify their opposition to company Pride initiatives?
God made all kinds and types of people to better this world.
If you can't get along here on this earth. What will happen when God forces you to get along in heaven.-
Did you have a particular man made god in mind Jason, with this statement, being as we don't have any demonstrable evidence any gods are real?
You are here, there is a God!!!
You are here….Harry Potter lives!
Can you see just how pathetically silly your statement is, Richard when applied to other fictional characters? Try using sensible logic and reason……if that’s possible.
If that is what you believe. I am not making fun and bullying you and your beliefs but that is exactly what you and your kind are doing here.
Me and my kind are here to apply logic, and reason Richard, mixed with a modicum of intelligence, to help those who have been deeply indoctrinated, usually by families.
Richard Dawkins eloquently stated:
Isn't it a remarkable coincidence almost everyone has the same religion as their parents ? And it always just happens to be the right religion. Religions run in families. If we'd been brought up in ancient Greece we would all be worshiping Zeus and Apollo. If we had been born Vikings we would be worshiping Wotan and Thor. How does this come about ? Through childhood indoctrination.
Make a case for a different god then with love, logic and results. Otherwise you are just reinventing the wheel.
Any deity would be good if it didn’t possess the inhuman characteristics of the Christian god.
I thing you and I Richard, hold better morals than that biblical character. I doubt we’d kill many people, if any, and I’m sure we’d show up from time to time in the hours if need, especially at children’s hospitals.
So Mr. Magic of the Clouds is going to ‘force’ everyone to get along. Is there some reason you think that plan will work out better than the current one.
If religious people didn’t cause so many real problems they would really be a hoot.
You’re a hoot, Jason.
'jalaba': No one is 'forcing' in heaven. And, unless these 'poofters' repent, they won't be in heaven to 'get along'.
Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth and the life, NO one comes to the Father but by Me'.
Oh, No So Fuego, John said Jesus said that. In other words, That’s just John’s word lol. Not actually Yeshua’s. Ya see. My gods don’t care if one is a “poofter” or not, they’re not so keen on mindless hypocritical cultists tho. I don’t have to repent for anything, I don’t follow your religion, so don’t shove it down my throat. K?
who is shoving anything down your throat?
Oh every other god botherer who wants to tell me that I live a life of sin according to some cult I left for actual critical thinking years ago. You were handed a pile of golden painted crap and told it was worth something. When in the end it’s just recycled nonsense that was made up. Humanity isn’t evil, but it does need saving, from mindless sycophancy thar is dripped from the minds of lunatics like yourself. 🤷🏻♂️ the only thing shoved down anyone’s throat has been a cultish religion the last 2000 years. An for you fundamentalist Christians any kind of violence will do.
We are for peace and love, nothing else.
Tell that to the victims of the witch hunts, inquisitions, and every other war that’s happened. Tell that to those of us in the LGBTQ+ community who are bullied and even murdered for who we are and who we love. No love like Christian hate. Lie all you want.
all humans lie no matter what way they lean.
In the cases I mentioned before, there’s plenty of evidence and those of the past of the were proud of what they did. Proud of hurting of those they perceived of as sinners in the name of god. Your religion was the cornerstone of slavery to boot. 🤷🏻♂️
You don't know me or my "religion" but your righteous judgments sure do have a familiar ring to them!
Lol oh RDR, that’s just your own judgmental attitude you’re trying to project onto my views. I know your cult’s stink, its been fouling the history books for centuries. Your hating sin only feeds it. How sad for you.
I know your religion quite well. I dealt with religiously delusional people for as long as I can remember. Then I expatriated to Japan and people keep their religion ton themselves. Well, except for those frickin’ xtians. Ringing the doorbell wanting to give you a leaflet about the Jewish zombie.
So where is your zealotry coming from? How are you any different?
My general disdain for the religiously delusional is due to their heads being firmly planted in the sands of willful ignorance. If, as with those inclined toward homeopathy, crystal power, astrology, Feng Shui and other various superstitious nonsense, they did nothing more than possess a non-evidence based view of the world then I would simply avoid them.
But religious individuals, and here I speak mainly toward the American Xtian, cause problems by forcing their religious beliefs on others. There is a supposed separation of church(deliberate lower-case) and State. But go into a courtroom and you may be required to ‘swear to god’. And do you think the judge and jury would remain nonplussed by a refusal to do so? How about ‘In god We Trust’ on money, ‘under god’ in the pledge of allegiance? Granted, it seems that was likely not at the urging of the citizens, but more a ploy to get Americans behind the ‘ungodly Communists’ during the Cold War so they wouldn’t revolt at the massive expenditures on the war machine, but the phrases are there. Resistance to the civil rights movement, bombings of abortion clinics, beatings/murders of gays, the stupid frickin’ Blue Laws in the South that prevented the sale of a variety of items on Sundays, and the efforts to teach their superstitious garbage along side science in public schools. And religion has been the source for many wars.
The religiously delusional even managed to elect a piece of garbage who simply mouthed false support and belief for their warped world view.
That’s why I oppose religion at every turn. But if they would cease and desist on the above, I would treat them as I do the pseudoscience crowd. Much like a weird fetish that involved duct tape, sandpaper, a wooden spoon, soiled baby diapers, horse urine…as long as they washed thoroughly and brushed their teeth after indulging, didn’t try to legislate their fetish onto others and just in general kept their mouths shut about their dirty little secret, they wouldn’t hear a peep from me.
So Mr. Magic of the Clouds is going to ‘force’ everyone to get along. Is there some reason you think that plan will work out better than the current one.
If religious people didn’t cause so many real problems they would really be a hoot.
You’re a hoot, Jason.
This is all I’m going to say as a minister, I know what G’d(swt) words mentioned in the holy books . If an employee is not happy about the Lgbtq pride at work, the job is not forcing you to be part of it, just keep quiet and opinions to yourself finish your job then go home. Now if the employer or the sports team is forcing you to wear or be part well its in your right to say, excuse me, your in violation of my personal rights that’s it don’t add more or less you’re not there to convert anyone or put someone else’s rights down and sue if they fire you, you hire a civil rights harassment lawyer.
What are holy books? How are they different from any other books of other religions, all claiming to be holy and true?
If you work for me and have kept your Bronze Age nomadic desert goat herder beliefs to yourself, things have gone well for you if you have done your job. If you decide to start talking about your delusions, you better be the model employee otherwise or you’ll start seeing all your mistakes taken very seriously and written up. Documentation of cause thwarts civil rights attorneys.
I don't believe employees should be forced to wear any thing that is either political or religious in manner. A standard company uniform is one thing, these add ons are invasive.
Pride isn’t political. That being said for forcing people to wear pride merchandise isn’t exactly a good thing. Yet switching to pride colors and having a piss fit about it is another.
Sadly "pride" is political and they are bullies as well apparently...
No more of a bully than the bullies they have to fight against for the same rights most people (straight) people take for granted. We either stand and fight to be equal so this doesn’t have to be a future conversation or lay down and be silenced and have no rights. Now who is the bully?
they have proven that they are crass human beings, just like the people that allegedly held them back.
How? Lol how are they bullies? Another baseless accusation. Just by existing on their terms doesn’t mean they’re bullying anyone lol.
So said Hitler not too long ago...
God made all kinds and types of people to better this world.
If you can't get along here on this earth. What will happen when God forces you to get along in heaven.
There's nothing wrong with gay pride and there's nothing wrong with celebrating gay pride come on people not everybody believes in just one thing or even if they do they don't have to be one way wow talk about segregation I am bisexual is there a problem with that and a pagan ordained minister and married well get out of the 1700s 1800s everybody has the right to choose what they want to be and who they want to be with
'cin': 'Nothing wrong'? Pride?! You gotta be kidding me!
Publicly flaunting the aberration, the ignominy, the abominable, the abnormal, the unnatural, the depraved, the contorted bastardization of God's original design of male/female relationships.
Nothing wrong?! Pride?! You gotta be kidding me!
Your belief is what is funny! We are all Gods people and we should all be loved and treated as such. Just because we don’t believe in everything that goes on in the world, doesn’t me it’s wrong, it’s we just don’t agree. Nothing wrong with that, just don’t give your opinion.
The problem is forcing one to wear ANY emblem on one's body. My body , my choice right???
They are paid a lot of money to wear a uniform everyday. If their club decides to alter that uniform for one month a year then they will have to wear it.
God made all kinds and types of people to better this world.
If you can't get along here on this earth. What will happen when God forces you to get along in heaven.
God made all kinds and types of people to better this world.
If you can't get along here on this earth. What will happen when God forces you to get along in heaven.
God made all kinds and types of people to better this world.
If you can't get along here on this earth. What will happen when God forces you to get along in heaven.
God made all kinds and types of people to better this world.
If you can't get along here on this earth. What will happen when God forces you to get along in heaven.-
Six times? You felt this needed to be stated SIX TIMES?
Just because it’s on here 6 times doesn’t mean it was intentionally posted 6 times. I posted earlier and because it didn’t show that my comment was posted, I retried several times and when the post showed up it was there several times. I deleted the additional post because I went back later and saw it had posted duplicate times, otherwise I would have not known that it happened. Use some common sense.
Common sense is a lost cause to a lot of these ministers sadly!
Ahh, you deleted the extra posts! Who would have thunk?
Reverend Jason has an excellent point!
A good point perhaps in getting along. But why start off with a completely unsupportable claim?
God bless these brave baseball players!!!! Our bodies, our choice what is displayed!!!!!
Supporting bigots ...weird flex, how embarrassing for your progenitors.
I support Americans freedom of choice. My body, my choice. The ONLY emblem on the uniform should be the Red, White and Blue, Old Glory!!!
Your comment:
“I support Americans freedom of choice. My body, my choice.”
I’m glad to hear this, so Americans freedom of choice includes women? My body, my choice.
Or does the statement only apply to certain groups of people in America? I can’t wait to hear your reply on this.
I will start with vaccines. If you don't want the poisonous vaccine you should not be forced to get it as our totalitarian government forces you to. Your rights as an individual applies to ALL lives! ALL lives matter!
Poisonous vaccine? Jesus H. Christ on a pair of rusty crutches. This is why Americans are subject of ridicule.
everyone that got the vaccine not only got sick from it but wound up catching corona and getting sick also!
My first two vaccines were Moderna and my third was Pfizer. My arm was a bit sore after each but other than that, almost no reaction. My wife was very similar but she did feel a bit out of it on the third shot. So neither of us got sick.
I haven’t caught Covid. My wife went to Germany and when she came back to Japan there was a mandatory quarantine period. She had to stay longer, about 2 weeks, because she didn’t feel well. They did two Covid tests and both were negative. However, they doctors counted it as Covid. No idea why.
So both your statements are nonsense. Because you are religiously delusional you probably feel comfortable making nonsensical claims, but you could have made a correct statement by saying ‘some people’ rather than ‘everyone’. That doesn’t sound as dramatic though, huh? So you ended up with a dramatic, yet wrong, statement.’
everyone that I know got the vaccine and also still got corona.
Small circle of friends.
Yet another of your "loving' judgments!
Sorry, but which of my comments have you remotely considered as loving. Blunt and factual, but loving was not my intent.
As forva small group of friends, you definitely don’t have enough to fit the national data. 35-64 y.o are about twice as likely to catch Covid w/o the vaccine and almost 4 times more likely to be hospitalized. Go above 65 and it become 3.6 times more likely to catch it and over 4 times more likely to die.
It’s not about not being loving, it’s about having a sense of disdain toward individuals that spout nonsense in the face of fact.
the data coming from the same creep that created corona?
What the frack are you talking about? Are you saying not only that a subtle person created the virus but you know this person’s identity? Your response did nothing to challenge data shows the vaccine reduces both infection and hospitalization AND that the older the person the greater the chances of each outcome.
Newsflash!! That’s what vaccines do. Different vaccines do so to varying degrees. The current vaccines were developed in an accelerated timeframe so if their efficacy is lower than others such might be understandable.
If you want to respond, try stringing a few sentences together into a reasonable facsimile of an argument. Otherwise go back to your book of Bronze Age superstitions.
Your comment:
“I support Americans freedom of choice. My body, my choice.”
I’m glad to hear this, so Americans freedom of choice includes women? My body, my choice.
Or does the statement only apply to certain groups of people in America? I can’t wait to hear your reply on this.
Definitely my body my choice when it comes to the vaccine. How are you on that one?
I’m for the Covid vaccine. I’ve had my two shots plus my two booster shots. So far 4 shots and I’ll continue to get them if the science continue to prove effective.
wow! they are definitely effective at making people sick and then catching corona anyway.
Your post:
“God bless these brave baseball players!!!! Our bodies, our choice what is displayed!!!!!”
Same could be said for women. Our bodies, our choice of giving birth.
Or are their separate rules for men than women choices?
It’s hypocritical!
Technically there is a baby involved that is being killed so choose wisely!
Then the comment you made about supporting Americans freedom of choice, is not true? You either support Americans freedom of choice or not. You can’t make that statement if you have exclusions. It’s either one or another. I’m not going to be a hypocrite and make that statement unless I stand by it 100%, no exclusions.
I support our Constitutional rights with NO exceptions or exclusions!
Just letting you know the ‘Like’ was an accident.
‘Technically’ it isn’t a baby. If the abortion is performed within the first 8 weeks (I think that’s pretty close), or caused by the morning-after pill or birth control pill, it’s an embryo, not a baby. After that it’s called a fetus. 90% of abortions worldwide are done by about 12 weeks. The record for a premature birth was 21 weeks.
If a woman gave birth at 12 weeks TECHNICALLY you shouldn’t say ‘Did you have a boy or girl?’ Abut ‘What sex would that fetus have become if it had been able to fully develop into a baby and survive?’
Hitler said Jewish people weren't human either.
The process of conception, gestation and birth is a process that has been studied by scientists. There’s a vocabulary associated with the findings. Apparently you are happy with one word, ‘baby’. Just as you are happy with one book. Read some other books, learn some new words.
like corona that scientists created and then created a vaccine that doesn't protect against it? No thanks, we prefer real scientists!
Look, Mommy! Is that a Trumpist with its fingers in its ears??
Hitler also killed thousands of LGBTQ+ people too, RDR. It’s funny how much you have in common you have with Hitler. So now you’re spouting anti vaccine rhetoric? So stupid and blind. Got it.
But only your views and choices should be respected, and are worthy of existence of respect, right?
ALL lives matter should be the ONLY emblem worn!
Yes, the one that occurs naturally in the Sky, not the man made political statement.
You cannot force your beliefs upon others. That door swings both ways. You don't want religion forced on you, you can't force your life style choices on others. I am tired of the entitlement culture. Grow up, live your life and let others do it the same.
Brien, I agree with everything you said except, life style choices. Is being straight a life style choice? Being gay is not a life style choice, it’s who we are. It wasn’t a choice.
I make no judgement as to what or how, I simply stated that no one should be forced or coerced into excepting or advertising or supporting a belief that is not their own. A belief is something that has no actual science to back it up, it is simply taken on faith. Religion, life styles, and other things too numerous to put here are all part of the human condition. That is what makes us unique. You live your best life, and I will do the same. 👍
I'm hetrosexual. I don't believe people should be forced by their companies to display t shirts etc for Gay people.Why would anyone want to declare their sexuallity in public if they don't want to.I have nothing against gays or whatever but if they want a quiet life.Let them and employers leave them alone.
Does showing your sexuality apply to pregnant women in public? That's a pretty obvious one.
She is showing her gender , not her sexuality. Great point though Minister Mark!!!
PDA's and any sexual emblems should NEVER be publicly displayed!
I believe that the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin. As a Christian, my position is to love the Sinner not the sin. I also believe that repentance is a requirement for salvation through Grace. I don't see any repentance in celebrating sin, demonstrating in a parade or waving a rainbow flag. Would Christians be as content with a thieves or fornicators parade? How about a special flag for embezzlers?
We are all sinful, but I for one don't delight in it, nor do I find in it anything to celebrate. I accept others like they are, but have a problem with any minority pushing their liberated views on me or my children.
Minorities don’t push their liberated views on you or your children. You simply just have to ignore and not reply to things you don’t agree with. You must be in the majority group where you don’t have to fight for anything to be equal. Some of us don’t have the same equal rights and must fight to be equal and treated like the majority. We had rather not fight for these rights but must do so to be treated as an equal. Maybe there will come a time when we are all are equal as it should be.
I'm all for equality. Perhaps religious groups should have the schools push their agendas to children in a similar way that the LGBTQ2+ community has.
There are many sides to equality. Women and men are equal, but this doesn't mean that they're the same.
That isn't fair with their thinking and they would start a civil war again.
When we meet with Jesus in eternity!!!!
We should have equally here on earth. I agree that we all will be equal when we meet Jesus in eternity, for he created each of us his beautiful children and there will be no difference in heaven. Amen, our struggles will be over.
I hear you but equality is unachievable by human standards. Live in peace is about the best we can do here.
Yeah, Earl, but your Bronze Age nomadic desert goat herders’’ collection of myths is nothing more than that…myth. Many people don’t care what your comic book deity has to say about anything. As for a fornicator’s parade I see nothing wrong with that. Most ‘christians’ would be able to join that parade. Are you saying that you would be excluded from participation bc you never had sex with someone outside of marriage? Is that bc your personality/appearance is as off putting as your antiquated world view?
I will not fault you for any opposing views, but your parents should have taught you not to be so vile in conversation. Perhaps it's your youth or lack of experience, or simply a lack of English comprehension. Let me explain, my point was not that everyone couldn't join a group of sinners; we all have sinned. It's that repentance is not shown through celebration of sin. I don't believe that's a too difficult concept to grasp.
My comments are made from a Christian viewpoint. I respect that you are obviously not Christian and that's your choice. I don't however believe the purpose of this discussion board is to bash another s beliefs as Bronze Age nomadic desert goat herders collection of myths."
If you have any beliefs at all, anyone on this board could disagree with them in an attempt to be demeaning, as you have. Perhaps your future comments could reflect what you believe, rather that just disagreeing with the beliefs of others. Demonstrating a little bit of maturity would go a long way in a discussion.
There is no place in any workforce to impose any belief on anyone at anytime.
Love is what we came here to learn. That was the message Jesus taught. Love for all people Not just the ones who follow your faith or your beliefs. We are all children of one God. Amen.
And your demonstrable evidence to support your claims are where?
Well said!!!!!!!!!
GOD destroyed Sodom and Gamorah for the immorality the citizens displayed...in short they were practicing homosexual behavior....you can argue all day long about accepting LGBT but God didn't
Yes, it can be argued all day long and you will never believe that this had nothing to do with homosexuality, because that’s what you were told over and over and just believing what you were told. I use to believe the same way until I started studying the Bible and realized what I had been told about this and other events in the Bible that were not the truth. People can tell fabricate stories to apply to what they believe and want others to believe. It however, did have something to do with evilness and promiscuity.
I’m including a different view and after studying this view I tend to believe this over what I was told.
You’re in a conversation about the Bible and homosexuality, and someone says to you, “God didn’t punish Sodom and Gomorrah for homosexuality. He punished them for inhospitality or promiscuity.” What would you say? In book of Genesis, God sent angels in the form of men to visit the town of Sodom and the home of a man named Lot. When the men in the town learned about the visitors, they descended on Lot’s house and attempted to rape the visitors. Soon after, Sodom was destroyed. For millennia, this story has been understood as a story about God’s punishment of sin, including the sin of homosexuality. In fact, the word “sodomy” comes from the town of Sodom. Some now argue that this story has been misunderstood. They claim that God’s punishment of Sodom had nothing to do with homosexuality, but was punishment for inhospitality or promiscuity. If you hear this argument, here are a couple things to remember. First, the context of Genesis makes the meaning of the Sodom story clear. In Genesis 19:5, we read that the men of Sodom said “Bring them out to us, that we may know them.” Here, the Hebrew word yada is translated “to know”. This has been understood to mean “to have sex”, but some now claim that this is a mistake. They suggest that “to know” has a platonic meaning. Here’s the problem with this argument. Just a few verses later, Lot uses the same word “yada” or “to know” when he says that his daughters “have never known a man.” This can’t possibly mean that Lot’s daughters hadn’t met a man before because the same chapter tells us that Lot’s daughters were engaged. It’s clear that the phrase “to know” is being used in a sexual sense to say that they were virgins. In light of how the word “yada” is used elsewhere in Genesis 19, it’s not reasonable to suggest that the men of Sodom were just looking to chat with the visitors. Their intentions were clear and God didn’t like it. Second. Other scripture confirms the connection between Sodom and homosexuality. Others claim that references to the story of Sodom in other parts of the Bible don’t mention homosexuality, suggesting that isn’t really part of the story. For evidence they cite the prophet Ezekiel who said the following when talking to Israel: “Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.” No mention of homosexuality. Does this mean that God was only angered by their lack of generosity? No. And here’s how we know. One verse later, Ezekiel says about Sodom that, “They were haughty and did an abomination before me.” The phrase “did an abomination” is a direct reference to Leviticus 20:13 where this exact phrase originated as part of a direct condemnations of homosexual behavior. Rather than distance the story of Sodom from homosexuality, Ezekiel actually makes a direct connection. Whether someone chooses to trust what the Bible says, on the issue of homosexuality, the biblical position is clear and consistent. So next time someone tells you that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah has nothing to do with homosexuality, remember these two things. The context of Genesis makes the meaning of the Sodom story clear. Other scripture confirms the connection between Sodom and homosexuality. If you care about scripture, everything points in the same direction.
Which comes round to my point: all humans are evil and need salvation!
Absolute rubbish as usual Richard. Thanks for your misguided indoctrinated thoughts, with no demonstrable evidence to back up your claims though.
Wow! Lots of time spent on the equivalent of trying to use Spiderman’s powers in support of an argument.
God is love. We are all children of a loving God. And that's it. Judge not, least ye not be judged.
Yes Robert, your imaginary god did some very strange things, some of which are eloquently explained by Keith, above 👆.
Other killings of your god, he/him/she/her, are bizarre to say the least, such as killing the first born children because of its temper tantrum with Pharaoh. What’s that all about? Are you also an apologist for that killing by your deity, Robert? Just asking for a little child I know……..mine.
Sin is sin Hate the sin not the sinners...if they want to accept Christ they are welcome...Paul stated the same....if there be one that does not follow but distracts from God's word they should be removed.
Gay Pride Month is about sex, and people should NOT be forced to approve of it in the workforce or anywhere else for that matter. Businesses should stop promoting it.
WOW just WOW so you think all relationships are just about SEX
Gay Pride is not about sex! It’s about pride in being who we are and having the same rights that straight people take for granted. The only thing you said that was correct is that employers should not have to make their employees wear anything about supporting gay rights and wouldn’t have to if there was no reason to. If we all had the same rights then there would not be a reason to have gay pride or have employers to support gay pride. We would be equal!
Comment removed by user.
Comment removed by user.
People's sexuality should be in the closet, not out for public display!
Unless it’s straight people kissing, or some other straight pda, Kieth. I see through your hypocrisy
It they had equal rights then it would not have to be on public display. Plus your statement in not quite accurate. The majority of people that are attending Pride rallies are not showing a public display of their sexuality, they are carrying signs to protest for equal rights.
I’d like to ask one question and that is if a man and a woman kiss or hold hands in public isn’t that showing their sexuality in a public display?
There should be no PDA's period, from any sex, gender.
Why? Personally I really don’t care. Nothing wrong with either. Holding hands, hugging, and kissing in public aren’t the end of the world. So you’re a prude and a god botherer. Yeesh
No, a pregnant person is showing her sex. That has nothing to do with gender. Not that you would know, since you've never read a gender studies textbook from a reputable publisher. You don't even know your bible, based on your support for a mistranslation. The bible is against pedophilia, not homosexuality. But maybe you support the Southern Baptists or the Mormons or Hillsong or any of the hundreds of denominations that have recently been caught covering up the systematic sexual abuse of children and young women and need the anti-gay smokescreen to cover up your own sins.
I don't think a workplace should recognize ANYTHING that has to do with sexual orientation. It should not be something that is discussed at all in the workplace. Everyone should have relationships with anyone they want regardless of gender, but we have to stop shoving down everyone else's throats. Live and let live.
Does that include religion Daniel? It should. I am tired of having it being shoved down my throat.
It is one thing to accept and allow individuals to express personal identity preferences. It is another to be forced to celebrate those preferences. Pressure to do so creates a backlash of resentment.
Emphasis on differences causes more problems, as do many if not most PC measures. Having something crammed down one's throat doesn't make one feel positive about it. I do not support or care to celebrate any form of sexism; patriarchal, feminist, or gay. Preferences and identity issues distract from positive shared values and I believe should be downplayed.
I saw a sign yesterday that read, "Body Autonomy is a Human Right."
With this I fully agree.
Allowing differences should not degrade into being forced to do something like wearing a uniform in support. That goes too far. Let those who FEEL active support do so and those who choose neutrality or feel uncomfortable not be forced to pretend support they do not feel. That is counterproductive to acceptance and is not loving.
Homosexuality is not a lifestyle choice so the workers, including baseball players, using that as an excuse are wrong. Second, the company requires that uniform to be worn and if there is a refusal to wear it the company can rightly fire the employee for not following company policy. Now that the courts are full of these extremist lawyers religion is more powerful than any law or right. Oh, the Christian religion, the religion of hate.
If there was a cross on the company uniform can workers sue not to wear that? Of course, but would it stand up in court? No.
I’d like to say to those Tampa Bay Rays members who chose not to wear a Pride logo on their uniform as racist. You can’t use excuses that you have nothing against gay people, because it’s all about your religion. I’m tired of hearing this excuse and people using religion to hide behind. I don’t hide behind my religion! My God is good and loves us all. I don’t stop supporting the job you do because you are straight and you shouldn’t complain about wearing a logo on your shirt for just one night to support us. We should support each other equally. Being gay is not a lifestyle it is DNA. We don’t choose our DNA that was given to us by God. We grow up as we are usually with straight parents, so therefore not learned. We don’t choose we just are! It’s the same with straight people they grow up straight because of their DNA. They didn’t choose to live a straight lifestyle. You didn’t choose you just are. The reason that we have to acknowledge it each June is because we have to fight for the same rights, you take for granted because you are straight. When this becomes a Human thing and we all have the same rights, then we no longer will have to celebrate each year, because we will be who we were created to be. We all will be equal!
I am curious when did being gay become a race? have I missed something, to be Racist do you not have to have specific Race for that? easy to use words to inflame others just show me you need to look them up and educate your self, the word Gay for instance means Happy just because it is used wrong does not give it the meaning you want and yes being Gay is a choice look up the original definition not what society has tried to turn it in to there are those of us that still have dictionary's from the 50s and 60s and know what the words actually mean
Exactly. Plus, these players get paid a fortune to wear the uniform their clubs tell them too. It's only when a rainbow is added that it becomes a problem. That's bigotry.
Some animals will be more equal than other animals following your line of thinking!
Let's sing the conservative evangelical hymn. "Jesus loves me, but He can't stand you."
I don't think this kind of celebration is for the workplace. I celebrate Pride, but there is a time and place for everything, and the workplace is not that place. There are no straight parties or other sexually oriented parties, so why bring it to work? I believe in Pride and being who you are. It just isn't something that belongs at work necessarily.
I believe in loving all people for who they are, and I would rather show that love by being Christ-like, not by carrying a sign and making it 'a thing' that can sometimes backfire. Be yourself, love everyone else, and leave it at that. There is so much hate and animosity that we can find it hard to squeeze in a little love here and there.
Every day outside of June is straight pride day. Your suggesting people stay in the closet at work? Everyone? Or just LGBTQ+ individuals?
Hello everyone, my name is Taylor Ryan Edge. I am a minister with ULC, and I understand that everyone has their own opinion about the LGBTQIA+ community. and I know and understand most of the Bible, and I have read the Bible a lot of times. and no wear in the Bible does it say that man is supposed to marry woman and woman is supposed to marry man, plus It's not a sin to be part of the LGBTQIA+ community at all. just like it's not a sin to be in a relationship or be married to a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or any other part of the LGBTQIA+ community whatsoever. Plus, none of us on planet earth, have the right to judge or shame or criticize anyone. in fact, everyone on planet earth is God's children, and only God has the right to judge, criticize, shame any of his children. so, if you want to give an opinion or judge or criticize or shame anyone on planet earth, you should first look at yourself in the mirror. because none of us are perfect, and none of us have rights to judge, criticize, shame, or anything else that has to do with the brain and what comes out of our stupid mouths and brains ever. SO KINDLY SHUT YOUR MOUTH FOREVER.
As long as little-biddy kids, are allowed to be religiously-brainwashed by their moms and dads (psychological child abuse) the very notion that the USA has “freedom of religion” is Orwellian.
Religiously brainwashed little kids, are never free, to select which of the World’s thousands of identifiable religions — is best for them - once they’ve been successfully brainwashed.
Get the book “The Savvy Converts Guide to Choosing a Religion” for every pregnant person you give presents to.
And once upon a time baseball players stormed off the field when an African American player got up to bat.
I have never and would never fire an employee for his/her/its religious beliefs. Well, let me rephrase that by inserting the word ‘openly’. Openly objecting to a company policy due to religious beliefs, or just talking about your religious beliefs would be handled in the same way I would handle an employee that behaved in any manner that I felt could potentially damage my company or just bothered the sh*t out of me and made me question their sanity. Cause would be found to terminate employment or conditions would be adjusted so that the employee voluntarily left.
I believe the lady had a right not to wear the shirt, but to not show respect back shouldn't be tolerated. If she has her beliefs, and wants respect for those beliefs, she needs to do the same.
I believe the lady had a right not to wear the shirt, but to not show respect back shouldn't be tolerated. If she has her beliefs, and wants respect for those beliefs, she needs to do the same.
All these comments are doing is proving that they value their own opinions to the exclusion of others.
Whatever happened to that guy from Nazareth who said, "Why are you looking at the splinter in your neighbors eye, when there is a light in your own (eye)? Jesus, how the hell did your father create all these nuts? Lmaof.....
That doesn’t equate to mote/beam at all.
My belief is my own and I respect the beliefs of others as long as they don’t force theirs on mine. Most of us in the “free” world are free in choosing what they believe or not. If an employer forces you to wear something that is against your beliefs he should respect that you decline to wear this, whatever it is. But if it says in your contract ,that you signed when starting the job , that your employer can decide what you have to wear at the job you will have to or quit. I can imagine that I would not like to wear something that goes against my beliefs but if I signed a contract I would. I think it should be on a voluntary basis that people wear clothes or insignia that are not part of the work uniform.
Pretty much agree, but a company must grow with the times and that often means new rules. ‘Dress codes’ are common, changing them is acceptable. It’s a color, others place meanings on those colors. The gang changed their gang colors. Deal with it or go to a new gang. The company isn’t making employees wear a patch that says ‘I support guys that suck other guys.’ Get over it.
Before I repented and was saved, I was gay and would've supported LGBTQ(rstuvwxyz) activities, pride parades, etc. Now I'm leaving these issues at the Cross. Let God be the judge. All this secular fodder is a distraction to me now, so I say that now I'm responsible for confessing my own sins and that I'm in agreement with God that they necessitated sending His Son to pay for them on the Cross. Y'all can deal with your own sins and the sins of others if you want. God is in control!
In the three businesses I own, I employ about 500 people. While I never will tell someone that they MUST wear anything other then the uniforms they are given, I will NOT stand for anyone to try and force their views on anyone else. The people who claim Saturday is their sabbath, ok fine you can take Saturday off, but you will work on Sunday so you get the 40 hours and the overtime if you want it. If you dont want the overtime then hush and stay in your lane. The second ANY of my employees start trying to force their beliefs on another employee, they are given two options...stop or quit. Will my businesses ever support pride month? Nope as I dont believe in it and since I own the businesses its my way or find work somewhere else. I am just wondering why all these people demanding "Pride" month dont petition Congress to make a Native American month. just putting Wilma Mankiller on a quarter does not cut it. And if it wasnt for us Native Americans, there wouldnt be an America for you to whine about this non issue.
The words Gay and Rainbows are words designed to cover some of the mental health and public health consequences of what is often a dark lifestyle.
Only made dark by god botherers who go out of their way to be hateful bigots who hide their wicked message behind false light. “Join our cult or else,” if more people were less fundamentally religious, ditched the cult all together, and became more accepting of LGBTQ, there’s be less drama and trauma they’d have to go through. Queer folk aren’t naturally mentally ill, but driven ill, by god botherers, like yourself. Hating the sin is still hatred in the end. 🤷🏻♂️
Regardless of what corporations say or do, GOD still hates sin. And yes, perverted lifestyles are still a sin. Call me homophobe, but you must be Christophobe. Think about that.
Yes, the christphobes are those who do not love thy neighbor, are not forgiving, are not compassionate, they are judgmental, and condemn those who don’t believe the same way they believe. God is love and is the opposite of all those characteristics mentioned above. He is love, forgiving, compassionate, not judgmental, and does not condemn those who are different. An example of God’s goodness is when he said to those gathered to stone a prostitute to death. God said those without sin be the first to cast a stone. No one could cast a stone to put the prostitute to death because they all had sinned. See God has love for everyone.
In the end, GOD only has love for those who except JESUS as their savior. Not my words, but GOD's words. Luke 13:3. Also, GOD does judge. 2 Peter 2:9. Don't go by my example or anyone else's example. JESUS is the one to go by. Humans will fail to live up to HIS standards. That's why HE died for EVERYONE. But, you have to accept HIS sacrifice and payment for your sins. Do it today before it's too late. Have a great day. I'm out of here.
Yeah, repent and except Jesus. Your ignorance is showing.
Love is what we came here to learn. That was the message Jesus taught. Love for all people Not just the ones who follow your faith or your beliefs. We are all children of one God. Amen.
Thou sayest!!! Amen!
Biggest load off rubbish I have ever read here Keith, and not surprisingly, Richard agrees with you. Your god is a genocidal, infanticidal, murderous maniac. How you can weave your apologetic view of love about this pathetic bully of a deity is beyond me. It has you totally hooked if you think your god resembles love, by referencing one statement from that book of yours, mostly written by people who didn’t know where the Sun went at night.
Please get well from your deep indoctrination.
how can you take a message of love and be so hateful?
Because the message is full of indoctrinated delusion. The author clearly hasn’t read the Bible, or has only been indoctrinated to the nice bits.
'keeth': You say 'See God has love for everyone'. You gotta be kidding me!
In Psalms 7:11; 5:5; 11:5; 10:31 and Proverbs 6:19 are found groups God hates, abhors. Romans 1:18 and John 3:36 describe the wrath of a righteous God hovering over the unrepentant.
You'd do well to do your homework before embarrassing yourself with faulty diatribes.
There are ALOT of Christophobes here.
Nah. Yeshua is cool, his cult followers never have understood his message and are too busy being political god botherers.
yes, they are antiChrist
But they are also pro logic and reason Richard.
Do you have any evidence yet that your Christ was real?
Yesh was cool, his message was cool, love your neighbor as you would love yourself. The rest is god botherer politics. You’re just another god botherer.
How gay!....rev john
The idiocy of needing to proclaim sexual orientation should stop!!!! Seriously!!! I have worked with many different individuals, and while I frequently eventually discovered which group they belonged to, (Don't chastise me for the language or description) it is complete and utter idiocy to have employers or employees get into what happens in somebody's bedroom! Regardless of orientation we are all valuable human beings deserving of respect and nobody needs to demand a place in this society.
It should not celebrated in the work place. No one cares what your sexual orientation is. Why do you want to advertise it?
No one cares about the sexual orientation of others? Hardly. The bigotry of religiously delusional hordes made sexual orientation a HUGE DEAL for an extremely long period of time. What you see happening is the pendulum swinging back. If it upsets religious people, too bad.
People shouldn't care about others sexual preference nor should it be on public display.
Nowhere in the Gospels did Jesus say anything about homosexuality. Nothing. It’s is mind boggling that people who claim to be following Jesus are completely ignorant of what He espoused during His ministry.
How does anyone know what he truly espoused, other than what people have read in a book written by historians who never met him? The contemporary historians who were alive during his supposed time on earth never wrote about him. 🤷🏼
we will find out the hard way in the afterlife.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support that claim Richard. You are merely quoting what you believe from indoctrination, with no supporting evidence.
In fact, there is no supporting evidence there is any life after this one, unless you can provide evidentiary proof, Richard.
His ministry was do not sin and nobody is listening!
Because it’s fictitious Richard. There’s no real evidence he, or anyone else, ever said anything that you read in your book.
Actually his ‘ministry’ was about about loving your fellow man as yourself. Because that was HIS new commandment. Made that thing the 11th commandment. Given that I can only accept the first 10 commandments by condensing them into one, I now have two.
- Try to love your neighbor as yourself
- Try not to be an asshole.
I’ve found that if you succeed on the first one the second one need not be considered. And if, as often happens with religiously delusional individuals, the first one is hard to accomplish avoiding any conversation at all with them accomplishes the second.
one can't love their neighbor if one doesn't first love themselves and our Creator!
Ahh, quoted directly from the Gospel of Dick? But this was a good example of how the bible came about, just add in whatever you need to support your position.
my responses are being blocked now and not your vile hatred? Typical atheists.
It’s not hatred. They’re disputing you zealotry and small minded responses that lack any actual cognitive reasoning behind them, RDR.
Zealotry? Have you looked at your "logic" and comments?
RDR, you don’t actually know what logic is. It sticks in throat when you say. All you speak of is religious dogma and a fascist political rhetoric that goes with it. I speak of and promote free will. You believe what you want, I’m not saying don’t believe it. I’m saying you don’t have any right to force your views on others. Queer representation and expression isn’t forcing anyone to be gay. They’re just existing. An ya know, if you don’t wanna wear pride stuff at a company that promotes it and accepts it. Don’t work there.
If one wants to wear "pride" to work that is their choice, don't force anyone to do it though. You are a zealot also, just in sheep's costume.
I’ve read RJR’S comments and his comments are spot on, especially vis-à-vis your zealotry and cognitive reasoning/lack thereof.
You can inquire about the guidelines regarding what kind of posts get deleted. I inquired bc my posts didn’t go up immediately. Seems some posts get flagged for moderation so there may be a delay. But ad hom attacks will get your post yanked. Expressing strong bigotry with that last post seems to have passed through though. Maybe your post wasn’t yanked but Jesus got tired of the misinformation and hatred you spew? ;-)
Jesus is quite tired of all of us. Can you blame him?
Comment removed by user.
I mis-quoted you. Sorry. I’ll delete the post when it finally gets through moderation.
But you do tread a fine line with your comments when it comes to ad hom attacks.
Vile hatred? By atheists? Maybe there is a ban on the pot calling the kettle black?
You are not sorry, you are just another judgmental, sinful human, just like the rest of us!
I not only apologized but I deleted the comment as I said I would. Judge you? That’s a necessary part of interacting with other humans. My opinion of you should be clear from my comments.
We like you, have tasted love Don't be alarmed at what you see You yourself are just the same As what you see in me
Me, like you? Like that!
You better watch it son, your sentence has only just begun You better run and join your brother John
That is the glaring difference between you and me. You hate me and I love you!
You’re projecting hate again. Whilst the word sticks in your throat.
I believe politics and religion as well as sexual orientation/preference should be left out of the work place . People can support or not support anything or anyone they choose . There is really no need to advertise those feelings . Everyone is entitled to their opinions and just because someone has a different opinion than yours , doesn't make them wrong or you right .
It’s really sad every one can’t live together in Peace & Harmony. Try it, it works✡️✝️🙏❤️🥂🐶🦮🐱🐯🌈🏳️🌈🤗
Agreed. Whatever happened to 'Live and Let Live?' I blame Paul McCartney.
Their religious body their choice!!!
They all should repent and get delivered
Spoken like a true religiously delusional individual.
You want me to repent for being what God created? I am exactly what God wanted me to be, how HE created me.
Delivered to where "Chick-Fil-A?"
Nobody owns rainbows.
Regardless of whether and individual wants to celebrate LGBQTXYZ or not, he should keep it to himself. A public celebration of that kind of sexuality is no different from others who may publicly proclaim their wanton promiscuity. Sexuality is a personal thing and should be kept personal; it should not be shouted from the rooftops.
I can't help but wonder if all these people with their "sincerely held religious beliefs" actually follow their religious beliefs. I mean, they play baseball on the Sabbath day, don't they? Baristas work on the Sabbath day, don't they? Do they eat pork and shellfish and catfish? Do they have tattoos? Do they actually honestly live their beliefs or are they simply clothing their bigotry with religion? Actions speak louder than words and if you're not doing your best to follow your "sincerely held religious beliefs" then you're just another hypocrite.
Exactly ! They pick and choose what the want out of the beliefs and the rest Ehh well thats not for me ! Just throw it out. I don’t blame them I blame the weak ministers before us, I blame all the mickey mouse nonsense from all christian ministries getting greedy turning church sermons for profit, into tax exempt businesses, money laundering, children sexual abuse scandals after WW2,1950,1960,1970 was the Icing on the cake with the baby boomers parents during Nixon years, even my own parents where hippies too and still are.. So I will say it again, the ministers before, they weren’t ready or they did it for profit, easy tax free money to their own pockets. Lets be honest here now……
Your understanding of basic New Testament theology is appalling.
The hatred of these "ministers" is appalling and disgusting!
'dick': Your baseless, biased generalizations are appalling and disgusting!
The 'hatred' you mention is NOT usually directed toward people, but toward their 'appalling and disgusting' lifestyles. What God calls an abomination is just that.
The Bible encourages us to reprove, discern, and judge. Keeping in mind, this does not preclude a thorough examination of ourselves.
your mother has examined too many people "well"apparently, you poor soul!
I don't believe the bible tells you to judge. In fact, Jesus told you specifically NOT to judge.
Your basic understanding of reality is appalling.
Right? I mean, do they even bother to stone adulterers anymore? People follow the rules they like. :)